View Full Version : What's our daily routine?

Hell Puppy
03-09-2006, 02:31 AM
Ok, so what do you do every day?

I typically, wake up, scratch, take a piss....

Wait a minute, maybe that's too detailed, let's stick to business.

First order of business for me every day is system status checks. Is everything up and running normally? Any stats from overnight "look funny"? If there's something wrong, I'm immediately in fireman mode or busting someone's chops to get something fixed.

Next order of business is check email. That'll often tell me where my attention is needed most. If there are fires to be fought, I'll find them there.

This is also where I get my status of what all of the employees and other forms of hired help are up to. I touch base with everyone at least once a day to make sure things are on target and to see if there are road blocks I need to remove.

The day gets kinda dynamic from there depending on what needs to be done. I might be doing something very hands on like coding, updating sites or even editting zits off a model's ass. Whatever needs to be done. Or I might be doing something like project management or laying out business plan for the next site in the hopper.

FFN's have dinner at 6:20.

After that it's either finish up whatever is left or only after everything is done for the day will you see me surface on the boards. I often also keep ICQ off til I'm done.

Boards and ICQ are HUGE time zappers.

03-09-2006, 01:55 PM
I usually wake up at 1-2pm and sit and stare for a good 30 minutes

then I make my way up to my office and check email

then I load in the songs for oprano radio for the day

then I work on various things til about 4-5pm where as I head out the door and work (or sit around) outside

then I either go out and pick up somethig to eat, or make some dinner

then I watch primetime tv, whatever is on that is good that night

after that I come back up to my office and work til about 3-4am

then I go to sleep

03-09-2006, 02:20 PM
I second post two.

But i'm a lazy shit.

03-09-2006, 02:24 PM
I'm up at 6:30 with the kids and the hubby, get them fed, dressed, him off to work, them off to the bus stop..

The nanny takes care of the kids and as of 9:15am when I'm done the kid/family stuff, I sit down to work. I work all day until 4pm, when I pick the kids up from the bus. After that, I make dinner, spend time with them until they go to bed at 7 pm, then I sit back down to more work.


03-09-2006, 02:30 PM
I never do the same things two days in a row any more :(

03-09-2006, 02:32 PM
I never do the same things two days in a row any more :(

actually, I am that way too

the only consistant thing is the email checking, i always do that first thing

i guess my original post is things that I do, but not always in that order, and not always all of them

03-10-2006, 01:54 AM
I never do the same things two days in a row any more :(

amen hun! I never do the same schedule 2 or 3 days in a row.

as paul carrack would say.....I live by the groove.

03-10-2006, 03:17 AM
I get up at 9:00 ish, Drink 3 gallons of coffee & half a pack of ciggs..lol
I check mail & stats.
Then update and redo something with my site, "Since everyday now I learn more & more from the people I'm meeting".
Then while working I (read,read,read) alot of the boards. Especially this one. "Even though half the time I get lost what it's about somewhere in a thread" hehehe.
Then to the pool with g/f for a few hours..."Dam Girl"....She gotta half her Tan lines :cool2:
Then its back for nap till 4 or 5,
Then back to work on site & stuff till 11pm

Then :Lets_do_i & NOOOO. It suppost to be to sleep. but its the only bed smiley I find here...:hmm: zzzzzzzzz

03-10-2006, 09:25 AM
UP at 630am when my girlfriend roles out of bed.. Shower when she leaves, go to office, stop at 7-Eleven for my morning cup of tea and Choc frosted donught. Then get to office and have timmy's tea time in peace before my partners come in and ruin my alone time.... Then its up in the air from there:) :) :)