View Full Version : Do you smoke? does lung cancer scare you ?

03-08-2006, 10:08 PM
I have noticed at conventions that many of our webmaster bretheren smoke on a regular basis.

With all the lung cancer info in the news lately does it worry you at all?

I quit smoking weed a year ago, specifically to get my lungs back in shape .
it was by far the best move I ever made .

03-09-2006, 12:45 AM
yeah, but then again half the shit I eat will kill me just as fast

03-09-2006, 12:53 AM
Everything causes cancer :blink:

03-09-2006, 01:15 AM
I'm looking forward to dying

So smoking is my enjoyable way of slowly committing suicide

Besides smoking takes 10 years off your life
It's the last 10 ..... adult diapers, dialysis, Alzheimer's, getting pushed around in a wheelchair
Who wants those 10 years anyway??

03-09-2006, 04:35 PM

03-09-2006, 04:43 PM

lol....thats a good one.
I quit cold turkey last December. It was easier than I thought it would be. Every now and then I get a strong urge, but it passes quickly.

03-09-2006, 04:54 PM
Congrats to those who have quit!

I've never smoked, I did try a cigarette behind a bathroom one time at summer camp, wasn't really fond of it...

I don't have an addictive personality really... I'm too much of a control freak. I won't argue that certain chemical substances are in fact addictive however, so I simply stay away from them. (shrugs) Its great having friends who don't smoke too, to be honest, when I was in high school it didn't really bother me because of how many kids smoked, now I am rather sensitive to the smell of smoke, its ashy & dusty & rather unpleasant.

Weg Cory
03-09-2006, 07:38 PM
I'm looking forward to dying

So smoking is my enjoyable way of slowly committing suicide

Besides smoking takes 10 years off your life
It's the last 10 ..... adult diapers, dialysis, Alzheimer's, getting pushed around in a wheelchair
Who wants those 10 years anyway??

The problem is that many people get it young and it is a horrible death.

03-09-2006, 09:14 PM
Yes, and yes.

The problem is, discussions like this make me nervous, which make me smoke more.

See, cocksuckers - it's all your fucking fault!!!

03-09-2006, 09:59 PM
Vick and PD hit this one on the head. :okthumb:

03-09-2006, 10:00 PM
I saw on CNN I think it was, where 178,000 cases of lung cancer are diagnosed a year. ( not all old peopl either , Vick)

and they have a 70% death rate in less than 7 yrs from diagnosis.

03-10-2006, 12:00 AM
Yes, and yes.

The problem is, discussions like this make me nervous, which make me smoke more.

See, cocksuckers - it's all your fucking fault!!!

Trust me, lung cancer & discussing it, are the LAST thing on a girls mind when she's sucking cock :)

03-10-2006, 04:23 AM
Trust me, lung cancer & discussing it, are the LAST thing on a girls mind when she's sucking cock :) As it should be. Just concentrate on the job at hand. :groucho:

03-10-2006, 08:03 AM
Trust me, lung cancer & discussing it, are the LAST thing on a girls mind when she's sucking cock :)

so you do smoke....

03-10-2006, 02:57 PM
As it should be. Just concentrate on the job at hand. :groucho:

At hand at at mouth, as the case should be :)

And no I don't smoke, pushpills. Although I suppose a smoker might be sucking off her boyfriend, and thinking to herself "Damn I wish I was sucking on a fag right about now"

03-10-2006, 03:59 PM
At hand at at mouth, as the case should be :)

And no I don't smoke, pushpills. Although I suppose a smoker might be sucking off her boyfriend, and thinking to herself "Damn I wish I was sucking on a fag right about now"

Drav says that all the time.

03-10-2006, 08:18 PM
Drav says that all the time. True. I always go around saying, "I don't smoke pushpills." :)

03-10-2006, 09:37 PM
Whats your best quitting tips?

I have zero will power! :scratchin

03-10-2006, 09:58 PM
Whats your best quitting tips?

I have zero will power! :scratchin

Visualize this, if you could see the inside of your lungs they probably look like burnt bacon and blackberry jam. It's not like they can take them out and power wash them clean and re-install them for you. Keep gumming them up with that tar and you can forget about using them for breathing.

Hope that helps :)

I tried the patch, Zyban, gum, etc....Then I just decided that I may as well quit and be done with it. There are some pretty gruesome images you can see using google images if you need some reinforcement. I was suprised at how much easier it was than I expected. Just pick a quit date, and mark it on the calendar. If you fail, just try again. You can do it if you really want to.

03-11-2006, 10:23 AM
mmm charred to perfection! only took ten years too.


03-11-2006, 11:49 AM
Whats your best quitting tips?

I have zero will power! :scratchin

well I quit over four yrs ago ( be 5 in June)

I seriously stayed in my bedroom for almost two weeks, My wife brought food to me and I slept most of the time ( I had a bathroom in there to shower and take a shit etc.....) I would use a sucker ( like kojak) for the real bad times.

Then after about two weeks i would walk a lot and breath deep outside.

I really wanted to quit so I would use that thought when a craving would come around .

I stayed away from people that smoked and did not go into a bar or a place where peole were smoking at all for almost a year .

after the first year the cravings went away for me and all was well.


I feel loads better and I weigh 340 Lbs but my heart and lungs and blood pressure are in great shape the doctor says. and I feel good every morning .

I think it was the best move I ever made . and I smoked over a pack a day for almost 15 yrs

03-12-2006, 06:31 PM
Congrats to the quitters!

This year marked my '20th' year smoking and that pretty much scared the living shit outta me so I quit on January 24....so almost 7 weeks now.

Like a few others said, I quit cold turkey and can't believe how much easier it was than I thought. I've done the patches, the gum etc but cold turkey by FAR was the easiest oddly enough....

the first two weeks were tough and I changed pretty much everything about my daily life including staying off my computer unless I had to...and then I just moved my puter away from my desk and into bed, or the couch or wherever...break the cycle type thing....no coffee, no booze either for the first 2 weeks...slowly I added these things back and I'm fine now....still haven't been in a bar with smokers and dont' think I'm ready to do that just yet.....

One thing that helped me was smoking 'phantom' smokes....you feel like an idiot, probably look like an idiot...but, it works. :P Breath in exactly the way you would if you were smoking....take deep breathes....it really does help.

If you're thinking of quitting....just do it....cold turkey....get through the first 2 weeks in whatever way you can....it DOES get easier after that :)

03-12-2006, 07:30 PM
haha "Phantom smokes". I did the same thing, used the same deep breathing trick. It does work.
I tried Zyban on one of my previous quit attempts and had a horribly itchy total body hive breakout. It was freaky, and kind of scary. Cold turkey was the easiest for me as well.

03-13-2006, 04:17 AM
I had the stupid Zyban (well, I took the generic...wellbutrin) hives too! It DID scare the crap outta me...and talk about itchy....it was hell. Was kinda depressing when I realized I couldn't use it to help me quit....but, now I know I never needed it after all ;)

Phantom smokes rock! lol......I've been having 'smoking' dreams lately, too....it's nice to wake up and realize that I didn't smoke after all....I hope those dreams go away soon, though...they're driving me insane.

03-13-2006, 10:05 AM
Yep, the smoking dreams didn't last but a week or two for me.
I still get urges, but not as intense as when I first quit. Whenever I would get an urge to light up, I would think to myself that if really wanted a cig, just wait 20 mins before having one. 20mins would pass and I had already forgot about smoking.

03-13-2006, 10:05 AM
I had the stupid Zyban (well, I took the generic...wellbutrin) hives too! It DID scare the crap outta me...and talk about itchy....it was hell. Was kinda depressing when I realized I couldn't use it to help me quit....but, now I know I never needed it after all ;)

Phantom smokes rock! lol......I've been having 'smoking' dreams lately, too....it's nice to wake up and realize that I didn't smoke after all....I hope those dreams go away soon, though...they're driving me insane.

they will go away at about 4 - 5 months, I guess it was for me , if I remember correctly

Keep up the good work. and remember to reward yourself with a new gift or something about once a month or so with all the money you are saving .

Dianna Vesta
03-13-2006, 10:32 AM
For many years I have smoked but not addicted. like Sin I don't have that kind of personality. I can smoke a few when I drink & not smoke all day or go weeks then light up.

I enjoy smoking but I don't have to do it and all kinds of things can kill me. I'm not going to worry about it.

03-13-2006, 02:46 PM
I've never smoked a day in my life...I had one puff of a clove cigarette at one point when I was hanging around with several clove-smokers and was totally wasted. I was "trying to understand what their addiction was all about". I didn't choke on it, but I didn't enjoy it (and promptly had it taken away from me and told "don't you ever do that again!").

Lung cancer scares the shit out of me. My family has a history of various forms of cancer, and I watched my step-grandfather die of it when I was young. I'm already asthmatic and can't stand to be around too much smoke -- though I'm getting more and more used to it, living with a smoker. He's trying to quit, but it's not going fast enough for me...hehe.

03-13-2006, 06:27 PM
You have asthma and your roomy smokes around you? Send him outside to smoke. sheesh :blink:

03-13-2006, 07:12 PM
Whats your best quitting tips?

I have zero will power! :scratchin

It will be 5 years for me this August. I used the gum for about 2.5 months, then went off it.

I never hung out at this site, because I did not want to hang out with a bunch of people lamenting about not smoking when I was trying to not smoke.

But it does have a cool tool. Prices are based on my brand when I stopped.

Your Quit Date is: 8/13/2001
Time Smoke-Free: 1673 days, 19 hours, 12 minutes and 24 seconds http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifCigarettes NOT smoked: 58583 http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifLifetime Saved: 14 months, 27 days, 12 hours http://images.quitnet.com/images/q2001/trans.gifMoney Saved: $9,515.19


03-13-2006, 07:43 PM
You have asthma and your roomy smokes around you? Send him outside to smoke. sheesh :blink:

LOL well yeh...He does sometimes, but we live in CO so it gets rather cold...And he's been recovering from surgery and now he has bronchitis, so I'm not sending him out in the snow to smoke a cigarette. Heh the nice thing about his bronchitis is that he didn't smoke for like 24 hours because he was passed out from the fever ;)

I moved in with him...and he had been smoking in this apartment for 3 years. We agreed that we're going to probably move to a new apartment complex at the end of this lease, and in which case, he will no longer smoke inside (if he smokes at all). So I just have to wait till August (or until he has a banner month at work & can afford the hypnosis...)

Speaking of the hypnosis thing...I've heard that it truely works on people. One of my sister's friends used to smoke like a pack a day...He went to the program. The next day, someone offered him a ciggy and he went and threw up from the thought of it...no joke! Hasn't touched one since. The place that is around here has a lifetime guarantee and phone support...if you ever feel the urge to smoke again, you call the place up and they re-hyp you over the phone or something. I dunno. It sounds kinda fun! It's only like 300 dollars or something like that...I dunno. I've never been much of a believer in anything "holisticy" seeming, so...

03-13-2006, 09:15 PM
I tried the hypno gig and it didn't work for me. It only cost $50.00 so maybe it was a cheapy and thats why it didn't work...lol

With the cig companies being sued and losing. Why are they still allowed to produce the damn things? They should force them to develop a pill to make quitting easier imo. Something that really works.