View Full Version : Pussy Rating Site looking for hardlink trades

03-06-2006, 01:50 PM
Rate The Pink (http://ratethepink.com/) is looking for link trades.

All trades should be permanent forever and ever or until the end of the Internet.

Please don't be fooled because it's a new site of only 2 weeks. Our company has a long track record of high traffic sites, PR and search engine referrers.

It will benefit you (and obviously us also) to get your link in early.

No sites "under construction".
No sites with pops, exploits etc.
No links to galleries please. This is not a TGP.
No scripted trades (similar to /out.cgi?sitename=domain.com).
Please read all of the rules.

Please add your links here (http://ratethepink.com/rate-pussy-link/linkme.php).

Thank you for the trades!

Please contact me (http://ratethepink.com/faq.php#10) with any questions.


03-06-2006, 03:19 PM
Cool... whats the name of your company?
What are some other sites?