View Full Version : ATTN: Lawrence Connor

03-04-2006, 05:54 PM
DO NOT try and add me to your icq, I have no interest in talking to you about anything...ever

you have been declined

03-04-2006, 07:26 PM
haha, so I added him

here is how it went

19:22] Jace: what do you want?
[19:22] Lawrence Connor: wuzzup
[19:23] Jace: nothing, what do you want?
[19:23] Jace: I already declined you once, can't you take a hint?
[19:23] Lawrence Connor: join SFB dude
[19:23] Lawrence Connor: no man, sorry, hints dont mean anything to me, i hope its alright
[19:23] Jace: what the fuck is SFB and why the fuck would I want to join anything you are a part of?
[19:23] Lawrence Connor: cuz ya wanna yeah thas it ok
[19:24] Jace: it wasn't hint you psycho idiot
[19:24] Jace: I declined you
[19:24] Lawrence Connor: URL HERE
[19:24] Lawrence Connor: no you accepted me just now ;) LOL
[19:24] Jace: you need to get a grip man, leave people alone
[19:24] Lawrence Connor: haha join SFB dude
[19:24] Jace: i declined you earlier, but now I accepted you so I can block you and never have to worry about it again
[19:24] Lawrence Connor: URL HERE
[19:24] Jace: STOP
[19:25] Jace: why are you such a phsycho moron?
[19:25] Jace: tell you what, you get naked and have cyber sex with me, and I will join your silly site

03-04-2006, 07:26 PM
he never replied after the last message

03-04-2006, 07:38 PM
haha you lame ass bitch
posting an ICQ convo is
universally regarded as chickenshit

03-04-2006, 07:41 PM
I deleted you after you messaged me with, "STOP"
then after you messaged me with: "why are you such a...."
I marked your message as SPAM as you werent on my list then
thats why I did not get the message after that, nor replied either
as you had already said "STOP" to me, then I did actually stop

but you didn't! haha LOL, lame ass bitch again on your part

again, posting ICQ conversations is widely regarded as chickenshit

and you did exactly that right here, ROFLMFAO

03-04-2006, 07:49 PM
a fake way to talk to someone on a board ("ATTN: LC")
(bullshit!) which isnt really how to talk to anyone anyway
is also completely chickenshit, everyone knows this, too

it's so transparently only a way to talk about someone
for the wider audience of everyone who is a member at the board
not at all, you saying anything TO me, our ICQ was that, but as you
wanted to block me, already told me that, and presumably have done so
this post here you made by starting this thread here actualy serves no purpose
OTHER than what I desribe and explain of it being the bullshit everyone knows, too

03-04-2006, 08:00 PM
What the fuck is up with this "Lawrence Connor" can't that name just fade away and be done with??? God it was a stupid thing to begin with.

Enough stupidity already.

03-04-2006, 08:04 PM
tell Jace, he started this stupid ass thread.

.....and he looks like an idiot posting this...

he accepted me to decline me, we already had

this as an actual; convo between us, so he posts it here

to "talk to me" (which we already did), so he again accepted me to say

don't talk to him, which he had to do by talking to me, if he did block me now,

it's all said and done, anyway without any need for this bogus thread "to me"

like I said it's bullshit posting this stuff here, stupid, because, he already said everything to me

here in an actual convo that was directly to me, which this thread is NOT.

stupid also because it dosen't even look that bad on me

for the simple fact, you see him say "STOP" then I actually do STOP

I make no replies, send him NO messages after he messaged me with "STOP"

and more to show how stupid he is, that what HE DID

is to try to egg me on more with more crap after HE said STOP

03-04-2006, 08:16 PM
wow lawrence, where

did you learn


type...it is so

interesting the way you

format your sentences

03-04-2006, 08:16 PM
HERE in THIS thread he started, he says

TO ME (ATTN: Lawrence Connor)

that: "I have no interest in talking to you about anything...ever"

yet this thread must be that categorically even if

it is a chickenshit way to talk to anyone, it is addressed TO ME,

that's how fucking much of a dumb shit Jace really is, and the proof

is in what he shows of himself, not just what I say of him. LOL fucking LOL

Jace is a total fucking nitwit it is quite evident

03-04-2006, 08:17 PM
and BTW dude, you are the one that insisted on trying to add me twice today on ICQ....I eventually added you just so I can add you to the blocked list in trillian....with trillian you block users when they are added and it blocks everything all together, if you just decline their invite to be on the list it allows the to keep bugging you

wanna cyber sex sometime? I have nice big strap on with your name on it

03-04-2006, 08:17 PM
and he is replying specifically TO ME now again,

yet: "I have no interest in talking to you about anything...ever"

what a fucking shit for fucking brains numbskull if there ever was one

03-04-2006, 08:18 PM
you are a stupid chickenshit idiot, face it my friend, that's it, that's you

03-04-2006, 08:18 PM
hehe, I wonder how many times lawrence will reply to himself after this post, cause I am done

go back to spamming yahoo groups man

03-04-2006, 08:22 PM
I STOPPED after you said "STOP", but you did NOT stop then,
then, when you messaged me again, I marked YOUR message as SPAM!
HA! You total idiot asshole!

I deleted you off of my ICQ list after you sent me the "STOP" message,
but you couldn't resist trying to egg me on more, YOU did NOT "STOP"
even though this is what YOU said! I DID "STOP" you messaged me
AFTER You said "STOP", but you were already deleted off my list then!
it was then I marked your message as SPAM with ICQ, you fucking nitwit!

03-04-2006, 08:23 PM
This thread needs to be deleted.

03-04-2006, 08:26 PM
Hey Jace-

I told you I wasn't that fucken Lawrence Connor Guy! You didn't believe me though did ya? Now you've started this shit because you didn't think my post in Highly Recommended Pharmacy was the truth.

Now my question to you would be this: How in the world would you ever think that I was him? We don't even write anything alike! Are you stupid? Why would you think that?


03-04-2006, 08:28 PM
By the way! I need to give some big hahahahaha's and some loud LOL's cause I think this is to friggin funny! :clapping: :clapping: :okthumb: :yowsa: Thanks for doing it though cause atleast you proove my post as real! :wnw:

03-04-2006, 08:30 PM
This thread needs to be deleted.

Definitely a sentiment I can agree with!