View Full Version : Highly Recommended Online Pharmacy - Hydrocodone Viagra Lortab Xanax Etc.

03-03-2006, 03:43 PM
I highly suggest you don't spam in two forums your first time here or you'll get your message edited like me! :o

03-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Normally I let things go to see how Joe and Gonzo want to handle it..... but you annoyed me by spamming in two different forums in your first two posts here. :mad:

03-03-2006, 04:49 PM
Like Serious Dude, Get a life! This was in no way Spam, as far as it going into the other Forum.. I'm new can this site cut some slack or is this just another Forum where the editors have all the say?

I simply found a cool site I liked and shared it with the forum! It said nothing but that! NO SPAM but you seemed to want to make it into that.

SO>>>> ANY OF YOU WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ONLINE PHARMACY! "Hit me Up" in the private Message section and I will be more then happy to send you the information about the site. Thanks and good luck finding those spammers DUDE!

03-03-2006, 05:09 PM

I sent you a private message to explain why I did what I did. Hope that clears it up for you. .

03-03-2006, 08:31 PM
Like Serious Dude, Get a life! This was in no way Spam, as far as it going into the other Forum.. I'm new can this site cut some slack or is this just another Forum where the editors have all the say?

I simply found a cool site I liked and shared it with the forum! It said nothing but that! NO SPAM but you seemed to want to make it into that.

SO>>>> ANY OF YOU WHO ARE INTERESTED IN A HIGHLY RECOMMENDED ONLINE PHARMACY! "Hit me Up" in the private Message section and I will be more then happy to send you the information about the site. Thanks and good luck finding those spammers DUDE!

Sure whats your address so he can cut you an invoice?

03-03-2006, 10:47 PM
Oh Ok I get it! So I cant post about something I liked and then if someone comes into the forum after the fact that my fucken post has been removed by a person that claims it to be SPAM, I also "Can't" give a person a chance to PM me for the info either. Ok I get it then, this is not a forum like others where people share information, thoughts and discussions.. It's just one where a bunch of people who have nothing better to do but go into someone's posts and remove things and then make up lies because they live their lives in VERY SMALL BOXES. Ok Great! Thanks for the info Fat Fuck or whatever the hell your name was from the last post. "GET A LIFE DUDE & STEP OUT OF THE BOX"

03-03-2006, 11:02 PM
Oh Ok I get it! So I cant post about something I liked and then if someone comes into the forum after the fact that my fucken post has been removed by a person that claims it to be SPAM, I also "Can't" give a person a chance to PM me for the info either. Ok I get it then, this is not a forum like others where people share information, thoughts and discussions.. It's just one where a bunch of people who have nothing better to do but go into someone's posts and remove things and then make up lies because they live their lives in VERY SMALL BOXES. Ok Great! Thanks for the info Fat Fuck or whatever the hell your name was from the last post. "GET A LIFE DUDE & STEP OUT OF THE BOX"

Welcome to Oprano :yowsa:

03-03-2006, 11:28 PM
damn, i needed a new place to get my vicodin online

fuck it though, the prices are probably too high anyway

03-03-2006, 11:33 PM
Welcome ( P ) Pronunciation Key (wlkm)
Received with pleasure and hospitality into one's company or home: a welcome guest.
Giving pleasure or satisfaction; agreeable or gratifying: a welcome respite from hard work.
Cordially or willingly permitted or invited: You are welcome to join us.
Used in the expression you're welcome to acknowledge an expression of gratitude.


to ( P ) Pronunciation Key (t; t when unstressed)

In a direction toward so as to reach: went to the city.
Towards: turned to me.

In contact with; against: their faces pressed to the windows.


Oprano (n) Pronunciation Key (Like Soprano but get ridda de S)

This place, where we are, now (at least virtually)
A message board


Is there something hard to understand in there? :blink:


03-03-2006, 11:34 PM
Oh Ok I get it! So I cant post about something I liked and then if someone comes into the forum after the fact that my fucken post has been removed by a person that claims it to be SPAM, I also "Can't" give a person a chance to PM me for the info either. Ok I get it then, this is not a forum like others where people share information, thoughts and discussions.. It's just one where a bunch of people who have nothing better to do but go into someone's posts and remove things and then make up lies because they live their lives in VERY SMALL BOXES. Ok Great! Thanks for the info Fat Fuck or whatever the hell your name was from the last post. "GET A LIFE DUDE & STEP OUT OF THE BOX"

Who told you I got a Big Daddy Hoodie in Oprano colors?

BTW for anyone that hasnt figured it out... its Lawrence Conner with another one of his homosexual fantasies of being a woman.

Lawrence youd do better taking up a collection to get you a sex change!


03-04-2006, 12:03 AM
no shit? that is lawrence spam?

jesus, does that dude ever quit?

03-04-2006, 10:09 AM
do you have the ip number? are you certain it is Lawrence? or are you guessing it is him ?

I would have guessed someone else first, and the person I think it could be , is a whole lot smarter than lawrence connor.

how did you deduce it was lawrence?

03-04-2006, 12:35 PM
do you have the ip number? are you certain it is Lawrence? or are you guessing it is him ?

I would have guessed someone else first, and the person I think it could be , is a whole lot smarter than lawrence connor.

how did you deduce it was lawrence?

yeah, I was wondering that too...lawrence always has a different way of typing and presenting himself, this didn't seem like him

03-04-2006, 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by newuser/sherri
Not Mad! Just think this is about as ridiculous as things come, in no way was that SPAM! And then you asses come in and change stuff and tell people who would have "NO BUSINESS ADVERTISING" to go and pay you to advertise. Why would a free speaking person who posted something want to go and Pay people like you to say it? And better yet why should I have too?

NO WAY Fat Fuck, I'm not going anywhere. I will stay in here and write about this till the cows some home... And I will Post and Post and Post about it, Because I think it is wrong and is an invasion of "Freedom Of Speech" You want me to pay you to advertise my opinion! I THINK NOT!

The above is in responce to: Your right.... its our board.
Dont go away mad just go away. If you want to advertise we can get you a rate.

03-04-2006, 01:31 PM
HE WRITES BACK: Dont worry Lawrence whats your paypal address so we can get you to pre op stage?

MY RESPONCE: Originally Posted by newuser/sherri
Ok, So you should really "HIT ME UP WITH A PM" to find out that info about the Online Pharmacy Site. Cause it sounds to me like you may be one of those "Freaks" that really could use some meds for other reasons then pain. Like mabe a muscle relaxer, cause it sounds like I got you all tense and wound up! :yowsa:

03-04-2006, 01:34 PM
HE WRITES: Whats your paypal address Lawrecne you can become a woman like you want to be.

I SAY BACK: I'm getting to you huh??? :clapping:

Wow, I think I can see it. Yeah I can... Ok I get it!

Now I know why you have to go into other people posts! It's because you have no life. THAT"S IT! Isn't it?

I love that fact that this 100% PURE BEAUTIFUL WOMAN can get right under that skin of yours!

03-04-2006, 01:37 PM
Its ok Lawrence embrace your feminie side!

I SAY BACK: Originally Posted by newuser/sherri
Just another quick question "GORDO"... Why is it that Your sill here? I thought I read you were leaving this place and moving onto bigger and better "DREAMS" what happened? Did you miss the boat and get stuck here and had no other option then to try to make others have a life as sad as yours?

Sorry Gordo, You can't do that to my life. You see I'm just "Another Atlanta Gal" that has plenty of $$$, But if you need some $$$ for those ventures you spoke of then I could prob. front you some.


Have a good nite now Gordy! By the way, this Message Forum sucks any way< You should try to go back to college and Fix it. After all you are their "BITCH" here right? :yowsa:

03-04-2006, 02:07 PM
Just for all of you wondering "WHO" this person is... It is not a dude named Lawrence! My name is what is says and this whole ordeal started because I came into the Forum as a new user, posted a small statement about a company Usmedsinahurry and the people in here went nuts because they called it SPAM.
(Becasue being new I didn't know which forum to post it in)

Then, after they change my post and I write a repost to it telling people to PM me if their interested in a Online Pharmacy I liked, this "BITCH" comes from left field and says that I was wrong to do that also. He starts to make up bullshit saying I'm someone I'm not and in turn tells me that if I want to post then I have to PAY! Are you kidding me? Let's get something straight!, message forums were set up "I thought" for people to share information, thoughts & discussions. I was not aware of the fact that you needed to pay for a statement. For those of you that have emailed/Pm'd me concerning this I thank you for your support and interest in my find, For the others that follow the walk of "THE BITCH" I suggest that if you don't like this discussion then you just don't click into it. I for one choose not to be someones "BITCH" all day long like this asshole!

You may be asking yourself "Why in the hell is she still here" :scratchin the answer to that is simple, "GORDO" :) doesn't scare me, and I am not running anywhere just because he got his little panties all twisted!

03-04-2006, 02:10 PM
Just for all of you wondering "WHO" this person is... It is not a dude named Lawrence! My name is what is says and this whole ordeal started because I came into the Forum as a new user, posted a small statement about a company Usmedsinahurry and the people in here went nuts because they called it SPAM.
(Becasue being new I didn't know which forum to post it in)

Then, after they change my post and I write a repost to it telling people to PM me if their interested in a Online Pharmacy I liked, this "BITCH" comes from left field and says that I was wrong to do that also. He starts to make up bullshit saying I'm someone I'm not and in turn tells me that if I want to post then I have to PAY! Are you kidding me? Let's get something straight!, message forums were set up "I thought" for people to share information, thoughts & discussions. I was not aware of the fact that you needed to pay for a statement. For those of you that have emailed/Pm'd me concerning this I thank you for your support and interest in my find, For the others that follow the walk of "THE BITCH" I suggest that if you don't like this discussion then you just don't click into it. I for one choose not to be someones "BITCH" all day long like this asshole!

You may be asking yourself "Why in the hell is she still here" :scratchin the answer to that is simple, "GORDO" :) doesn't scare me, and I am not running anywhere just because he got his little panties all twisted!

THe record for longest thread is way past 17 pages. Knock yourself out.

03-04-2006, 02:36 PM
do you have the ip number? are you certain it is Lawrence? or are you guessing it is him ?

I would have guessed someone else first, and the person I think it could be , is a whole lot smarter than lawrence connor.

how did you deduce it was lawrence?

Doesn't matter to me who it is as I never look at that kind of stuff. Leave that to others. I would have left it for others to deal with if it was just one forum but seeing two threads in two different forums caused me to act. I even took the time to explain in a detailed private message why I did what I did as maybe the poster wasn't familiar with adult webmaster messageboard etiquitte. (sp)

03-04-2006, 02:43 PM
HEY "GORDO", Why don't you just stay out of here now. You've done your job and I'm sure they have rewarded their "BITCH" for it...

Don't worry I won't be spamming as you called it! The PM/Email system has worked just fine!

17 pages huh? Wow I better get to work! :okthumb:

03-04-2006, 02:44 PM
Just for all of you wondering "WHO" this person is... It is not a dude named Lawrence! My name is what is says and this whole ordeal started because I came into the Forum as a new user, posted a small statement about a company Usmedsinahurry and the people in here went nuts because they called it SPAM.
(Becasue being new I didn't know which forum to post it in)

Then, after they change my post and I write a repost to it telling people to PM me if their interested in a Online Pharmacy I liked, this "BITCH" comes from left field and says that I was wrong to do that also. He starts to make up bullshit saying I'm someone I'm not and in turn tells me that if I want to post then I have to PAY! Are you kidding me? Let's get something straight!, message forums were set up "I thought" for people to share information, thoughts & discussions. I was not aware of the fact that you needed to pay for a statement. For those of you that have emailed/Pm'd me concerning this I thank you for your support and interest in my find, For the others that follow the walk of "THE BITCH" I suggest that if you don't like this discussion then you just don't click into it. I for one choose not to be someones "BITCH" all day long like this asshole!

You may be asking yourself "Why in the hell is she still here" :scratchin the answer to that is simple, "GORDO" :) doesn't scare me, and I am not running anywhere just because he got his little panties all twisted!

Like I said. No one knows you at all here and the VERY FIRST thing you did was spam. In two different forums on your first two posts. You came into our house and didn't bother to find out what we find acceptable practices in it. You could have looked around the board and noticed that people are allowed to have sigatures in their posts where you could look at the sigs and see what was acceptable and promotoed your stuff that way while getting to know us with meaningful posts. Now, again, I will say this can be recitified real easy. Just stick around and contribute to the forum in a meaningful manner and everything will be fine and dandy.

I visit other forums and I can guarantee you the vast majority of them would have done the same thing whther they be adult or non-adult forums.

03-04-2006, 02:45 PM
Just an FYI... Gonzo happens to be one of the owners of this board. ;)

03-04-2006, 02:45 PM
Just for all of you wondering "WHO" this person is... It is not a dude named Lawrence! My name is what is says and this whole ordeal started because I came into the Forum as a new user, posted a small statement about a company Usmedsinahurry and the people in here went nuts because they called it SPAM.
(Becasue being new I didn't know which forum to post it in)

Then, after they change my post and I write a repost to it telling people to PM me if their interested in a Online Pharmacy I liked, this "BITCH" comes from left field and says that I was wrong to do that also. He starts to make up bullshit saying I'm someone I'm not and in turn tells me that if I want to post then I have to PAY! Are you kidding me? Let's get something straight!, message forums were set up "I thought" for people to share information, thoughts & discussions. I was not aware of the fact that you needed to pay for a statement. For those of you that have emailed/Pm'd me concerning this I thank you for your support and interest in my find, For the others that follow the walk of "THE BITCH" I suggest that if you don't like this discussion then you just don't click into it. I for one choose not to be someones "BITCH" all day long like this asshole!

You may be asking yourself "Why in the hell is she still here" :scratchin the answer to that is simple, "GORDO" :) doesn't scare me, and I am not running anywhere just because he got his little panties all twisted!

let's forget the fact for a moment that you are trying to advertise drugs to a board of porn businessmen

this is a business forum for adult webmasters set up and supported by advertiser dollars. You have to pay an advertiser fee if you want to advertise your services here. No one has a problem with that except you. The onoly reason this board is alive today is because people PAY GOOD MONEY to advertise their products and services

03-04-2006, 02:48 PM
HEY "GORDO", Why don't you just stay out of here now. You've done your job and I'm sure they have rewarded their "BITCH" for it...

Don't worry I won't be spamming as you called it! The PM/Email system has worked just fine!

17 pages huh? Wow I better get to work! :okthumb:

GORDO, as you so nicely have called him, is the owner of the board....

03-04-2006, 02:52 PM
and BTW that pharmacy is one of the highest prices I have ever seen

I order my shit for $90 for 90 10/325 Norco's...they are like $225 on that site

03-04-2006, 02:57 PM
I get all mine from a guy named Eddie ..

03-04-2006, 03:08 PM
Slack slack slack... no where close to 17 pages

03-04-2006, 03:17 PM
Drugs are BAD !!!
You all need to find...
"The Force"..


May The Force Be with You :wnw:

03-04-2006, 03:43 PM
Ok, now that Sherri Connor has started posting PMs....(which I was not originally planning to do)

The post I made above with the dictionary definitions was in response to this pm from Lawrence..err, I mean Sherri:


Can you please explain to me what your last post meant to me in the Online Pharmacy Posting? Thanks

To which I replied in PMs with:

Um.. Let's see. I think it meant welcome to Oprano.

and replied here with the dictionary definitions.....

Since then I just found this in my pms:

I did understand that & Thank You.

I meant:
Watch out now, take care beware of greedy leaders. They take you where you should not go....Beware of darkness.......

Actually, you did not understand because in typical Lawrence, er I mean Sherri fashion, sarcasm goes right over your head.

The original reply of "Welcome to Oprano" actually meant "You got the fucking welcome that you fucking deserved you little assfuck with your spamming pharma shit on the board crap"

Just to make that clear of course :yowsa:

As far as a reply to your second pm, that is my sig that you were looking at. It is a quote from a George Harrison song called "Beware of Darkness" and one day as I was listening to my cd's while watching cnn the line struck me as quite appropo for the current times that we find ourselves in (which are actually quite similar in many ways to the timeframe it was originally released 1970 or 71)

03-04-2006, 03:44 PM

While yall are teaching someone to sigwhore Im headed out to celebrate some of the business that we did in Charlotte earlier this week.

Joe and I are meeting up with Anders and several of the AEBN peeps to blow it out in Atlanta.

I expect 17 pages and more piss by the time I return.

Be careful though some of you might fuck up and do some business!

03-04-2006, 03:46 PM

While yall are teaching someone to sigwhore Im headed out to celebrate some of the business that we did in Charlotte earlier this week.

Joe and I are meeting up with Anders and several of the AEBN peeps to blow it out in Atlanta.

I expect 17 pages and more piss by the time I return.

Be careful though some of you might fuck up and do some business!

Have fun blowing Anders :okthumb:

03-04-2006, 04:23 PM
Have fun blowing Anders :okthumb:

"All the envious girls raise their fist and yell....all bad girls go to hell."

03-04-2006, 05:15 PM
I think it is so funny that people in here actually think I am some how related in nature to this Lawrence Connor guy. Stupid at the very least! Whoever the man is I sure would like to meet him though cause it sounds like he may have got right under your skin as well. Once again to all the fucked ups that think I am this Man: I have no idea what your talking about, never met the guy, never even heard of him. I simply came into your forum because I thought I could share some info and instead of have met a bunch of "CRAZY FUCKS" that talk to me as if I am a man I don't even know.

Now if I have to pay to share info about a company I don't own nor plan to be involved in owning then I really think someone needs to reply to this about it because at this point because of "GORDO" (Man I love that) I want to buy the biggest and most Rad post/banner I can... Tell me the cost and we got a deal! I hope this company I speak of will allow me to because I am gonna LOVE THIS ONE! It will be money well spent! :devil: (Now I'm on Fire people and I am ready to pay whatever it takes...)

03-04-2006, 05:35 PM
Doesn't matter to me who it is as I never look at that kind of stuff. Leave that to others. I would have left it for others to deal with if it was just one forum but seeing two threads in two different forums caused me to act. I even took the time to explain in a detailed private message why I did what I did as maybe the poster wasn't familiar with adult webmaster messageboard etiquitte. (sp)

well I welcome these posts, ( even if I know who this fake person is LOL) but I always want to know about new things in this industry,

grow the fuck up this is not a sand box, and NO ONE is authorized to say who can and can not play in it. A mod is there to make sure things do not get out of control, like ostrich pics, and and pics of new tatoos, or threats of ass kicking , any illegal posts, calling someone a pdeo, or some other type of bullshit like that etc.....

specifically NOT to be a spam cop, or to edit any post based in fact of any kind ( again as long as it is legal )

if someone wants to piss here and has fcts to back up their position then let them piss, if someone wants to come and talk about what they have to offer in the business then let them do so .


I hope this clears up any confusion.

BTW I am now 100% convinced this is NOT lawrence connor.

03-04-2006, 05:59 PM
well, I posted in this thread about the prices on that site being too high and on the same day got hit up to approve Lawrence Connor on icq....coincidence?

03-04-2006, 06:02 PM
BTW I am now 100% convinced this is NOT lawrence connor.

Whether it be LC or not. Itis still a dude posting as a lady..... :yowsa:

03-04-2006, 06:05 PM
Whether it be LC or not. Itis still a dude posting as a lady..... :yowsa:

very true.

03-04-2006, 06:07 PM
Why are you so concerned with this being a "GUY", if I may ask?

What facts do you have that I'm a man, and why do you want me to be so bad?

This is a FUCKEN GIRL.... Like hello people, what does it matter? I AM A WOMAN. Do I need to spell it out bigger for you or something? Are you that much of a fool? WHAT THE FUCK?
Like really, GROW UP! I am a woman and that's that! I am not this Lawrence Connor retard you keep posting about in this message...

03-04-2006, 07:20 PM
I am not this Lawrence Connor retard you keep posting about in this message...

If you don't know shit about LC, how do you know he's a retard... Dude ? :yowsa:

03-04-2006, 08:13 PM
Oh, I'm sorry! I said he was a retard didn't I? What I meant to say was your a retard! :waving:

03-04-2006, 08:38 PM
What facts do you have that I'm a man

Right here...

This is a FUCKEN GIRL.... Like hello people, what does it matter? I AM A WOMAN.

Any self-respecting adult member of the female gender will be MORE than happy I'm sure, to inform you that there is a HUGE difference between a "FUCKEN GIRL" and "A WOMAN"

I might also add that your posts here have been offensive to read, and they weren't even directed at myself. From the posts of yours that I have read, I fail to see that you qualify as one of the "contributing members" that JoesHo refers to in one of his above posts. Still waiting on the "contribution" and if you think your current attitude is "what we see is what we get" and if we don't like it too fucking bad, well you've got a LOT of growing up to do yourself. Contributing members don't slam the owners of the board or attack the regulars of the board the way you have done in your grand total of 15 posts... Get over yourself, you're not all that. If you don't like it here, then we won't miss you when you leave.

03-04-2006, 08:53 PM
Let me put it to you this way! 1st of all I really don't care if you think I'm a woman or not, what that would even matter is past me..... But I will say, if you don't like this post then "you" can get out ( Oh and by the way, then "Stay" out). Like I said before & I'll say it again. The IM and The PM's Thank You for your interest and please continue. It is welcome and you will not have to worry about getting involved in this FORUM SAGA!

As far as me, I think it's funny! I love to see "You People" write these things when you have no idea of what your talking about. "Jace" < I think that's his name just showed that in his Lawrence Connor Post... hehehe I still think that is too funny, what a waste all those people who typed in here thinking I was that dude! He just shot himself in the ass with that though!

I tried to tell them.............. It wasn't me! They just seem to like to blame you for whatever it is that that they feel like "Making Up" that day though! 1st: It was SPAM when it wasn't - 2nd: It was that I was Lawrence Conor (Which I wasn't) 3rd: It was that I wasn't a woman, which I am! Way to funny people! Way to funny.................:yowsa:

03-04-2006, 08:57 PM
It was that I wasn't a woman

This thread is useless without pics :okthumb:

03-04-2006, 08:58 PM
Let me put it to you this way! 1st of all I really don't care if you think I'm a woman or not, what that would even matter is past me..... But I will say, if you don't like this post then "you" can get out ( Oh and by the way, then "Stay" out). Like I said before & I'll say it again. The IM and The PM's Thank You for your interest and please continue. It is welcome and you will not have to worry about getting involved in this FORUM SAGA!

As far as me, I think it's funny! I love to see "You People" write these things when you have no idea of what your talking about. "Jace" < I think that's his name just showed that in his Lawrence Connor Post... hehehe I still think that is too funny, what a waste all those people who typed in here thinking I was that dude! He just shot himself in the ass with that though!

I tried to tell them.............. It wasn't me! They just seem to like to blame you for whatever it is that that they feel like "Making Up" that day though! 1st: It was SPAM when it wasn't - 2nd: It was that I was Lawrence Conor (Which I wasn't) 3rd: It was that I wasn't a woman, which I am! Way to funny people! Way to funny.................:yowsa:

I will leave, if you can answer me this one question.

Tell me why on earth, with an attitude like yours, would I ever be interested in doing ANY kind of business with you?

What exactly, besides repetitive defensive remarks, do you have to offer this board?

03-04-2006, 09:07 PM
THAT IS THE POINT! I don't want anyone to do business with me. I have my own business "A few of them at that" and my family is fine with our business. I had ordered some meds online and it worked out great so I was searching the web looking at shit with no plans to do so but found your site thought "Hey I should post something on here about that med site I liked" and BAM it has turned into this from something as simple as that.

I have Nothing to do with Usmedsinahurry, they are their own! I was just a consumer who liked them and thought I would post it cause I remeber back when I was looking for a good one. << NEVER would I have thought such a simple and short post could have turned into this. But I was pissed off by people speaking and changing things when they have no right!

So to answer your question again, I am not looking to get any business out of this post. I run a Water Damage / Mold Remediation Company out of Atlanta, 2 in Florida and 1 in New Orleans... Do the math from that and I think you would find that I am not out spamming for an online med company. I was jsut a chick that felt like leaving some info in a Forum I thought could be interested!

03-04-2006, 09:25 PM
stop dragging my name into this, i just said the meds were too expensive and also made a joke about the lawrence connor thing

if you wanna know who this lawrence connor dude is, he is the guy who couldnt get it up during a cam show, so the porn star girl decided to fuck him in the ass with a strap on during a live cam show broadcasting to hundreds if not thousands of people....still wanna buddy up with him?>

03-05-2006, 01:43 AM

03-05-2006, 02:02 AM
:clapping: :waving: wuzzup w. dumbass "GORDO" being obssessed w. LC ? LOL :scratchin :whistling :wnw:

03-05-2006, 03:47 AM
:clapping: :waving: wuzzup w. dumbass "GORDO" being obssessed w. LC ? LOL :scratchin :whistling :wnw:

Brittney did you riase enough money for that Greyhound ticket yet?

03-05-2006, 10:27 AM
HEY "GORDO" I'm looking for those 2 Very Important words- "I'M SORRY"!

Come On Gordo, admit to the board that you were wrong! And that you started this whole thing.

03-05-2006, 11:37 AM
HEY "GORDO" I'm looking for those 2 Very Important words- "I'M SORRY"!

Come On Gordo, admit to the board that you were wrong! And that you started this whole thing.

Im disappointed.
Pathetic all the piss you can generate is barely 2 pages.

BTW we know who owns that pharma domain.

03-05-2006, 12:10 PM
So, let's see.. Our new friend Sherri, from Georgia, just happens to hit a pharma site owned by Jennifer, also from Georgia and likes it so much that she sought out a new adult webmaster board and felt she had to tell all the people that she didn't know about how great the pharma site was.

Yep, I believe that.

As much as I believe Sherri is a girl and Lawrence Connor is a guy......

03-05-2006, 04:27 PM
Let me ask you this 1st: Does "everyone" know each other in Message Forums When they post? 2nd: Isn't life full of coincidences? 3rd: Because a Girl from Georgia name jenifer owns a Webpage I speak of, I must be her because I too am a girl?

Come on people, get real! Stop thinking so small and start acting bigger and smarter! Since you can't on your own, why dont I help you and kill all of your suspense:

My name is not Sherri but I am from Georgia! My name is really Merry(Spelled that way because I was born on Christmas Eve) My husband and I really did buy meds online from that company and he is really a member on adult message boards. Even though I liked the Med Company we used, I didn't want to post my name out there saying it. So instead I copied it from other forums I found it in and posted it in here. After reading through a ton of your posts I signed up and posted what I had copied from another forum because after what I had read about in here I thought it could be something you all were interested in (Which I was right because a ton of people were).

Again, I can see why you are all upset now. I was pissed off after being blasted by "THE BOARD TEAM" for something I didn't do so I in turn became a "BITCH" and posted my anger! I do not and will not accept having a finger pointed at me for stuff I didn't do. I can't see how "A BOARD TEAM" can go around calling someone something they are not!

So you all have a nice life now, and try to be much much MUCH smarter the next time someone comes in here and posts something you may not like. Keep in mind that message forums are for people to post what they like, feel and may have found. If it's something that's not legal or harmful then I can understand you coming in to change it but if it's something simple then you should really lay off... By the sounds of things through this board, if you continue to act the way you choose you are going to loose a ton of new members. People DON'T want to join things that have a bunch of asses running it. Take care now ya'll and have a good one! THE OLD SAYING GOES: "THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK"

03-05-2006, 07:46 PM
Let me ask you this 1st: Does "everyone" know each other in Message Forums When they post? 2nd: Isn't life full of coincidences? 3rd: Because a Girl from Georgia name jenifer owns a Webpage I speak of, I must be her because I too am a girl?

Come on people, get real! Stop thinking so small and start acting bigger and smarter! Since you can't on your own, why dont I help you and kill all of your suspense:

My name is not Sherri but I am from Georgia! My name is really Merry(Spelled that way because I was born on Christmas Eve) My husband and I really did buy meds online from that company and he is really a member on adult message boards. Even though I liked the Med Company we used, I didn't want to post my name out there saying it. So instead I copied it from other forums I found it in and posted it in here. After reading through a ton of your posts I signed up and posted what I had copied from another forum because after what I had read about in here I thought it could be something you all were interested in (Which I was right because a ton of people were).

Again, I can see why you are all upset now. I was pissed off after being blasted by "THE BOARD TEAM" for something I didn't do so I in turn became a "BITCH" and posted my anger! I do not and will not accept having a finger pointed at me for stuff I didn't do. I can't see how "A BOARD TEAM" can go around calling someone something they are not!

So you all have a nice life now, and try to be much much MUCH smarter the next time someone comes in here and posts something you may not like. Keep in mind that message forums are for people to post what they like, feel and may have found. If it's something that's not legal or harmful then I can understand you coming in to change it but if it's something simple then you should really lay off... By the sounds of things through this board, if you continue to act the way you choose you are going to loose a ton of new members. People DON'T want to join things that have a bunch of asses running it. Take care now ya'll and have a good one! THE OLD SAYING GOES: "THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK"

You sure seem to care what we say to you LOL Get over yourself, and get over it. Life is too fucking short to get so riled up over piddly shit like this.
