View Full Version : NFL fans pay attention....

03-01-2006, 01:54 PM
Over the next two days you are likely going to see a purge by a great many NFL teams of some high salaried QUALITY players. With the talks trying to get a new collective bargaining agreement having broke down teams that need to get under the cap are going to have to realease some quality players because the lack of an agreement makes it A LOT harder for them to restucture contracts to be able to get under the cap. This could help teams like my beloved Packers who are WELL under the cap and can afford to go afetr players if they so choose. A blurb from a pretty lomng ESPN article.


Said one cap manager: "For months, my owner told me to develop two strategies, one with [an extension] and one without. But nobody, even with all the gloom-and-doom talk of the last few weeks, ever really believed we'd be breaking out Plan B. And then, these last few days, even my owner was telling me he thought it would get done. Unless there's some kind of miracle on Wednesday, our team is going to have to do some drastic things, and I know we're not the only team in that situation."

How drastic? There continue to be rumors the Washington Redskins, who extended numerous contracts in the past to deal with previous cap crunches, could have to play with 20 rookies on the roster in 2006. On Tuesday night in Atlanta, there were rumblings the Falcons, who aren't in nearly the dire straits some other franchises are, might be forced to release tailback Warrick Dunn, who rushed for a career-best 1,416 yards in 2005. The Kansas City Chiefs could part ways with perennial Pro Bowl guard Will Shields if he doesn't agree to adjust his contract and reduce a $6.67 million cap charge. And that is just the start of the many examples of potential attrition cited by team officials Tuesday evening.

Here's a url to check out how your team is in regards to the salary cap.

Mike AI
03-01-2006, 05:21 PM
Just read the article - these guys are going to kill the golden goose!!

03-01-2006, 05:28 PM
I know.. it blows me away. The NFL is by FAR the best leauge of the major sports in my opinion with the NBA then MLB, and theNHL WAY behind. If they go down this road and go through with their threats and don't get a new deal done they will take a SERIOUS blow to their image with a great many fans and it will hurt the leauge.

03-02-2006, 03:37 AM
Friggin' salary cap...Broncos lose Mike Anderson, Trevor Pryce & Jeb Putzier, and we still have to negotiate Lepsis...


My dad tried to convince me that Bell is going to replace MA, but that just...they're two different style runners, and NOBODY can really replace the Marine at this point in time...Though Dayne didn't let us down terribly this past season.

ARGH I hate not being at home so I can follow all this nonsense...Who cares about the Spurs! ;) LOL

03-02-2006, 11:05 AM
I'm hoping my Packers take advantage of the very large amount of cap space they have available. I'd love them to pick up Adam Vinitari since we are letting Ryan Longwell test free agency. MIGHTY pissed we haven't given a new contract to Aaron Kampman though. The guy is a model employee and a HUGE asset to the city of Green Bay itself. Plus he has talent and has a work ethic everyone on your team should emulate.