View Full Version : How far would you go to get out of traffic tickets?

02-28-2006, 01:35 PM

Police: Woman Fakes Death To Avoid Paying Traffic Tickets
Des Moines Woman Faces Felony Charges

POSTED: 10:15 am CST February 28, 2006
UPDATED: 10:39 am CST February 28, 2006

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DES MOINES, Iowa -- An investigation concluded that a Des Moines woman faked her own death to avoid paying traffic tickets.

Polk County investigators said Kimberly Du, 36, faked her own obituary and forged a letter telling a Polk County judge she was dead.

Du is spending time in the Polk County Jail in connection with a forgery charge.

Court documents show that Du tried to avoid paying several tickets by sending a letter to the courthouse.

The letter is allegedly signed by Du's mother and said Du died on Dec. 5, according to court documents.

Investigators said the information submitted include a phony obituary made to look like a page from The Des Moines Register's Web site that said Du died in car accident, and her mother's signature was forged.

Du's mother said she didn't write or sign the letter. It's a case that leaves a legal expert scratching his head.

"The state still has to convince a jury of 12, but faking your own death is not a good idea," said Bob Rigg, of the Drake Law Clinic.

The case began to unravel when investigators said Du was stopped for another traffic ticket in January, which was a month after the obituary was dated.

The probe began at the county courthouse.

"If she did it, she now faces a felony instead of a misdemeanor. It's a $500 fine instead of a five-year prison term," Rigg said.

Du now faces more trouble than before.

The Polk County Attorney's Office could not comment about the case except to say it has never seen anyone try it before.

02-28-2006, 03:44 PM
Are we talkin' 1 ticket, or accumulated fines for many tickets?

Those variables would effect the answer of how far I'd go. ;)

02-28-2006, 05:08 PM

Hell Puppy
03-04-2006, 01:15 AM
It aint the fine or the ticket itself....

The problem is the impact on insurance and ultimately points.

If it was simply a matter of paying the fine with no residual impact, I'd just go ahead and drop the hammer everywhere I went and pay the tickets. Just make it convenient so the stop is quick, give him a credit card, he swipes it and turn me loose and it'd be on.

Time is money, I wouldn't mine paying a little more to get places faster.

That's the reason I was hoping we'd see $5 or so a gallon gasoline, get more people off the road and out of my way.

03-04-2006, 12:26 PM
Yup, I saw that story on the t.v.news other night..lol.

My driving record is clean because I have a Class A CDL, which cost me alot of money to obtain, So I watch my ass on the road.
But I was told awhile back by another veteran truck driver.
This is suppost to work anywhere in the U.S...
When you get any sort of minor traffic violation ticket, Go ahead and pay it. But pay it thru mail & make the amount of the payment "higher" than what the ticket payment actual is. "like $20 to $25 more, depending on your budget there"
He stated that the reason for doing this, is because by paying a larger amount, when your case is processed thru the system it will show that you overpayed, and then the DMV will issue you a return refund of the over amount. When you receive the "over amount return", DO NOT CASH IT. Just save it of throw it away. He said by doing it this way, the case will never be closed due to you not cash the refund, and therefore the points are never added to your licence because case is still pending closure. (Pretty Cool Huh?)
Like I said, I've never tried this, but it does sound convincing, and knowing the way the American system work here. It's probably true. ;)

03-04-2006, 02:47 PM
It aint the fine or the ticket itself....

The problem is the impact on insurance and ultimately points.

If it was simply a matter of paying the fine with no residual impact, I'd just go ahead and drop the hammer everywhere I went and pay the tickets. Just make it convenient so the stop is quick, give him a credit card, he swipes it and turn me loose and it'd be on.

Time is money, I wouldn't mine paying a little more to get places faster.

That's the reason I was hoping we'd see $5 or so a gallon gasoline, get more people off the road and out of my way.

I don't know why but I found myself laughing really hard after reading this post!! :)