View Full Version : Mobile porn making it big...

02-13-2006, 10:32 PM

Monday, February 13, 2006
Porn-to-go starting to take off
Call it pocket porn, mini-porn, even porn-to-go. I am sitting in an edit suite completely dazzled by the cultural trend that is racing across the screens in front of me.

When the video iPod debuted back in October, there was great acclaim over the idea that we could download music videos, prime time television shows, and even movies, and carry them with us and watch them when and where we liked. Four months later, we're downloading alright. But on iPods, video cell phones and PDAs, some of the hottest content by far is pornography.

People in the porn industry, and even some major communications companies, say they've never seen anything like it. Since the dawn of the Internet, people could bypass adult video stores or hotel movie rentals in search of pornography. But now, they don't even need to have the stuff stored on their computers. So people are loading up the little hard drives on their hips with, well...hips...and a whole lot more.

It's intriguing, titillating, even a bit amusing. But I'm left wondering how I'm going to feel the first time I'm with my kids and we run up on someone watching a pod full of porn.
Posted By Tom Foreman, CNN Correspondent: 7:42 PM 50 Comments | Add a Comment

Mike AI
02-14-2006, 01:07 AM
I still think people need to be hard up to do the whole mobile porn thing. I guess I am old - I just want my phone to work. I do not need stupid ringtones or porn videos.

02-14-2006, 04:00 AM
I still think people need to be hard up to do the whole mobile porn thing. I guess I am old - I just want my phone to work. I do not need stupid ringtones or porn videos.

It makes 2 of us

Mikey...we ARE old, how does it feel?


Sue is back and I got sex injury. Age doesn't prevent one from those.

02-14-2006, 04:52 AM
I still think people need to be hard up to do the whole mobile porn thing. I guess I am old - I just want my phone to work. I do not need stupid ringtones or porn videos.

Yeah. Heck, I find a cell phone annoying period. :) But if people want to pay for silly stuff....

02-14-2006, 10:03 AM
It makes 2 of us

Mikey...we ARE old, how does it feel?


Sue is back and I got sex injury. Age doesn't prevent one from those.
3 of us - I don't mind taking pictures to send to folks, but besides that, I just want the phone to be a phone and to ring like a phone's supposed to ring. We're all old AND boring ;)

02-14-2006, 10:44 AM
3 of us - I don't mind taking pictures to send to folks, but besides that, I just want the phone to be a phone and to ring like a phone's supposed to ring. We're all old AND boring ;)

4 of us

(i just had to get in here cuz i'm old)

02-14-2006, 10:53 AM
hey, 4 of us can make "4 old guys and gal" paysite and fill it with content...it's a good niche

wanna make money usign our handicap as a profit tool?

Mike AI
02-14-2006, 10:53 AM
With developments in broadband, HD on demand, 30 inch monitors, huge HD TVs - who wants porn delivered on some tiny screen?

I think in the long run the mobile porn thing is a small niche, and a fad for kids.

02-14-2006, 10:54 AM
you are absolutelly right...can YOU imagine how our dicks will look like on the cell phone screen?


02-14-2006, 10:56 AM
hey, 4 of us can make "4 old guys and gal" paysite and fill it with content...it's a good niche

wanna make money usign our handicap as a profit tool?

seems like "old" things never change
last time i checked 4 old guys and gal would equal 5
still using the old click counter?

02-14-2006, 11:07 AM
seems like "old" things never change
last time i checked 4 old guys and gal would equal 5
still using the old click counter?

hahahahahahhahaha, as a matter of fact - I DO!

I have a valuable skill which I don't want disapear while I am idle. One never knows when the skill might get used again.

What does The Holy Bible says about burrying talents into the ground?

02-14-2006, 11:20 AM
The good thiong is, more young people and more buyers

Trump the old timers saturday night bingo games!!!

Mike AI
02-14-2006, 11:23 AM
The good thiong is, more young people and more buyers

Trump the old timers saturday night bingo games!!!


02-14-2006, 11:40 AM
Serge where is your sense of adventure? Havent you went shopping for movies and couldnt decide between Rick Savage's latest release or Stop My Ass Is on Fire #3?

Technology exists right now to whip out your cell...capture that bar code and you can preview BOTH movies to make an educated purchase!

Outside of that use I dont get it either to be honest with you. I do know "In numbers We Trust" and I can tell you that people are seeking it out and they are buying it!

Id just have bought both movies and wrote a review for both of em.

Just remember ... there's only one X in mobile.

02-15-2006, 01:22 AM
Anything is possible in comes to technology, besides transferring of data to one another is just a sec, its easy and so fast, and mobile phone communicates via a network of base stations which are in turn linked to the conventional telephone network.

02-15-2006, 05:36 PM
Well I can tell you in the beginning I had my doubts about people watching porn on a tiny screen, but there are so many conversions and tech advances in physically maximizing screen size that I believe in mobile porn whole heartedly. It's gonna take a bit of time, and a few more advancements in network bandwidth. But it will come.

02-15-2006, 07:36 PM
People love porn and seem to want to find it any way they can. Seems reason enough to me to want to give it to them for some $. :okthumb: