View Full Version : Crash Monday at the Olympics

02-13-2006, 05:26 PM
I don't think I've ever seen so many crashes, falls and dumps in one day of events. A couple of women lugers took wicked spills (and at the speed they fly down that ice run at, I do mean wicked), at least 3 women's skiers also had hard falls in the downhill, a couple of men's speedskaters hit the ice hard, and finally.... wow.... a figureskating pairs team from China took a bad slam on the ice... well SHE did anyway. He threw her into what was supposed to be a quad salchow, so she was pretty high up off the ice when things went wrong. I thought she was done the second I saw her hit, her leg splayed out in a weird way when she slammed down on the ice (and then slid into the boards) and it was just, well, bad.

But amazingly, after taking a few minutes to regain her composure they picked up where they left off and went on to win the Silver.

Some pretty cool crashes though, if you're into that sort of entertainment.

02-13-2006, 05:31 PM
I heard on the news this AM someone was carried off the mountain (female skiier?) on a stretcher :( This is going to make the NASCAR lovers want to watch the Olympics! ;)

02-13-2006, 07:20 PM
I love watching crashes for skating and bobsledding, lugeing, and especially downhil skiing.

02-13-2006, 08:10 PM
A few of the crashes looked pretty impressive, but from what I've heard I don't think anyone has been seriously hurt... which amazes me really. Did anyone else catch the Canadian woman who wiped out in the luge? At that speed you'd think the athlete would be banged into lunchmeat, but apparently she's okay.

The female skier who was carried away is okay too I heard. I don't know if she'll ski in this competition again though. Haven't heard anything further about it.

I certainly don't hope for crashes, but damn.... so many of them today.

02-13-2006, 09:00 PM
You can't get me to watch Football, Baseball, or Basketball, but I LOVE the olympics... :)

Believe it or not, I used to speed skate when I was a kid... It got to a point where we either had to move to Lake Placid or Wisconsin to be near an oval, as they were the only ones in the US at the time, but it wasn't practical for the family... If I had continued though, I would have gone with long track. Short track is too much like roller derby and has evolved into an extremely dangerous game. I had a bad crash once when going around someone to pass them. It might be fun to watch, but it ain't fun to experience crashing into the boards head first...

02-13-2006, 09:10 PM
As athletes they're probably trained (like I was) to relax their body when they start crashing... that's what prevents the really serious injuries most of the time.

I was in an accident in an SUV with my friends last year and I was the only one who wasn't hurt, and I wasn't wearing my seatbelt (probably actually beneficial in this case) some of them were some of them weren't, but they were all "Oh god gonna crash" and tensed up & got hurt, for me its automatic now to just go completely limp.

02-14-2006, 12:05 AM
The Canadian skier tore up her knee and is out of the Olympics. They say she'll need surgery once she gets back to Canada.

Hopefully she'll be back in the game for the 2010 games in Vancouver.

02-14-2006, 01:18 AM
Oh that sucks :(

Hey CDSmith who carried the Canadian Flag, btw? I know there was articles in the papers out this way saying that they were having troubles finding someone to do it..

02-14-2006, 02:24 PM
links? ; )

02-14-2006, 03:22 PM
We need a montage with Kenny Loggins' "Highway to the Danger Zone".

02-14-2006, 06:38 PM
Oh that sucks :(

Hey CDSmith who carried the Canadian Flag, btw? I know there was articles in the papers out this way saying that they were having troubles finding someone to do it..
Danielle Goyette, one of the women hockey players... :)

Sorry, I'm not CDSmith, but I saw the answer :)

02-15-2006, 12:22 AM
it cant be avioded that every athlete will experienced downs and hard fall, Im quite amazed that they could do weird stuff that keeps me entertained, I bowed to them but felt sorry if they could commit a hard fall, ... yet Im proud of them... :clapping:

02-15-2006, 05:51 PM
links? ; )You're better off turning on your TV set and catching the replays on the Olympic broadcasts.

Do a search for "Olympics, Turin Italy".... I'm sure you'll get all the "links" you need.