View Full Version : Anyone else see "Firewall" in the theater this weekend

02-13-2006, 03:18 PM
I was disappointed by it, there was a few loose ends in the plot, like the police was called three times in the flick and i never saw them, and then the ending to me was bad. Anybody agree/disagree with me.

Hell Puppy
02-13-2006, 03:51 PM
I was disappointed by it, there was a few loose ends in the plot, like the police was called three times in the flick and i never saw them, and then the ending to me was bad. Anybody agree/disagree with me.

3 out of 5 stars from the FFN review crew.

Very predictable, forces you to suspend disbelief, but reasonably entertaining. It IS a Harrison Ford movie after all.

02-13-2006, 04:45 PM
My source for news, People Magazine, gave it a low rating.

02-13-2006, 06:56 PM
I skipped it to go see Final Destination 3, damn good flick...
I'll wait for the DVD for Firewall

02-13-2006, 07:06 PM
I skipped it to go see Final Destination 3, damn good flick...
I'll wait for the DVD for Firewall
For some reason, and you know they aren't really my style, I LOVE the Final Destination movies! I can't wait to see 3 :)

02-13-2006, 07:17 PM
Haven't seen any of the above mentioned movies in the theater and likely won't.Likely all DVD rentals for me.

02-13-2006, 07:47 PM
For some reason, and you know they aren't really my style, I LOVE the Final Destination movies! I can't wait to see 3 :)
It's basically more of the same as the other two, but for me, that's not a bad thing...I don't watch movies like this looking for logic, character development or acting skills ;-) I was thoroughly entertained and that's all you can ask of a money like this

Next weekend, I'm hoping to catch Night Watch....it looks bad ass...too bad it's in limited release though

Hell Puppy
02-13-2006, 08:46 PM
The Fat Fucking reviewers gave FD3 four stars.

Didn't go myself, but I hear lots of the same stuff that made the first two fun....watching all the clues to see how they're gonna die almost like watching Wile E. Coyote construct something. Ok, we have exposed wiring, a propane can, some fishing line and a machete....something bad is gonna happen!

02-13-2006, 08:46 PM
This is my likely "see it in the theater' schedule for upcomign movies.

March 2rd- Ultraviolet - certainly worth seeing on the big screen as the fight sequences look awesome!

March 24th - Inside Man- I love caper flicks and this bank robbery movie looks like it could be quite good. Denzel Washington is always good too.The best caper/bank robbery movie of all time is Heat.

April 21st- Silent Hill - looks to be quite creepy.

May 5th- Mission Impossible III- I MUCH preferred the 1st one to the second though with most people it seems they liked the second better because it was pure popcorn and you didn't have to think or pay close attention. I liked that you had to pay attention in the 1st one. Phillip Seymour Hoffman as a main villian is worth checking out though.

May 19th- The DaVinci Code- no brainer to see in the theater.

May 26th- X-Men III- also a no brainer

June 30th- Superman Returns- also a no brainer

July 7th- Pirates of the Carribbean: Deadman's Chest- really enjoyed the first movie despite Orlando Bloom. ;)

August 11th- World Trade Center- How can you resist seeing a movie in the theaters you know people are going to attack relentlessly because it's directed by Oliver Stone?

August 25th- How To Eat Fried Worms- I remember this book from when I was a little kid. :) My sister actually told me to read it. I'm sure I'll go to this with my niece or I'll go with her as well as my sister and brother-in-law.

Dec 22nd- The Good Sheppard- How can you not watch a movie with a cast of Robert DeNiro, Matt Damon, and the sexiest woman in the world Angelina Jolie? The fact that it is on the history of the CIA is a bonus.