View Full Version : Stupid fucking me

Dianna Vesta
02-12-2006, 08:13 PM
The guy selling the personals script from AE that posted here is a rip off. Stupid me paid him with Epassporte thinking they had the same protection as Pay Pal. Well they don't.

That's what you get when you're in a hurry. The support verfied that the script could be transferred then when i filled out the info I got an email from customer support that they were refunded. So stupid fucking me is out 325.00 to this idiot.

I'm traveling right now but wanted to post something so no one esle would get ripped off.

I should know fucking better and I'm pissed. I thought I could call Epassporte and get a chargeback but no such luck. Should have used Pay Pal.


02-12-2006, 08:29 PM
Ive edited out his ICQ number so no one else gets in contact with him.
THe negatives for Epassporte just keep growing!

Dianna Vesta
02-12-2006, 08:53 PM
Ive edited out his ICQ number so no one else gets in contact with him.
THe negatives for Epassporte just keep growing!

Thanks Gonzo. You're right. I just signed up and altho it has advantages it has major down falls.

Dianna Vesta
02-12-2006, 08:57 PM
The worse part is when I called them they said flat out there was nothing they could do. Bullshit!

Dianna Vesta
02-13-2006, 07:37 AM
At least the software company was so kind to give me the name on account and IP. It's better then hearing, "We're sorry but there is nothing we can do." (Epassporte support)

Jenny Vercauteren IP: IP Location: Belgium
Velle 64B

I know I won't get my money back. I just wanted everyone to watch out for this and bitch about Epassporte.

Keyser Soze
02-13-2006, 08:38 AM
The policy is that ePassporte will not get involved with disputes between two card holders. They have to solve it up between themselves. A p2p transaction is like a CASH transaction. "Buyer/Seller be aware".

02-13-2006, 10:18 AM
Sorry to hear that Dianna.

02-13-2006, 10:38 AM
The policy is that ePassporte will not get involved with disputes between two card holders. They have to solve it up between themselves. A p2p transaction is like a CASH transaction. "Buyer/Seller be aware".

You sure did go from hot to cold in less than a week. Im curious did you retain the processing fees?

02-13-2006, 10:56 AM
What I don't understand is that you're treating things like "cash transactions" but using the Visa logos and stuff...So, shouldn't transactions be able to be cancelled due to non-delivery of goods or service, based on the Visa way of life?

Maybe I'm just naiive and need to go back to bed, but that's my take on things...

02-13-2006, 01:09 PM
Yeah.. I thought having the relationship with VISA required such protections even if they are minimal. Could easily be wrong oin this though.

02-13-2006, 04:51 PM
I hate to bring this up what do the TOS for Epassporte say about this kind of thing? Surely it's addressed?

02-13-2006, 05:00 PM
Buyer/Seller beware was the official word we got. Impressive since the same rep was here offering a lot of support for her to set up a business account just a few weeks ago.

I wonder if I used the same card to do some online gambling and I charged it back to the casio. Would Epassporte's attitude be to tell the casio "Seller beware"?

Keyser Soze
02-13-2006, 10:39 PM
The p2p transaction is a transfer from one ePassporte account to another and does not involve the VISA card number.

A transaction to a Casino is either p2b or involves the use of the VISA card number.

02-14-2006, 12:40 AM
Still that's screwy. The person did her homework and then got situations changed on her after the fact. She was being aware, and then got fucked over...It's pretty silly that y'all won't do ANYTHING whatsoever to help her out atleast a little bit.

I guess I'll just be aware enough to not use your services, then I won't have to worry about getting fucked over by unscrupulous people :)

02-14-2006, 12:51 AM
Still that's screwy. The person did her homework and then got situations changed on her after the fact. She was being aware, and then got fucked over...It's pretty silly that y'all won't do ANYTHING whatsoever to help her out atleast a little bit.

I guess I'll just be aware enough to not use your services, then I won't have to worry about getting fucked over by unscrupulous people :)

Adult has different rules than the casinos. This surprises you? You know good and well a casino wouldnt put up with the bullshit that we have to. But you got to hand it to em! They know the gambling industry keeps the turd named Epassporte afloat!

Nice dedication to the industry.

02-14-2006, 08:28 AM
I won't pay for anything that involves more than a few dollars unless I can use my VISA card. And I mean bank issued VISA.

The notion of chargebacks tends to keep people more in line when they do business.

Keyser Soze
02-14-2006, 09:50 AM
Adult has different rules than the casinos. This surprises you? You know good and well a casino wouldnt put up with the bullshit that we have to. But you got to hand it to em! They know the gambling industry keeps the turd named Epassporte afloat!

Nice dedication to the industry.

Its the difference in the transaction type.
If you buy something using epPurchase or if you have a business account and send money to a personal account the transaction can be disputed.
It has nothing to do with being an adult transaction.

02-14-2006, 09:58 AM
Its the difference in the transaction type.
If you buy something using epPurchase or if you have a business account and send money to a personal account the transaction can be disputed.
It has nothing to do with being an adult transaction.

What if I have a business account and send money to another business account? Is that a P2P transaction as well?

Dianna Vesta
02-14-2006, 10:08 AM
What if I have a business account and send money to another business account? Is that a P2P transaction as well?

It appears to be the case. I mean what difference does it make?

You live and learn. It's my own damn fault for being in a rush and I also should have read the TOS better but if you go to Epassporte it does lack in information which is why I posted questions over a week ago. Remember? It's just not clear.

So stupid fucking me figures my purchase is protected and also the fact that I had to use my credit card to signup, verfiy who I am to even get an account there, right? So it leaves a bitter taste in my mouth when Epassporte says they can't do NOTHING, not even open a case and kill the idiots account.

Whatever.... I won't do it again.

Mike AI
02-14-2006, 10:28 AM
Why would anyone use epassporte? What do you expect from people in the porn biz? Especially thsoe dealing with CC processing!!

Keyser Soze
02-14-2006, 02:12 PM
What if I have a business account and send money to another business account? Is that a P2P transaction as well?

No thats a business to business acount transaction.