View Full Version : Iranians gonna pay the west back for the cartoons.....

02-07-2006, 12:29 AM
By having a "holocaust" cartoon contest.


He said the plan was to turn the tables on the assertion that newspapers can print offensive material in the name of freedom of expression.

"The Western papers printed these sacrilegious cartoons on the pretext of freedom of expression, so let's see if they mean what they say and also print these Holocaust cartoons," he said.

lolol... They will be printed everywhere. They will be printed and a lot of people will be offended and they will be printed some more and they will be discussed and digested and then they will probably be forgotten until the end of the year when they will get a 2 minute blip in the years events.

And not one fucking embassy will be torched and not one fucking riot will occur and not one fucking moslem will be threatened over it.

Mr Mortazavi said tomorrow's edition of the paper will invite cartoonists to enter the competition, with "private individuals" offering gold coins to the best 12 artists - the same number of cartoons that appeared in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten

If you open it up internationally I would bet that you will get a whole lot more entries from the western countries than you will from the islamic populace. In fact, I would guess the winner would be some jewish kid from brooklyn or some such. :yowsa:

02-07-2006, 12:43 AM
By having a "holocaust" cartoon contest.


lolol... They will be printed everywhere. They will be printed and a lot of people will be offended and they will be printed some more and they will be discussed and digested and then they will probably be forgotten until the end of the year when they will get a 2 minute blip in the years events.

And not one fucking embassy will be torched and not one fucking riot will occur and not one fucking moslem will be threatened over it.

If you open it up internationally I would bet that you will get a whole lot more entries from the western countries than you will from the islamic populace. In fact, I would guess the winner would be some jewish kid from brooklyn or some such. :yowsa:

You're probably right about the jewish kid from brooklyn. Most of my favorite comedians are Jewish. They can write some funny shit!! :okthumb: