View Full Version : Image/Content Theft and Sponsors

02-06-2006, 04:59 PM
Been a lot of drama over the last week over AFF and some of their affiliates using copywritten images.

Do you think its their responsibility or any sponsors responsibility for that matter to police their affiliates?

Hell Puppy
02-06-2006, 09:46 PM
Been a lot of drama over the last week over AFF and some of their affiliates using copywritten images.

Do you think its their responsibility or any sponsors responsibility for that matter to police their affiliates?

Why should the sponsor be the site police?

However, that said, if someone brings it to their attention, I think most will act. They just shouldn't be expected to inspect every single page that has their ads.

02-06-2006, 10:05 PM
i think they law has been clean on this
sponsors are not responsible for their affiliates content

yahoo is not responsible for copyrighted materials on geocities
myspace.com is not responsible for what their members post
and so on
hosting companies are not responsible for what you upload to your sites

but they can take action when they're alerted to it

02-06-2006, 11:27 PM
I don't think they should be policing for it, that is the person who owns the content's job...but i think if it is brought to their attention something should be done about it

I have come across tabitha's pics in AFF profiles and shit like that, I never blamed AFF, I always blame the person who set up the profile

02-06-2006, 11:39 PM
yes i thi9nk companys shou8ld do more, sometimes when alerted they just ignore it ( not mentioning any specific company)