View Full Version : MyPartyToo.com - republican moderates fighting back

02-04-2006, 12:01 AM
pretty interesting. even moderate republicans have noted how crazy the religious right babble has taken over their party...


Christie Whitman was just on the Colbert report saying not to expect Giuliana or McCain as a presidential candidate in 2008 and how the republican right would swift vote them and never let it happen.....

"Inspired by a drive to get back to the fundamentals of the Republican Party, this website advocates for the historic Republican principles of liberty, individual responsibility, and personal freedom.

Our vision is a Republican Party that is unified by the basic tenets of fiscal responsibility and personal freedom, but that allows for diverse opinions on social issues by its members."

02-04-2006, 12:02 AM
those damn liberals !

02-04-2006, 12:17 AM
in politics, lunatics always have the upper hand because they are the ones most often heard and are typically the loudest voices.

02-04-2006, 10:28 AM
in politics, lunatics always have the upper hand because they are the ones most often heard and are typically the loudest voices.

exactly, that is why the more responsible people are trying to take back our governmet. and restore sanity :okthumb:

02-04-2006, 11:13 AM
in politics, lunatics always have the upper hand because they are the ones most often heard and are typically the loudest voices.

Are you calling MikeAI lunatic?

Mike AI
02-04-2006, 05:38 PM
Bush's problem is he is NOT Conservative. If he was he would be cutting back spending, reining in congress, and shrinking the power of the Federal Gov't. Even in his State of the Union address, Bush annouced more BIG GOV'T programs.

Bush is good at killing our enemies, and homeland security - otherwise he is a Big Government New Dealer.

You would figure he would know the Government cannot do anything efficiently and 8/10s of the time is the PROBLEM not the solution.

Whitman is just hawking a book. The site and book have been out there since before last election. You guys should keep up.