View Full Version : Tonite on a very special AML Live.....

02-03-2006, 05:54 PM
Tonite we'll be broadcasting LIVE once again from our new home at Alpine Cyber Tech Coffeeshop!
The hottest (and ONLY) nitelife spot here in Bum Fuck Egypt!

Tonite we will be doing something a bit new (WHAT?) we will be welcoming Comic Dan Rackley to the show as our special co-co-co-host (LOL)
If tonights show works out well, we will be starting very soon a brand new feature for the AML LIVE Radio show!

Also We are in the proccess of trying to get our radio..... we'll leave that bombshell for the live show ;)

Tune in tonite at the stroke of midnight (est) for the madness!

Live Audio: http://radio.aebn.net:80

Live chat: http://www.amllive.com/launch.html

IRC Chat: irc.plrradio.com /join #plrlive

Live AML WebCam: http://www.alpinecybertech.com/cam.html

See ya at the show!


02-03-2006, 10:12 PM
CHANGES!!!!! for some reason or another... plrradio is down, so we are going to be using "sextracker" server untill the issue gets resolved :-D

irc server = irc.sextracker.com

channel = #AML


02-03-2006, 10:21 PM
Side note java chat is working fine again, i changed the coding for it.

Looks Like PLR Radio is gone???


02-03-2006, 11:22 PM
30 mins till showtime, server is up now playing music


02-04-2006, 02:38 AM
Dan Rackley is going to be joining us here in about 15 minutes, so stay tuned, and if your un-tuned then please tune in , you'll laugh, you'll cry, the internets for porn even for just a minute.......