View Full Version : With kind permission from Joe: If you need something done, please read.

02-03-2006, 05:37 PM
As some of you may know, WT has been experiencing a lot of pain and nausea that has been almost constant since her seizure. We've been trying to get her some sort of treatment, and so far the only thing we've been able to do is have her sister check her out periodically. Her sister is a P.A. and works for a cardiologist.

She's been having migraines every day and it's effecting her work. Needless to say, she was bringing in a lot of the money since I stopped doing work to concentrate on learning more skills.

We were lucky to get a sample migraine pill from her sister, but the prescription is going to cost an arm and a leg.. $300 for 10 pills.

Now we're in a small bind and I am looking for WORK, not handouts, not loans(we know how that shit turns out), but WORK.

If you need something done, design, pages built, etc... I'd could really use, and would really appreicate the work.

I hate coming to the boards with this sort of shit, but I couldn't put off watching her suffer anymore.

Thanks for reading..