View Full Version : The Pocket Network is seeking 50 fast moving aggressive content providers for.....

02-01-2006, 03:09 PM
…..a premium mobile gay web portal administrated by one of the top three global mobile carriers.

The Pocket Network, (PocketGuys.com and PocketGirls.com) has been chosen to aggregate adult content for many large mobile operators. The first project we are involved in is a direct to consumer premium content portal featuring non-nude gay and gay lifestyle type content. This is an unbelievable opportunity to maximize the revenue on your content. I will be choosing the content providers within the next 48 hours. Wap and Web sample sites will be completed mid month for a potential end of month launch. This is a fast and free way to make some killer money.

Gay Content of the following types is desired. If you have this content or can produce it contact me ASAP.

-Non-Nude Content (photo and video)
-Lifestyle Content, stories, product/media reviews
-Stories, Text Based or Audio
-Gay humor
-Gay Audio files of a non-sexual nature, either completed or the ability to produce.(humorous ring-tones) for example.
-SMS chat services

Etc. If you have something you think you could sell wirelessly within the gay market, talk to me today.

ICQ 237-063-862

02-01-2006, 03:35 PM
curious toy boy will be all over this I suspect.

good luck, Todd

02-01-2006, 03:38 PM
yeah.. I would imagine he'd certainly be able to help you out.