View Full Version : Fuck Monday's!

01-31-2006, 08:41 AM
So I just figured I'd share my Monday disaster with you all, just in case you had a bad day yesterday read this and know your day prob wasn't as bad as you thought it was.

Sun nite stayed up waiting for my ride back home to the woods, roommate's wife got there about 6:30am Monday.

The ride home sucked, we had a snowstorm going, the roads were shot to shit and oh yeah, The clutch on the truck went out compleatly about 10 miles from the house, we managed to coast about 7 miles or so before the clutch plate compleatly exploded off the car and the car shook like it was having an epelptic fit(sic)

then in the middle of the snowstorm we had to walk about 3 miles home.

Got home finaly, and we called the auto repair shop, they would not come get the car, so we had to call the tow-truck, I fell asleep, while the room mates took car of their truck, I woke up about 3:30pm or so, and went out to the living room to find out an update on the truck.

Truck is shot, gonna cost over $700.00 to fix it, and will take a few days before we get it back.

I called my bank to see if my check came through, it did, so I called a in for a ride to town to hit the bank to take money up to the car shmuck, I got to my bank at 4:58pm (2 mins to spare) BUT low and behold they closed early so i was stuck in town with no cash.

Went into my bro's coffeeshop, and got some cash from him, and after 10 mins or so we noticed there was water all over the floor (about 1.5 inches of standing water to be exact) seems the city sewer drain blew and flooded back into the shop from ALL DRAINS, so after 3 hours of cleaning and calling the city stooges we got all the water up and a crew came out to fix the drains.

After all that crap I took the closing shift so my Bro could go home and see his kids, not one person came in till I locked up and headed home (right b4 midnight)

Since I had no car I walked over to to my wife's apartment (bout 5 blocks from the shop) and well halfway home slipped and fell on my ass on the ice and fucked my back up.

I had almost forgotten how much Monday's can friggan suck lol

What's your most memorible Monday story?


01-31-2006, 09:10 AM
Hahahahah.. oh man that sounds like a shitty day!! :(

01-31-2006, 09:11 AM
that was one tought Monday.

01-31-2006, 12:05 PM
Drink more wine it always helps!

01-31-2006, 01:06 PM
Drink more wine it always helps!
Sounds more like a job for Jack Daniels

01-31-2006, 08:19 PM
Hey man...atleast we saw some hot Minnesota ass on t3h cam.....:D

02-01-2006, 07:13 AM
Drink more wine it always helps!

funny you said that, on my way to the Apartment I picked up a bottle of Merlot ;) and lucky for me when I had the fall the bottle was unharmed lol.

Hopefully I will be returning to the woods this afternoon.
