View Full Version : Liberal's going wild again!!

Mike AI
01-24-2006, 11:29 PM

01-24-2006, 11:58 PM
haha "She said Venezuela's foreign ministry sponsored her visit."

BTW.... Iran, Kim Jong Il, Palestinian Authority and Castro have her booked next month for more "peace march's".

Lets all give peace a chance

Mike AI
01-25-2006, 12:17 AM
haha "She said Venezuela's foreign ministry sponsored her visit."

BTW.... Iran, Kim Jong Il, Palestinian Authority and Castro have her booked next month for more "peace march's".

Lets all give peace a chance

I beleive Jimmy Carter is already in the middle east with is crack team to monitor palestinian elections. If he could not thwart a redneck hick like Bush from stealing an election, how will be prevent hamas from doing the same thing?

01-25-2006, 12:29 AM
BTW.... Iran, Kim Jong Il, Palestinian Authority and Castro have her booked next month for more "peace march's".

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... that was beauty... LOL

I'd be interested to know how she felt when her son enlisted (I suspect she felt proud)
I'd be interested to know how she felt when events led up to him going over there (I suspect she felt proud)

In fact, I suspect its the fact that her son was killed in Iraq, that has changed her views on the war. Sad, but not really surprising.

01-25-2006, 12:31 AM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA... that was beauty... LOL

I'd be interested to know how she felt when her son enlisted (I suspect she felt proud)
I'd be interested to know how she felt when events led up to him going over there (I suspect she felt proud)

In fact, I suspect its the fact that her son was killed in Iraq, that has changed her views on the war. Sad, but not really surprising.

she was very outspoken against bush and all things republican long before the war started i believe and outspoken against the war before he son was killed. her son getting killed was just one more thing to validate her feelings and fuel her behavior.

01-25-2006, 01:10 AM
Can we send Pat Robertson with her?

01-25-2006, 02:11 AM
she was very outspoken against bush and all things republican long before the war started i believe and outspoken against the war before he son was killed. her son getting killed was just one more thing to validate her feelings and fuel her behavior.

Hmmm... fair enough then.

I'll keep the rest of my thoughts to myself on this one lol

Mike AI
01-25-2006, 09:49 AM
she was very outspoken against bush and all things republican long before the war started i believe and outspoken against the war before he son was killed. her son getting killed was just one more thing to validate her feelings and fuel her behavior.

I think this is wrong. She actually met with Bush right after her sons death ( Bush meets many familys but keeps the events low key and not photo ops) and she praised Bush, and was proud that her son served and was at peace. Something changed and she morphed into a physco.

Her husband divorced her, and the rest of the family has nothing to do with her because of her actions.

I have a feeling she is doing this for herself. She likes the attention and adoration. She is trying to expans her 15 minutes by visiting US enemies.

The making of a liberal icon!

01-25-2006, 12:24 PM
I don't like the lady as she does more to hurt her own cause than to help it, but she has a right to say her peace.

Mike AI
01-25-2006, 12:57 PM
I don't like the lady as she does more to hurt her own cause than to help it, but she has a right to say her peace.

Do you know her real cause?

01-25-2006, 01:45 PM
Do you know her real cause?

Only she knows her real cause i'd venture to say. So go the ways of the world. She'll never see it the way you do Mike nor will you ever see it the way she does I would imagine, nor would either of you ever take time out of your busy schedules of protesting and wine drinking to try. :)

It's just how the world works. I've come to peace with that realization. There is no change...there is only the forcing of the majorities values on a minority. Not just here at home, but everywhere. Every species even down to the microbial level experiences this. I should not expect anything more...and I don't anymore. I understand it now. It's how bacteria thrive. Single celled organisms live the same way as we do. Animalistic. Survival oriented. Biased.

About a month ago, I decided to experience life from the sidelines when it comes to politics. Not let it get me so hot under the collar. There is no point. No side is right. No side is wrong. Each side is passionate. Each side is corrupt. There is no truth or justice. They are fairy tales that have never existed ever in this world. The only truth that exists is that the sun will rise in the morning, and even that can change at any time.

Ask the single marigold how it feels when the crabgrass decides that it likes the marigold's plot of land and rallies it's forces to take over, sucking every drop of nutrients from the soil. Sooner or later, the minority succumbs, willing or not, to the masses.


01-25-2006, 01:51 PM
she was very outspoken against bush and all things republican long before the war started i believe and outspoken against the war before he son was killed. her son getting killed was just one more thing to validate her feelings and fuel her behavior.
Based on my extensive research into her - about five minutes watching a part of a 60 Minutes [or something like it] segment - I got the same impression. Almost seemed like her son was enlisting as a form of rebellion.

The woman's a nutcase.