View Full Version : Designers - FANTASTIC opportunity.....

01-20-2006, 05:39 PM
Found this on Craigslist a little while ago.........


Date: 2006-01-18, 5:11PM CST

I am looking to hire someone to create and complete a Clothing website for me . Here is what i need

Please send me some of your previous work , and please know the shopping cart can be through paypal.com , I need the website to be fully functional and I need to be able to update the pics & descriptions everyday on my own , So it needs to be easy for me to maintain.

I have a few templates in mind , from sites that sell Fashion templates .
15 - 20 pages with the following
1 page (home page) For Womens designer clothing
1 page for Shirts (and a shirt graphic)
1 page for Pants ( W/ graphic for pants)
1 page for dresses
1 page for Jackets
1 page for swimwear
1 page for acessories
1 page for clearance
1 page for link to my ebay store
1 page for return policy / FAQ
1 page for wholesale lots

Each of these pages needs to have the item open into a seprate page ( for example , the Wholesale lots page should have a graphic , and thumbnail page, then the thumbnail should open into a larger page where the rest of the pictures could be found/ as well as description of the items.

I am offering $150 for the Completed Job , Not partial work. Once the website is UP and running I will be more than happy to pay you Instantly !!!

Please email me and give me an aprox Start & finish day for this project. Also I will be picking the best qualified applicant so please provide me with your previous work.

thank you

Now, there is someone who values a designers skills :yowsa:

btw, did I ever mention that I almost alwys get the words Fantasti and Bullshit confused :blink:

01-20-2006, 08:40 PM
I wouldn't even suggest that this guy would try www.AdultDesignContest.com with that budget :)

Hell Puppy
01-20-2006, 11:17 PM
Found this on Craigslist a little while ago.........

Now, there is someone who values a designers skills :yowsa:

btw, did I ever mention that I almost alwys get the words Fantasti and Bullshit confused :blink:

Kinda sounds like he's on the photogregg payment plan too.

01-20-2006, 11:19 PM
Kinda sounds like he's on the photogregg payment plan too.

"You get paid when I get paid"

01-22-2006, 07:29 AM
The word "bollocks" comes to mind.

01-22-2006, 11:30 AM
$150???? Is that some kind of joke? :P

01-22-2006, 11:35 AM
$150???? Is that some kind of joke? :P

Is it USD?

Actually the sad thing is someone somewhere may take it

Obviously any professional would not take the photogregg payment plan

01-22-2006, 11:49 AM
Is it USD?

Actually the sad thing is someone somewhere may take it

Obviously any professional would not take the photogregg payment plan

Yeah someone probably will.

01-22-2006, 12:26 PM
$150???? Is that some kind of joke? :P

Nope, actual ad from craigslist... Found it in the kansas city section, i think under gigs/computers or some such.

Jen and I looked at it and laughed and laughed. I thought about contacting them and telling them I would install OSCommerce for them for $150 but that was about as far as they would get.

But, yeah someone somewhere will probably take the gig and then the guy that ran the ad will be convinced that that is the standard price for that kind of stuff.


01-22-2006, 04:37 PM
I'm pleased to announce my newest client "Cheap Ass Clothes"

The site will be live and 'fully functional' very soon! and good news, I got more then he was willing to pay, now the price is $151.00



/end sarcasim

01-22-2006, 04:43 PM
LadyM ? Did you go visit Craig's list this morning...

Just found this in the same category as the ad:


Reply to: gigs-127182085@craigslist.org
Date: 2006-01-21, 4:58AM CST

To Whoever posted the ad below

I'm going to provide you some free advice. Take notes. Other people would be typing foul invective in capital letters. I'm going to provide you with some clues about the real world, though.

What you are asking for is worth, in today's market terms, so much more than what you offer for the job ($150), that one almost has to assume that you don't know what you're talking about. The only other alternatives would be that you 1) are just trying to intentionally insult for no good reason (and waste the time of) any random web developer who reads your ads or 2) are simply just insane.

Your e-commerce web site is both the primary software infrastructure for, and the public face of, your business. This isn't like hiring some retarded high school kid to mow your lawn.

Like a lawyer or any other self-employed professional, a freelance web developer has to charge enough per billable hour to finance all of the time spent lining up jobs that have billable hours. At the very least, for someone who is only *marginally* competent, you will pay $20-$25 per hour typically. A competent and professional web developer simply will not be found for less than $36-$50 per billable hour.

That's just the question of rate, though. Next is the question of how much time would be required to create the site you describe. Assuming you found a cheap $20/hour newbie developer, you appear to be assuming that the site you want can be built the way you want it in 7 and a half hours.

If so, I need to let you know that you are not merely wrong, but not even in the ballpark. It would take longer than that. Significantly longer.

The next thing you need to know is this...

Since you weren't aware of those things, it seriously calls into question your own ability to run a web based business. I'm not trying to knock you down in the dirt. I'm trying to save you some money. I'm telling you that you are not sufficiently prepared yet to run the business you want to run, and that lack of sufficient background will only result in you not making smart business choices. For the love of God, man, hang on to your pitiful small amount of cash and use it to buy a damned book or take a community college course so that you're not just a babe in the woods when it comes to this sort of stuff.

Please, do so. Please.

01-23-2006, 09:45 AM
LadyM ? Did you go visit Craig's list this morning...

Just found this in the same category as the ad:

hahahah no but I'd love to shake the hand of whomever posted that incredibly witty and completely accurate reply to his request :)