View Full Version : WordPress, Blogger Newbie Question

01-17-2006, 04:43 AM
I have decided to start out with an adult blog. As a TOTAL newbie I am only beginning to learn about building a website. I am committed to having a basic working knowledge of HTML starting out and learning even more as I go along.
I have NO knowledge about PHP, Perl, MySQL, and the like. I am not opposed to taking a dip here or there into these waters later on but right now I feel like I need to be a computer guru to even get anything off the ground.

My question is this: IF I manage to get WordPress installed ok with my host (which seems like a daunting enough task but maybe not) is this a difficult thing to use? Is a basic knowledge of HTML without knowing ANYTHING about PHP, databases, etc. good enough to be able to use WordPress? I would hate to install it and then screw up the whole process up right from the start. What are some of your experiences using WordPress?

Also, What would be the downside to just installing Blogger on my own host? FTPing Blogger to my host seems a pretty straight forward process and using blogger seems to be a no-brainer. Wouldn't I then get the benefit of my own domain and also not have to worry about my blog being deleted since it wouldn't be hosted on blogspot? If they don't like my content who cares right? It would be on my host and nothing they could do to delete it right?

Any comments or suggestions on what I should do? I just want to get a blog up and running without a steep learning curve and not having to worry about it getting deleted on a whim. Thanks

01-26-2006, 11:36 PM
Sounds like you have the right idea to me. Good luck!

01-27-2006, 06:28 AM
Blog traffic builds very fast out of nowhere. But it converts for dog shit.
My 2 cents is use it as a traffic pump.

02-10-2006, 09:09 AM
But it converts for dog shit.

I'm 1:153 on blog traffic as of today.