View Full Version : Why is the U.S. allowed to have nuclear capabilities?

01-16-2006, 07:42 AM
And not countries like Iran, N.Korea, etc.? It's 2006, and it's pretty retarded to have another country tell you, "No you may not evolve from the stoneage...use fire instead..."

Don't give me the argument that they could enrich the uranium to make WMD's and they have a proven track record of intent to use the WMD's. So do we...ask Japan...

So, why do we feel the need to babysit and keep Nuclear fuel out of everyone's hands but ours?

01-16-2006, 07:51 AM
Buya Kasha,

Being the most powerful country in the world has it's responcibility. If your logic is extended, than another question arises:
why did we comit troops to Normandy invasion? Hitler hasn't threatened US invasion...

Westside, respect.

01-16-2006, 08:59 AM
Buya Kasha,

Being the most powerful country in the world has it's responcibility. If your logic is extended, than another question arises:
why did we comit troops to Normandy invasion? Hitler hasn't threatened US invasion...

Westside, respect.

Good point, granted, at that time, Hitler's army had invaded quite a few countries and was getting a bit "out of hand" shall we say? I am sure there were vested interests behind the scenes for us getting involved there also, one of which being that one of Germany's allies attacked us.

But...Iran isn't in the process of invading 10 other countries. The only country I see invading anything these days is mine. If I were Iran, and I had "big brother U.S." telling me, "No you cannot evolve your country on your own, we have to hold your hand and make sure you don't piss on your shoes..." I think I'd tell the U.S. to fuck off aswell. It's degrading... :waving:

01-16-2006, 09:21 AM
Acting in the USA's best interest is the issue here

While I don't care how anyone in Iran or N.Korea gets their electricity I do care if they have the capabilities to build nuclear weapons

01-16-2006, 09:35 AM
I thought Hitler was developing weapons capable of reaching US cities... or perhaps that was just Winston Churchill bullshitting the Americans into helping out?

01-16-2006, 09:47 AM
Acting in the USA's best interest is the issue here

While I don't care how anyone in Iran or N.Korea gets their electricity I do care if they have the capabilities to build nuclear weapons

How shitty is that though Vick? While I completely understand wanting to protect ourselves, I think the first step in doing so is trying to make friends with other countries. Not bullying them around and telling them that they are "not allowed" to use technology to help themselves crawl out of the stone age. How did that become our job anyway? I think that is one of the main reasons that there is so much anymosity towards the U.S. We take it upon ourselves to police the rest of the world when we can't even fix our own budget, unemployment ratio, homeless situation, violence rate...etc etc etc.

Mike AI
01-16-2006, 09:47 AM
This is the funniest thread of 2006!!!!

01-16-2006, 09:49 AM
wouldnt the argument have been started before hitler ? he was wwII right ?

why did we go over in WWI ? was there on of those pesky treatys of peace and helping someone that we had a pact with if they were attacked or something like that ?

I think the question here is how do we expect to kep countrys from evolving.

01-16-2006, 09:50 AM
Here's an idea, instead of telling Iran, "No you will NOT be allowed to blablabla..."

Why not go in and offer a hand in friendship to bury the hatchet? "We'll help you develop your energy systems. We already have the technologies and the know-how. We'll be here to guide you and teach you what we know about turning nuclear energy into fuel for your country."

I'd rather see my country doing that then sending in troops to opress another nation. Call me bleeding hearted or liberal or nutty...

01-16-2006, 09:51 AM
This is the funniest thread of 2006!!!!

Just for the record, I do not think it is a good idea to let Iran evolve either .

and as far as Korea goes technically there has never been anything more than a cease fire called over there from the war that started over 40 yrs ago.

01-16-2006, 09:52 AM
This is the funniest thread of 2006!!!!

Well explain it to me then Mike. Don't just debunk my thread. I don't understand, maybe cause I am so young and naive. Why don't we offer to bury the hatchet with more nations instead of policing them? Why not offer to help them build their nuclear energy facilities and create a bond between nations?

01-16-2006, 09:53 AM
This is the funniest thread of 2006!!!!

Buya Kasha,
NickPapageorgio is right, we, the USA, should help Iran develop nuclear weapons, help Iran nuke Israel, help Iran install mullah government in Iraq, extend into Egypt and export militant moslem regime, which took USA hostages and occupied it's Embasy in violation of all diplomatic threaties known to mankind. Iranians are our friends for life.

Respect, Westside, high five!

01-16-2006, 09:56 AM
Buya Kasha,
NickPapageorgio is right, we, the USA, should help Iran develop nuclear weapons, help Iran nuke Israel, help Iran install mullah government in Iraq, extend into Egypt and export militant moslem regime, which took USA hostages and occupied it's Embasy in violation of all diplomatic threaties known to mankind. Iranians are our friends for life.

Respect, Westside, high five!

Ok, and so since they did that, they can never ever ever change? They are too simple minded to understand that what they did was wrong? From now until the ends of time, they will be forever chained to that? Like I said, why not offer a hand in friendship and try to show them that we can forgive for stupid things done in the past? It's monday goddamn it and I'm being controversial!!

01-16-2006, 09:57 AM
Well explain it to me then Mike. Don't just debunk my thread. I don't understand, maybe cause I am so young and naive. Why don't we offer to bury the hatchet with more nations instead of policing them? Why not offer to help them build their nuclear energy facilities and create a bond between nations?

Buya Kasha,
you are right again,
nuclear weapons bond is a very strong bond, nothing unites the nations more than Enriched Uranium 235 one can carry in suitcase and blow cities size of New York at will.

We, the US citizens, have constitutional rights of bearing arms, and US Constitution hasn't prevented us from bearing nuclear arms. I only carry nuclear tipped bullets in my 357 Magnum and so should Iranians.

High Nuclear five, Westside.

01-16-2006, 09:58 AM
Just for the record, I do not think it is a good idea to let Iran evolve either .

and as far as Korea goes technically there has never been anything more than a cease fire called over there from the war that started over 40 yrs ago.

For the record, I don't think they should be allowed to evolve myself...hell they aren't even people!!

Monday = Controversy!! The new oprano!!!

01-16-2006, 10:01 AM
Ok, and so since they did that, they can never ever ever change? They are too simple minded to understand that what they did was wrong? From now until the ends of time, they will be forever chained to that? Like I said, why not offer a hand in friendship and try to show them that we can forgive for stupid things done in the past? It's monday goddamn it and I'm being controversial!!

Buya kasha, my main man,
you are correct again, they changed a lot all right since 1980's, and they elected President who led the USA Embassy takeover as a reminder to us that the changes are coming fast and for the better. Their new National Anthem
"Throw Jew in the well,
Make my country free"
recieved high acclaims in musical circles and nominated for Nobel Prize Peace award for the best lyrics.

01-16-2006, 10:01 AM
Buya Kasha,
you are right again,
nuclear weapons bond is a very strong bond, nothing unites the nations more than Enriched Uranium 235 one can carry in suitcase and blow cities size of New York at will.

We, the US citizens, have constitutional rights of bearing arms, and US Constitution hasn't prevented us from bearing nuclear arms. I only carry nuclear tipped bullets in my 357 Magnum and so should Iranians.

High Nuclear five, Westside.

You keep bringing up weapons...I am talking about an energy system. The best way to keep an eye on your enemy is to make them your friend. ;) If we were in helping them build a better mousetrap, wouldn't you think we'd have access to see exactly what they were doing? The day they say, "ok you're not allowed in this room sorry.." Sure...blow them to kingdom come...I'm all for that. But don't come to them with the premise that "we're going to be watching you to make sure you're not fucking up." Go to them with the idea that we are going to "help" them build what they need to evolve into the next century.

01-16-2006, 10:05 AM
Buya kasha, my main man,
you are correct again, they changed a lot all right since 1980's, and they elected President who led the USA Embassy takeover as a reminder to us that the changes are coming fast and for the better. Their new National Anthem
"Throw Jew in the well,
Make my country free"
recieved high acclaims in musical circles and nominated for Nobel Prize Peace award for the best lyrics.

They told me they were really sorry though.

Monday = Controversy!!!

01-16-2006, 10:06 AM
Buya Kasha,
NickPapageorgio is right, we, the USA, should help Iran develop nuclear weapons, help Iran nuke Israel, help Iran install mullah government in Iraq, extend into Egypt and export militant moslem regime, which took USA hostages and occupied it's Embasy in violation of all diplomatic threaties known to mankind. Iranians are our friends for life.

Respect, Westside, high five!

Yes people are always the same, just ask Japan, and how the internment camps felt, or the Chinese slaves that built the USA railroad system and did all the dangerous mining to help the industrial revolution that evolved the USA ahead of other countries at the time.

or maybe the cotton pickers and field hands in the south ( since it is MLK day today) should Blacks still be mad at the USA too? what about the treatys with the indians or the nukes we dropped on nagasaki and hirohito ahhaah Hiroshima

and thiose damn women, why did we have to let them vote anyway, now look what we gona and done, we might have one for president !!!!

you are right Serge a nation full of people is not capable of civilized change when given te chance to evolve ..... :)

01-16-2006, 10:07 AM
Buya kasha, you right once again,
Iran only exports 10% of ALL world oil and in desperate need of more energy, this is evident as 10% of all world oil is a drop in a bucket.

If I was the President of USA, I'd sell them ballistic rockets too, just to piss Russians off and beat them to it.

Now when we covered all world politics,
can YOU answer the question in my signature?

Mike AI
01-16-2006, 10:09 AM
I do not know where to even begin. I am still laughing though!!


01-16-2006, 10:10 AM
you are right Serge a nation full of people is not capable of civilized change when given te chance to evolve ..... :)

Buya kasha, my main man #2,
I always suspected that the road to evolution of the nation is in it's nuclear arcenal. I beleive the world will be a better place to live when Iran get nukes AND ballistic rockets which can reach from North pole to South pole.

Now...can YOU answer the question in my sig?

01-16-2006, 10:11 AM
Buya kasha, you right once again,
Iran only exports 10% of ALL world oil and in desperate need of more energy, this is evident as 10% of all world oil is a drop in a bucket.

If I was the President of USA, I'd sell them ballistic rockets too, just to piss Russians off and beat them to it.

Now when we covered all world politics,
can YOU answer the question in my signature?

Dogs sniff each others butts because it is polite.

I wouldn't worry about the U.S. selling them ballistic rockets anyway. You mentioned those little nasty suitcase bombs earlier...a few of those went missing out of Russia a few years ago didn't they? I am sure though thankfully that none of them ended up in the hands of any crazy iranians, who knows what would have happened!!

01-16-2006, 10:11 AM
I do not know where to even begin. I am still laughing though!!


You should always begin at the begining...
"In the begining the Earth was nul and void and covered with darkness..."
you may continue from here.


01-16-2006, 10:12 AM
The answear to the question in your sig ......

" to make sure they have no suitcase nukes hiding in there "

01-16-2006, 10:14 AM
The answear to the question in your sig ......

" to make sure they have no suitcase nukes hiding in there "

But that's why dogs are a lower species. They don't realize that all the missing suitcase nukes that Russia sold are in other countries!! (Iran not included)

01-16-2006, 10:14 AM
Dogs sniff each others butts because it is polite.


I wouldn't worry about the U.S. selling them ballistic rockets anyway. You mentioned those little nasty suitcase bombs earlier...a few of those went missing out of Russia a few years ago didn't they? I am sure though thankfully that none of them ended up in the hands of any crazy iranians, who knows what would have happened!

Yes, you are correct again, we need MORE of those cases as it would be easier to find them if few hundreds more manufactured in Iran get missing.

If there are 1000 more are missing, we'll find 3 missing nukes for sure, it all percentages.

High five, Westside.

01-16-2006, 10:19 AM

Was I close?

Yes, you are correct again, we need MORE of those cases as it would be easier to find them if few hundreds more manufactured in Iran get missing.

If there are 1000 more are missing, we'll find 3 missing nukes for sure, it all percentages.

High five, Westside.

Why would they manufacture more? If they are going to sell them, why not just "re-gift" the ones that mother Russia* sold them? I mean, ofcourse that is unless they are saving them for the right moment in which to show Israel that they were serious.

*Disclaimer - All assumations that Iran bought nuclear weapons from Russia are without grounds and complete fabrication.

01-16-2006, 10:19 AM
Buya kasha, you right once again,
Iran only exports 10% of ALL world oil and in desperate need of more energy, this is evident as 10% of all world oil is a drop in a bucket.

If I was the President of USA, I'd sell them ballistic rockets too, just to piss Russians off and beat them to it.

Now when we covered all world politics,
can YOU answer the question in my signature?

Yes , clearly ALL oil producing nations are leading the world in industrial power.

Pakistan has Nukes and look at how powerful they are .

I do agree that the climate is not right for giving the cpability to Iran though, I think we should find middle ground and help them develop from the already rich products they have. I mean was not the argument for invading iraq the fact that a free society that was USA friendly over there would be stratyegicly important ?

Iran is bigger, Iran had/has more democracy thinking individuals ( not this president, but one can say the same for the USA right now with the current administration in office)

I do not think it is smart to give Iran nukes. ( or any country for that mater )

But I do understand that if we are going to seek allies we should try to help rather than threaten and bomb.

a little respek goes a long way most of the time .... ( Regan did give them the current weapons they have right ? or was it the contras I get so confused )

01-16-2006, 10:23 AM
I am sorry, but the matters of National Security require my immediate attention,
so we'll continue AFTER I solve the Cuban missle crisis,
see ya!

01-16-2006, 10:32 AM
I am sorry, but the matters of National Security require my immediate attention,
so we'll continue AFTER I solve the Cuban missle crisis,
see ya!

There is no crisis...don't believe the hype!!

01-16-2006, 10:56 AM
i was going to write something really long, but then I remembered I don't get into political discussions online, cause I suck at them

01-16-2006, 11:00 AM
Anyway, glad you got a good laugh out of this thread Mike. I was thinking of you when I made it. ;) Hope I could add to your Monday morning in a good way lol.

btw...my actual stance on Iran is this. If they would agree to play by the rules, then I would say fine, give them a little rope. Let them show that they can play in the sandbox with the rest of the kids, but the second they shit their pants, beat the living shit out of them. But they won't play by the rules, they want to remain unmonitored and allowed to run around with nuclear capabilities willy nilly and that would more than likely end up being a complete and utter disaster.

The ball is in their court at this point. The international community has said, "sure, play by our rules and we'll support you" but that's not enough for Iran. They want the full enchilada. Plus with their attitude about sanctions at this point, I fully believe that they had a little something else in mind other than "lighting lightbulbs". :yowsa:

01-16-2006, 02:12 PM
I do not know where to even begin. I am still laughing though!!

What he said.

01-16-2006, 02:36 PM
edit: i'm an idiot

01-16-2006, 02:40 PM
JR, I got from confidential sources that Nick was just pulling everybody's legs

He is a "Monday Humper"

01-18-2006, 11:38 PM
Originally Posted by Mike AI
I do not know where to even begin. I am still laughing though!!


What he said.

What They said

01-19-2006, 12:37 AM
Just remember what happened to the bartender at the Bada Bing when discussing politics....

01-19-2006, 12:58 AM
Just remember what happened to the bartender at the Bada Bing when discussing politics....
He had to get his makeup retouched and do another take?

01-19-2006, 01:18 AM
My thoughts on this are pretty ...skeptical.

First article I read on this was This One (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/10/16/wiran16.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/10/16/ixportaltop.html) and frankly N.Korea's involvement is probably what worries the most. They've made their stance pretty clear by now on things like this.

As far as the US dictating who can or cannot have nukes, its a pretty simple (not to mention effective) war strategy. By ensuring that any non-allies can't get access to nuclear bombs, they keep themselves in the advantage. Its smart, to put it bluntly... not only in their own self interest, but in global interests as well.

Toss in the Russian's involvement (as limited as it may or may not be at this point, going by what that article says) and we can probably trace the roots of this "arising problem" back to the Cold War easily enough.