View Full Version : Some good news on war?

Mike AI
01-13-2006, 08:23 PM

01-13-2006, 08:51 PM
This is good news? When it comes to politics, Mike, you are so damn naieve. What exactly will this do (if true) to shorten the war, save lives, or secure the flow of oil?
This guy should have been done in a long time ago without invading Iraq. There is no good news comes out of Iraq....ever.

Mike AI
01-13-2006, 09:04 PM
This is good news? When it comes to politics, Mike, you are so damn naieve. What exactly will this do (if true) to shorten the war, save lives, or secure the flow of oil?
This guy should have been done in a long time ago without invading Iraq. There is no good news comes out of Iraq....ever.

Did Jimmy Carter dicatate this for you? You in his office? Or are you on vacation with Fidel in Cuba?

01-13-2006, 09:08 PM
Did Jimmy Carter dicatate this for you? You in his office? Or are you on vacation with Fidel in Cuba?

Ya see what I mean? Out of your depth in this arena. Better stick to servers and cars Mike. Your naievete shows through with silly responses. I have never been to Cuba. But if you gotta make yourself feel important, rock on. The difference between you and I is, I don't lie. You just did. End of that freeking story. But hey, I have seen you let the bullshit fly too many times to expect any different.

01-13-2006, 09:17 PM
And the other difference between us apart from veracity mike, is you are king of the drive by accusation. Make it and disappear.

01-13-2006, 09:34 PM
Did Jimmy Carter dicatate this for you? You in his office? Or are you on vacation with Fidel in Cuba?

Mike, he is Jewish Canadien..
'nuf said

01-13-2006, 09:49 PM
Mike, he is Jewish Canadien..
'nuf said

I have met Jews that are anti semitic. I did not know that about you serge. Is it guilt or what exactly that causes this? The jews for jesus syndrome.

01-13-2006, 09:59 PM
And I guess Mike AI has sent you in to do his dirty work and follow up on his drive by. Mike, come on, stand behind what you say. Or not...lmfaorof....again.

01-13-2006, 10:03 PM
I have met Jews that are anti semitic.

How is calling you a Canadian antisemitic? :blink:

Insulting perhaps, but certainly not anti-semitic :yowsa:

01-13-2006, 10:04 PM
How is calling you a Canadian antisemitic? :blink:

Insulting perhaps, but certainly not anti-semitic :yowsa:
Nah, he called me a Jew....

01-13-2006, 10:05 PM
Nah, he called me a Jew....

Well, are you Jewish ? :blink:

01-13-2006, 10:07 PM
Well, are you Jewish ? :blink:

LMFAO......I guess you aren't exactly au fait with past political posts on this board.....
Let me put it to you this way. I am as Jewish as Serge is honest.

01-13-2006, 10:11 PM
LMFAO......I guess you aren't exactly au fait with past political posts on this board.....
Let me put it to you this way. I am as Jewish as Serge is honest.

I have never known Serge to be dishonest actually. :unsure:

If someone tells you they are gonna fuck you and then they fuck you, that is an honest man.

The ones to watch out for are the ones who tell you to trust you, then they fuck you.

I always appreciate someone that gives me enough warning to lube up first. :okthumb:

01-13-2006, 10:12 PM

Why would you take it as an insult to be mistaken for a Jew?


01-13-2006, 10:15 PM
I have never known Serge to be dishonest actually. :unsure:

If someone tells you they are gonna fuck you and then they fuck you, that is an honest man.

The ones to watch out for are the ones who tell you to trust you, then they fuck you.

I always appreciate someone that gives me enough warning to lube up first. :okthumb:
If someone is proud of the fact he steals from affiliates, he is a thief. If you fall for the old grifter line that honesty is telling you you are about to be robbed, then you are much dumber than I thought. You are just fodder for the gypsies, tramps and thieves of the world.
To admire a thief is to admit failure, because only those who are unsuccessful would ever admire a thief.
Personally, I admire honesty. I can even err on the side of devious. But theft is for losers...no matter how much money they have. I bet as the final bullet entered his brain, that could have been John Dillingers final thought.

01-13-2006, 10:17 PM

Why would you take it as an insult to be mistaken for a Jew?


Did I say I wasn't a Jew? I guess you believe that serge is not honest. Game set and match.
You gotta be faster than that, S

01-13-2006, 10:22 PM
What does this have to do with the War ? ccan we stay on topic please, I get confused easy .

01-13-2006, 10:23 PM
This is good news? When it comes to politics, Mike, you are so damn naieve. What exactly will this do (if true) to shorten the war, save lives, or secure the flow of oil?
This guy should have been done in a long time ago without invading Iraq. There is no good news comes out of Iraq....ever.

you mean the elemination of a psycho, defiant, and murderous regime, a new constitution, democratic elections and wide spread condemnations of terrorist attacks among muslims there is bad news?

01-13-2006, 10:25 PM
you mean the elemination of a psycho, defiant, and murderous regime, a new constitution, democratic elections and wide spread condemnations of terrorist attacks among muslims there is bad news?

When did all this happen? I'm sorry, JR. I haven't caught the Fox Healines today. If it happened since noon, you have my sincere apologise for laughing through my hat.

01-13-2006, 10:28 PM
When did all this happen? I'm sorry, JR. I haven't caught the Fox Healines today. If it happened since noon, you have my sincere apologise for laughing through my hat.

laughing through your hat? you must have misunderstood me. i was not talking about your sites, your small cock and the content you call a wife. i was talking about Iraq.

01-13-2006, 10:35 PM
Did I say I wasn't a Jew? I guess you believe that serge is not honest. Game set and match.
You gotta be faster than that, S

No, I take it that you took it as an insult becaue you labeled it as anti-semitic. Anti-semitic is usually meant as something derogatory. As far as Serge and honesty, you have often indicated that you thought Serge was dishonest, I just took you at your word.

So, now I guess I can't trust your word, which would mean you lied somewhere along the way.

01-13-2006, 11:10 PM
I hope they truly did get him.. would be a good blow to Al Qaeda.

01-14-2006, 03:19 AM
Zawahiri's death would be a minor victory in the war on terror. It will do nothing for the situation in Iraq. It will do little against the overall worldwide threat of terrorism. It probably won't even do much for the situation in much of Afganistan.

Al Quaida is a difficult sort of critter for Americans to comprehend. We are used to linear organizations, where cutting off the head will kill it.

JR - IF the U.S. invasion does in fact install democracy in Iraq, then what you say could have some merit atsom point in the future. At this moment, however, the situation in Iraq reminds me more of post-communist Yugosolvia than of a pre-democratic state.

I also wish to propose the death penalty for anyone quoting Cher lyrics.

01-14-2006, 03:27 AM
No, I take it that you took it as an insult becaue you labeled it as anti-semitic. Anti-semitic is usually meant as something derogatory. As far as Serge and honesty, you have often indicated that you thought Serge was dishonest, I just took you at your word.

So, now I guess I can't trust your word, which would mean you lied somewhere along the way.

No, it means that you inferred serge was dishonest. read the posts. I am not in the mood to explain the obvious.

01-14-2006, 03:29 AM
Zawahiri's death would be a minor victory in the war on terror. It will do nothing for the situation in Iraq. It will do little against the overall worldwide threat of terrorism. It probably won't even do much for the situation in much of Afganistan.

Al Quaida is a difficult sort of critter for Americans to comprehend. We are used to linear organizations, where cutting off the head will kill it.

JR - IF the U.S. invasion does in fact install democracy in Iraq, then what you say could have some merit atsom point in the future. At this moment, however, the situation in Iraq reminds me more of post-communist Yugosolvia than of a pre-democratic state.

I also wish to propose the death penalty for anyone quoting Cher lyrics.

I gotta agree with you on this one. Mike, however, has done another drive by so there will be no response, because he does not have one. It is what neocons do. When McCarthy did it, it was called the big lie. It has returned.

01-14-2006, 03:39 AM
How is calling you a Canadian antisemitic? :blink:

Insulting perhaps, but certainly not anti-semitic :yowsa:

hahahahhahahahaha, Eyes he has but he can see not

01-14-2006, 03:40 AM
JR - IF the U.S. invasion does in fact install democracy in Iraq, then what you say could have some merit atsom point in the future. At this moment, however, the situation in Iraq reminds me more of post-communist Yugosolvia than of a pre-democratic state.

i like that "if.... does in fact install democracy in iraq"

they are having elections and have been for some time. have a new constitution, legal system etc etc etc and you guys talk as if it's not happening and didn't happen. is it perfect? who knows. thats not really my point. its there. it wasnt before. is a dictatorship ran by a ruthless murderer being tried for numerous counts of genocide against his own people a good thing and better than an elected government and constitution??? well..... call me silly, but i kinda think it might not be. does it mean the war was a good thing? am i arguing that? no. just pointing out that significant changes are happening and more people are voting in iraq and for their future than americans do.

PD, hate Bush. Oppose the war. Thats all fine. But these things are in fact happening whether they agree or not with your arguments and general point of view on Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheny or Powell or Allah or christmas elves

01-14-2006, 03:40 AM
hahahahhahahahaha, Eyes he has but he can see not

Serge, start making sense or stop posting. Misquotes are boring.

01-14-2006, 04:06 AM
i like that "if.... does in fact install democracy in iraq"

they are having elections and have been for some time. have a new constitution, legal system etc etc etc and you guys talk as if it's not happening and didn't happen. is it perfect? who knows. thats not really my point. its there. it wasnt before. is a dictatorship ran by a ruthless murderer being tried for numerous counts of genocide against his own people a good thing and better than an elected government and constitution??? well..... call me silly, but i kinda think it might not be. does it mean the war was a good thing? am i arguing that? no. just pointing out that significant changes are happening and more people are voting in iraq and for their future than americans do.

PD, hate Bush. Oppose the war. Thats all fine. But these things are in fact happening whether they agree or not with your arguments and general point of view on Bush or Rumsfeld or Cheny or Powell or Allah or christmas elves
I recognize what is happening in Iraq today, and there are some positive signs - but it is far to soon to be making another carrier landing. Nothing would please me more than for people to be able to say, five years after U.S. troops are withdrawn, how wrong I have been.

You will, however, forgive an old man his memories. I remember reading something like this in the papers and hoping it meant that the older brothers of some my friends could stay home.United States officials were surprised and heartened today at the size of the turnout in ... election[s] despite a ... terrorist campaign to disrupt the voting.

BTW ... that was when I was a teenager. Replace ... with South Vietnam and Vietcong (respectively) in the above, and you've got what the philosopher Yogi Berra calls "deja vu all over again."

Like Will Rogers said, "all I know is what I read in the papers." My skepticism over the situation in Iraq comes from what I perceive the actual situation on the ground in Iraq to be. You are welcome to assume that my refusal to don rose-colored glasses all stems from my "hatred" of Bush.

01-14-2006, 04:09 AM
This is a Viet Nam re run. Remember when the US fled from the embassy, abandoning all loyal employees to save their skins? Possibly the most humiliating defeat in the annals of warfare. I feel it coming again.

01-14-2006, 04:11 AM
JR vs. PD,
that is the most interesting program on Oprano lately.

You both make very compelling arguments,
but I find PD's just a notch more compelling,
as History is NOT on our side.

01-14-2006, 04:12 AM
This is a Viet Nam re run. Remember when the US fled from the embassy, abandoning all loyal employees to save their skins? Possibly the most humiliating defeat in the annals of warfare. I feel it coming again.

leave politics to PD and JR,
you are not even in the league, stick to your small cock discussions.

01-14-2006, 04:13 AM
leave politics to PD and JR,
you are not even in the league, stick to your small cock discussions.

Politics may be foreign to you, serge. But I already new that. Dude you are drunk again.

01-14-2006, 04:19 AM
that was cocky.....all 2 3/4" of it

01-14-2006, 04:21 AM
that was cocky.....all 2 3/4" of it

dork alert.....drunk russian posting.

01-14-2006, 04:22 AM
with cock! I always outlast you because I type with it. Have you tried pump?

01-14-2006, 04:25 AM
OK, I have had it. Serge you are too drunk to post. Have fun, but you are just another drunk Russian and I have spent way too much time with those. The worst, most maudlin drunks in the world after the Finns. Not something to be proud of, but dude, you are just another freeking stereo type. The new russians...sure...lol.

01-14-2006, 04:26 AM
I only post here to see your cock, it's small and envokes no penis envy. Got more pics?

01-14-2006, 04:29 AM
PD, my point was simply that these things ARE happening and have been happening. Your language suggested the opposite is true which it's not. like vietnam. not like vietnam. what might happen in 2 years, whether the US should withdraw tomorrow and whether or not it will rain next week in Chicago, has nothing to do with that simple point.

01-14-2006, 04:36 AM
OK, I have had it. Serge you are too drunk to post. Have fun, but you are just another drunk Russian and I have spent way too much time with those. The worst, most maudlin drunks in the world after the Finns. Not something to be proud of, but dude, you are just another freeking stereo type. The new russians...sure...lol.

you really should stick to whoring out your wife for strangers to jack off too and showcasing your tiny pecker to build your self esteem. (btw - the lens doesn't really take a few inches off) . it all seems it put a few dollars in your pocket although its hard to imagine thats how you made it.

here, you will always be outgunned and outclassed in every sense of the words.

01-14-2006, 04:40 AM
you really should stick to whoring out your wife for strangers to jack off too and showcasing your tiny pecker to build your self esteem. (btw - the lens doesn't really take a few inches off) . it all seems it put a few dollars in your pocket although its hard to imagine thats how you made it.

here, you will always be outgunned and outclassed in every sense of the words.

And you just keep on believing that kid. When you someday understand what outclassed is, then get back to me. You go play with serge now. He will explain what class means. He is a class guy.

BTW, I do agree with being outgunned. But then again any bunch of morons can do that. It takes no talent at all.

01-14-2006, 04:50 AM
..and what makes you seek the company of those morons?
Do we go where you "congregate"? you come to us, kiddo.

01-14-2006, 04:54 AM
..and what makes you seek the company of those morons?
Do we go where you "congregate"? you come to us, kiddo.
Yup, and you dance, serge. You see not everyone here is a moron. However, you seem to fit the bill. Now tell us about the virtues of shaving one more time. That seems like a good way to earn a living. Something to be proud of.

01-14-2006, 04:57 AM
I am proud that I can pee on your head for the rest of your life and you gonna take it, just because I said so. Now.....do you buy underwear in women stores because you have no cock?

01-14-2006, 05:02 AM
I am proud that I can pee on your head for the rest of your life and you gonna take it, just because I said so. Now.....do you buy underwear in women stores because you have no cock?

Serge, being a russian I am sure you pee wherever you want. on sidewalks on walls in stairways. Most people think that is civilised as I am sure you know.

01-14-2006, 05:23 AM
pissing in your mouth is an international custom.