View Full Version : how much money do you make....

01-10-2006, 01:13 AM
It really is what everyone wants to know....lol

Its anonymous so please tell the truth. The results could be interesting. I posted this poll on another board that is mainly "amateur" girl site folks and was quite surprised at how much folks earn.

So if this attempt at a poll fucks up...oh well, I tried.

01-10-2006, 01:16 AM
you mean gross revenues ? or how much do I take home and use for my living expenses ?

01-10-2006, 01:20 AM
I mean what you take home after your expenses or running your business. Trips to vegas etc.....well they are fun as well, but they are an expense. So I guess they should be included. So, the net.

01-10-2006, 01:21 AM
I am between 50K and 100K a year at this point and time ( net)

01-10-2006, 01:45 AM
remember you gotta answer the poll if you want to see the results....

01-10-2006, 08:37 AM
The option I need in the poll isn't there.

01-10-2006, 09:08 AM
I am not making anything, but I borrow a lot...

01-10-2006, 09:42 AM
I make $24,611 year gross.

01-10-2006, 10:26 AM
I make $24,611 year gross.

That's really gross

Sorry I had to do it
Policeman in the US are incredibly underpaid and under appreciated
At that rate how can you not do things on the side (top and bottom)?

01-10-2006, 10:31 AM
I will bite....and I know I said I wasn't going to reply in rhetoricals threads anymore, but you do know your shit man and I have actually enjoyed reading quite a bit of the business shit you have been posting

currently I am at about $75k a year, but almost all that is going back completely into my business, so it leaves me a little broke at times (and I apologize to certain people around here for that), but with the way i have finally learned to reinvest I expect in the next few months I will be able to break away from the constant reinvesting and have a nice bit of spare change to play with. I just want to break that $100k/year mark before I go playing

I don't do as much in the porn side of things as I would like to, I really have had more luck with mainstream....We did really well for ourselves when my wife and I were in LA and doing the whole talent thing, we actually made upwards of $120k in 3 months one time, but you can't sell your soul forever, and you eventually have to fall back on something you love instead of what pays the most at the time

I love what I am doing now, and I just started working on a porn side project with a very good friend and I really hope that turns out to be something we both can be extremely proud of...so far so good

enough rambling...sorry

01-10-2006, 10:32 AM
That's really gross

Sorry I had to do it
Policeman in the US are incredibly underpaid and under appreciated
At that rate how can you not do things on the side (top and bottom)?

Good benifites, and even free donuts in most towns. :)

01-10-2006, 10:33 AM
and also let me add, that at this point in my life I don't need much more than $100k/year...I live a comfortable life right now with what I make, and that extra money will just end up being blown on material shit...and as much as I love gadgets and shit, I can only have so much shit before I start looking around and wanting to break free and become a hermit in the woods

I am a simple man, an anarchist at heart, i don't require much more than the love of good friends and family, and some ice cold beer or room temperature irish whiskey

01-10-2006, 10:35 AM
room temperature irish whiskey

Them's fightin' words pilgrim. Whew...man I don't need anymore room temperature irish whiskey...that's a fact.

The irishman in me saddles up with the italian in me and they want to break shit if I get going on that stuff. :(

01-10-2006, 10:39 AM
Them's fightin' words pilgrim. Whew...man I don't need anymore room temperature irish whiskey...that's a fact.

The irishman in me saddles up with the italian in me and they want to break shit if I get going on that stuff. :(

haha, yeah, i had a scottish friend that loved him some bush mills, but the bush mills didn't love him....he loved some fightin when the liquid started flowin

01-10-2006, 10:40 AM
yeah, my half of one of our sites was $138,000. Thats what was in my pocket. You may notice that I am speaking in the past tense. I am between the 50k-100k mark now and working for someone else. The truth i know comes from making mistakes and living with the consequences


01-10-2006, 10:43 AM
The truth i know comes from making mistakes and living with the consequences

dude, I know this ALL too well

01-10-2006, 10:45 AM
with a poll like this, there is only one correct answer:

"not enough" :)

01-10-2006, 10:49 AM
dude, I know this ALL too well
LOL yeah it sucks huh? I would greatly prefer being rich and stupid then to have learned so much the 'hard way' heh heh


01-10-2006, 11:12 AM
LOL yeah it sucks huh? I would greatly prefer being rich and stupid then to have learned so much the 'hard way' heh heh


haha, yeah, the past few years have made me a really smart guy in the ways of internet marketing, i just wish it hadn't taken me 3 years...haha

01-11-2006, 02:54 AM
That's really gross

Sorry I had to do it
Policeman in the US are incredibly underpaid and under appreciated
At that rate how can you not do things on the side (top and bottom)?

Thanks Vick, but don't do it for the $$$ though. It would be nice to
be paid for what we do, but its a fact that Cops and Military get screwed.
Benefits? They suck too, here anyways. But the job is rewarding itself, most of the time.

01-11-2006, 03:52 AM
The results could be interesting. I posted this poll on another board that is mainly "amateur" girl site folks and was quite surprised at how much folks earn.

Whats the link to that poll ?
i'm more interested in what those chicks earn.

Mike AI
01-11-2006, 09:55 AM
I am retired, just waiting to start collecting Social Security!

01-11-2006, 12:06 PM
with a poll like this, there is only one correct answer:

"not enough" :)

Excellent point ! :-pearl:

01-11-2006, 12:24 PM
Thanks Vick, but don't do it for the $$$ though. It would be nice to
be paid for what we do, but its a fact that Cops and Military get screwed.
Benefits? They suck too, here anyways. But the job is rewarding itself, most of the time.

I agree with Vick. The people who do the truly important work in the world (cops, firemen, ambulance people, military, nurses, teachers, etc.) don't get paid squat. None of these people go into it for the money. They do what they do out of a peculiar affection for the human race.

The time I saw the "we take food stamps" in a military commissary I thought I was going to be ill.

But Kirk? You're one of the few people who can say "I made a difference today" at the end of your workday. :okthumb:

01-12-2006, 12:56 AM
I agree with Vick. The people who do the truly important work in the world (cops, firemen, ambulance people, military, nurses, teachers, etc.) don't get paid squat. None of these people go into it for the money. They do what they do out of a peculiar affection for the human race.

The time I saw the "we take food stamps" in a military commissary I thought I was going to be ill.

But Kirk? You're one of the few people who can say "I made a difference today" at the end of your workday. :okthumb:

Thanks Morgan! :)
Sometimes this job makes you wonder though. At least when I was building adult sites I was making ALOT of peoples days errr minutes. Now, I just have people pissed off at me all the time. Oh well, last night was a fun night. Had a call of an unwanted person at a residence, went to this call and the person that called was a guy that I got into a fight with and arrested 2 weeks prior. I arrested this other person after wanting to fight with us and told the other guy that if he needed anything else, feel free to call. He looked at me with a deer in the headlights look and said, "you mean after all the shit I gave you last time you dealt with me you're still willing to help me out"? I just smiled and said, you bet, that's what I get paid for. I don't hold grudges on people for having random thoughts of stupidity, after all, we're all human, right? ;)

01-12-2006, 01:43 AM
"None of these people go into it for the money. They do what they do out of a peculiar affection for the human race."
I wish I believed that. I am not sure why you believe this. I have spent a good deal of my life working with lots of these folks and many, if not most do it for money as well. There is nothing wrong with that. But altruism is a close second, imho.

Especially the military. I would say the "majority" do it because it is the only way out of a hopeless situation. The minority do it for security. Then the minority of the minority do it for all the reasons you think they do it for.

Spend a night with a bunch of soldiers in a battle zone and ask the question. Hell, the Russian soldiers in Afghanistan hated their jobs, but it was all they had.
Think I am wrong?

01-12-2006, 01:52 AM
BTW, I talked to a lot of them when they returned home. Pathetic. Disillusioned. Poor as church mise. The last thing on their minds was saving the world. Just an FYI. I have a few more of those stories about different armies if you like....

01-12-2006, 08:23 AM
I am retired, just waiting to start collecting Social Security!

2.5 weeks till the first of the month!:)

01-12-2006, 08:25 AM
whats money?

01-12-2006, 02:49 PM

You're a jackass. You wouldnt know the first thing about
putting your life on the line for a stranger. Don't open your
mouth about shit you have no clue about.

01-12-2006, 02:58 PM

You're a jackass. You wouldnt know the first thing about
putting your life on the line for a stranger. Don't open your
mouth about shit you have no clue about.

That seems to be his M.O.

01-12-2006, 03:03 PM

You're a jackass. You wouldnt know the first thing about
putting your life on the line for a stranger. Don't open your
mouth about shit you have no clue about.
Who said anything about putting a life on the line for others, VDM? Or was that a thread I missed? The rest of it I do know some about. ....the long good bye....

01-12-2006, 03:08 PM
Who said anything about putting a life on the line for others, VDM? Or was that a thread I missed? The rest of it I do know some about. ....the long good bye....

dude, seriously, i thought you left hours ago?

i am starting to seriously think you are completely addicted to this place

01-12-2006, 03:13 PM
dude, seriously, i thought you left hours ago?

i am starting to seriously think you are completely addicted to this place

he is waiting for the FFN's to hand out the directions to the secret diners of ancient antartica, so when he makes his next world travelling dream he knows what to say he ate .

01-12-2006, 03:14 PM
dude, seriously, i thought you left hours ago?

i am starting to seriously think you are completely addicted to this place

Tying up loose ends like this thread. Making sure that veracity prevails.

01-12-2006, 04:08 PM
dude, seriously, i thought you left hours ago?

i am starting to seriously think you are completely addicted to this place
heh heh i cant speak for him, but any time i get an e mail saying someone has posted in a thread i am subscribed to, i go there and check to see if anything additionally was posted... if ya did that enough it could look like ya lived here


01-12-2006, 04:17 PM
heh heh i cant speak for him, but any time i get an e mail saying someone has posted in a thread i am subscribed to, i go there and check to see if anything additionally was posted... if ya did that enough it could look like ya lived here


no, he posted in another thread (or maybe this one) about leaving right then and there for some trip, and he is still here

01-12-2006, 04:23 PM
no, he posted in another thread (or maybe this one) about leaving right then and there for some trip, and he is still here
oh... ok, well its page views!
You Go Rhetorical! heh heh
