View Full Version : Is Pornograpy a racist business....????

01-10-2006, 12:40 AM
It seems the only thing that really sells (in the western world of porn) is white girls.
Black girls are ethnic. Oriental girls are niche.
Anything that involves a black guy is usually inter freeking racial and often involves something really extreme. Nearly always to a white girl.
The language used is breathaking. Mandingo...ghetto ho's....nigger sex (google it)

So what is the deal? Its 2006. The sixties happened over 40 years ago. People marched and died so we now all have the freedom to sell

Anyone have an opinion on this?

01-10-2006, 01:15 AM
Anyone have an opinion on this?Opinions are like hemmoroids, nearly every asshole has them.

The buyer determines what sells, not the seller. If pornography buyers as a group are racist, then I guess you could say the pornography business is too, but that's a bit of a stretch. The basic premise of the question is flawed.

01-10-2006, 01:53 AM
Why is it a stretch Toby and why is the question flawed? Actually, maybe you actually answered it.
"if pornography buyers as a group are racist, then I guess you could say the pornography business is too"

01-10-2006, 03:09 AM
I don't see racism in what you've posted.

I'd be willing to bet that plenty of skinheads flock to the "mud people" (particularly ebony and interracial) sites, just as a lot of the members of gay and bi sites are probably homophobic as hell in their personal lives.

01-10-2006, 03:46 AM
[QUOTE=rhetorical]It seems the only thing that really sells (in the western world of porn) is white girls.
Black girls are ethnic. Oriental girls are niche.

black is the top selling porn
when it comes to niches it goes something like this
some other shit
than asians near the bottom.

And there is no suck thing as Oriental girls. THey're fuckin ASIAN

01-10-2006, 05:14 AM

pornography is somehow can make you damn money... no matter who the people are...

01-10-2006, 06:35 AM
people hate black strippers thats for sure.

01-10-2006, 07:18 AM
I Was watching a Play Boy special on this and there was this gorgeous black girl that every porn star said they loved working with. She said she got into the business when pretty much everyone only worked white/white etc.. and she was one of the first few to make the heavy transition. The girl was amazing.

They spoke about how alot of the older pornographers whow ere making the films didn't want to close the gap - my guess is the internet porn content providers starting doing it, the old school porn people saw the money being made, and now it is the norm.

From what I saw on the special there aren't any pornographers who look at it like they used to .. But yes as little as 5 years ago alot of pornographers 'segregated' porn... black + black or white + white

Of course it was only Play Boy saying this, so they could be wrong :)

Hey... I still can't click the damn smilies ?!?!?!?

01-10-2006, 10:17 AM
[QUOTE=rhetorical]It seems the only thing that really sells (in the western world of porn) is white girls.
Black girls are ethnic. Oriental girls are niche.

black is the top selling porn
when it comes to niches it goes something like this
some other shit
than asians near the bottom.

And there is no suck thing as Oriental girls. THey're fuckin ASIAN

So are indians, but I was not actually including them, unless you were....lol. And I suppose techincally you are right, because the orient is the middle east. But who is quibbling?

01-10-2006, 10:24 AM
[QUOTE=rhetorical]It seems the only thing that really sells (in the western world of porn) is white girls.
Black girls are ethnic. Oriental girls are niche.

black is the top selling porn
when it comes to niches it goes something like this
some other shit
than asians near the bottom.

And there is no suck thing as Oriental girls. THey're fuckin ASIAN

Interesting stats.....where do you get your info...I have not heard that list before. I would be curious to look that up. Could you post a link please?

01-10-2006, 10:25 AM

So are indians, but I was not actually including them, unless you were....lol. And I suppose techincally you are right, because the orient is the middle east. But who is quibbling?

Actually he's right because Oriental is a term used to describe a rug or a vase, not a person.

It seems the person asking the question has some racist tendencies.

01-10-2006, 10:47 AM
i dont think it is racist at all. Its fantasy. Just because some guy gets off on a black man hard pounding raw dogging some skinny white teen doesn't make it racist. I have talked to people who like that particular kind of content and he told me its because it seems 'nastier' to him. When i asked what he meant by that, it was because it was more forbidden and therefore hotter. It was his perception of societies view on the act that made it hot. I like vintage porn. not 50s-60s but much earlier for pretty much the same reason. Those people seriously put their freedoms, and in some cases, their lives at risk in the exspression of sexuality. Thats hot heh heh


01-10-2006, 10:53 AM

Actually he's right because Oriental is a term used to describe a rug or a vase, not a person.

It seems the person asking the question has some racist tendencies.

I didn't say ornamental. And what would lead you to believe the question was racist, btw?

01-10-2006, 12:56 PM
I really do not wish to jump into this discussion but I feel that a few things need to be said. From my 10- years experience I have seen racism to the extent that a salesman friend of mine has lost an order or two when a webmaster has found out he was black. (this has also happened to those who are gay as well).

Until webmasters/business persons reach the point that we are in this for the money and not personal/prejudice or political reasons.

01-10-2006, 01:08 PM
a salesman friend of mine has lost an order or two when a webmaster has found out he was black. (this has also happened to those who are gay as well).
Thats a special kind of stupid right there man. I dont care what a persons sexual orientation is, or what particular race they happen to be. If they can help me make money... i LOVE em :)


01-10-2006, 01:55 PM
As a broad response, of course there is racism in porn. Why? Because "porn," like most industries, is made up of people, and there is racism in people, to some degree or another.

Please forgive the above sentence. It's lumpy, but I think it gets the message across.

Now, with regards to the "labels" put on certain kinds of porn, that's nothing more than a device to help people find what they're looking for. If you want to look at beautiful black women, you'd appreciate a category on a link site that said "black," rather than wade through a lot of sites containing white women.

Yes, many of the beautiful black women would fit quite nicely into the category "babes," but that category is generally reserved for beautiful white women. This is one of the many things in life I can't explain.

This is a *business.* We do what sells. If the surfers out there want to see sites described as "nigger sex," then there are webmasters who will thusly describe their sites. Does that make them "racist" or does that make them business people who work with what sells?

I have no answer for the question. I do know that it was difficult enough to write that word in the above paragraph. I wouldn't use it on a text link.

A long time ago, I wrote custom interracial stories for a paysite. I managed to do it without ever using that word or words like them. I wrote about people who got hot for one another. Some were white, some were black, all were merrily fucking. The owners of the paysite were happy, and complimented me by telling me their members were happy.

No matter where you go or what you do, you will encounter racism or bigotry in some form. It isn't fair, it isn't right...it just "is."