View Full Version : Bare Bones Pay Site ...

01-07-2006, 02:17 PM
I am going to open a transsexual pay site again. I posted about this before the ownership changed here... and I am sticking to my guns on this one. I have already got the gallery done, and about 5,000 pics - all set with php includes for the headers and footers. As soon as I get a basic layout done, plug that in and at least the pic gallery is done. Time to move on from here ..

God it's been so long... and there is so much to re learn. Her is my thinking. The transsexual market is different, and is only done well by I would say 3-5 sites out there (Truly Done Well). So there is plenty of room for competition, but we all ahve to start somewhere - and starting small is my best, and only option at this point.

I am going to go with a barebones paysite, and add content as I make money - I figure I will charge $12.95 a month off the bat and increase the price up to $24.95 per month as my member base and exclusive content grows. Charging $24.95 per month for what I am offering in that market is a death sentence... This much I know ..

So I have my pictures, going to add some plugin feeds, all tranny and gay/bi

There is no way to start a message board ... Not on a new paysite, it is pointless. So that ones out .. I can't find my old XXX Stories I used to have, and don't have the cash at this point to buy new tranny stories ...

I blabber alot - so here is the main question. Alot of you have paysites here - we all started fairly small on them - Even those with budgets started small from their point of view and had to negotiate which items to keep and which were less important until money was being made. Videos & Pictures are the obvious must haves, where do you think the level of importance in pay site content goes from there ?

I am also trying to get my past member list from all past signups from Epoch - They are trying to get all of them for me... If they do, I believe I am looking at 75,000 past members I have dealt with... and a mailing offering a special price on launch.. Should bring in a nice chunk of change off the bat (hopefully). I am doing this on my spare time at the moment, but want this running soon...

01-07-2006, 02:30 PM
What to spend money on in the beginning.....hmmm...
bright, clear horny pictures, a really fast server. A slow server will kill you right out of the gate. A good mailing list provider so you can contact your membership regularly, and after the first month, have a grand opening or some such "sale" to grow your initial membership. IMHO, 12.95 is very low. If you are heading for 25 bucks, it will take years to increase incrementally to that level and your older customers will keep renewing at 12.95. You might think 19.95. I find that niche market consumers are less price sensitive than mainstream porn surfers. They are much more focussed on getting exactly what they want and for that they are more than willing to pay. Just my .02

01-07-2006, 02:40 PM
Ryan...hit me up again about that thing you asked me in ICQ. :)

(The red squirrel flies at midnight.)

Sorry. That line seemed to need some "spy stuff." :)

01-07-2006, 02:47 PM
Ryan...hit me up again about that thing you asked me in ICQ. :)

(The red squirrel flies at midnight.)

Sorry. That line seemed to need some "spy stuff." :)

RED ? Shit I'll contact you right away !!!

I thought they were only pink !!

01-07-2006, 05:09 PM
I would agree with rhetorical in that you could start with a higher price point. Maybe anywhere from $17.95-19.95. As a tranny site especially if you present yourself well and give a decent start it shouldn't be a problem at all.

Hell Puppy
01-07-2006, 07:18 PM
Dont know the tranny market, but in general quality matters these days on pics, and you need to lace in a video update as often as you can stand.

01-07-2006, 07:21 PM
Yeah, what he said about the video. Video is making the money on today's personal type websites.

01-07-2006, 07:51 PM
I would agree with what's been said here and you migh also add some VOD upsells to AEBN. They'll give your members moe to do, ad more to your bottomline and they are good quality feeds so they won't piss off your customers. In fact, they greatly enhance your members' experience. That also gives you an income option long after your customers have cancelled. I was getting AEBN checks for 3 years after I closed down my own paysites (they were pretty small, but still, that's a nice bit of recurring).

Dianna Vesta
01-07-2006, 07:59 PM
Try something new and innovative. I bet you 10% of your first year revenue that it works.

Success in niches is all about understanding the mindset of your member. This is why the most successful niche sites are sites owned by people “into” it. But hear me out because there is a solution…

I KNOW trannies. Since I was first coming out in the gay bars 20 something years ago. They are true exhibitionist and tranny lovers are turned on by this flamboyancy too.

Create a site that is free to register. Allow registered members to create profiles, a bio page, maybe a blog, personal. You’re really wanting to appeal to actual trannies, especially the ones who are performing and “working”. Anyone can upload photos to their gallery and anyone can view thumbnails BUT you must be a paid member to view full size images and content you add such as movies and pictures. Make the stories free so people will register. Throughout the site give them a reason to come back and logon to view profiles, maybe meet trannies and chat. Hell create a few of your own users.

Once you have the money to hire a GOOD programmer you give the people who upload their photos points that convert to cash every time someone clicks their photos. Once a few trannies start to spread the word, they’ll do the work for you.

01-07-2006, 09:24 PM
Try something new and innovative. I bet you 10% of your first year revenue that it works.

Success in niches is all about understanding the mindset of your member. This is why the most successful niche sites are sites owned by people “into” it. But hear me out because there is a solution…

I KNOW trannies. Since I was first coming out in the gay bars 20 something years ago. They are true exhibitionist and tranny lovers are turned on by this flamboyancy too.

Create a site that is free to register. Allow registered members to create profiles, a bio page, maybe a blog, personal. You’re really wanting to appeal to actual trannies, especially the ones who are performing and “working”. Anyone can upload photos to their gallery and anyone can view thumbnails BUT you must be a paid member to view full size images and content you add such as movies and pictures. Make the stories free so people will register. Throughout the site give them a reason to come back and logon to view profiles, maybe meet trannies and chat. Hell create a few of your own users.

Once you have the money to hire a GOOD programmer you give the people who upload their photos points that convert to cash every time someone clicks their photos. Once a few trannies start to spread the word, they’ll do the work for you.

Some good advice there but....

"I KNOW trannies. Since I was first coming out in the gay bars 20 something years ago. They are true exhibitionist and tranny lovers are turned on by this flamboyancy too."

That is not always the case. There is a huge market for the less visible cross dressers and transexuals who do not "do" the club scene nor do they really want a public presence. I have a very flamboyant friend who does makeovers of would be and transexuals who are content to remain in the closet and always will. Now that is a good market. I get business from that market and trust me it should not be overlooked. Don't do the obvious.

01-08-2006, 02:41 AM
Diana, that's a great idea to help create a community atmosphere which a site like this needs, even better it creates a community atmosphere which begs the user to register if they enjoying hanging out 'outside of the site' - integrating it without causing a traffic leak will require some minor tweaking... but can be done.

I have solid idea on where I am going to be getting my feeds from and I plan on doing some serious ass BS'ing to get them on my site as cheaply as possible the first few months. I won't be able to afford any of the exclusive tranny videos, or actual videos you purchase for your site.. at least not initially - but profits will be going right back into the site the first 6-8 months I am guessing before I can start taking even a penny out.

I surfed some paysites tonight, and really looked closely at them (which I hadn't done in a while) and realized video and picture is about all you get in the member's areas... People don't really even offer so much as stories. However, I didn't get into any niche specific sites yet - which I need to do ...

Anyone want to buy my Golden Tee Machine? LOL ...

01-08-2006, 03:02 AM
that's a great idea to help create a community atmosphere

Creating a community creates loyalty which not only sells, but keeps customers for a long time. It is a matter of trust.

Dianna Vesta
01-08-2006, 07:07 AM
Some good advice there but....

"I KNOW trannies. Since I was first coming out in the gay bars 20 something years ago. They are true exhibitionist and tranny lovers are turned on by this flamboyancy too."

That is not always the case. There is a huge market for the less visible cross dressers and transexuals who do not "do" the club scene nor do they really want a public presence. I have a very flamboyant friend who does makeovers of would be and transexuals who are content to remain in the closet and always will. Now that is a good market. I get business from that market and trust me it should not be overlooked. Don't do the obvious.

There is a HUGE difference between trannies and crossdressers, trust me.
Understand that he would primarily appeal (in case you didn't carefully read) to the large tranny market out there looking to promote themselves and drive traffic to their sites. Many have videos, offer phone sex services, etc.

All he needs to do is tap into that network and he'll have tons of great content.

Dianna Vesta
01-08-2006, 07:16 AM
Diana, that's a great idea to help create a community atmosphere which a site like this needs, even better it creates a community atmosphere which begs the user to register if they enjoying hanging out 'outside of the site' - integrating it without causing a traffic leak will require some minor tweaking... but can be done.

I have solid idea on where I am going to be getting my feeds from and I plan on doing some serious ass BS'ing to get them on my site as cheaply as possible the first few months. I won't be able to afford any of the exclusive tranny videos, or actual videos you purchase for your site.. at least not initially - but profits will be going right back into the site the first 6-8 months I am guessing before I can start taking even a penny out.

I surfed some paysites tonight, and really looked closely at them (which I hadn't done in a while) and realized video and picture is about all you get in the member's areas... People don't really even offer so much as stories. However, I didn't get into any niche specific sites yet - which I need to do ...

Anyone want to buy my Golden Tee Machine? LOL ...

Go to: http://www.smartisoft.com/ look at products and one called php bazar. It's 99.00 cheap BUT don't count on getting any support, they suck. It's pretty easy to install. Also get the additional program for banners and the one for "who's Online.

This script is a community based script. It has forums, personals, chat, etc. Add enough content to dress it up. Give it a cool name, promote programs through it that would appeal to you members like phones sex, web cams, streaming videos. Just insert and embed the code right into your content pages. Get a gallery program.

Now go promote to trannies that are entertainers. They are online, trust me, probably promoting there own sites. Tell them you have a tranny community...

If you want any more advice beyond this I have to start charging!

If you have a list that's a start but chances are if it's over 1 year most are dead. Also make sure they are opt in list or you can get in trouble.