View Full Version : ok so I'm not at Internext

Evil Chris
01-05-2006, 09:38 AM
The night before I'm supposed to fly out I get the worst stomach flu of my life. It's 48 hours later and I'm just now starting to feel a bit better.

The good news is that expedia gave me a full refund less the first night in the hotel.

I hope everyone is having a good time at the show.

Mike AI
01-05-2006, 10:52 AM
The night before I'm supposed to fly out I get the worst stomach flu of my life. It's 48 hours later and I'm just now starting to feel a bit better.

The good news is that expedia gave me a full refund less the first night in the hotel.

I hope everyone is having a good time at the show.

You could have gone, and spread your flu to a few thousand peple!!

Evil Chris
01-05-2006, 11:02 AM
You could have gone, and spread your flu to a few thousand peple!!Mike, as bad as it was I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Another bug my son brought home from daycare.

You getting out to any Lightning games lately?

Mike AI
01-05-2006, 11:14 AM
Mike, as bad as it was I wouldn't wish it on anyone.
Another bug my son brought home from daycare.

You getting out to any Lightning games lately?

Last one I made it to was the loss to Montreal. We have gone through a rough patch lately.

I have tickets to Bucs playoff game Saturday. I am worried because its going to be COLD!!! I will be breaking out the scarves and gloves!

Evil Chris
01-05-2006, 11:21 AM
I would like to see an NFL game sometime. Never have. I'm told it's quite an experience.
Maybe fly down to Indy for a game next season and do the tailgate thing.

Hell Puppy
01-05-2006, 10:00 PM
I've been OD'ing on Vitamin C and anti-oxidents for the past few days just trying to get my system in shape to fight off whatever grunge might be at the show.

Another problem with having the show in january and right after the holidays, it's almost impossible to NOT get sick at the show or from the flight to/from.

I try though, I have a bottle of Purell on me at all times.

01-05-2006, 10:36 PM
Another problem with having the show in january and right after the holidays, it's almost impossible to NOT get sick at the show or from the flight to/from.
I have never gotten sick from a show. I had laryngitis (sp) a few years ago but got that over Christmas. I had a sore throat last year but nothing Halls didn't fix.

Now that I've this, I'll be sitting next to that same Asian dude on the plane sneezing his brains out and I'll get bird flu and every other disease the pornsters have :(

Hell Puppy
01-05-2006, 10:54 PM
I have never gotten sick from a show. I had laryngitis (sp) a few years ago but got that over Christmas. I had a sore throat last year but nothing Halls didn't fix.

Now that I've this, I'll be sitting next to that same Asian dude on the plane sneezing his brains out and I'll get bird flu and every other disease the pornsters have :(

i have a pretty good streak of avoiding it going myself. I think it was the show at the Monte Carlo that both myself and dickinbush came within an eyelash of being laid up in a hotel room in vegas for a week because we were too sick to fly. Though there was some amusement when we got back to watching Dickinbush's wife actually run the business. She takes no shit. Everytime one of the crew who was around then gets out of hand, I threaten to put her back in charge.

You have a pic somewhere on your phone of the hellpuppy Vegas Kit:

2 bottle of Purell
Halls (or similar)
Blister pads
Medical tape
Gold Bond

01-06-2006, 12:42 AM
Chris, you didn't miss much.
I had no more then 30 people pass by our booth today.
This show is poop!

01-06-2006, 12:47 AM
Chris, you didn't miss much.
I had no more then 30 people pass by our booth today.
This show is poop!

I looked at your site. I have been looking at content mangement systems lately, but you have no prices posted. Or did I miss them?

Hell Puppy
01-06-2006, 12:50 AM
I looked at your site. I have been looking at content mangement systems lately, but you have no prices posted. Or did I miss them?

Nice catch, I didn't know envision had a CMS solution.

It'll be 31 tomorrow as I wanna see it...heh.

One of the things perpetually on my shopping list since I haven't found anything I like well enough to shitcan my own duct tape and bubble gum solution.

01-06-2006, 12:52 AM
Nice catch, I didn't know envision had a CMS solution.

It'll be 31 tomorrow as I wanna see it...heh.

One of the things perpetually on my shopping list since I haven't found anything I like well enough to shitcan my own duct tape and bubble gum solution.

Yeah, I need one but I haven't found one that does exactly what I need. But I do need to know the price before I start firing off emails and back and forth and waste time if it is not in my price range for my application.

01-06-2006, 12:57 AM
There is no price because it's expensive :) (comparing to what's there now in the adult marketplace)

It does a lot, pretty much anything you could think of, i can get you a demo, just fill out the contact form on the website.

We have not promoted it too much publically as we are releasing our affiliate program based on it, and wanted to decide if we really want to license the technology much :)

01-06-2006, 01:03 AM
There is no price because it's expensive :)

It does a lot, pretty much anything you could think of, i can get you a demo, just fill out the contact form on the website.

We have not promoted it too much publically as we are releasing our affiliate program based on it, and wanted to decide if we really want to license the technology much :)
No offense, but expensive is relative. Any good programme is expensive. Personally I just keep on keepin on when folks don't advertise their price. There are a ton of these programmes out there. Even the highest priced designers in Europe put their prices on their haute couture...in the windows. I hate email traps just to get the basic price. A car is expensive, and I bet you would walk away from any car dealer that didn't have the sticker price on the window. And I guarantee it is way more expensive than a software programme. So how much is it?

01-06-2006, 08:30 AM
Last one I made it to was the loss to Montreal. We have gone through a rough patch lately.

I have tickets to Bucs playoff game Saturday. I am worried because its going to be COLD!!! I will be breaking out the scarves and gloves!

cold? lol. wuss. i might have to break out a jacket ill be at the bengals steelers on sunday. :)

01-06-2006, 08:31 AM
No offense, but expensive is relative. Any good programme is expensive. Personally I just keep on keepin on when folks don't advertise their price. There are a ton of these programmes out there. Even the highest priced designers in Europe put their prices on their haute couture...in the windows. I hate email traps just to get the basic price. A car is expensive, and I bet you would walk away from any car dealer that didn't have the sticker price on the window. And I guarantee it is way more expensive than a software programme. So how much is it?

program doesnt have an extra m and e. you are paying too much for those two letters ;)

01-06-2006, 08:33 AM
cold? lol. wuss. i might have to break out a jacket ill be at the bengals steelers on sunday. :)


its going to be a balmy 48 as a high. dry and not windy as well:)

Evil Chris
01-06-2006, 09:08 AM
Chris, you didn't miss much.
I had no more then 30 people pass by our booth today.
This show is poop!You're not the 1st to tell me this in the past couple of days, Stan.
Maybe staying home was the right thing to do.

01-06-2006, 10:18 AM
Stan I didn't even see your booth.

Ill be sure and stop by today.

Chris... Evertbody else that was sick wasn't as considerate as you.

Each morning is purell... Drinking of the swill and pepto bismaol chew tabs.

Evil Chris
01-06-2006, 12:21 PM
I still miss going. That's my one trip to Vegas every year, and in the past few years I've made it about 50% business and 50% personal.

01-06-2006, 12:22 PM
I still miss going. That's my one trip to Vegas every year, and in the past few years I've made it about 50% business and 50% personal.
Use your tickets and head up tomorrow and spend a few days with us :)

Evil Chris
01-06-2006, 03:54 PM
Use your tickets and head up tomorrow and spend a few days with us :)Kids, family commitments... ;)
All the things I didn't have when I was single.

Thanks for the offer though Peaches. Sounds fun.
FB and I get our private getaway next month in the Caribbean.

01-06-2006, 04:14 PM
Last one I made it to was the loss to Montreal. We have gone through a rough patch lately.

I have tickets to Bucs playoff game Saturday. I am worried because its going to be COLD!!! I will be breaking out the scarves and gloves!

Cold? What the fuck are you talking about cold? Scaves and gloves? Sheesh... :rolleyes:

01-07-2006, 10:54 AM
I think I got your bug yesterday from bishop. The bourbon whsikey and vitamin c kept me going till midnight.

Last I heard they were all going to the players ball. I was too sick to even cater donuts.

Good news is a dose of the swill and a cough drop and I'm back here to do bidness. That bug is bad.

I haven't had a fatburger or a donut the entire time. And earl won't eat anything that's not farm raise or free range. I smell delmonicos in my near future.