View Full Version : just saw King Kong

01-05-2006, 03:11 AM
would be a great film if the acting wasn't so shitty and the dialogue so pathetic. its better to watch without sound. special effects were unbelievable and not dissapointing. it would be more than enough to just piece all the special effects together in a shorter movie. but jesus... the dialogue was completely retarded and the first 30 minutes, a complete waste of time and did almost nothing to set up the movie. it kinda did, but shallow hal is just so unconvincing that you want to hit fast forward the whole time.

i tried to punch the chick next to me when he said the last line while looking at the king kong dead in the street - "it was beauty that killed the beast". luckily she ducked and also understood completely.

peter jackson was saved by special effects - without them, the movie would have been the years biggest joke in my opinion.

01-05-2006, 03:15 AM
Script makes the movie. Bad script, bad movie. I haven't seen Kong yet, but I saw Crash yesterday. Probably the most intelligent script I have seen this year. Amazing movie.

01-05-2006, 03:33 AM
Just don't have it in me to see Kong in the theaters depsite the good special effects I've been heraing about.

Hell Puppy
01-05-2006, 03:37 AM
3 hours is overkill.

Too me it's a lot like Titanic meets Jurassic Park.

However, much like Titanic, you could dump the entire first hour of the movie and not lose anything worth watching.

01-05-2006, 04:34 AM
3 hours is overkill.

Too me it's a lot like Titanic meets Jurassic Park.

However, much like Titanic, you could dump the entire first hour of the movie and not lose anything worth watching.

and the second, and the third...

01-05-2006, 05:51 AM
when is DVD coming out? I have no problems watching special effects at MikeW's house with his audio system which may wake up the dead...

01-05-2006, 06:11 AM
However, much like Titanic, you could dump the entire first hour of the movie and not lose anything worth watching.

that was my thought. it would have been better to cut out all the bullshit and just run all the special effects scenes together and call it "a bunch of really crazy shit that will blow your mind" and then have someone like Nine Inch Nails do the soundtrack :)

i was on the edge of my seat with all the bugs attacking them. its amazing how real computer animation is now.

01-06-2006, 06:16 PM
My buddy and I decided that filmakers should be forced to retire after making an amazing trilogy...Lucas, Jackson etc..