View Full Version : Question about Xpeeps...

01-03-2006, 03:17 PM
Ok, just looking around on Xpeeps here a bit, and it came to my mind. What is the purpose of Xpeeps? Is it for networking? Is it for industry people? I can see where some networking can take place, but I also see where maybe some surfers can get involved in a community where maybe they aren't so welcome behind the scenes per se. I mean, what does everyone else think about the fact that surfers will be active alongside webmasters?

Is it a bad thing? Will it help break down what's left of the barrier between adult webmasters and the surfers that you are trying to sell to?

Am I way offbase?

01-03-2006, 03:18 PM
And don't take that post wrong, I think Xpeeps is pretty badass. I am just curious as to what others think about the possible relationships that can be formed as a result of the mixed bag of members.

01-03-2006, 03:33 PM
I think FusionX is getting his Vegas tattoo...so Ill take a shot at this.

Its networking in its purest form. You are networking within the industry as well as direct to the surfer.

Already shoots and newbie webmasters are a being cultivated over there.

Its the true convergence of mainstream and porn.
And IMHO the future of communities.

01-03-2006, 03:45 PM
I think FusionX is getting his Vegas tattoo...so Ill take a shot at this.

Its networking in its purest form. You are networking within the industry as well as direct to the surfer.

Already shoots and newbie webmasters are a being cultivated over there.

Its the true convergence of mainstream and porn.
And IMHO the future of communities.

And while I think that is very cool (bringing together different communities) it makes me question, where is the money to be made there by bringing surfers into a community that has, historically, relied heavily on "smoke and mirrors" to draw sales out of them. Revealing the Wizard can be a good thing, but I feel like, if Xpeeps gets as huge as myspace, the way you sell to users is going to change. How would the industry adjust to selling to a friend, instead of a blind user?

It's going to require alot more honesty than what I've seen in my time online thus far.

No more blind links, no more unkept promises. Xpeeps is not only a communication tool for industry to industry people, industry to surfer people but also surfer to surfer. A surfer has a bad experience with a site, program, model etc etc etc, it's alot more likely that his entire friends list and their friends list will find out about it.

01-03-2006, 04:19 PM
wow, i don't think I have ever seen a single term go from sticky thread to banned word so fast at that place...LOL

01-03-2006, 04:32 PM
wow, i don't think I have ever seen a single term go from sticky thread to banned word so fast at that place...LOL

Sticky is the word for it allright...

01-03-2006, 04:51 PM
Time to cross the streams

01-04-2006, 12:11 AM
Hmmm, how I'm dealing with it is I'm not adding many people as "friends" if they don't have any indicators that they're actually in the business, in their profile.

How will it affect the industry as a whole? Hmm, I don't see it being *too* much different from GFY in that regard, except that you can be choosy about who you bother to keep up with & won't have to weed out the good from the bad... (except when authorizing friend requests)

How will it affect the marketing? Hmm, I'll have to think on that one before I actually give an answer.

01-04-2006, 12:25 AM
Hmmm, how I'm dealing with it is I'm not adding many people as "friends" if they don't have any indicators that they're actually in the business, in their profile.

How will it affect the industry as a whole? Hmm, I don't see it being *too* much different from GFY in that regard, except that you can be choosy about who you bother to keep up with & won't have to weed out the good from the bad... (except when authorizing friend requests)

How will it affect the marketing? Hmm, I'll have to think on that one before I actually give an answer.

The big difference I see between it and GFY is that at GFY, or any online adult community for that matter, usually surfers are shunned. Banned. Never to be heard of again until the next day when they create their new nick.

On Xpeeps though, the adult industry is basically extending a hand and saying, "Come in surfer, come read what goes on between industry people, come see how models act, who runs what sites (in some cases), come be a part of it all if you'd like."

In that regard, Xpeeps is making it VERY easy for porn surfers to get close to the industry that has for so long kept them out. I know what you're thinking in your head, "Well it wasn't too hard for them to find out about stuff before", but I think this takes it to a new level.

I can see Xpeeps getting huge and I think these relationships that are being formed are something that should atleast be talked about at length.

Don't get me wrong, I can see both pros and cons of the webmaster/surfer relationship, I am just wondering other people views on the subject.

01-04-2006, 12:46 AM
Hmm, perhaps I overestimate the surfer level at GFY?

01-04-2006, 01:39 AM
interesting comments

01-04-2006, 05:45 AM
I can see Xpeeps getting huge and I think these relationships that are being formed are something that should atleast be talked about at length.

Don't get me wrong, I can see both pros and cons of the webmaster/surfer relationship, I am just wondering other people views on the subject.

Hi Nick,

Great question! I'm glad you asked it because I've been dealing with similar questions the entire time we've been building this.

The short version is that xpeeps is for the industry. It's a place, very similar to myspace, where industry people can market without overt censorship. It's myspace with tits, so to speak.

Along those lines, we let surfers have profiles. That's to gather page views and more sticky members - no pun intended. Size matters when dealing with advertisers, and we want everyone to be able to advertise and market on the site.

I don't see us even resembling GFY in any sense. We aren't really going for the webmaster traffic, in terms of using the forums, etc. We're after the "other side" of the industry as far as networking goes. Hooking studios and directors up with stars and models, etc. Letting cam girls show off their hooters, etc. We definately want webmasters and cash companies to market and sell on the site - I'd love to see all the solo girls have their own profiles, for example.

We're not planning to have a webmaster forum - GFY and Oprano and others do a great job of that. AEBN's history is porn stars, studios, and affiliates, and we're pretty much following that guide with xpeeps. But, everyone is welcome, and encouraged, to monetize the site and make some bank. Figuring out exactly how to do that is the challenge.

Gotta run - still things to do before heading to the show.

01-04-2006, 09:53 AM
Hi Nick,

Great question! I'm glad you asked it because I've been dealing with similar questions the entire time we've been building this.

The short version is that xpeeps is for the industry. It's a place, very similar to myspace, where industry people can market without overt censorship. It's myspace with tits, so to speak.

Along those lines, we let surfers have profiles. That's to gather page views and more sticky members - no pun intended. Size matters when dealing with advertisers, and we want everyone to be able to advertise and market on the site.

I don't see us even resembling GFY in any sense. We aren't really going for the webmaster traffic, in terms of using the forums, etc. We're after the "other side" of the industry as far as networking goes. Hooking studios and directors up with stars and models, etc. Letting cam girls show off their hooters, etc. We definately want webmasters and cash companies to market and sell on the site - I'd love to see all the solo girls have their own profiles, for example.

We're not planning to have a webmaster forum - GFY and Oprano and others do a great job of that. AEBN's history is porn stars, studios, and affiliates, and we're pretty much following that guide with xpeeps. But, everyone is welcome, and encouraged, to monetize the site and make some bank. Figuring out exactly how to do that is the challenge.

Gotta run - still things to do before heading to the show.

Thanks for that FusionX, that puts it in better perspective for me.

And damn..."Myspace with tits would" have been a great tag line! :yowsa:

Dianna Vesta
01-06-2006, 08:14 PM
I think FusionX is getting his Vegas tattoo...so Ill take a shot at this.

Its networking in its purest form. You are networking within the industry as well as direct to the surfer.

Already shoots and newbie webmasters are a being cultivated over there.

Its the true convergence of mainstream and porn.
And IMHO the future of communities.

What a novel idea.. communities in porn.

I think it's a great idea and I also think "pay as you go" is even better.