View Full Version : what'd you end up doing for new years eve?

01-01-2006, 06:23 PM
I went to some club in NYC which was weak. The place didn't even do a countdown (utterly disappointing, whats the point of ringing in the new year in new york city if they dont even do a countdown). I found out it was the New Year by looking at my cell phone. Girls were so-so, definitely not an ideal ratio. Ended up leaving 1:30 AM EST (thats pretty damn early for New Years) and watched a grateful dead concert that was playing on TV.

I'm just happy to be in 2006, and am ready to be gambling in vegas.

What did you do?

01-01-2006, 07:01 PM
Working, and getting ready for next week. I have a bunch of stuff going on next week and needed to prepare .

What day do you get into town ?

01-01-2006, 07:19 PM
Went to some friends hosue and played poker till about 20 minutes before midnight, did the countdown, talked a bit and then played Trvial Pursuit until 4:30 am and then wen to watch the Packers game today.

01-01-2006, 07:23 PM
One of those prix fix dinner with the in laws. good meal, excellent wine selection. good time.

01-01-2006, 08:09 PM
What day do you get into town ?

Getting in the night of the 4th which is no good, since I will completely miss the USC-Texas game. Check out this WSJ article about CES: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB113596614832734817.html?mod=home_company_news.
Says they are expecting 130k people to attend between all days of the show...

Hell Puppy
01-01-2006, 11:17 PM
The highlight was breakfast with Tony, Luca Brasi, Fredo and Paulie Walnuts.

And watching them have a sit down to talk about putting a hit on the little 3 year old bastard who was flinging red velvet cake all over half the restaurant.

01-02-2006, 08:37 AM
I had my 5 year old daughter, so it was daddy/daughter night, w emainly hing out at my buddies coffeeshop, then went out to dinner then back home to meet mom after work, then called back to the shop and my biddy was all alone there so I called up about 20 ppl that i knew were doing jack shit and we all went up to the shop for the new year, watvhed the ball drop via NY cams on the pc's and rang in a coffee filled party night lol.

just got home and time for bed.


01-02-2006, 11:55 AM
Had lots and lots of sex! lOl... Although I spent new years day with my husband in the hospital... he woke up in the morning with horrible pain (I was worried I'd broken him), we took him in, turns out he was passing a kidney stone. At least he spent new years day doped up on morphine lol :)

01-02-2006, 12:13 PM
i had a business partner/friend over for the night. Drank for the first time in a year
watched someone else doing the '20 shot of Jim Beam hurl'
went to bed


01-02-2006, 12:31 PM
I wasn't feeling well, so just hung out and watched the countdown on TV then whooped my nephews' asses at Trivial Pursuit

01-02-2006, 12:58 PM
Had a quiet evening at home with my wife and my son who is home from San Diego for the holidays.

Then spent yesterday with all 3 of the kids. :)

01-02-2006, 07:27 PM
Ugh, lol

New Years Eve was rough. I had committed to helping one of my friend's mother's work which required a very early morning, except that on Friday night the friend asked me to babysit; so I did. The "couple hours" of babysitting that started at 9:30pm lasted until 2am and they came home completely wasted. (By "a very early morning" I mean 4am) ....except "friend" was too wasted to wake up so soon after having passed out, so we all woke up at 7:30am when his mother phoned the house demanding to know why the hell the depot was phoning her asking where he was. That'd be fine, except I also had to be at my dayjob at the Brewery at 10am. Luckily I had figured there was a chance I'd be a bit late for that, so had arranged to have my coworker open. Turned out that I moved fast enough that I cut the time down by about half & only was about 15 min late getting to the store. After that though my day didn't really slow down any, I was starving so I stupidly wolfed down 3 pieces of pizza in about 2 min flat, and then had a stomach ache for the rest of the day. I made sure that the work I did was the work which could be done seated which turned out to be a silly thing to do because once I started walking home, my stomachache went away (apparently it should've just been walked off...something that would've happened a LOT sooner if I'd not spent the day seated) ...and then I went home & had a HOT HOT HOT shower (I have rather high heat tolerance levels... what I find "nice and warm" would burn most people). That was very relaxing overall & I was very tired & very sore & really just wanting to crawl into bed ESPECIALLY since during the day on Friday I had bought a feather mattress top for it, and it would be like sleeping on a cloud. Except I had already made plans & committed to go see these other friends of mine who I only ever really get to see on New Years Eve. They live in the same town as me but we never manage to meet up except on New Years Eve for the last few years, so I couldn't really skip out on that. So, I went. It involved games, and lots of good food, and even more really fucking annoying people (part of why I only ever see these people on New Years Eve, I am not really a fan of the other people they choose to associate themselves with) ...and it went on... and on... and on... and I eventually passed out in the middle of the games we were playing even though I was winning them all. I woke up to find I had won a lovely candle pillar thing, (its quite nice) at 4:30am and spent the next half hour trying to get through to the taxi company. I had 2 houseguests over that night and then my friend `Raine (one of the houseguests) stayed an extra day & night & then this morning I had to go to work with my other buddy (that prior committment thing again) and then I came home, watched some shows with `Raine, caught the bus downtown with her, had a lovely relaxing walk around the downtown area, studied the progress they're making on the downtown convention centre, studied the shapes & lines they're using in the architecture (It's going to be really lovely when its finished) and then caught the bus home... Oh and on my way home I stopped & wandered rather aimlessly around a mall for a while, and purchased a vacuumn since mine isn't working properly. (I bought it used, so this time I bought a new one...one that is BRIGHT pink, from Sears)

That was my New Years! :)

01-03-2006, 12:04 AM
That was my New Years! :) Remind me to buy you a "return key" for Valentines. :p

01-03-2006, 12:25 AM
Remind me to buy you a "return key" for Valentines. :p

*cracks up*

I'm sorry, I was tired & my feelings about my New Years is visually expressed in that paragraph.

"It was all just one big LOOOOONNNNG time frame with no sleep/breaks inbetween"

01-03-2006, 02:23 PM
We had a nice dinner at home and then I fell asleep! Didn't even open champagne but my husband made eggs benedict for breakfast New Year's Day and I made mimosas