View Full Version : State of the boards

Hell Puppy
01-01-2006, 06:09 AM
Ok, let's see if Oprano has any of the other boards as banned words.

I think with the transition it's a good time to talk about the state of the boards in general. I think discussions of other boards is a taboo on a lot of other forums. In most cases if you just read one board you'd think that board and GFY are the only two that exist. GFY is impossible to exist as the 800 pound gorilla.

However I think to make a board successful, it's helpful to look at what others are doing....what they're doing right, what they're doing wrong. So let me break the taboo here with my own thoughts.

Perhaps others will chime in with thoughts on other boards they frequent as well. I really only frequent 3 other boards at this point, in no particular order here are my thoughts.

GFY -- As I said, it's the 800 pound gorilla. Everyone in the industry is there, and outside of the really hardcore board whores that live there no one can really keep up with it due to volume. Love it or hate it, it has the most eyeballs and consequently it's worth at least skimming the threads on the front page when you have time.

What's not to like? The bulk of that volume that makes it so hard to read are sig-whores and part timers (mostly college kids it seems). Kinda hard for us old timers to relate to them, but in some ways they are the lowest common denominator of this industry.

JBM -- Give the devil his due. Whether you like Brad or not, that board is a huge success. MFM likely provides a conscience that keeps Brad from being his own worst enemy in running it. It deserved board of the year last year for basically being created from scratch and growing to be a thriving community. For the past 6 months or so I've found it to be the most entertaining read of all the boards, and the fact that the JBM show was a success demonstrates the power of that community. These are people who want to hang out together.

The bad part of JBM? Paid posts and frequent contests draw a handful of folks who clutter up the board with inane posts sometimes. I avoid the board during the last day or two of contest periods, it gets really bad. Bots are squashed though and they do make efforts to maintain a decent signal to noise ratio.

GG&J -- I'm kinda new to GG&J. I find it to have the most business talk of any of the boards currently. It may be the best place currently to go to get a feel for what's happening in the trenchs. There appears to be a lot more eyeballs there than the post count would suggest.

Which brings me to the downside. This one is somewhat personal preference, but I do think it accounts for the post counts. And that is they are true folder nazis over there. Post the wrong topic in the wrong folder and your message will get moved. I'm a "one folder" only kinda guy....I like to read nothing but a "main" folder, so I find this hard to adapt to.

01-02-2006, 08:56 AM
Interesting... no one has posted a response. Heres mine.

Lets recap...

1. I dont care how much anyone makes in this business. The only person Im worried about is me.

2. I dont care what anyone in this business thinks about me.

3. I dont care what other resources are doing or how they are doing it. My interest has and always will be the wellbeing of Oprano.

I think Ive proven that.

Here's the state of this board.
We arent going to sing it... just bring it! No discussion or debate on changes of direction. Joe and I are just going to execute. Vegas is too fucking close for us to even begin.

First order of business is that The Enforcer remains as our director of advertising. Matt is a true professional and has proven his effectiveness in running the general advertising affairs of this board. He has been rock solid during what can only be described as "one hell of a rocky ride".

Staying focused on business is our only concern.

What have I been up to?

The FFN's have released and started to market our affiliate program for Fat Fucking Cash. (http://www.fatfuckingcash.com) If your looking for unsaturated content then you should check it out. We have the busty blonde cheerleeder Austin Victoria (http://www.austinvictoria.com) ... my personal discovery and just turned 18 Lexie Vaughn (http://www.lexievaughn.com)and no stranger to many of you -- the ever so busty and squirt queen Squirting Carly (http://join.squirtingcarly.com).

Other things of note would be Spaz and company's Sexy City Cash (http://www.sexycitycash.com). If you have traffic that would be interested in hardcore amatuer content this is the spot to send it. I can tell you that BBW (http://www.FluffyAmateurs.com) and mature (http://www.matureswing.com) traffic is converting very well there with these hardcore sites.

If your looking to network harder in 2006 or meet other peeps in the business then look no further than xpeeps (http://www.xpeeps.com). Launched just over a week ago this site is headed straight up the Alexa charts. It's myspace with tits and will soon become the most powerful adult networking site on the net.

If you have mobile traffic I've been reminding people for the last few weeks that "There is only one X in mobile". Check out Xobile.com (http://www.xobile.com) ... its AEBN's mobile delivery platform.

Nobody thinks that mobile is going to be a "killer app" but it is yet another delivery platform to collect money from surfers which includes Ipod and PSP. Over 30K of movies to draw from and the platform will exclusively deliver the stills and movie clips of Earl Miller.

Speaking of Earl Miller (http://www.earlmiller.com).... have you seen the new tour that our own Nick Papageorgio has done? I can tell you that if you have surfers that are interested in porn stars -- they will love this site. The quality of the photography on this site is unsurpassed. Porn stars past, present and future all shoot with "The Duke". If your serious about your traffic and money then you need to check out Earl Miller Cash. (http://www.earlmillercash.com)

Who is Earl Miller? Earl is Penthouse magazine's single most published photographer for the last 20 years. Your surfer will get to see things like Jenna Jamison before all the ink. [Who remembers how HOT she was in Private Parts?] or their favorite porn star before silicon and in most cases AFTER. Each daily update [updated 6 days a week] features at least 40+ pictures of the featured model. These shoots vary from solo to toys right down to some hardcore action. And then theres video 2 days a week as well. Hell maybe Earl will tell us more about it himself.

So thats what Ive been involved with over the past few months... at least the things I can talk about.

Whats the update with some of you guys? I know everyone has to be staying busy!

01-02-2006, 09:55 AM
3. I dont care what other resources are doing or how they are doing it.

...and how do you intend avoiding the same mistakes other making?
...and why do you ignore what others do right?
Copying other people ideas and improving them was working for sooooooooo many companies!
I'll just give you a few names who of those never ignored OP mistakes and success stories:

01-02-2006, 10:08 AM
...and how do you intend avoiding the same mistakes other making?
...and why do you ignore what others do right?
Copying other people ideas and improving them was working for sooooooooo many companies!
I'll just give you a few names who of those never ignored OP mistakes and success stories:

I have the Rainman here to keep me in check.
As always you make good points. What Im trying to say is Im more focused on business than pissing.

Hell I havent even unzipped but I see JR has! hahaha

Besides Ill leave imitation to others that do that much better than I.

I do love a good spoof though.

01-02-2006, 11:07 AM
I mostly read GG&Jim, GFY and Oprano. Which I think is a decent mix of info. Attitudes to subjects sometimes differ on just those three boards. So it's good to compare the points of view.

I consider those three boards to be the most productive from a business point of view too.

01-02-2006, 11:54 AM
I get different things from different places:
Here, more old school types who I have a longer history with
GFY - I can let out my inner fratboy and just be entertained
DMPM - Most of the folks who hang there and I share the same tastes in music, movies, etc. and love him or hate him, FletchXXX draws eyeballs and generally entertains
GG&J - I read more than I post, but they are very well organized
NetPond - I got a little burned out on nickleposters, but still a great board for keeping up on everything and everyone and always wrth checking out on a regular basis.
XNations - Another board I read, but don't post on much.

I also scan the other boards once in awhile, but with all the work I'm doing for Adult Paymaster, I just don't have as much time for the boards as I used to.

01-02-2006, 12:07 PM
I surf 1 board almost exclusively and that would be GG&J. I come back to Oprano on a regular basis, its just not an every day kind of thing.
what I think GG&J are doing right;
I believe that's the place for sponsors (like our program --- thanks for the mention/recommendation Gonz) to hook up with both long time affiliates and newbies alike.
It has a great rep and has proven solid
GG actually uses sponsors programs and is up front with his stats and makes them public. a sponsor will get a serious boost if the numbers are good for GG
GG doesnt BS or kiss ass. If he sees a problem with something someone said... he calls them on it, and can make them look like 10 pounds of shit in about 15 seconds flat... all while remaining professional
I am the opposite of hellpuppy. I like that GG&J has different sections. Personally I dont give a flying..... anything, whose got a birthday today. nor do I wish my birthday announced where i feel obligated to go in and thank everyone i dont know for wishing me well. Dont wish me well, send traffic dammit!! LOL What I mean is if i want mindless prattling about some joke or someones birthday or 'Hi I'm new here' I'll go into that section. Otherwise, quit messing up the business part of the forums with that useless time wasting crap. but thats just me
GG&J weak points;
Sometimes very quick to call spam.. I have felt sorry for people there in the past... just not a lot
Sig rules.. While I completely understand and support the nessesity of these little rules. It can go a bit far. Don't have 81 characters in your sig is all I am saying LOL
Oprano...Man I have been coming here longer then even i think (but less time then I would like to be able to brag about) but I am not what I would consider a regular. Here is how I have viewed Oprano for while now;
Strong points;
This board has had a rep for being the board where business gets done.
Oprano does seem to be respected outside of Oprano
Oprano has people in it that have been in the business for a long time. I'm a newbie having started in 97, at least it feels like it sometimes.
Gonzo... met this FFN back on AHU and have enjoyed his friendship as well as business dealings with him ever since. Thats the only good I ever got from that crypt dead end of a board. When I wanna talk about business Gonzo's the man I call.
weak points (as I see it, blast away if ya like, you'll be ignored)
This has been just like a dozen other boards I have gone to in the past, clichish like a mutha. Its not so much what you know but who you know if ya wanna do that business I mentioned as a strong point. Its very very easy here to be completely ignored. A real turn off for someone looking to meet people in the industry IMO.
Business to bullshit ratio in the past has been very lopsided. a whole lotta bullshit, very little business. A lot of times the business threads are ego booster threads for one company or another. Make me yawn.
Extreme Bullshit. I joined this forum because, lets be real, I worked for the company LOL But being as I have never really been one to jump into a forum and start bullshitting. Bidness yes, BS not so much. The last time I went there I found out that any business related thread would get you banned....... I have not returned. I just dont have enough money or time to spend my day chit chatting about whether or not it snowed or the most recent scores to sports games. I just dont. When i am filthy rich I will spend my day joking or pissing on forums, but now isnt the time for me.
JBM.. I signed up for it, i dont think I have ever posted on it.

Bottom line, a board has to keep my attention and make me want to come back every day or is gets relegated to the 'when i have the time' section of my day. GG&J does that pretty well. Oprano, I can tell you right now, is looking awefully good to do it now. I dont see many other boards that even remotely interest me. & the one thing I have noticed quite a bit.... I see the same posters on a LOT of boards. I can pick one or two and get any question I might have answered, get opinions on things I want other eyes to see, and bullshit with the same people each day if i choose. I want Oprano to be THAT board for me.


01-02-2006, 12:07 PM
Jerry wants his eyeliner back. Hes flying out there to get it and he said hes beating your ass if you used it all up.

He had to do a video without it


01-02-2006, 12:15 PM
Jerry wants his eyeliner back. Hes flying out there to get it and he said hes beating your ass if you used it all up.

He had to do a video without it


I haven't worn eyeliner since 1987

01-02-2006, 05:21 PM
Best way to see what's happening at all the boards is to check out All Of 'Em (http://www.allofem.com/) and Boards Scanner (http://www.boardscanner.com/) now with a board-by-board overview. ;)

01-02-2006, 05:45 PM
Time tells all tales .

01-02-2006, 05:57 PM
I surf 1 board almost exclusively and that would be GG&J. I come back to Oprano on a regular basis, its just not an every day kind of thing.
what I think GG&J are doing right;
I believe that's the place for sponsors (like our program --- thanks for the mention/recommendation Gonz) to hook up with both long time affiliates and newbies alike.
It has a great rep and has proven solid
GG actually uses sponsors programs and is up front with his stats and makes them public. a sponsor will get a serious boost if the numbers are good for GG
GG doesnt BS or kiss ass. If he sees a problem with something someone said... he calls them on it, and can make them look like 10 pounds of shit in about 15 seconds flat... all while remaining professional
I am the opposite of hellpuppy. I like that GG&J has different sections. Personally I dont give a flying..... anything, whose got a birthday today. nor do I wish my birthday announced where i feel obligated to go in and thank everyone i dont know for wishing me well. Dont wish me well, send traffic dammit!! LOL What I mean is if i want mindless prattling about some joke or someones birthday or 'Hi I'm new here' I'll go into that section. Otherwise, quit messing up the business part of the forums with that useless time wasting crap. but thats just me
GG&J weak points;
Sometimes very quick to call spam.. I have felt sorry for people there in the past... just not a lot
Sig rules.. While I completely understand and support the nessesity of these little rules. It can go a bit far. Don't have 81 characters in your sig is all I am saying LOL
Oprano...Man I have been coming here longer then even i think (but less time then I would like to be able to brag about) but I am not what I would consider a regular. Here is how I have viewed Oprano for while now;
Strong points;
This board has had a rep for being the board where business gets done.
Oprano does seem to be respected outside of Oprano
Oprano has people in it that have been in the business for a long time. I'm a newbie having started in 97, at least it feels like it sometimes.
Gonzo... met this FFN back on AHU and have enjoyed his friendship as well as business dealings with him ever since. Thats the only good I ever got from that crypt dead end of a board. When I wanna talk about business Gonzo's the man I call.
weak points (as I see it, blast away if ya like, you'll be ignored)
This has been just like a dozen other boards I have gone to in the past, clichish like a mutha. Its not so much what you know but who you know if ya wanna do that business I mentioned as a strong point. Its very very easy here to be completely ignored. A real turn off for someone looking to meet people in the industry IMO.
Business to bullshit ratio in the past has been very lopsided. a whole lotta bullshit, very little business. A lot of times the business threads are ego booster threads for one company or another. Make me yawn.
Extreme Bullshit. I joined this forum because, lets be real, I worked for the company LOL But being as I have never really been one to jump into a forum and start bullshitting. Bidness yes, BS not so much. The last time I went there I found out that any business related thread would get you banned....... I have not returned. I just dont have enough money or time to spend my day chit chatting about whether or not it snowed or the most recent scores to sports games. I just dont. When i am filthy rich I will spend my day joking or pissing on forums, but now isnt the time for me.
JBM.. I signed up for it, i dont think I have ever posted on it.

Bottom line, a board has to keep my attention and make me want to come back every day or is gets relegated to the 'when i have the time' section of my day. GG&J does that pretty well. Oprano, I can tell you right now, is looking awefully good to do it now. I dont see many other boards that even remotely interest me. & the one thing I have noticed quite a bit.... I see the same posters on a LOT of boards. I can pick one or two and get any question I might have answered, get opinions on things I want other eyes to see, and bullshit with the same people each day if i choose. I want Oprano to be THAT board for me.


Im sorry I didnt see this post earlier.
We want to be that board for you and everyone else Spaz.
Hope we can live up to it!

Did I mention that Sexycitycash is doing VERY well for me?

01-02-2006, 06:31 PM
Time tells all tales .

Yo Joe!
You said that so well!!

Weg Cory
01-02-2006, 09:44 PM
JBM was able to harness a lot of advertising money before the board was even resolving. Everyone reads that board. Both owners are well connected guys, it creates a draw. Even though the "paid posters" can be somewhat annoying, the board is still read by most of the big guys / gals in the industry and unless you mill through all the threads, you don't notice it. I don't click on a lot of threads to be honest.

I feel most comfortable there. I also feel really comfortable on GFY, however I tend to stray away from trading blows with anyone so the experience for me is somewhat different.

HP, when do you arrive in Vegas?

Hell Puppy
01-02-2006, 10:13 PM
HP, when do you arrive in Vegas?

I arrive around mid-day Friday. So I hope to do a blitz pass of the show floor Friday afternoon, my hunch is that wont take too long this year.

01-02-2006, 11:00 PM
JBM was able to ........ Everyone reads that board.

Not quite, neither I nor George W. Bush read that, please don't ask me how I know

I also feel really comfortable on GFY, ....

Sorry to hear that, you have my sincere condolences

all posted somewhat tongue in cheek

Where does Weboverdrive or whatever they became play into this whole board thing?
Are they even around?

Weg Cory
01-02-2006, 11:33 PM
Not quite, neither I nor George W. Bush read that, please don't ask me how I know

Sorry to hear that, you have my sincere condolences

all posted somewhat tongue in cheek

Where does Weboverdrive or whatever they became play into this whole board thing?
Are they even around?


WebO seems to have a good crowd.

Feeling comfortable on GFY isn't a big deal, I pretty much feel comfortable in most any social settings, web or not. Oprano used to be the only place that I didn't feel comfortable. That changed with Nick and seems to be continuing.

01-03-2006, 12:49 AM
Alright I'll bite, as a relatively 'recent' "boardwhore" although the "whore" bit has ...not a lot to do with postcount & probably more to do with pics. lol

First board I ever registered at was PornCity. Good board, good mix of people there ...a very "family" style attitude. One I'm proud to be a part of, however I find it has its moments where its just endless irrelevance. (I'm sure I'm also guilty of having contributed, to be totally honest)

Adult Insider is IMO a great board. Its a fun, open, friendly atmosphere & very welcoming, there's people over there who I've seen "rejected" (so to speak) from PC who become both informative & valued posters at AI. Was an eye opener to be sure. There's a healthy mix of "fun" and "business" over there & it tends to swing back and forth every now & then between leaning towards "more fun" and "more business" ...kind of goes through trends, depending on what's going on with everybody.

GG&J I found very VERY business oriented. Very good as an information resource however I will admit that I did not find myself as comfortable asking questions over there as I would on any of the other boards. Maybe because one question I asked had to do with banner rotation scripts, I specifically said "Anything other than PhpAdsNew" and every single person who responded, said "PhpAdsNew" --it wasn't a very good "question/answer" experience for me & I read it but I don't really post there very often.

GFY -- I'll read it if someone sends me a link that they specifically want me to read. I registered there once a couple years ago & made something like 4 posts. Then I never went back until ...*thinks* I forget why I went back, but I went back over a year later, and the first thing I saw was a video of some girl shooting eels out of her ass. Again there was a very long time before I went back. I forget why I bothered to go back again, but I ended up going back & surfing through some of the threads & reading them & occasionally posting in some of them. Nowadays I only go there if someone sends me a message on icq with a link directly to a thread that they specifically want me to read.

MediumPimpin' -- Its definitely different, it has a very unique (at least in my experience) atmosphere, and an eclectic collection of celebrity nip slips as well as other celebrity photos... webmasters, and gorgeous ladies such as Crissy Moran & Terri Summers. I rarely go there anymore though, for a variety of reasons.

Oprano -- I just had to save the best for last. ;) I love this board, I love the attitude of the people on it, I would easily say that for all the "fun" that takes place, there is a great deal of information & lessons in it all & I would say I've learned more from my experiences on this board, than on any other. It also moves at a pace that I find is not disruptive to my work, like the other boards tended to be.

There's the boards through my eyes.

01-03-2006, 01:08 AM
and the first thing I saw was a video of some girl shooting eels out of her ass.
Folks are gonna want links to that ;)

01-03-2006, 01:09 AM
Everyone reads that board.

add me to the list that don't....haven't been there in almost a year...and even when I am done typing this I won't, even though my curiosity is now peaked

Weg Cory
01-03-2006, 01:17 AM
add me to the list that don't....haven't been there in almost a year...and even when I am done typing this I won't, even though my curiosity is now peaked

The term everyone is rather sweeping and can't be said for any board. I mean, you could say it for GFY, but people will say they don't read it.

You can look at advertisers on boards for some clarity on things. I was more talking about program owners and webmasters that tend to follow. They have a lot of advertising and a lot of program owners post there. A lot of very large webmasters post there as well.

In terms of business posters and readers, they have a very good pool. People aren't skinning GFY or throwing all these contest on JBM for no reason IMO.

But I could easily be wrong...

01-03-2006, 01:21 AM
Hey Joe---

Can we rename 2006 the year of Shock and Awe?

01-03-2006, 01:43 AM
The term everyone is rather sweeping and can't be said for any board. I mean, you could say it for GFY, but people will say they don't read it.

You can look at advertisers on boards for some clarity on things. I was more talking about program owners and webmasters that tend to follow. They have a lot of advertising and a lot of program owners post there. A lot of very large webmasters post there as well.

In terms of business posters and readers, they have a very good pool. People aren't skinning GFY or throwing all these contest on JBM for no reason IMO.

But I could easily be wrong...

any time I hit a board for the first time, or if I haven't been there in a while, I always check out all the advertisers...it really does give a clue as to the quality of the board. sure there are your basic advertisers that will pay every board to have banner there, but then there are a lot of quality advertisers that will only advertise where it is worth it. LOL, Just check out the difference between the top banners on Porno Junkies compared to the top banners on Oprano

I may have to give JBM a shot again, last time I was there on a consistant basis it struck me as rather "stuck up"...but then again, if I didn't know most of the people on this board on a personal level, the same could have been said (not now though, most of "those" people are gone nowadays)

Hell Puppy
01-03-2006, 01:54 AM
The term everyone is rather sweeping and can't be said for any board. I mean, you could say it for GFY, but people will say they don't read it.

You can look at advertisers on boards for some clarity on things. I was more talking about program owners and webmasters that tend to follow. They have a lot of advertising and a lot of program owners post there. A lot of very large webmasters post there as well.

In terms of business posters and readers, they have a very good pool. People aren't skinning GFY or throwing all these contest on JBM for no reason IMO.

But I could easily be wrong...

No one can argue that GFY has a ton of eyeballs. The fuel of this entire industry is traffic....or eyeballs. If you have a lot of eyeballs that are looking for whatever it is that you're selling, you're going to have no problem attracting ad dollars.

That said, I dont think advertising on GFY is necessarily an endorsement of the community by the owners of the programs or that they read there themselves. I think most probably use board tracker and thus conveniently show up when needed. Any program large enough to have a dedicated board whore will likely put GFY on their rounds as well due to traffic. I'm not sure I consider that to constitute truly being a part of the community.

I dont think anyone reads all the threads anywhere, I know I dont. I pick and choose what grabs my eye from subject line. And if you have a piss poor subject line that tells me nothing about the subject, you have no chance of me reading it unless thread previews are enabled. This is one thing that dropped my post count here to next to nothing when the software switch was made (hint: turn it back on).

Every board tends to take on it's own personality over time based upon the core participants. I've said it many times, a board becomes a community when it becomes an assembly of like minded individuals with similar interests and goals. There are exceptions to all rules of course, but I see 'em as follows:

GFY -- perhaps the most diverse community due to size, but it's dominated by young 20-somethings.

JBM -- a bit more mature, people who are doing business in much the same way as the GFY crowd, but typically a bit older. JBM was essentially a very successful spin off of GFY in my opinion because it came along at the right time and offered a home to those craving a bit more maturity and better signal to noise ratio than GFY.

Netpond -- attracts a lot of the european crowd.

Amateur Masters -- duh, this one is obvious!

GGJ -- mostly all business talk, not a lot of chit chat, good place to get in and get out with Q&A, etc.

Oprano -- In the past, face it, this was home of the grey beards of the industry. What will it be now? I'm kinda interested to see that myself. Both Joe and GonZo have those polarizing personalities with many people. But I think both have discovered how much business you can get done and what can be grown by working instead of pissing on the boards in the last year.

Hell Puppy
01-03-2006, 02:01 AM
I may have to give JBM a shot again, last time I was there on a consistant basis it struck me as rather "stuck up"...but then again, if I didn't know most of the people on this board on a personal level, the same could have been said (not now though, most of "those" people are gone nowadays)

Going all the way back to AOL, Compuserve and the BBSs before it, every forum, chatroom or online community of any shape or form has always been a bit of a clique as well. It's part of being a community.

They all get to know each other really well and when an outsider comes along, it's almost like when someone you dont know tries to pull up a chair and horn in on a conversation amongst a bunch of friends at a party. It's tough to crack. It takes time.

Historically Oprano was one of the worst at this. Someone new came in and they were immediately scrutinized by everyone. And if your sole purpose for being here was to whore something, you best have your A-game....the bullshit detectors are/were very strong. I have seen that tempered back in the last year, but it hasn't been 18 months since the old crew here practically tar and feathered Shemp after he was invited over just because they hate that TGP's give away so much free content.

Weg Cory
01-03-2006, 02:17 AM
Both Joe and GonZo have those polarizing personalities with many people. But I think both have discovered how much business you can get done and what can be grown by working instead of pissing on the boards in the last year.

You said it well and this will be the point of interest, unless there is some other plan to make money.

Subject lines attract your eye? You might also add the thread starter. I look for that. I tend to throw up a lot of longer post, the interesting thing is, if you look at the thread, often times you see a lot of replies from people that don't post much. I also get a lot of people at shows telling me they read it, but don't enjoy posting.

You can't always judge a thread by those who post. This is what I was trying to say when everyone was coming down on AlienQ, saying the thread worked him over; fact is, more people do not post and most judge all :)

One thing I can say, I have worked for two very large companies and have done some personal business with a lot of pretty large players. I have been in the room with a lot of big players (KK might be the only one that could verify such a statement, but I suppose you just have to take my word). Fact is, they all do read the boards. Fact is, they all remember those who argue and all are judged. Those who actually post account for very little.

Wasn't trying to sound egotistical with that last paragraph, I sure hope it did not sound that way.

01-03-2006, 02:22 AM
Fact is, they all do read the boards.

i know this all too well. I get calls all the time from people seeing me post on GFY, wanting to chat about shit on that board....these are people that have never made one post on any board in their life....everyone reads the boards, this includes video side and internet side....the page view stats on places like gfy must be amazing with the amount of viewers over posters.

01-03-2006, 02:28 AM
Eh, call me the black sheep but I'm still a believer in views making a board profitable.

Thus the reason I don't have one, I'd bet... that's an awfully big investment in either time or the money to have others put their time into it.

01-03-2006, 02:36 AM
Hi KK!! :waving: Always a pleasure to see you out and about!! :)

Hell Puppy
01-03-2006, 02:36 AM
One thing I can say, I have worked for two very large companies and have done some personal business with a lot of pretty large players. I have been in the room with a lot of big players (KK might be the only one that could verify such a statement, but I suppose you just have to take my word). Fact is, they all do read the boards. Fact is, they all remember those who argue and all are judged. Those who actually post account for very little.

I'll take your word for it. And I will say that most of the program owners I know or talk to are certainly at least aware of most major events on the boards and who the "personalities" are now that you mention it.

How much of that is absorbed thru actually sitting down and reading the boards directly each day versus what's gleamed from lunch conversation with employees, board tracker type tools, I still question. If they're reading closely, I need to talk to some of these guys about their time management techniques and get some tips.

Myself, I typically stay off the boards when I'm actually working...or I should say working hard, I'm ALWAYS at least piddling with something in the background. I'm a major multitasker. So I typically make my passes late at night or right after dinner, etc.

And yes, good point, I do also weigh who the poster is into my decision of whether to click it or not. And I'm much more selective about threads on some boards than I am others. However, as I alluded to above, I catch a lot via the eyes of others. If there's something I NEED to read, someone's gonna ICQ me the link.

01-03-2006, 09:27 AM
I post all over the place, because it's part of my job.

There are boards I like more than others, because of the people that post there. People I don't like...that post at length but seemingly do nothing in the business...will run me off liking a board very quickly.

I will say that all boards I travel teach me something. :)

Evil Chris
01-03-2006, 09:48 AM
Oprano. I've been reading and posting mainly to Oprano for quite some time now. Interesting topics and people. I'm here pretty much every day.

JBM. I drive by once in awhile. It's ok but there is a lot of post whoring / uninteresting 1 or 2 word replies to increase post count. Good football discussions.

GFY. No time to read it all. I tend to rely on people ICQing me threads I need to read or reply to.

XNations. Well I own it so of course I'm there. 3.5 years old and still doing quite well thank you very much. :okthumb:

Weg Cory
01-03-2006, 11:01 AM
Well, one thing is absolute in this thread, GFY is viral.

I am the same, I don't need GFY tracked, my icq will light up for "cory" or "wegcash."

01-03-2006, 11:59 AM
Thanks to everyone that praised GGandJ :)
As for the sig file limitation...that is automatic. We had to pick a number and 80 characters seemed reasonable without asking for anything in return.

We built the board for Business and it seems that most people agree that we do have a lot of business on the boards. And, I do like the different forums. It does make it a lot easier for those that don't want to see a picture of someone's cat or fake girlfriend :) And, we do allow spam. It just has to go in the right place. Hell, we will even post any newsletter (sponsor or not) in our news section. But, if someone posts a question about looking for a sponsor that has something they want, we don't like to see referral codes. If the person has nothing to gain except to help someone, the answers seem to ring much truer. I really make no apologies for our anti spam position. It isn't fair to our sponsors that pay for the ability to sell their product or service.

As for myself, I used to look at GFY and JBM daily, but thank god I got away from both. I see no information I can use on GFY and damn...if I see Brad post one more post tooting his own horn, I think I would shoot myself in the head.

Oprano, I look at daily and both GGandJ and Oprano are very friendly with each other. At least we were with Nick and i know we will be with Gonzo :)

I really don't read any other boards. I guess right now I just read Oprano and of course, GGandJ. Oh yeah, I still look at Sponsorchat from time to time when I need a good laugh :)

01-03-2006, 02:38 PM
I post the most on JBM because I have the most friends there and have done the most business there. After JBM I post at MP. Back when I worked at Candid I made friends with kevin and Lyn and they're awesome people to work with so I continue to support their board. I've started posting more at Oprano because or Peaches. Ok, just kidding ; ) but I started posting more here because the people are nice and quite a few of you really make me laugh.
I lightly post on DMPM, GFY, and WebO. I try to read Netpond once a week or so and have been trying to read GG & J more.

01-03-2006, 05:07 PM
Thanks to everyone that praised GGandJ :)
As for the sig file limitation...that is automatic. We had to pick a number and 80 characters seemed reasonable without asking for anything in return.

We built the board for Business and it seems that most people agree that we do have a lot of business on the boards. And, I do like the different forums. It does make it a lot easier for those that don't want to see a picture of someone's cat or fake girlfriend :) And, we do allow spam. It just has to go in the right place. Hell, we will even post any newsletter (sponsor or not) in our news section. But, if someone posts a question about looking for a sponsor that has something they want, we don't like to see referral codes. If the person has nothing to gain except to help someone, the answers seem to ring much truer. I really make no apologies for our anti spam position. It isn't fair to our sponsors that pay for the ability to sell their product or service.

As for myself, I used to look at GFY and JBM daily, but thank god I got away from both. I see no information I can use on GFY and damn...if I see Brad post one more post tooting his own horn, I think I would shoot myself in the head.

Oprano, I look at daily and both GGandJ and Oprano are very friendly with each other. At least we were with Nick and i know we will be with Gonzo :)

I really don't read any other boards. I guess right now I just read Oprano and of course, GGandJ. Oh yeah, I still look at Sponsorchat from time to time when I need a good laugh :)

Theres a few of us to be friendly with!
Seriously, I have been mostly hanging out at GG&J's for the past several months. I think RawAlex got me on the 12 steps to cure me from pissing!

Green Guy has sent me a LOT of traffic over the years besides the fact that I think Mark is a great guy!

I remember surfing Victoriaandjames from my early days at MCI when most people were bragging about having a home page.

I hang out at several different boards for different reasons... and some just not at all.

Serge said it best a couple of years ago..."No board is an island"...
and I think Lens is finding that out as we speak!

01-03-2006, 07:41 PM
I have been and will continue to be for the most part "Oprano exclusive".

I occasionally will make a post at gfy or at the pond and do read GG&J some but I am more or less a one board poster.

I will however, be refraining from posting news links etc. Prior to "the blowup" posting had gotten pretty forced, mods bumping mods, making up stuff, finding stuff just to keep things going. I apologize for that as I was a main participant in the whole thing.

01-03-2006, 09:50 PM

Oh yeah, I still look at Sponsorchat from time to time when I need a good laugh :)

:okthumb: You got it! :clapping: Sponsorchat is a heckuva good site and TheButcher is a super great guy, too! :waving:

01-03-2006, 11:05 PM
You got it! :clapping: Sponsorchat is a heckuva good site and TheButcher is a super great guy, too! :waving:


01-03-2006, 11:38 PM
We built the board for Business and it seems that most people agree that we do have a lot of business on the boards. And, I do like the different forums. It does make it a lot easier for those that don't want to see a picture of someone's cat or fake girlfriend :) And, we do allow spam. It just has to go in the right place. Hell, we will even post any newsletter (sponsor or not) in our news section. But, if someone posts a question about looking for a sponsor that has something they want, we don't like to see referral codes. If the person has nothing to gain except to help someone, the answers seem to ring much truer. I really make no apologies for our anti spam position. It isn't fair to our sponsors that pay for the ability to sell their product or service.

Oprano, I look at daily and both GGandJ and Oprano are very friendly with each other. At least we were with Nick and i know we will be with Gonzo :)

I really don't read any other boards. I guess right now I just read Oprano and of course, GGandJ. Oh yeah, I still look at Sponsorchat from time to time when I need a good laugh :)

Wow that bit about spam is an excellent point, one I (as a "board whore" if you will) hadn't ever really considered, I like having people put a different spin on things, thanks! :)

And Hooray for both GG&J and Oprano both, I haven't heard of Sponsorchat before...

01-04-2006, 10:19 AM

:okthumb: You got it! :clapping: Sponsorchat is a heckuva good site and TheButcher is a super great guy, too! :waving:

we are all for an open forum, but we like things based in fact please . :)

01-04-2006, 10:20 AM
I have been and will continue to be for the most part "Oprano exclusive".

I occasionally will make a post at gfy or at the pond and do read GG&J some but I am more or less a one board poster.

I will however, be refraining from posting news links etc. Prior to "the blowup" posting had gotten pretty forced, mods bumping mods, making up stuff, finding stuff just to keep things going. I apologize for that as I was a main participant in the whole thing.

I for one am damn glad to have your insight.

let that personality flow no boundries or forced topics here . :okthumb:

01-04-2006, 10:55 AM
Joe I am at the vegas launchpad for the next hour then oprano east meets oprano west. Hit the fatphone if you need me.

01-04-2006, 01:42 PM
Eh, call me the black sheep but I'm still a believer in views making a board profitable. They do.

And they don't.

Serious answer.

01-04-2006, 02:38 PM

:okthumb: You got it! :clapping: Sponsorchat is a heckuva good site and TheButcher is a super great guy, too! :waving:
xray, TheButcher is a thief and a lier. He has been shown to use phony user names and numbers. He also has not paid many people for posts and his contests have been won by made up usernames. Besides the lying and thieving, he is a wonderful person.

People like you that believe him is what I laugh about.

01-04-2006, 02:43 PM
Eh, call me the black sheep but I'm still a believer in views making a board profitable.

Thus the reason I don't have one, I'd bet... that's an awfully big investment in either time or the money to have others put their time into it.
Any board can get views. All Greenguy and I would have to do is send all our surfers to the board. How much is that worth to sponsors?

Hell Puppy
01-04-2006, 09:37 PM
Joe I am at the vegas launchpad for the next hour then oprano east meets oprano west. Hit the fatphone if you need me.

Any truth to the rumor that they kept searching your bags to make sure Minibon wasn't with you again?

That little fucker would've lost his mind in an hour long cab line at McCarren.