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12-31-2005, 08:18 AM
LOKI'S EBOOK TUTORIAL PT3 (How To Promote Your E-Book)

Okay so now we should have an Ebook made and Compiled and now HOW do we get it out to the masses? Follow these steps to get the most out of your ebooks.

(1) Peer To Peer Networks
Name your Ebook something like "Free-Guide-To-Yourniche-Porn" and put it inside your shared folder. Now the key to getting your download to the masses using this method is it HAS to have been downloaded already, to do this I sugjest, that you get a small group of buds together to download eachothers Ebooks, this way when someone is searching for your keywords and they find your book they will see it has already been downloaded. This gives you a better shot of having someone snag it. The key to P2p networks is: "The more people that are sharing your file the more people will snag it"

(2) Free Download On Your Website/s
Lets say you run a ll or a hub, or even a portal. add a link to your Ebook on your site, let your users know this is your FREE GIFT to them for checking out your site. IMPORTANT NOTE! Seeing as we have compiled our E-Book into an .EXE file we need to show the viewer that the file is 100% SAFE! Do this by providing a link to ANY antivirus software (Some of them even have affil programs :) ) Setup your link something like this:

(3) Add To Your Blog!
This is another good source for traffic make a post on your blog about this cool free porn book you found, offer up a link and at the same time you can also throw in a link to an antivirus software.

(4) Newsletter Or other opt in
Create a one page site to advertise your differant ebooks, make your viewers Singup to get your Ebooks, this will provide you with two things, 1, More people to see your Ebook. 2, A Opt-in email list for you to send info to.

(5) Portal / Forum
If you have a portal or forum add a link to your Ebook to it

Theres just a few ways to get the most out of your Ebook!

12-31-2005, 08:20 AM
errr, this should be 3-3 not a 2nd 2-3 :(
this is what happens whenya copy and paste from your old tuts after pulling a 24 hour work day :(
