View Full Version : what would you do if you were the new owners of Oprano?

12-29-2005, 01:27 PM
I'd turn it into
for Webmasters:
site teaching all tricks in the books how to cheat affiliate programs
$19.95 - recurring

for Surfers:
Passwd Trading site
$5.99 recurring

12-29-2005, 01:31 PM
from the looks of it they have started off correctly - but making this a board where there is not attitude like GFY etc. is what I am hoping for. I dont need drama here much less negativity, hopefully this will be a good place to do business too - so I would work on how the create a sense of business ethics and growth

12-29-2005, 01:32 PM
I would change the way the boards are percieved and bring honesty and integrity back into the term business. :)

12-29-2005, 01:39 PM
.... and bring honesty and integrity back into the term business. :)

since when "honesty and integrity" has become money makers?????

12-29-2005, 01:41 PM
since when "honesty and integrity" has become money makers?????

GW Bush is the most honest and integrity filled person in all of USA the news on Fox tells me.

and they are quite wealthy. :)

Both owners of Fox, and Bush Family, and for that matter all of his friends and associates are rich too.

and they even are supreme court judges filled with the highest of integrity allowed by law!

12-29-2005, 01:42 PM
Joe, that was an EXCELLENT retort! I am speechless!

12-29-2005, 01:43 PM
since when "honesty and integrity" has become money makers?????

good point.. ask IBill that question

12-29-2005, 01:46 PM
good point.. ask IBill that question

I bill...is that the company which turned fucking everybody in the ass into a New year' tradition?

12-29-2005, 02:04 PM
banner farm

12-29-2005, 02:12 PM
I would sell it.. it seems to be the "in" thing to do these days! :))

12-29-2005, 02:16 PM
I'd turn it into
for Webmasters:
site teaching all tricks in the books how to cheat affiliate programs
$19.95 - recurring

for Surfers:
Passwd Trading site
$5.99 recurring

I'd pay you to post here if I owned Oprano today


12-29-2005, 02:17 PM
actually I would see how to make it more appealing to the mainstream world - I truly feel that business men want to invest money into adult sites to get a piece of the billion dollar pie. Going to a webmaster board and location where they can get good info and industry leaders to chat with will ad a new dimension here.

I dont think that Wallice a 65 year old millionaire wanting to cash in is going to hook up with anyone at GFY for advice- if oprano is professional in character and name to make it appealing to mainstream investors.. it would be one of the first to do so.

12-29-2005, 02:18 PM
actually I would see how to make it more appealing to the mainstream world - I truly feel that business men want to invest money into adult sites to get a piece of the billion dollar pie. Going to a webmaster board and location where they can get good info and industry leaders to chat with will ad a new dimension here.

I dont think that Wallice a 65 year old millionaire wanting to cash in is going to hook up with anyone at GFY for advice- if oprano is professional in character and name to make it appealing to mainstream investors.. it would be one of the first to do so.
It's interesting that this concept was originally brought up when Serge and Michael first started the board.

12-29-2005, 02:20 PM
It's interesting that this concept was originally brought up when Serge and Michael first started the board.

well I dont think its too far fetched considering that wall street types are already buying up online casino's - where do you think they are going to head next??


12-29-2005, 02:28 PM
OK, I'm an idiot - I reread your posts and that's NOT what was originally talked about :unsure: It was more of a place for people who were looking for revenue streams OUTSIDE adult while keeping a small piece in adult - though Serge and Michael seem to have done OK for themselves out of adult completely ;)

12-29-2005, 02:46 PM
I'd pay you to post here if I owned Oprano today


I preffered the other way around when sponsors were paying us NOT to post ANYTHING about them! Selling "glass insurance" was very very good to me

12-29-2005, 03:46 PM
first thing? redesign it

12-29-2005, 03:50 PM
I'd turn it into
for Webmasters:
site teaching all tricks in the books how to cheat affiliate programs
$19.95 - recurring

Sign me up please Serge :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 03:56 PM
first thing? redesign it

good idea.. how about a deep blue color? with a few wild pop ups and annoying posters who are around 16 that have nothing else better to do than rub one out to pictures posted while waiting after school for their mom to get home then maybe sell it to playboy. oh wait.. been done

12-29-2005, 03:59 PM
good idea.. how about a deep blue color? with a few wild pop ups and annoying posters who are around 16 that have nothing else better to do than rub one out to pictures posted while waiting after school for their mom to get home then maybe sell it to playboy. oh wait.. been done
hahaha...not exactly the direction I was thinking...LOL

12-29-2005, 06:15 PM
Think of webamster board community as a night club in any of the towns you are in.

We are the guys that bought an old biker bar and will turn it into the highest end club in town. think of us as the VIP room and a dress code will be strictly enforced to ensure the quality of the establishment

It takes time to turn a club around, and we have no illusions of granduer . Save this post and reflect on it when 2006 is over and you will be very happy you have a permanent table in the club reserved for you. :)

12-29-2005, 06:20 PM
Sign me up please Serge :okthumb:

do you need my paypal?

12-29-2005, 06:28 PM
GW Bush is the most honest and integrity filled person in all of USA the news on Fox tells me.

and they are quite wealthy. :)

Both owners of Fox, and Bush Family, and for that matter all of his friends and associates are rich too.

and they even are supreme court judges filled with the highest of integrity allowed by law!

Hahahahahaha now THAT was awesome lol

12-29-2005, 09:27 PM
do you need my paypal?

Sure, sure - and a copy of the terms and conditions I'm agreeing to before I sign up eheheheheh :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 09:47 PM
Think of webamster board community as a night club in any of the towns you are in.

We are the guys that bought an old biker bar and will turn it into the highest end club in town. think of us as the VIP room and a dress code will be strictly enforced to ensure the quality of the establishment

It takes time to turn a club around, and we have no illusions of granduer . Save this post and reflect on it when 2006 is over and you will be very happy you have a permanent table in the club reserved for you. :)

webamster - Freudian slip?? very close to web hamster

also how should we patrons of the former old biker bar feel about that? ;-)

12-29-2005, 10:02 PM
webamster - Freudian slip?? very close to web hamster

also how should we patrons of the former old biker bar feel about that? ;-)

the gentlemen in the crowd should jsut grab their loung Jacket out of the closet and enjoy the atmosphere. Some Bikers clean up real nice. :)

12-29-2005, 10:45 PM
I got your dress code ...

12-29-2005, 11:00 PM
webamster - Freudian slip?? very close to web hamster

also how should we patrons of the former old biker bar feel about that? ;-)
I think Joe means we are sweeping up the peanuts.
Speaking as a patron of the biker bar.

12-29-2005, 11:12 PM
Add tools and tuts, (i got um if ya want um)

Cater to the evil newbies that will crop up, but instead of hating them mold them into your own lil army of SMART webmasters.

Fill the voids that all the other boards fail to fil lfor what ever reason.

and for the love of god disband the "clicks" and "celebrities" lol

and most of all public floggings for anyone that makes the following posts...

"Would ya hit it"
"Pics of my new ________" <--- insert sports car there
or any instance of the words "See Sig"

but thats just my twisted ass brain lol


12-29-2005, 11:13 PM
oh and I'd bring back "cross postings"


Hell Puppy
12-30-2005, 12:35 AM
First thing I'd do is sit down and map out a plan....

Figure out exactly what you want this joint to be and how you're gonna get it there.

A few thoughts from the cheap seats:

--You're not gonna draw mainstream. Forget those thoughts. Even the mainstream webmasters who "get it" aren't gonna deal with the adult stigma. A mainstream forum would be best opened as a totally new clean venture, there's no advantage to lending the oprano name to it. I've discussed "porn taint" before. Things we as industry insiders accept and think nothing of shocks the outsiders. And this place has the porn taint.

--Whatever you do, remember a forum is a community. Joe is on target in that regard with the bar scenario. Make your patrons feel like they are at home and they belong and they'll come in forever. Start shaking them down, alienate them or just remove their sense of "belonging" and they'll leave.

--Oprano's core strength was always the history that is here. More-so than any board, there are/were people here who have been around all the way back to 97 and before. Most have made big money at some point, some even still have some of it. In all cases you cant bullshit them, and they love it when some newbie tries.

Forums draw people together of like mindsets. What separates this place? GFY has the volume, but there's a market for an older crowd who is interested in things other than what Juicy did this weekend, whose online and drunk or determining if "you'd hit it". There are other boards out there who have carved out a niche for themselves, Oprano needs to do the same.

Much of the old guard has been run off. I wouldn't look for them to come back. Those who are still doing major business are often too busy for boards or have diversified out of adult. There are those who are still "piddling" who hang around because they still have friends here. And there are some who are "active" in the business right now, but frankly those are rare on this board of late.

So if you want oprano to mean business again, what do you do to bring those who want to have adult discussions and do business together back or in some cases in for the first time. And if you do, will they be welcomed or pounced on and beat to a pulp until they leave?

12-30-2005, 12:42 AM
Excellent point of view Hell puppy.

well they certainly wont be run off if they are here to do business, if they are here to tell us how big their penis is, or who they know or how great they are and are just filled with bullshit . then we will ask them to play nice if they insist on pissing on the floor and puking drunk or grabbing the waitress ass then we will ask them to leave for the night, if the are continually doing so we are not here for a popularity contest amongst the hip crowd, we are here to cater to a higher clientel. that was my bar reference ( nothing against biker bars LOL I love em personally , it was just an analogy)

I do have one question though. is " porn taint" what a porn queef comes out of ?

12-30-2005, 01:56 AM
I think the best thing to do is live by the Nike rule.

Just Do It.

Funny thing about the bar business - it's living proof of the old "a fool and his money" maxim.

I've seen lots of folks spend lots of money dreaming of building the "highest end club in town".

Once in a while it's even worked.

The rest of the time they find themselves serving nobody but their own small circle of friends, and they'd give their left nut to get the biker crowd back.

Don't talk about it. Don't lower yourself by spending time denigrating what others do, or what others have tried.

Just Do It.

12-30-2005, 02:01 AM
my opinion about boards:

people always seem to lose sight of the fact that a message board is about "community"... not how many posts, post counts and posting news articles all day long for a lack of anything interesting to say. no one comes to a forum because of alexa rankings. people come because of who is there and whats being said.

having a bunch of moderators who are encouraged to post turns me off more than anything else. the whole board fills up with boring threads and obligatory "feel good" replies by the same people... again and again and again. thats why i stopped reading this board. lots of threads and nothing to read.

at the end of the day, i believe you need 4-5 very dynamic personalities who can keep things moving and interesting without EVER looking like thats what they are trying to do. mike and serge did that better than anyone i have seen. the more diverse these people are in their views, the more you will have people jumping in to conversations as they will always either strongly agree or strongly dissagree with whats being said and the more they will want to be a part of conversations. the more that happens, the more likely they will come back and keep reading and keep being a part of conversations. that was the dynamic that existed with mike/serge and the others at the time. it was always explosive, controversial, entertaining and interesting.

to see to brilliant people like PD and Morgan who express themselves so well, posting news articles everyday is dissapointing.


12-30-2005, 02:18 AM
my opinion about boards:

people always seem to lose sight of the fact that a message board is about "community"... not how many posts, post counts and posting news articles all day long for a lack of anything interesting to say. no one comes to a forum because of alexa rankings. people come because of who is there and whats being said.

having a bunch of moderators who are encouraged to post turns me off more than anything else. the whole board fills up with boring threads and obligatory "feel good" replies by the same people... again and again and again. thats why i stopped reading this board. lots of threads and nothing to read.

at the end of the day, i believe you need 4-5 very dynamic personalities who can keep things moving and interesting without EVER looking like thats what they are trying to do. mike and serge did that better than anyone i have seen. the more diverse these people are in their views, the more you will have people jumping in to conversations as they will always either strongly agree or strongly dissagree with whats being said and the more they will want to be a part of conversations. the more that happens, the more likely they will come back and keep reading and keep being a part of conversations. that was the dynamic that existed with mike/serge and the others at the time. it was always explosive, controversial, entertaining and interesting.

to see to brilliant people like PD and Morgan who express themselves so well, posting news articles everyday is dissapointing.

Some very good points.

I don't want to read a bunch of altar boys chiming in about how good the sermon was today.

For the record, the only reason I have every posted news articles is because I thought they were interesting.

Interestingly enough, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to quit being a slut and to start getting paid for it. :)

Hell Puppy
12-30-2005, 03:16 AM
my opinion about boards:

people always seem to lose sight of the fact that a message board is about "community"... not how many posts, post counts and posting news articles all day long for a lack of anything interesting to say. no one comes to a forum because of alexa rankings. people come because of who is there and whats being said.

having a bunch of moderators who are encouraged to post turns me off more than anything else. the whole board fills up with boring threads and obligatory "feel good" replies by the same people... again and again and again. thats why i stopped reading this board. lots of threads and nothing to read.

at the end of the day, i believe you need 4-5 very dynamic personalities who can keep things moving and interesting without EVER looking like thats what they are trying to do. mike and serge did that better than anyone i have seen. the more diverse these people are in their views, the more you will have people jumping in to conversations as they will always either strongly agree or strongly dissagree with whats being said and the more they will want to be a part of conversations. the more that happens, the more likely they will come back and keep reading and keep being a part of conversations. that was the dynamic that existed with mike/serge and the others at the time. it was always explosive, controversial, entertaining and interesting.

to see to brilliant people like PD and Morgan who express themselves so well, posting news articles everyday is dissapointing.



I would also add that if the thought of receiving a coffee mug is enough to incent someone to post, whatever they have to say isn't likely to be all that interesting.

12-30-2005, 03:33 AM

I would also add that if the thought of receiving a coffee mug is enough to incent someone to post, whatever they have to say isn't likely to be all that interesting.

Skeet shooting?

12-30-2005, 05:13 AM
Pardon me while I repeat myself.

Don't lower yourself by spending time denigrating what others do, or what others have tried.

Talking about doing something new and different ain't the same thing as DOING something new and different.

Besides that - it's a fan-fucking-tastic gawdamn cup.

12-30-2005, 07:09 AM
Think of webamster board community as a night club in any of the towns you are in.

We are the guys that bought an old biker bar and will turn it into the highest end club in town. think of us as the VIP room and a dress code will be strictly enforced to ensure the quality of the establishment

It takes time to turn a club around, and we have no illusions of granduer . Save this post and reflect on it when 2006 is over and you will be very happy you have a permanent table in the club reserved for you. :)
bad idea, bad concept, bad everything. make it exclusive or start banning and where's the ROI for sponsors looking for the numbers?
I wanna post here. I wanna make business connections here. I want to make sure that my time invested pays off. I don't need an exclusive ego trip site where I can think I am someone special because 'I have a permanent table in the club'. What I need is a place where I can network and attract affiliates.
My advice... Make it a place where LOTS of affiliates and sponsors can come together, get to know each other, bullshit a little, swap business ideas, news, gossip and jokes and generally want to come back each day.
Oprano can continue to be the same ole perceived elite 10 or so posters dominating the conversations... but thats just the same ole


12-30-2005, 12:02 PM
I think the best thing to do is live by the Nike rule.

Just Do It.

Funny thing about the bar business - it's living proof of the old "a fool and his money" maxim.

I've seen lots of folks spend lots of money dreaming of building the "highest end club in town".

Once in a while it's even worked.

The rest of the time they find themselves serving nobody but their own small circle of friends, and they'd give their left nut to get the biker crowd back.

Don't talk about it. Don't lower yourself by spending time denigrating what others do, or what others have tried.

Just Do It.

:-pearl: 100% correct as usual PD

12-30-2005, 12:12 PM
bad idea, bad concept, bad everything. make it exclusive or start banning and where's the ROI for sponsors looking for the numbers?
I wanna post here. I wanna make business connections here. I want to make sure that my time invested pays off. I don't need an exclusive ego trip site where I can think I am someone special because 'I have a permanent table in the club'. What I need is a place where I can network and attract affiliates.
My advice... Make it a place where LOTS of affiliates and sponsors can come together, get to know each other, bullshit a little, swap business ideas, news, gossip and jokes and generally want to come back each day.
Oprano can continue to be the same ole perceived elite 10 or so posters dominating the conversations... but thats just the same ole


The ROI comes from the 10% that actuially have business to do, not the other 90% that dirty up the urnials and make the line long to get a drink. or always ask the bartender for free drinks, or look to raid the free bowl of peanuts on the bar.

Nothing Elite about it, let me be clear if a pesron is in business and trying to do business big or small they are welcomed here and encouraged to get their point of views across.

if they are here to sling shit based in no factual basis or envy has warped their mind, or they want to tell us how big there penis is they stand in line and pay the cover charge when the room is empty to get in.

if they are here doing business and they want to speak of some funny or sarcastic stuff that is a different story. The key here is they must be insterested in doing business as well.

I dont give a fuck about their laurels or who they knew in 97 ( that was almost ten years ago BTW ) I wanna know what they are dong now and how they plan to grow in this business. If they got something mainstream going too great lets hear about it, if they are here to tell me adult sucks and we should all jump ship and go to mainstream, then they are in the wrong place, Period.

I agree with you JR , all people do not need to be robots and that is not what I am sugesting at all. ( I saw that movie already too just like eveyone else here did ) I am saying that the adult world needs a good place for good discussions and it doesnt matter who is bigger than whom or does business with whom etc.... what matters is that they are trying to do adult business . roookies and veterans alike.

12-30-2005, 12:41 PM
The ROI comes from the 10% that actuially have business to do, not the other 90% that dirty up the urnials and make the line long to get a drink. or always ask the bartender for free drinks, or look to raid the free bowl of peanuts on the bar.

Nothing Elite about it, let me be clear if a pesron is in business and trying to do business big or small they are welcomed here and encouraged to get their point of views across.

if they are here to sling shit based in no factual basis or envy has warped their mind, or they want to tell us how big there penis is they stand in line and pay the cover charge when the room is empty to get in.

if they are here doing business and they want to speak of some funny or sarcastic stuff that is a different story. The key here is they must be insterested in doing business as well.

I dont give a fuck about their laurels or who they knew in 97 ( that was almost ten years ago BTW ) I wanna know what they are dong now and how they plan to grow in this business. If they got something mainstream going too great lets hear about it, if they are here to tell me adult sucks and we should all jump ship and go to mainstream, then they are in the wrong place, Period.

I agree with you JR , all people do not need to be robots and that is not what I am sugesting at all. ( I saw that movie already too just like eveyone else here did ) I am saying that the adult world needs a good place for good discussions and it doesnt matter who is bigger than whom or does business with whom etc.... what matters is that they are trying to do adult business . roookies and veterans alike.
:wnw: :clapping: I couldnt agree more! i have been a member of Oprano for a little while now but if you look at my post count you'll see it is far lower then what i think it should be. But I think if you new owners do what you are saying, move in the direction your saying, that post count of mine will go way up. Make it interesting, keep it interesting and i will be posting like a mofo.

BTW JoesHo, I definitely want to talk some bidness wit ya in the next week or so. :D


12-30-2005, 12:47 PM
:wnw: :clapping: I couldnt agree more! i have been a member of Oprano for a little while now but if you look at my post count you'll see it is far lower then what i think it should be. But I think if you new owners do what you are saying, move in the direction your saying, that post count of mine will go way up. Make it interesting, keep it interesting and i will be posting like a mofo.

BTW JoesHo, I definitely want to talk some bidness wit ya in the next week or so. :D


I am ALWAYS available to discuss some business at anytime, and would love to.

Will you be in Vegas ? Gonzo can introduce us.

12-30-2005, 12:51 PM
I am ALWAYS available to discuss some business at anytime, and would love to.

Will you be in Vegas ? Gonzo can introduce us.
Nope, not again this year. Hell I got to get to one of the shows soon, I need to be jumped in as an FFN :D


12-30-2005, 12:58 PM
Nope, not again this year. Hell I got to get to one of the shows soon, I need to be jumped in as an FFN :D


Well a good time to talk then would be after the show at this point.
Gonzo has my number or I am 174842541 on icq .

the E-mail will be fixed here as soon as the new server migration is doen, I am told it will be today sometime .

12-30-2005, 01:01 PM
No problem at all. I understand about the pre-show crunch. like i said its no big hurry but i will be wanting to get with you. No big deal :)


12-30-2005, 01:25 PM
I really haven't spent allot of tiem here on Oprano as my post count shows, but I would like to see this board take off whereas I can come here on a regular basis. I don't very many people here and it's be nice to meet more. I am looking forward to seeing how things turn out.:okthumb:

12-30-2005, 01:31 PM
I really haven't spent allot of tiem here on Oprano as my post count shows, but I would like to see this board take off whereas I can come here on a regular basis. I don't very many people here and it's be nice to meet more. I am looking forward to seeing how things turn out.:okthumb:

do they even make Jackets big enough to fit you ?

Weg Cory
12-30-2005, 02:08 PM
1) Don't take it too seriously. It is a chat board, nothing more. If you complicate it, people will leave.

2) Do not take shots at your advertisers. If you do not like them, kindly ask them to leave; stop accepting checks from them.

3) Do not market your forum by putting other forums down. It is counterproductive. It looks pretty dumb to insult GFY here, then go make 4 post over there promoting your program. Make your forum stand alone.

4) Make friends and be open to everyone. This one is tough, I have been doing it for years :) Being diplomatic is a tough lifestyle. Enjoy :)

12-30-2005, 03:13 PM
what would you do if you were the new owners of Oprano?

1) Make it purty
2) Sell it
3) Pay you 6%

12-30-2005, 03:52 PM
I bill...is that the company which turned fucking everybody in the ass into a New year' tradition?


Hell Puppy
12-30-2005, 11:18 PM
Some damned good points and suggestions in this thread.

I hope the powers that be are taking notes and taking it seriously.

12-31-2005, 04:22 AM
Some damned good points and suggestions in this thread.

I hope the powers that be are taking notes and taking it seriously.

This looks like a job for me.

01-01-2006, 02:45 PM
I would start a LIVE broadcasting VOD solution and allow members to create Live video avatars like mine :blink: (see me live in my sig below).

That's what I would do!


01-01-2006, 03:42 PM
I would start a LIVE broadcasting VOD solution and allow members to create Live video avatars like mine :blink: (see me live in my sig below).

That's what I would do!


We arent a camsite.

Hell Puppy
01-01-2006, 04:51 PM
We arent a camsite.

Is this going to impact the launch of Joe's non-nude-shaved-bears site?

01-01-2006, 04:53 PM
Is this going to impact the launch of Joe's non-nude-shaved-bears site?

I think Earl is shooting Anders Manga's bear debut in Vegas.

01-01-2006, 04:56 PM
Is this going to impact the launch of Joe's non-nude-shaved-bears site?

non-nude-shaved-beavers-bear site

Hell Puppy
01-01-2006, 04:59 PM
non-nude-shaved-beavers-bear site

We're gonna need to find a place in vegas that does anal bleaching.

01-01-2006, 05:07 PM
We're gonna need to find a place in vegas that does anal bleaching.

Peaches will film it. I dont care if shes got a business suit or not.

01-01-2006, 07:25 PM
Almost forgot - for the relative n00bs like me, continue teaching in the newbie forum, there are some lurking around Oprano like myself who are keen to learn a thing or two :)

01-01-2006, 07:31 PM
Id farm out member email addresses ans spam with webmaster programs. and redirect every30th hit.


01-01-2006, 08:52 PM
Id farm out member email addresses ans spam with webmaster programs. and redirect every30th hit.


European Lee already beat you too it.

01-02-2006, 01:48 AM
so much for originality;)

01-02-2006, 06:57 PM
so much for originality;)
What? You're not watching the Fiesta Bowl?

01-03-2006, 07:44 PM
The best suggestion I could give to the new owners would be to stay true to Oprano's roots.

Click here to go to Oprano's roots (http://www.bntnews.com/opranoflat/oprano_flat_100.htm)

you have a cool site!!!

My favorit quote from the Index Page:
"The page cannot be displayed
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable. The Web site might be experiencing technical difficulties, or you may need to adjust your browser settings.

SergeTue, 10 Jul - 07:42:24 Post #: 276

You been wearing that same holy condom since Orlando 1997!!



damn, some days you just can't win...

ok, you are right!

Serge Mon, 09 Jul - 19:39:26 Post #: 85

01-03-2006, 08:01 PM
Let me guess... you want to flip everything to the flat board again!

01-03-2006, 08:08 PM
Let me guess... you want to flip everything to the flat board again!

lolololol... Hey Flat boards rock :okthumb:

Nah, I'm just trying to say that Oprano was not always all business :)

Even back in the beginning folks talked about what kind of watches they were gonna get. :yowsa:


Any watch experts out there?? I have a watch fetish, and am thinking of making the Aqualung my next watch.

Mike AI With Jettis I can afford a watch!!
Mon, 09 Jul - 20:42:56 Post #: 142

01-03-2006, 08:28 PM
lolololol... Hey Flat boards rock :okthumb:

Nah, I'm just trying to say that Oprano was not always all business :)

Even back in the beginning folks talked about what kind of watches they were gonna get. :yowsa:

Jettis still aint approved my sites.