View Full Version : What do you consider Mainstream?

12-29-2005, 06:45 AM
Here's another brainteaser for ya,

What do you consider to be mainstream internet (Non Porn I mean)

I ask this cause When I first came to the internet I built and ran websites for local companies, anything from mom & pop stores, car dealers, bars, movie theators etc. THAT is what I always considered to be "mainstream"

But latey I read my adult brethrend creating "mainstream" sites that are pretty much nothing more then adding Adsence to a blog, or a humor site or cellphones.

So what do you consider to be mainstream? do you have any mainstream projects? do you know how to actualy work the mainstream internet? Do you tie any adult to your mainstream projects, and if so do you still consider it to be mainstream or realy another way to create traffic for your adult sites?


12-29-2005, 09:19 AM
Here's another brainteaser for ya,

What do you consider to be mainstream internet (Non Porn I mean)

I ask this cause When I first came to the internet I built and ran websites for local companies, anything from mom & pop stores, car dealers, bars, movie theators etc. THAT is what I always considered to be "mainstream"

But latey I read my adult brethrend creating "mainstream" sites that are pretty much nothing more then adding Adsence to a blog, or a humor site or cellphones.

So what do you consider to be mainstream? do you have any mainstream projects? do you know how to actualy work the mainstream internet? Do you tie any adult to your mainstream projects, and if so do you still consider it to be mainstream or realy another way to create traffic for your adult sites?


If it doesnt have T&A its mainstream.
Your right a blog with adsense is pretty lame.

12-29-2005, 09:25 AM
true dat, and speaking of blogs, alot of the ones I see are lame anyway lol, theres a right way to blog and a wrong way, I see more people doing the wrong way lol


Mike AI
12-29-2005, 09:48 AM
If it doesnt have T&A its mainstream.
Your right a blog with adsense is pretty lame.

Depends on who's blog it is.

12-29-2005, 01:16 PM
If it ain't porn, it's mainstream. Nothing complicated about it.

Depends on who's blog it is.
http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/wink.gif Precisely, AOL spent $21 million purchasing 90 blogs in October.

12-29-2005, 01:28 PM
agreed - sensual poses only is mainstream but as soon as some boobies fly and pussy is shown - welcome to our world :waving:

12-29-2005, 11:32 PM
yes agreed, if there's nudity then its porn......or is it? what about a medicial site that features say photos of the body, it's not porn but someone might get off to that, or a lingere<sic> site, again not porn but someone may get off on it, I know I'm stretching it here, but my actual question was supposed to be taken as.....

What types of sites do you consider to be mainstream, not what makes it mainstream.

some boards are adding mainstream biz forums and if you look at some of the posts some ppl think like I said if they stick adsence on a site then it is mainstream, while I feel mainstream are sites like I mentioned in the first post.

What is mainstream internet to you? (NOT what makes it mainstream)


Hell Puppy
12-29-2005, 11:35 PM
Mainstream is a term that doesn't really exist outside of adult. It's a term adult webmasters use to refer to sites that do not depend on ass and titties.

12-29-2005, 11:41 PM
DING DING DING :) Thank you :)

however isn't it ironic, that the news media uses the term when talking about the interent and my fav, other news org's

EG: Bill O'riely loves to use the term "Mainstream media" or "Mainstream News orgs..."

Did they take that from us dirty pornographers or did we take it from them?

I had to do the bells thing for ya, cause It's true, after doing those types of sites and or printwork for many years i NEVER ONCE heard the term mainstream till I moved to porn lol


12-29-2005, 11:52 PM
Anything not relating to adult material.

Hell Puppy
12-30-2005, 12:03 AM
DING DING DING :) Thank you :)

however isn't it ironic, that the news media uses the term when talking about the interent and my fav, other news org's

EG: Bill O'riely loves to use the term "Mainstream media" or "Mainstream News orgs..."

Did they take that from us dirty pornographers or did we take it from them?

I had to do the bells thing for ya, cause It's true, after doing those types of sites and or printwork for many years i NEVER ONCE heard the term mainstream till I moved to porn lol


It's self perception. If you're referring to competitors as "mainstream" what you're really doing is saying you're different. Mainstream also implies majority and acceptance. In the U.S. porn has always been somewhat of an underground thing. Everyone knows where it is and how to get it, but they dont want it on their street.

12-30-2005, 12:04 AM
Anything not relating to adult material.

ahhh but then we have the grey area.

Newgrounds features Adult content involving swearing and some cartoon nudity but they are very much a "mainstream" website. then there is T-Shirt Hell, which also features adult content on their stuff and again they are "Mainstream"

It all depends on who dubs it what I guess, adult material involves words, sounds, and images deemed not to be suitable for people under a certain age.


12-30-2005, 12:17 AM
here Mike try this tool for some ways to monetize your mainstream blogs/traffic with some products. http://www.affiliateguide.com/

12-30-2005, 11:53 AM
ahhh but then we have the grey area.

Newgrounds features Adult content involving swearing and some cartoon nudity but they are very much a "mainstream" website. then there is T-Shirt Hell, which also features adult content on their stuff and again they are "Mainstream"

It all depends on who dubs it what I guess, adult material involves words, sounds, and images deemed not to be suitable for people under a certain age.


That's why I said anything NOT relating to adult. If it's "mainstream" and they sell and/or advertise adult products then I don't consider them to be totally mainstream. :)

12-30-2005, 04:26 PM
I had to do the bells thing for ya, cause It's true, after doing those types of sites and or printwork for many years i NEVER ONCE heard the term mainstream till I moved to porn lol

n. The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity

adj. Representing the prevalent attitudes, values, and practices of a society or group

12-30-2005, 04:28 PM
Mainstream is a term that doesn't really exist outside of adult. It's a term adult webmasters use to refer to sites that do not depend on ass and titties. Exactly why I laugh my ass off when every now and again someone points out that "Mainstream Webmasters" is a 'dumb name; that everyone knows it's porn.'

Only adult pornographers associate it with porn. The rest of the world does not. :)

12-30-2005, 04:51 PM
My opinion on some of the issues brought up around here remain the same as they have been for a year or more.

As far as the term mainstream - my personal definition is something I can talk about at the diner down the street here in my lovely town of 1,800 out in the middle of the cornfields without getting the prayer group activated to save my soul (again :) ).

The term itself has been around forever. In the early days of Rolling Stone magazine, for example, they went out of their way to avoid being labeled "mainstream." They stayed away from/out of the mainstream, too, as long as they generated more revenue by staying out of it (or at least pretending to stay out of it) than by plunging in.

As far as blogs go - AOL did in fact pay 21 million for ninety blogs. That leaves, by my estimate, two hundred forty-nine million nine hundred ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ten blogs that are still out there, most of them with the same 15-45 days worth of updates made between the time the owner caught on to the fad and when they fizzled out.

12-30-2005, 09:38 PM
The term itself has been around forever. In the early days of Rolling Stone magazine, for example, they went out of their way to avoid being labeled "mainstream." Ah, good point.

To adult webmasters: The opposite of mainstream is "porn".

To the rest of the world: The opposite of mainstream is called "alternative". (as in, alternative rock, etc.)

12-30-2005, 09:54 PM
i personally think anything that isn't put on the web to get people to jack off is mainstream

if your end result is to sell something that is going to get someone to jack off, then it is adult related

anything you can't show a religious mother is probably adult related