View Full Version : How did you find the Porn industry?

12-28-2005, 11:38 PM
and what made you decicde that this was a good industry to be in, and that you should take the job, or start the site, or sell those pics, or offer your services etc.....

what year was it?

12-29-2005, 12:05 AM
In 1992 (when I was only 16 with a nice fake ID lol) My buddy worked as a cook at one of the local tittybars in Detroit, my other bud was the DJ there.

I was about 3 years into learning photography and I started talking to the Bar owner about maybe doing a calender or mini magazine.

from there once I turned 18 I did photos and video for a few local strip clubs, we sold the products in a few of the local adult book & video stores.

I also started doing graphics and once the net became more "graphical" I turned to it.

as for why, I love nudity lol, and it's HIGHLY PROFITABLE, plus most people hate their jobs but how can you TRULY hate being paid to work with hot nude women (minus the model drama bullshit)

Still waiting for my full taste of the internet porn teat, but mainstream porn treated me very well "back in the day"


Hell Puppy
12-29-2005, 12:52 AM
Well it all started when I was probably 12-13 and discovered I really liked TITS AND ASS!

Ok, wait a minute, maybe that's too far back....

Fast forward to the 80's. I put up a dial-up BBS in college. I quickly figured out that people liked to share files. Soon after that, I figured out their favorite kinda files to share were TITS AND ASS! And would you believe it? They'll even pay some money if you'll let 'em download all they want!

Ran the BBS into the mid-90's, meanwhile was working on the web starting back in 1993. Always was trying to figure out how to bring the BBS model over, but encountered obstacles with things like the ecommerce. Around late 1996, early 1997 I found this site called Cybererotica that would pay you a few pennies for every surfer you could send over. I had surfers, I didn't have pennies, so I figured that was a pretty good swap!

I shit my pants a couple of weeks later when a check for like $1700 showed up.

12-29-2005, 01:02 AM
I feel like such a young'un.

Osiris introduced me in 2003 (I think that was the year at least? That's the year I registered on PC so that must be the year)

I took a lot of convincing, (not really, more like other shit kept on interfering) its only been the last few months I've really started to buckle down & get shit done.

12-29-2005, 01:21 AM
Started surfing for porn the day I connected the cables. I am a pervert by trade. Porn was inevitable.

I did concrete for years and got sick of it. I did a little graphic design work, mainly just stupid stuff on gamer forums for my buddies. I went to a business coach and she said, "Hey, you know you can make money doing graphic design right?" I said, "Huuh??" in my best Scooby Doo voice and proceded to look into what I needed to do to open my own web design business.

Having little money at the time, a buddy of mine had his own server and offered to host my first site for free. His girlfriend had been my wife's manager at her advertising agency years ago and there had always been rumors around the office that she was a "cam girl" but we never bought it because she was so mousy and nice and quiet. Well, after a while I started having complaints that clients couldn't view my website because their netnanny or whatever blocked it as being on a porn server. I started asking my buddy, "what's the deal?" and he denied it and said he had no idea why that would be happening.

I started doing some googling on my own and after about 30 minutes of hard searching, I found pics...of his girl...from a cam show...with a beer bottle in her twat. :)

I followed links and did some DNS searching and found all of his sites pretty much so the cat was out of the bag. Me, being bored with building church websites and designing real estate flyers, and ofcourse being the pervert that I am, my next logical question was, "Ok, now how do I get involved."

He showed me GFY. I started out doing little contests on there. Got a couple breaks from a couple bigger companies to build up my portfolio a little and here I am. It actually doesn't even feel like work anymore. I enjoy designing and it's what I think I am meant to do. It's always a challenge and it's fun, plus, looking at naked boobies all day could never suck. :yowsa:

12-29-2005, 01:27 AM
in 2000 when my wife and I were hard up for cash in los angeles, we answered an ad in the back of the LA weekly for "open minded couples and figure models", and we ended up in jim south's office being asked if we minded fucking on film

the rest, as they say, is history

12-29-2005, 02:11 AM
June '99

I had been doing research into home business and decided to get a computer. Of course I started searching for porn and noticed the $$$WEBMASTERS$$$ links at the bottom of the sites I visited. I clicked and read up on it then got myself an adult freehosting account with some place I can't even remember. After a few weeks with them I stumbled upon porncity bbs and started asking questions. The rest is history.. :)

12-29-2005, 02:20 AM
Osiris I really like your desing work, you should advertise more often man.

12-29-2005, 02:35 AM
How did you find the Porn industry? I think I made a left turn on the super info highway and found myself in a wealthy cul de sac. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

12-29-2005, 03:24 AM
Osiris I really like your desing work, you should advertise more often man.

He does some kickass design work indeed!!! :okthumb: :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 10:07 AM
Poverty drove me to the porn industry.

I was a net addict anyhow, and one day I asked myself how I could make money online instead of spending endless hours in chat.

And self answered that perhaps porn was the answer.

I'd never seen a porn site, a tgp, a link list...nothing...before I started to teach myself.

In a few months I will celebrate my 2nd year in the biz. I mark the anniversary from the first sale I made, which was from my 3rd gallery. World Sex listed it, and the sale hooked me.

I had maybe 4 weeks reading/learning in before that time.

12-29-2005, 10:51 AM
Thanks Joe, and my honey Sin! :D

I don't actively advertise my design anymore because it's hard for me to get business. I blame myself because I lack any sort of networking skills and all the really good design work I had a long time ago is no longer online. I also haven't designed anything big in a long time for people to look at and see what I'm truly capable of.

12-29-2005, 11:03 AM
started 10 years ago at Python when they were just beginning. I was their Director Of Marketing and Sales before Aly or anyone showed up. Having looked back since

12-30-2005, 11:55 AM
We were one of the first CD Rom Distributors back in the early 90's. Of course everyone knows what fueled that technology. Our line was 1/2 Adult and 1/2 Mainstream. I was pretty squeemish about it & let Dave handle it until one day at a show a priest handed me Bible Library & Storm (XXX rated adult title) at the same purchase. Never looked back since. ahahahahahahaha

We represented most of the major video people back then & sold the first 2000 CDs that Vivid ever produced. We were in the Comdex show in '94 that the Adult Industry was kicked out of. The president of Comdex quoted in the newspaper that if they want to have an entertainment show - let them have their own....Comdex was about business..... well, we took him at his word and the first AdultDex show was in 1995.

12-30-2005, 12:10 PM
In college and didn't wantg to bartend or soem other crappy job so I bought myself a turnkey paysite. LOL

12-30-2005, 01:04 PM
How long do you see yourself in the industry ? will you be here until retirement, are you here to get a way to invest in other properties or business?

are you here as a way to earn supplumental income?

and what motivates you today ?

Hell Puppy
12-30-2005, 11:27 PM
How long do you see yourself in the industry ? will you be here until retirement, are you here to get a way to invest in other properties or business?

are you here as a way to earn supplumental income?

and what motivates you today ?

I'd make that a separate thread....and I'd be very interested in those answers myself.

12-31-2005, 12:17 AM
Every now and then I get tired of it all but I think I'll be here for as long as it's an available source of income.

I'll also use the money to finance other things I want to do and things I'm in the process of doing.

12-31-2005, 03:11 AM
Hmmm, I can't really say how long I'll be here at this point, we'll see how things turn out I guess! :)

At this point its supplemental income, I'm hoping that it'll be my only income long before the end of 2006, and as my Photoshop & other skills develop, we'll see how things go. Beginning to think there's a lot to be said for actually grabbing a book from the campus & learning some PHP or other such skill... lol

12-31-2005, 03:14 AM
How long do you see yourself in the industry ? will you be here until retirement, are you here to get a way to invest in other properties or business?

are you here as a way to earn supplumental income?

and what motivates you today ?

as long as there is money in the industry, i will be here

not sure if I will ever retire

no, i am here to start new businesses and buy properties

isn't everything supplemental income? hehe

Hell Puppy
12-31-2005, 03:38 AM
How long do you see yourself in the industry ?

for however long the juice is worth the squeeze.

will you be here until retirement, are you here to get a way to invest in other properties or business?

i'm always taking money from one source and putting it into another. it's all about diversification. adult ventures are like any other. so long as they're providing a return that justifies the risk level and effort, i see no reason to cut it off.

are you here as a way to earn supplumental income?

i'm here to earn. period.

and what motivates you today ?

money is an obvious motivator.

but beyond that, i do love technology and the web in general. because of the surfer demand for adult material, adult is an area of the web where it's easy to turn a profit. certainly not the only one, maybe not even the easiest one now.

but bottom line, i enjoy it. many aspects of the web and adult are still fun to me.