View Full Version : Vegas advice.

12-28-2005, 07:51 PM
Yes it is once again that time of year.

and all the arguments for it and against are heard round the world again and again.

However lets assume for anyone that is new to going to this show.
That you could give them three litle tidbits of good advice to make it a mor pleasurable/profitable show for them.

1.) Wear good comfortable shoes.

2.) Bring a pen and keep it on you at all times. ( be sure to take notes as you WILL forget things and people, and room numbers etc....)

3.) You can party like a rock star ANYTIME in Vegas you want to do that go on a time when the show is not there it will be even better.
Manage you limited time and sleep patterns accordingly, and whatever you do, do not leave the round bar to go to a party unless you know you are early and have your own ride to and from. or it will suck!

12-28-2005, 08:00 PM
Personally I'd say don't go... there's nothing that can be done at a show that can't be done else where...

The shows are a money drain on new webmasters, save the money and stick it back in to your business.

Oh and that be me outie, good luck Joe ;)

12-28-2005, 08:01 PM
Play black jack with the cecash guys untill weee hours of the am. They know tf what they are doing.

12-28-2005, 08:08 PM
Take along a travel sized bottle of that waterless hand sanitizer. Large numbers of people equals large numbers of germs. Nothing worse than getting sick on a trip.

12-28-2005, 08:17 PM
Play black jack with the cecash guys untill weee hours of the am. They know tf what they are doing.

Will you be there this year?

12-28-2005, 08:44 PM
Take plenty of chapstick/hand cream/moisturiser, to combat the dryness.

If sleeping in the aircon is drying you out, fill your ice bucket before you go to sleep and let it melt while you snooze. Amazingly, it keeps the air much more moist than normal.

Hell Puppy
12-28-2005, 09:23 PM
Drink lots and lots of water.

Hell Puppy
12-28-2005, 09:26 PM
Personally I'd say don't go... there's nothing that can be done at a show that can't be done else where...

The shows are a money drain on new webmasters, save the money and stick it back in to your business.

Oh and that be me outie, good luck Joe ;)

Vegas has traditionally been the show every year where everyone who is anyone shows up. Even those, like myself, who really dont like shows tend to go. I will be this year despite the price and hassle of it being up against CES.

Why? It's the opportunity to meet people and deal face to face.

There's a bond and comfort level established by meeting someone face to face that cannot be duplicated. Although dumping the money back into your business is a very practical idea, that one relationship established in Vegas can be the one that provides the catalyst needed to push your business to another level.

Weg Cory
12-28-2005, 09:29 PM
Take plenty of chapstick/hand cream/moisturiser, to combat the dryness.

If sleeping in the aircon is drying you out, fill your ice bucket before you go to sleep and let it melt while you snooze. Amazingly, it keeps the air much more moist than normal.

You're awesome. I am going to try that. Even though I live in California (dryer climate), I feel like I have a cold every morning I awake in those dry rooms.

I would never have though of ice melting....

I do however carry chapstick and lotion at all times.

12-28-2005, 09:33 PM
4. Do NOT use the same toilet Joe uses

Hell Puppy
12-28-2005, 09:44 PM
You're awesome. I am going to try that. Even though I live in California (dryer climate), I feel like I have a cold every morning I awake in those dry rooms.

Ahhh yes, the Vegas morning escavation....

12-28-2005, 10:07 PM
Lisa that is an excellent tip

12-28-2005, 10:38 PM
ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS party like a fucking rockstar

my most memorable moment in avn/internext history, was leaving the Metro Videos private suite party and walking down las vegas blvd with no shirt or shoes, in black vinyl pants and a full length black thick long fur trenchcoat.....in the middle of the road too, LOL....i was pretty fucked up too, on numerous substances...oh wait, no, I was just drinking *wink wink*....

that was my very best rock star moment in vegas for the shows

Hell Puppy
12-28-2005, 10:42 PM
ALWAYS, and I repeat, ALWAYS party like a fucking rockstar

my most memorable moment in avn/internext history, was leaving the Metro Videos private suite party and walking down las vegas blvd with no shirt or shoes, in black vinyl pants and a full length black thick long fur trenchcoat.....in the middle of the road too, LOL....i was pretty fucked up too, on numerous substances...oh wait, no, I was just drinking *wink wink*....

that was my very best rock star moment in vegas for the shows

I once saw a guy walk thru the middle of the Venetian casino wearing an unbuttoned fur coat that is 10 sizes too small with no shirt underneath displaying a big fat hairy WHITE belly. He also had on pink sunglasses, a tacky faux bling necklace and was carrying a box of doughnuts.

And he was sober as a judge.

12-29-2005, 12:36 AM
Will you be there this year?

got way to much shit on the table to take this trip.

buying a couple peices of property, opening another office for my newest project.

and ofcourse i dont want you to beat me up

Hell Puppy
12-29-2005, 12:41 AM
and ofcourse i dont want you to beat me up

Ok, that's pretty funny, i gave him some oprano points for that one!

How many more does he need before he gets a coffee mug?

12-29-2005, 02:00 AM

got way to much shit on the table to take this trip.

buying a couple peices of property, opening another office for my newest project.

and ofcourse i dont want you to beat me up

Yeah a big businessman such as yourself, I can understand how this little show is a waste of time.

good luck with your newest project, I am sure it will be a hit. :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 02:57 AM
Yeah a big businessman such as yourself, I can understand how this little show is a waste of time.

good luck with your newest project, I am sure it will be a hit. :okthumb:

i could always get into the calendar biz

12-29-2005, 10:56 AM
i could always get into the calendar biz

Take my advice, there is no money in it. and it costs 20K or more to get started UPFRONT

Distributors are assholes and want to beat you down aon prices and without them no big stores will buy from you and give you rack space.

I made about 30K total after selling everything off, but that was a two year total, I am sure a man of your talents has much much bigger goals than that .

Maybe it was the subject of the calendar weed? it seems dope smokers dont buy anythiing but dope. and apperently they had no need to know what date it was. :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 11:16 AM
I have been to most of the vegas shows - but for some reason I think this one will be unfocused and simply not worth the cost. I can make at least 3 conferences for the price of one vegas internext.

I love the people at AVN and have for some time - just this time around I sense more trouble than good. all the best for those going

12-29-2005, 11:50 AM
Take my advice, there is no money in it. and it costs 20K or more to get started UPFRONT

Distributors are assholes and want to beat you down aon prices and without them no big stores will buy from you and give you rack space.

I made about 30K total after selling everything off, but that was a two year total, I am sure a man of your talents has much much bigger goals than that .

Maybe it was the subject of the calendar weed? it seems dope smokers dont buy anythiing but dope. and apperently they had no need to know what date it was. :okthumb:
why do you continue to take shots at me joe?

i thought youve moved on?

12-29-2005, 12:22 PM
why do you continue to take shots at me joe?

i thought youve moved on?

Stay on topic here Brandon, this is no longwer a piss board

I am not taking any shots at you, I am offering you advice, you said you wanted to go into calendars, I know a little about that already.

you are welcomed and encourage to come here and discuss business anytime you wish.

we will not tolerate anything else. :okthumb:

if there is a different discussion going on in your mind, then maybe a different spot is the place to discuss it. there is a real good forum for those types of discussions.

This Board will be for ADULT webmasters, that means we will require them to act like ADULTS.

if you have some piss business wise based in facts and not inuendos, by all means bring them up here if you wish. if personal " shots" or slandering people or business is on your mind ( not saying it is , just being clear) then we will quash that instantly.

You continulay say you have biusiness going on, so let us know about that suide of brandon, and not the other side, we all know that one already. :okthumb:

12-29-2005, 12:45 PM
Stay on topic here Brandon, this is no longwer a piss board

I am not taking any shots at you, I am offering you advice, you said you wanted to go into calendars, I know a little about that already.

you are welcomed and encourage to come here and discuss business anytime you wish.

we will not tolerate anything else. :okthumb:

if there is a different discussion going on in your mind, then maybe a different spot is the place to discuss it. there is a real good forum for those types of discussions.

This Board will be for ADULT webmasters, that means we will require them to act like ADULTS.

if you have some piss business wise based in facts and not inuendos, by all means bring them up here if you wish. if personal " shots" or slandering people or business is on your mind ( not saying it is , just being clear) then we will quash that instantly.

You continulay say you have biusiness going on, so let us know about that suide of brandon, and not the other side, we all know that one already. :okthumb:
you say that but in this very thread youve egged me on twice now.

lead by example.

So let me get this right.

you can take shots at me left and right, and if i send 1 back then its THIS BOARD IS STRICTLY FOR BIZ

tf kinda double standards are those?

Joe, I dont know what the fuck youve got so hard against me, but honestly I wish you would grow the fuck up and put it the fuck behind you.

12-29-2005, 12:54 PM
you say that but in this very thread youve egged me on twice now.

lead by example.

So let me get this right.

you can take shots at me left and right, and if i send 1 back then its THIS BOARD IS STRICTLY FOR BIZ

tf kinda double standards are those?

Joe, I dont know what the fuck youve got so hard against me, but honestly I wish you would grow the fuck up and put it the fuck behind you.

I agree with your first Vegas tip ( wich is the subject of this thread)
Ce Cash guys are sharp on the tables

I have no animosity towards you Brandon, Frankly I have no time anymore for it . I wish you well in all you business endeavors.

12-29-2005, 02:02 PM
Yeah a big businessman such as yourself, I can understand how this little show is a waste of time.

good luck with your newest project, I am sure it will be a hit. :okthumb:

I am sure a man of your talents has much much bigger goals than that

sure seems like animosity 2 me

another tip. ALL THE WOMEN are hookers. all of them.

my 1st vegas trip, i was unaware of this. im rolling around thinkin im a pimp. go back and chill with my buddy Jason from xxxatm and tell him.. dude the girls here LOVE me. ive had like 4 back rubs just walking through the casino. ive got eyes, had mad flirt contacts the full 9

him and AC just cracked the fuck up

brandon.. they are all hookers.

so then next trip down to the show floor i paid attention. sure enuff. all fuckin hookers.

on a funny note, i was walking through the venitian (sure i spelled that wrong) with a few people and we over heard a few hookers arguing over who took the last crack hit

now that was comedy

so, note to self.. they are all hookers heh

12-29-2005, 02:06 PM
they are like cockroaches (pardon the pun) - shoot one and another 5 take her place

01-01-2006, 06:01 PM
Vegas Advice


Really, if you are attending someone else's function and there is a wait staff toss a few $$. Chances are they live and work in Vegas and have been hired as a one off for the bartending (or whatever) job where they are serving you. You're not paying a cent for the drinks (or whatever). A little graciousness goes a long way

I've seen cheap fuck at shows who didn't/wouldn't tip dancers for FREE lap dances at shows
Wonder why they get poor service and aren't welcome??!

Also take a minute to meet and thank the sponsors of any event you attend

Edited to add - I'd like to think everyone reading Oprano already does this but you never know who might drop by

Hell Puppy
01-01-2006, 11:20 PM
Vegas Advice


Really, if you are attending someone else's function and there is a wait staff toss a few $$. Chances are they live and work in Vegas and have been hired as a one off for the bartending (or whatever) job where they are serving you. You're not paying a cent for the drinks (or whatever). A little graciousness goes a long way

I've seen cheap fuck at shows who didn't/wouldn't tip dancers for FREE lap dances at shows
Wonder why they get poor service and aren't welcome??!

Also take a minute to meet and thank the sponsors of any event you attend

Edited to add - I'd like to think everyone reading Oprano already does this but you never know who might drop by

This is actually a hidden upside to scheduling the show alongside CES. The cost of attending will weed out a lot of the cheap bastards who go just for the free parties and free drinks.

01-01-2006, 11:38 PM
This is actually a hidden upside to scheduling the show alongside CES. The cost of attending will weed out a lot of the cheap bastards who go just for the free parties and free drinks.
You can still go pretty cheap. The rooms at the V were originally going for just over $300. Get a double room and with the foldout sofa, that comfortably sleeps 3.

Heck, in HS we once put 10 a room in Daytona for a week. Amazing what you can when you don't have any money ;)

01-02-2006, 12:41 AM
You can still go pretty cheap. The rooms at the V were originally going for just over $300. Get a double room and with the foldout sofa, that comfortably sleeps 3.

Heck, in HS we once put 10 a room in Daytona for a week. Amazing what you can when you don't have any money ;)

Yeah I think a lot of the "in crowd" does this already as well.

Then of course hit the free drinks and they are big pimpin.

Hell Puppy
01-02-2006, 12:50 AM
Yeah I think a lot of the "in crowd" does this already as well.

Then of course hit the free drinks and they are big pimpin.

For the record, FFN's do not share rooms.

Between the snoring, farting and complete destruction of the bathroom, no one would get any rest.

01-02-2006, 01:45 AM
stay home.