View Full Version : Muttley Papageorgio

12-27-2005, 04:29 PM
Our newest addition. Lab/Chow/Rottweiller mix named...ofcourse...Muttley. :)


12-27-2005, 05:56 PM
cute lil guy, soon to be a monster. kinda looks like he is smiling.

12-27-2005, 06:02 PM
What a beautiful little guy, NickP! :)

12-27-2005, 08:55 PM
oh he is just so cute.
With that mix he's gonna be a big boy.

12-27-2005, 09:43 PM
oh he is just so cute.
With that mix he's gonna be a big boy.

Yes, I do believe that Muttley's going to be a big boy. :)

Right now, though, he's just a cute little puppy. Muttley could romp with Dingo. Poor Dingo is having trouble convincing the cats to "romp" properly. They just give her bad looks and walk away. They know she doesn't mean any harm, but she really does need another dog to play with.

When Muttley grows up, Dingo will be the size of one of his feet...if she isn't now. :)

12-27-2005, 10:08 PM
Cute pup, NickP! :)

You know I just saw this TV commercial about "Pet Steps". A way for tiny dogs to more easily get up on your furniture and bed.

Ok ... uh ... WTF????

Isn't the idea that some owners don't want them there? Who so badly wants their little pets on their bed and sofa that they would pay $40 for pet stairs?

Please don't tell me "a lot of people". That's just crazy. :(

.... That or I'm missing a good bunch of folks to fleec..., um, sell things to. ;)

12-27-2005, 11:28 PM
Who so badly wants their little pets on their bed and sofa that they would pay $40 for pet stairs?

Those would be the same group that's too fucking lazy to lift the animal themselves.

12-27-2005, 11:36 PM
Those would be the same group that's too fucking lazy to lift the animal themselves.

Not always, I built something similar for my last dog so he wouldn't hurt himself getting down from the bed. He was 13 and had bad arthritis. I would have been happy to lift him up and down except he never wanted to wait for me, so the stairs was a nice alternative.

12-27-2005, 11:44 PM
Not always, I built something similar for my last dog so he wouldn't hurt himself getting down from the bed. He was 13 and had bad arthritis. I would have been happy to lift him up and down except he never wanted to wait for me, so the stairs was a nice alternative.

Ahhkay fair enough :)

12-28-2005, 02:48 PM
That's what the stairs are for, pets who are elderly and arthritic.

One of my dogs went blind years before she passed. Most of the time, she'd jump up on the bed effortlessly. Every once in a while, though, she'd misjudge and thunk against the bed. She'd make it on her second attempt.

Our other dog was arthritic, but large enough so that getting on the couch was easy for her. If she had been a small dog, we would have had to get stairs. Alex spent all of her time in comfort on the couch. It was funny, she never once got on the furniture until we got the little dog, who happily jumped up on everything. Alex seemed to think that crossed some kind of a line. It was all right if the cats got on the furniture, because they were cats. But if that damned little dog was going to get on the couch, well then. She was, too. That made the last years of her life very comfortable. I can still picture her laying there, first thing in the morning, when I'd say "want to go out?" She'd just stare at me. I could almost see the thought bubble. "Are you out of your mind? It's cold and dark out there. I'll wait until the sun comes up and it warms up a bit, thank you very much." :)

To answer your question, though, Dravyk...you are definitely missing a group of folks to fleec...er...sell things to. People who own pets are a bubble off center and will buy pretty much anything for them...as a fast trip through Petco will prove.

My little Dingo is currently wearing the burgundy sweater she got for Yule. Give ya a clue? :)

12-28-2005, 02:54 PM
ok and you let cats and dogs in your beds and on your couch/sofa

I'll stick with my parrot