View Full Version : My first trip to Internext, and to Vegas....

12-26-2005, 08:20 PM
So what do I definitely need to see and do if I'm going to Vegas for the first time, besides gamble?

12-26-2005, 08:25 PM
Take steri wipes with you, you'll shake hands with a shit load of people and most of them will have a bug. Plus some of them will be cretins and you'll want a quick wipe. :)

12-26-2005, 08:39 PM
I hear getting impromptu married is pretty popular too isn't it? lol

12-27-2005, 10:17 AM
There is so much to see and do in Vegas.

If you're into Star Trek you MUST go to the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. Even if you're not into the show, the rides are awesome.

Check to see who is in town performing if you want to take in a show.

For free things to keep you occupied just walk along the strip and see the shows on the street. Also just walking through the shopping areas at some of the casinos like Caesar's and the Venetian is fun.

12-27-2005, 12:06 PM
Johnny...take your cell phone and business cards. (Print out simple cards if you have to.) Make sure your cell phone will work in Vegas. (Know a LOT of people who ran into that problem in New Orleans.) Sit down and put your room phone # on the back of the cards. You're going to be exchanging cards with a zillion people. Make notes on the backs of the cards you get so that you won't end up staring at a card and wondering "who is this and why should I care?" Make sure you have a notebook and a couple of pens. Make notes on people you should contact when you get back home. A nice "enjoyed meeting you and talking to you in Vegas" e-mail is very classy and often profitable.

Find the Hospitality Suite, if there is one. A lot of business gets done there. A lot of business also gets done in the hallways and coffee shops.

Now...some personal advice from somebody who's been to a lot of these things: you're there for *business.* Dress like you're there for business. (I'm not talking "three piece suit," but don't wear the t-shirt you wear to wash the car, no matter how comfortable it is.) Liquor flows like water, but no one is at their best for doing business drunk on their ass. You want to make a good impression on people with whom you might want to do business. You can't do that if you're slurring your words...and forgetting people you met.

Conventions are for business. Vegas will be there. You can always go back and visit the scenic things. I'd give them all a miss this time around.

Mike AI
12-27-2005, 12:09 PM
Vegas is great. Vegas during porn conventions is not.

The usefulness of conventions have faded quickly.... they are pretty much jokes, and waste of time.

12-27-2005, 04:17 PM
Vegas is great. Vegas during porn conventions is not.

The usefulness of conventions have faded quickly.... they are pretty much jokes, and waste of time. Can't disagree with that one.

12-27-2005, 04:22 PM
Vegas outside a show is 100% different than Vegas during a show. It was years of shows before I actually did something "Vegassy".

12-27-2005, 04:25 PM
Vegas outside a show is 100% different than Vegas during a show. It was years of shows before I actually did something "Vegassy". You said you'd never tell about our secret "encounter"! :groucho:

12-27-2005, 04:28 PM
You said you'd never tell about our secret "encounter"! :groucho:

Apparently what happens in Vegas DOESN'T stay in Vegas. :(

12-27-2005, 04:48 PM
Vegas is great. Vegas during porn conventions is not.

The usefulness of conventions have faded quickly.... they are pretty much jokes, and waste of time.

that's why we're not doing anything at the show this year. I have a couple dinners planned, but that's about it. I might sneak over for a couple hours but don't feel it's extremely necessary. I hate local shows because I always feel like I could be at home or the office doing some work. I also have an office to run and staff that doesn't know about, (nor care about) shows, who depend on me to be here getting shit done and not out partying...damn them, damn them all to hell ;-)

12-27-2005, 06:17 PM
Vegas is great. Vegas during porn conventions is not.

The usefulness of conventions have faded quickly.... they are pretty much jokes, and waste of time.

Same could be said of 95% of the adult business.....