View Full Version : WTF can you buy for 5 bucks??

12-22-2005, 09:44 PM
Okay... so my 12 year old son (grade 8) just informs me at last minute he needs to buy a $5 gift for a school gift exchange...

We are totally perplexed... now wtf... can you buy for 5 bucks and NOT look like a moron?

(its a catholic school)

What will I not be frowned upon for? I think this must be a "find the bad parent test"


Stick a $5 bill in a card??? Or should I make it 10 and make them feel guilty?

WTF can anyone buy for 5 bucks??


12-22-2005, 09:51 PM
2 bags of milano cookies put in a nice little christmas gift bag maybe?

or you could be a bitch, and cut a 5 dollar bill into confetti put it in a ziplock bag with "merry x-mas" written on it with a magic marker.

nice new avatar btw :)

12-22-2005, 10:03 PM
2 bags of milano cookies put in a nice little christmas gift bag maybe?

or you could be a bitch, and cut a 5 dollar bill into confetti put it in a ziplock bag with "merry x-mas" written on it with a magic marker.

nice new avatar btw :)

Any food item would HAVE to be factory sealed and certified non peanut environment...

These are Grade 8 kids though...

The confetti idea was rather cute LOLOL.


12-22-2005, 10:06 PM
What will I not be frowned upon for? I think this must be a "find the bad parent test"

you are worried about a 5$ gift as defining you as a bad parent in the eyes of a catholic school and not the dildo in your ass on a live cam?


12-22-2005, 10:08 PM
you are worried about a 5$ gift as defining you as a bad parent in the eyes of a catholic school and not the dildo in your ass on a live cam?


I'm just worried about the $5 gift.

My dildo costs alot more than that ;)


12-22-2005, 10:24 PM
you are worried about a 5$ gift as defining you as a bad parent in the eyes of a catholic school and not the dildo in your ass on a live cam?


And to be honest... the school administration actually does know what I do... and they also know that it is totally legal... it is NOT their concern.

The 8th graders however do not.


12-22-2005, 10:35 PM
And to be honest... the school administration actually does know what I do... and they also know that it is totally legal... it is NOT their concern.

The 8th graders however do not.


how did they find out? top customers?

12-22-2005, 10:42 PM
Wow, does it matter how they found out or whether they know???

Sabby we had a gift exchange thing last Christmas where everybody bought everybody else presents around the $5 mark or under, there was lots of cool stuff that went around however it wasn't just a "general" gift exchange it was specific people we were buying for, so I'm not sure... Not sure any of it would be suitable for kids either... Last I checked kids weren't too into vases & bath things...

12-22-2005, 10:48 PM
It's urprising that the school hasn't made a flap. There are many that would.

12-22-2005, 10:53 PM
It's urprising that the school hasn't made a flap. There are many that would.

And what would they do? Put them in foster families that cant afford them? Get real.

My Kids are happy... more than happy really... they are spoiled brats.

And I pay my school taxes - alot of them.


12-22-2005, 11:19 PM
Wow, does it matter how they found out or whether they know???

Sabby we had a gift exchange thing last Christmas where everybody bought everybody else presents around the $5 mark or under, there was lots of cool stuff that went around however it wasn't just a "general" gift exchange it was specific people we were buying for, so I'm not sure... Not sure any of it would be suitable for kids either... Last I checked kids weren't too into vases & bath things...

LOL... I was just thinking that... I love cheap bubble bath and candles you can never have enough of them... I take 5 baths a day. I have to pull the cable plug on their computer to get anyone else around here to take one.

How about we just buy a cheap but thoughful gift for mom??

Sign it.. Take a bath... MOM loves you!!!



12-22-2005, 11:40 PM
you are worried about a 5$ gift as defining you as a bad parent in the eyes of a catholic school and not the dildo in your ass on a live cam?


What? How could anyone consider this to be anything but a positive thing!

12-23-2005, 07:56 AM
down here mmmm

5 bucks

mmm does it have to be for kids LOL i know i know

but you can buy a whole case of beer and an ice bag for 6 :)

12-23-2005, 09:30 AM
US $5 wouldn't even buy me new shoe laces :unsure:

Evil Chris
12-23-2005, 09:34 AM
Do what the rest of them are most likely doing.

Go to the dollar store and use that $5.

12-23-2005, 10:21 AM
Pack of yugiho cards? You're in the Prairies right? Pack or two of Hockey cards than...

All girls? Cheap plastic bracelet (put WWGD on it to get it by the school ;)

Btw, WWGD is "What Would Guile Do?" ...great philosophy, Im so glad people realized they can model their life on mine...

12-23-2005, 11:21 AM
Do what the rest of them are most likely doing.

Go to the dollar store and use that $5.

Exactly :blink:

12-23-2005, 11:51 AM
Buy a $5 certificate to MikeyD's and your job is done, Sabby!

12-23-2005, 12:10 PM
Do what the rest of them are most likely doing.

Go to the dollar store and use that $5.

My thoughts exactly - you would be surprised... However, 8th grade - $5.00 will be pretty tougher to swing things at the dollar store unless you want to pick them up frozen dinners or tools that break after one use hehe.

I think $10.00 would of been reasonable and families that are strapped financially won't notice a difference between $5 or $10 you know ? I'm more of a tight ass then I have ever been in my life when it comes to money, but hey ... $10 is a little more reasonable, $15 would be over doing it thugh...

My daughter is two and at her day care they just had 'up to' $10 gift exchange.. Missy came up with what looks like $25.00 worth of crap for $10.00 for kids that age but it would be tough to do that for 8th graders :)

12-24-2005, 10:48 PM
Okay... so we bought a bunch of candy...

And my son also came home with a bunch of candy...

8th graders will buy candy if you only give them 5 bucks to spend. LOL.


12-25-2005, 12:07 AM
What kind of Candy? LOL :)