View Full Version : Fuck all the haters

12-20-2005, 04:39 PM
Im SICK to death and fed up with all the political bullshit in today's society.

This is a CHRISTMAS holliday, Merry Christmas not happy fucking hollidays.
If people don't like Christmas, don't celebrate it but don't bitch about it as I'm sure the whiners have hollidays that I don't and won't recognize, but I'm not going to go so far as to take my disbelief to the courts and try to get your holliday changed just because I feel like it insults my religion/belief/etc... Hell for that matter, except for right now I don't even raise a discussion about other people's beliefs,hollidays etc... There is no point. The news just said that 90% of people in America celebrate Christmas. That just tells me our Government is going to bow down to the other 10% because they want to cry over something thats none of their damn business anyways.

It's a travesty that people have to change the words in a Christmas song as in a middle school in NJ where the choir was allowed to sing Silent Night, but had to change the next two words to Winter Night.

When is the Government going to take In God We Trust off our money.

It's time to grow up!!!
I had a complaint filed on me the other night because I pulled a guy over
from Illinois and wrote him a warning for speeding and a warning for driving with an expired drivers license(3 months expired). The guy came back at me with an attitude so I said, one second sir. I went back to my car and wrote him 2 citations instead and when I had him sign them, I handed him his copies and told him to have a Merry Christmas.
Now, the guy wasnt complaing that I wrote him citations, but the fact that I told him to have a Merry Christmas and he was not a Christian. He stayed the night in a hotel so he could goto the P.D. and file a complaint.

This is a sad world we live in nowdays.

12-20-2005, 04:43 PM
Happy Chanukah. You are right though, as a Jew, I love holiday music and Silent Night. It is a bit ridiculous to go that far. That guy.. probably just wanted to get even with you for writing the tickets, i bet he really didn't care about it. i would shrug it off...

12-20-2005, 05:11 PM
"Wintery Night"???? That's...that's...VIOLATION OF COPYRIGHT!!!!! :blink:

(Sorry. We all have our "mortal sins.")

The proper greeting for the Christmas holiday is "Merry Christmas." (For those who are not Christian, this phrase translates into "have yerself a rollickin' fun time this season, from me to you.") I would be no more offended by the good intentions of a Christian than I would be of a Moslem wishing me a happy...something. Or a Hindu, ditto.

I had a teacher confide that the *real* problem with the school using "Merry Christmas" and symbols of Christmas was the Jehovah's Witnesses. Not the atheists, not the Jews, not the pagans...*Christians* who didn't celebrate holidays but liked to get up in other people's faces about it. (That was the year I stuck an angel on the top of the "holiday tree" in the school library. I can be a very, very bad person in some rather unique ways.)

The thing currrently in my living room blinking all of its colored lights merrily is a CHRISTMAS TREE. (Really. You'd recognize it anywhere.) There is such a thing as a "Yule Tree," but it goes outside and is used to feed all the little feather and furred creatures who sometimes have a hard way to go finding food this time of year. This is Southern California where the feather and furred creatures all send out for Thai food. I have a menorah...but I don't know where it is. Finding it is on my husband's "To Do" list.

All month I've had a collection of avatars featuring Father CHRISTMAS. Not Father "Holidays." (The dude is busy *enough,* I figure.) Why? Because I think he's pretty. He makes me happy. What better reasons?

12-20-2005, 05:45 PM
Voodoo are you that cop from Peoria, IL who let me go with a warrant out for my arrest a few weeks back? :) Some people just haven't learned to deal with cops, over the years I have! Obviously, if I can get let go with a speeding ticket (court sup is fine - ben way over a year) when I have a warrant out for christ's sake...

Ew.. wait... did I say "Christ" ?

12-20-2005, 06:19 PM
Some people just haven't learned to deal with cops, over the years....

How difficult is it to apply the same rules of manners and decency to police officers that are applied to everyone else? Be polite, be respectful, don't be belligerent...etc., etc., etc.

One of my daughters was pulled over for speeding. Was she? Hell, yes. She was also speeding in a "cone zone" even though no one was working. Breaking the speed limit in a cone zone does something horrific like triple the fine. However, if the driver greets the cop with "I'm sorry, officer. I was in a hurry and the road was clear and empty...and I made a mistake." (I'm free lancing from the original here, but basically, she was polite and she copped to the whole thing, if I may use that word.) The nice police officer ticketed her for speeding, but put down a lower speed than she was actually going. He got her in under the wire so that she paid the lower fine. He also left out that little "cone zone" bit, which he could have gotten very nasty about had he chosen to be.

When I was about 24, I was lagging about two or more car lengths behind the Gethsemene Baptist School bus, my usual "don't rear end the vehicle in front of you" way of driving, matching the speed. The lights went on behind me. I was startled and sputtered at the officer that I was two lengths behind the bus in what I thought was safe driving. The cop said "the bus was speeding, too, I just caught you first." I laughed and said "geeze, if you can't trust a Baptist School bus..." The cop looked like nobody had laughed at one of his jokes in years. I got a ticket, paid a fine, and life went on.

12-20-2005, 06:27 PM
Voodoo are you that cop from Peoria, IL who let me go with a warrant out for my arrest a few weeks back? :) Some people just haven't learned to deal with cops, over the years I have! Obviously, if I can get let go with a speeding ticket (court sup is fine - ben way over a year) when I have a warrant out for christ's sake...

Ew.. wait... did I say "Christ" ?


Sorry, wasnt me. I may let people slide on a speeding ticket, or hell even driving with expired tags, but a warrant? I have to run someones name over the radio to obtain that information, unless of course the driver just provides that to me free of charge, but still I would have to confirm that a warrant was in effect. If I didn't make an arrest I could and would be fired, so everyone that has even a misd. warrant goes to jail.

BTW, You can say Christ all you want, and believe whatever you want, that doesnt bother me in the least. It's the people that make a BIG deal out of it and try to get it changed that pisses me the fuck off.

12-20-2005, 06:28 PM
How difficult is it to apply the same rules of manners and decency to police officers that are applied to everyone else? Be polite, be respectful, don't be belligerent...etc., etc., etc.

One of my daughters was pulled over for speeding. Was she? Hell, yes. She was also speeding in a "cone zone" even though no one was working. Breaking the speed limit in a cone zone does something horrific like triple the fine. However, if the driver greets the cop with "I'm sorry, officer. I was in a hurry and the road was clear and empty...and I made a mistake." (I'm free lancing from the original here, but basically, she was polite and she copped to the whole thing, if I may use that word.) The nice police officer ticketed her for speeding, but put down a lower speed than she was actually going. He got her in under the wire so that she paid the lower fine. He also left out that little "cone zone" bit, which he could have gotten very nasty about had he chosen to be.

When I was about 24, I was lagging about two or more car lengths behind the Gethsemene Baptist School bus, my usual "don't rear end the vehicle in front of you" way of driving, matching the speed. The lights went on behind me. I was startled and sputtered at the officer that I was two lengths behind the bus in what I thought was safe driving. The cop said "the bus was speeding, too, I just caught you first." I laughed and said "geeze, if you can't trust a Baptist School bus..." The cop looked like nobody had laughed at one of his jokes in years. I got a ticket, paid a fine, and life went on.


I am so happy that your back. You put a smile on my face no matter what.

12-20-2005, 06:35 PM
Some cops are just assholes no matter how nice you are to them so when I'm stopped I'm as nice to them as they are to me. Wicked Temptress gets scared when I talk to cops because I'll mess with them a bit.. :D

By the way, you all do know that christmas is not a holiday that originated from christianity right? I'm sure Morgan does.. As a matter of fact, no holiday that is celebrated by christians is actually a christian holiday, you thieving bitches! LOL

12-20-2005, 06:59 PM

Sorry, wasnt me. I may let people slide on a speeding ticket, or hell even driving with expired tags, but a warrant? I have to run someones name over the radio to obtain that information, unless of course the driver just provides that to me free of charge, but still I would have to confirm that a warrant was in effect. If I didn't make an arrest I could and would be fired, so everyone that has even a misd. warrant goes to jail.

BTW, You can say Christ all you want, and believe whatever you want, that doesnt bother me in the least. It's the people that make a BIG deal out of it and try to get it changed that pisses me the fuck off.

I was kidding about the 'Christ' thing :)

I was shell shocked when he let me go.. said "As Long as the Car is Clean, you may not go to jail" searched.. clean...let me go

Still in shell shock over that one man ...

12-20-2005, 07:00 PM
BTW, It's just for Parking Tickets - I'm not a felon or anything :)

12-20-2005, 07:13 PM

I am so happy that your back. You put a smile on my face no matter what.

I love putting a smile on your face. It's a cute face, it should be wearing a smile. :)

A very long time ago, for reasons not worth going into here, a cop friend of mine (he worked security at the hotel I worked at because cops don't get paid squat) offered to assist me in a rather large life issue by running an NCIC check on somebody. He explained that this was only supposed to be done when the individual was right in front of you, because if he was wanted, the little voice on the radio was going to say "bust him" and some fancy foot work would be required to explain why he was using this for "personal reasons." I looked at this nice family man, expressed my thanks, and refused to give him the name he was supposed to look up. We had a brief but lively discussion, but I couldn't let him endanger his job.

I always figured that nice gets nice and I'm right more often than I'm wrong. I've had much more good run-ins with cops than bad ones...and considering I briefly had a boyfriend who made a career out of getting arrested, that was surprising.

It's also simple logic. In any dynamic where one individual has a gun and a badge, it behooves the other individual to be polite.

I've also always seen cops as people. I rather liked knowing that back in the early '70s they took the mace away from the patrol officers because they were spraying it into each other's air conditioning vents.

I was cheerfully invited out once by 7 members of the Vice Squad to see a famous stripper with a 70 inch chest. Chesty Morgan or something like that. I politely declined...but it's still one of my favorite memories. In my old age I like to occasionally kill a few minutes wondering what would have happened...if.... :)

12-20-2005, 07:33 PM
Cops in South Africa were cool, when we went visiting Ann's mum and dad they had roadblocks set up and were doing random stop and searches. We got pulled over, the cop asked us a few questions culminating in, "Do you have any illegal guns or drugs in the car ?"

"No" we chimed in unison.

"Why not ?" he replied.

It's little giggles like that that make life worth living.

12-20-2005, 08:07 PM
BTW, It's just for Parking Tickets - I'm not a felon or anything :)

I was quite sure you was kidding about Christ, or the comment. ;)

12-20-2005, 08:20 PM
Some cops are just assholes no matter how nice you are to them so when I'm stopped I'm as nice to them as they are to me. Wicked Temptress gets scared when I talk to cops because I'll mess with them a bit.. :D

By the way, you all do know that christmas is not a holiday that originated from christianity right? I'm sure Morgan does.. As a matter of fact, no holiday that is celebrated by christians is actually a christian holiday, you thieving bitches! LOL
We're the clever bitches, we saw that you pagans were doing "shit" on certain days and took that "shit" the-fuck-ova. ;)

Now you fucking pc'correct mericants are fucking with that... out of all of them, the mericants are the weirdest brit strand going... :scratchin

Merry/Happy/Wonderful Christmas with best wishes to you and yours :)

12-20-2005, 08:30 PM
We're the clever bitches, we saw that you pagans were doing "shit" on certain days and took that "shit" the-fuck-ova. ;)

Now you fucking pc'correct mericants are fucking with that... out of all of them, the mericants are the weirdest brit strand going... :scratchin

Merry/Happy/Wonderful Christmas with best wishes to you and yours :)


You're right, Trev...but my eyeballs actually spasmed discovering you were right.

Osiris is also very right. The Christians in the "way back era" hijacked all of the pagan holidays in an attempt to win the populace over to Christianity. It's no coincidence that Christmas is so close to Yule, the Winter Solstice. Christ's birth is celebrated on December 25th, but scholars are still arguing over when he was actually born. Of course, these are the people who put up statues and pictures of a blonde, blue eyed Christ and family, which is illogical at best. Christ was a Middle Eastern Jew and looked like one.

Wishing you and yours a Blessed Yule, Osiris. :)

Anyone else who would like a reason to celebrate: Yule, the Winter Solstice, is tomorrow. Party on, dudes. :)

12-20-2005, 08:33 PM

You're right, Trev...but my eyeballs actually spasmed discovering you were right.

I know, I'm still in shock here :yowsa:

12-20-2005, 11:03 PM
I find people who feel the need to write or speak more than two sentences about how it's better to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas" to be incredibly annoying.

I find people who feel the need to write or speak more than two sentences about how it's better to say "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" to be incredibly annoying.

12-21-2005, 02:42 AM
Cops in South Africa were cool, when we went visiting Ann's mum and dad they had roadblocks set up and were doing random stop and searches. We got pulled over, the cop asked us a few questions culminating in, "Do you have any illegal guns or drugs in the car ?"

"No" we chimed in unison.

"Why not ?" he replied.

It's little giggles like that that make life worth living. hehe That story definitely tickled me! :)

12-21-2005, 06:08 AM
Happy Christmas :D

12-21-2005, 11:48 AM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ;)

12-21-2005, 12:05 PM
I *still* think a birthday cake should be part of the whole Christmas thing.

There are big billboards that proclaim "Jesus is the Reason for the Season." OK. Cool simple, declarative sentence. (I like those.) It rhymes. Groovy. However, every time I see one of those billboards I want to throw a guantlet at somebody. "What are you guys actually DOING about that? Celebrating a birthday? Rushing about doing good deeds, as he rather heavily suggested? Or did you just put up a billboard?"

All while my kids were growing up, part of the Christmas season was "what good deed will we do this year?" It started when they were little and we encountered our first "Angel Tree" in a store. The kids were absolutely wowed. "You mean, you take an angel and buy presents for the kid who's first name and clothing sizes are on it? COOL!!!" And of course, each kid had to have their own angel. And of course, just clothing for Christmas? Oh, I so don't think so. There had to be candy and little toys in the box we wrapped for each kid. One year we did the elderly and got the name of a woman. She wanted warm clothing and canned food. She also liked puzzles. She went to the senior center every day and played with jigsaw puzzles. We put together two huge boxes and actually got to meet the woman.

Happy Birthday, Jesus. :cake: