View Full Version : anyone here have any filipino workers?

12-20-2005, 04:03 PM
I decided to hire thru an independent filipino message board, boy oh boy - did I make a mistake. 3 of them quit during the first day when they realized that when I said to work full time, I meant full time. All these guys try and do is take on as many full time jobs as they can, and hope people don't realize they aren't working full time and collect their salary.

It's funny and frustrating at the same time, imagine 3 people quitting on you after 2-3 hours into their first workday saying "my head hurts" and "its too much work." I have no pity for them anymore.

12-20-2005, 04:04 PM
The best is, you know its going to go wrong when you tell them you are installing a remote desktop on their PC to make sure they are working. Right then and there they realize they can't scam you.

12-20-2005, 05:35 PM
If I may gently chide you, Biggy, hon...the problem isn't with Philapinnos...it's with *this* particular group of nonworkers.

If I may jump ethnic groups, my husband used to be a food and beverage director in Southern California. That means he has a good working vocabulary of "kitchen Spanish." Phrases such as "lazy ass Mexicans" make his Slovak face turn pretty colors. He's actually had workers that he's had to tap on the shoulder and say "No. I'm serious. You're done. Go home. Manana." He's had employees that would literally work until they dropped in a puddle of their own sweat. Does he have stories of the other kind? Of course he does.

Painting with too broad a brush is never a good idea.

The only two Philapinno workers I know well enough to comment on have extremely strong work ethics. They're also bright, sexy and fun to have around. :)

12-20-2005, 10:35 PM
Got a problem with Pilipinos?

12-20-2005, 10:42 PM
Got a problem with Pilipinos?

some of them, yes :) so far I am 1 for 4 with trying to hire them. The first guy was solid, the last 3 have been terrible. I am talking specifically about outsourcing to the Philippines, not Filipinos in general. A lot of them seem to be in it for the get rich quick part, and their idea of getting rich quick is collecting money for doing no work. I would have to agree with Morgan though, Ihit a bad group of them who think they can get away with this.

Anyone else have any outsourced employees? I am done trying to be nice and hiring them independently, just going to go thru one of the major outsourcing companies.

12-21-2005, 02:20 AM
Why don't you hire American? Besides myself, I know others that can and will do the work.

12-21-2005, 02:21 AM
Not that Americans are any less lazy lol

12-21-2005, 02:58 AM
The best is, you know its going to go wrong when you tell them you are installing a remote desktop on their PC to make sure they are working. Right then and there they realize they can't scam you. You get 10 points just for using your brains! hehe Love it, Biggy! :okthumb:

12-21-2005, 09:49 AM
some of them, yes :) so far I am 1 for 4 with trying to hire them. The first guy was solid, the last 3 have been terrible. I am talking specifically about outsourcing to the Philippines, not Filipinos in general. A lot of them seem to be in it for the get rich quick part, and their idea of getting rich quick is collecting money for doing no work. I would have to agree with Morgan though, Ihit a bad group of them who think they can get away with this.

Anyone else have any outsourced employees? I am done trying to be nice and hiring them independently, just going to go thru one of the major outsourcing companies.

I'll give you the same advice I gave Nick when we did business with Pinoys.


12-21-2005, 10:05 AM
Got a buddy who is Phillipino - Works laying Drywall... 12 hour days, 6 days a week... and no he isn't getting minimum wage lol! Works for another friend who owns a drywall company out here. Very hard worker... and would make a good business owner.

I go with Morgan here, it's the person (and where you hire them from) not the race of the person. Minorities are historically harder workers than white workers in many many many circumstances as they feel they have to prove themselves.

However; if you hire someone on an internet message forum without references or knowledge of them... or through an outsourcing firm - Well.. You get what you pay for, American, Asian, African, Phillipino, Cuban, I don't give a fuck.

12-21-2005, 11:50 AM
First off, please understand that this comment is sort of on topic but is in NO WAY an accusation or any other type of statement toward Biggy. It has nothing to do with Biggy. It's just something I got to thinking about.

My mother grew up in Springfield, MA. In her neighborhood, you could be an Irish Catholic (like her), an Italian Catholic, or a Polish Catholic. She told me that she didn't even meet her first black person until she was married. She described shaking hands with this couple, a guy my Dad worked with and his wife. She was rather awed by the whole experience.

She also had a collection of "true facts" as they existed in the '50s that would make the youth of today drop their jaws. All babies were born white and it took them three days to turn black, so "colored" mothers always rejected their babies at birth until they turned "colored." Jews had tails. She told me all of this with a straight face and no particular consciousness of racism. She was just repeating what she had been told.

Then she got out in the world and started to meet people who were "different." She was surprised to discover that everything she'd been told growing up was wrong. Very, very wrong. The only items from my father's tour in Vietnam that he displayed were placques given to him by "his men." Most of those men were black. On their coffee table was a cannon sculpture that was hand crafted by a couple of his black sergeants. Whenever my father was away from home, a couple of black guys would show up at the door making sure my mother was all right and didn't need any groceries or anything.

We are all influenced by our experiences and the more experiences we have, the more accurate a picture we have of people who are "different." If you've only met one person of a certain skin color or ethnic group, and this person was a bastard, you could form the opinion that *all* people of that group are bastards. If you've met a hundred people from that group, you have a much more accurate and balanced picture.

My favorite story about my mother and her collection of "true facts" still has to be the time my future brother-in-law, the Israeli Jew, was coming for a visit. She stopped dead in the kitchen, horror struck. There was bacon in the refrigerator. She was totally convinced that if a Jew walked into a house with bacon in it he'd have some kind of horrific biochemical reaction. She didn't appreciate my youngest sister collapsing in laughter against the kitchen counter one bit.

Just some idle thoughts on a Wednesday morning.... :)

12-21-2005, 12:19 PM
I'll give you the same advice I gave Nick when we did business with Pinoys.


I don't know who to be more careful of... the pinoys, or those brits who seem extremely charming. :)

12-21-2005, 12:22 PM
I don't know who to be more careful of... the pinoys, or those brits who seem extremely charming. :)
I'd be wary of both ;)

12-21-2005, 12:28 PM
Brits ARE extremely charming :)

12-21-2005, 01:19 PM
Brits ARE extremely charming :)

You guys have a law about that, don't you? :)

I realize that my opinions have been formed by being selective about my British associates, but it's been my experience that Brits are both impossibly charming and unfailingly polite...two qualities I treasure. :)

I had a someone remark to me once "British men aren't very sexual, are they?" I'm telling you, 'twas enough to make me spit my beverage upon my monitor. I once knew a British gentleman who worked for the London Daily Mail and called me late at night from a different department each time. I'm grateful that he never got caught running up their phone bill...and even more grateful that he never got caught in mid-phone-call. It would have been embarrassing to say the least. :yowsa:

12-21-2005, 01:53 PM
I don't know who to be more careful of... the pinoys, or those brits who seem extremely charming. :) This should be a poll. ;)

12-21-2005, 02:30 PM
This should be a poll. ;)

Ask and ye shall receive. :)

'Tis the season of giving.

'Tis. :)

12-21-2005, 05:21 PM
i had to go with the pinoys! :)

12-22-2005, 10:51 AM
I have 6 filipinos working for me atm and I have been very lucky

they all do a great job and in a timely fashion

12-22-2005, 11:40 AM
Ask and ye shall receive. :)

'Tis the season of giving.

'Tis. :) Whoa, it's tied. :rolleyes:

12-22-2005, 01:22 PM
You guys have a law about that, don't you? :)

You put thaat very graciously, Morgan.

We're each given a Little Book of Bond at birth to go with the silver spoon.

Those who neglect to study their Little Book of Bond become Chavs.

el pres
12-22-2005, 02:21 PM
It is a gift. I can charm the knickers off a nun when needs be..

12-22-2005, 08:31 PM
You put thaat very graciously, Morgan.

We're each given a Little Book of Bond at birth to go with the silver spoon.

Those who neglect to study their Little Book of Bond become Chavs.

I now find myself giving you points just for showing up, well spoken one. :yowsa:

I'm suddenly overwhelmed with the desire to put on an evening gown and emeralds and play that game I don't understand and can't spell...it's in Casinos and involves a "shoe".... the ever and always attractive Sean Connery (yes, I do know he isn't English) plays it in Bond movies all the time...usually with the woman who turns out to be evil....

Got quite carried away there. Jeremy does that to me. :)

12-27-2005, 10:24 AM
Filipino's can be great workers. They need a lot of guidance and never have one write their own text for things like tours. But, as an example. I have been working with the same 3 guys for almost a year now and these guys can crank out some work. A recent example is we had 5 sites we wanted to launch. from scratch we had a tour for each, a full members area, hosted galleries and freesites and billing approved. From concept to completion..... 5 weeks. We have had a couple of guys come to work for us and either they have been asked to resign OR they found out that I pay a lot of attention to their work and how quickly it is getting done and they quit. It takes a lot of work to get them trained in your particular system, but it is worth the effort in the long run.
Bigest problem I have had with my crew is split hours. 2 of them have their shift ending at 9am and 10am my time, while the other one starts his shift at 7am till 3pm.
other then that, I think they are good workers.


12-27-2005, 11:25 AM
Like with any remote employees, it's going to be a crap shoot. Phillipino, american, russian, whatever, MOST of the people who do the "outsourcing" thing just tend to be lazy, overbooked and hope they can collect enough from enough people to make it through and fake it.

But, do some research ask for some references, bet you anything you will find remote workers who ARE good. :) Best of luck, Biggy. Hit me up, I may know some people who can help you with whatever you need. Icq 3522039.

12-28-2005, 05:56 AM
this is all abouth the money man :)
another point is Indians, still very cheap...
try looking for some guys from there..

Why don't you hire American? Besides myself, I know others that can and will do the work.