View Full Version : Chavs' Fault You Can't Wear Baseball Caps

12-19-2005, 01:48 AM
Hats off for British easyInternetcafes as baseball caps banned

http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051218/lf_afp/britainfashionsocial_051218224208;_ylt=AiF.ffhstM7 mniGhYIenvBCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc (http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20051218/lf_afp/britainfashionsocial_051218224208;_ylt=AiF.ffhstM7 mniGhYIenvBCs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3NW1oMDRpBHNlYwM3NTc )-

Baseball caps are being banned in easyGroup's British Internet cafes due to their association with "deviant behaviour", the group told a newspaper.

The easyInternetcafe chain, owned by easyJet airline founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou, said they made regular customers feel uncomfortable, The Sunday Times reported.

The weekly said that despite being popular among celebrities, "baseball caps have become part of the uniform of so-called 'chavs', working-class youths often associated with anti-social behaviour."

If trials in Glasgow and Edinburgh prove successful, easyGroup will extend the ban to all 41 of its Internet cafes in Britain.

"We want to make sure our cafes are places where our customers can relax and feel secure," said James Rothnie, easyGroup director of corporate affairs.

"Since deviant behaviour can be associated with the wearing of baseball caps, we are politely asking those people who enter our premises not to wear caps.

"This policy is designed to combat anti-social behaviour such as theft."

Prime Minister Tony Blair has promised to take on the teenage thugs causing mayhem in British town centres, whose hide their faces from closed-circuit television cameras by wearing baseball caps or hooded tops.

"Hoodies" hit the headlines in May when Europe's biggest shopping mall Bluewater, southeast of London, banned the tops in an attempt to cut crime and the air of menace.

Weird. We've had to deal with 20 years of teens, "gangsta", young thugs wearing caps and hoodies here in the US, but I've never seen anyone ban the clothing before because of it. Not in places where it was really bad, NY, LA, Chicago.

Must be another British thing. Thought it was bad here the way certain "public at large" freedoms are given more due than one's personal freedom, but the UK got us beat there!

el pres
12-19-2005, 02:29 AM
The UK have got more cctv than anywhere else in the world, Don't want people to see your face, wear a cap or a hoodie.. That is why the government complains.. Someone needs to register 'the church of chav'
then the hoodie becomes religious, like the burka.. hehe.

12-19-2005, 06:08 AM
The UK have got more cctv than anywhere else in the world,
Tell me about it, my home town has just invested £490,000 on cctv and that is classed as a small amount in comparison to other towns... madness, pure madness....

el pres
12-19-2005, 07:57 AM
Tell me about it, my home town has just invested £490,000 on cctv and that is classed as a small amount in comparison to other towns... madness, pure madness....

There's a big park here with them up.. been up since 99
and the council has just announced that they plan on turning
them on this summer. :scratchin

12-19-2005, 08:38 AM
They can try to pry my oprano cap from me :okthumb:

12-19-2005, 09:20 AM
There's a big park here with them up.. been up since 99
and the council has just announced that they plan on turning
them on this summer. :scratchin

Nothing surprises me with the Spanish :D

12-19-2005, 09:22 AM
They can try to pry my oprano cap from me :okthumb:
I'm sure they would view the Oprano caps in a different light, after all they're quality, unlike that Burberry shite ;)

12-19-2005, 09:42 AM
Plus ca change :-))

I wonder how many of these people making these decisions were affected by similar levels of societal "dislike" for 50s TeddyBoys, 60s Mods / Rockers, 70s Hippies, 80s Punks etc etc?

12-20-2005, 10:53 AM
Had no idea the UK was so "wired" for Big Brother. Ouch! :(