View Full Version : Lazy mother fuckers!

12-18-2005, 05:02 PM
You know what I hate? The lazy fucks in ANY parking lot that will sit there and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, AND FUCKING WAIT! for that one parking spot that's the closest to the store so that they don't have to walk their fat fucking asses any further than they need to.

The irony is that chances are they are trying to lose weight. They need to GET SOME FUCKING EXERCISE!!

12-18-2005, 08:12 PM

I heard the most awful rumor the other day that seriously overweight people are now able to get handicapped stickers for their cars, specifically so they CAN use the spots which are for the DISABLED.

12-18-2005, 10:36 PM
The morbidly obesed *are* handicapped. The human frame wasn't built to carry around 400-500 pounds.

Back in the day, I used to park in the absolute back of the parking lot and walk to the store. It was a wonderful walk in the sunshine and felt good. It's a great way to get exercise into your routine easily. I always walked up and down each aisle, too, even if I only wanted to pick up a few things.

Now, I've turned into one of those "you'd damned well better have a placard if you're parked in that spot!" people...but I'm nowhere near as nasty as my husband is. :)

12-18-2005, 11:50 PM
No, I'm in disagreeance. The morbidly obese are lazy. The excuse of "Its genetics" can only cover so much, after that its bad habits & sheer laziness, and IMO a disability is something that is out of the individual's control, and NOT "out of their control because they let their laziness & bad eating habits get to the point they're at" either.

Read a story from last year that I had missed, where apparently a woman spent 6 yrs on a couch & when she finally died, she had to be surgically removed from the couch because her skin had grafted to it, and she LITERALLY had not moved in 6 yrs. Why? Well she had a "friend" who took care of her. Maybe if he didn't cater to her demands from the start, she would've gotten off her fucking ass to feed herself. I have very very low tolerance or sympathy levels for people like that.

I had it drilled into me (I'm quite sure I heard it daily) that life is all about choices... and you can make good choices or bad choices. I don't think that the people who have made the bad choice of being lazy & have made the bad choice of eating poorly, should get granted handicapped stickers so they can take up parking spots that are reserved for people who are handicapped NOT by their own choice.

What REALLY pisses me off is the ones who are so lazy that they rent or buy medichairs --those things are meant for the elderly or the infirmly, and it seriously irks me to see lazy people using them especially when there's much larger individuals WALKING. Injured people okay fine, no problems there, but seriously... when you're too lazy that you don't even want to WALK around the grocery store for your food?

Excuse my rant, I'm angry these days.

12-19-2005, 12:00 AM
I agree with you 100%

I had an argument with a few people on this very subject a few months ago.

It seems to me that people are getting worse for this kind of thing. overweight is one thing. Lots of people are overweight. This can be chalked up to a lot of things, But to be seriously fat (and there's no other word for it) is a result of individual choices.

There is no way you can be over 300 pounds and claim its genetics. and with medical techniques and the wealth of help that is available today, if you can't at least make the effort to be healthy, it's not the fault of god, your parents, fucking McDonald's (or whatever else you choose to blame it on) It's your fault.

I see it every day i'm at school when people wait for an elevator to take them up one flight of stairs. These are 18 and 19 year old students that can't make the effort to take control of their own lives and improve their health by walking up one fucking set of stairs.

12-19-2005, 12:07 AM
For every person who is morbidly obese because of laziness there are a dozen who are that way because of medical and genetic reasons.

I used to be far more sanctimonious about it, until I grew up and quit being so full of myself. It "helped" that I met some people cursed with a completely different genetic makeup than my own, not to mention found out that genetics can kick in later in life - say, about age 40.

I'm a 52 year old mildly arthritic majorly asthmatic who still parks in the back of the parking lot, and will not hesitate to call the cops on somebody in a handicapped spot without a tag.

12-19-2005, 12:37 AM
There is no way you can be over 300 pounds and claim its genetics. and with medical techniques and the wealth of help that is available today, if you can't at least make the effort to be healthy, it's not the fault of god, your parents, fucking McDonald's (or whatever else you choose to blame it on) It's your fault.


I'm aware that genetics do play a part, I have friends who have genetical issues running through their families on both sides. One of them is my best friend who turns 25 in January. She'll never be as "lean" as me, but any weight she carries is the result of genetics, not poor choices... that much is apparent just by how she lives her life; she's very active & eats healthier than I do.

I just get seriously irritated by people who either have a genetic issue & decide to use it as a crutch as an EXCUSE to be lazy, or even worse, the ones who don't have a genetic problem & are simply lazy.

I'd go so far as to put some of the blame on parents though, yes. Unfortunately some children aren't blessed with healthy parents, they're cursed with lazy ones so they grow up being fed unhealthy food & watching TV. (or some other non-active "activity") Children unfortunately are somewhat more limited in their choices when they've got to grow up with parents who make poor choices.

12-19-2005, 12:42 AM
For every person who is morbidly obese because of laziness there are a dozen who are that way because of medical and genetic reasons.

I'm going to give my perspective & slightly alter that.

"For every person who is obese because of laziness there are a dozen who are that way because of medical and genetic reasons. For every person who is morbidly obese because of genetics, there are a dozen who are that way because of sheer laziness."

Maybe I'm "full of myself" having a perspective like that, but having grown up through grade school with my best friend, and seeing first hand the difference between her, her sister, her mother & her father, and the choices each of them make on an individual level, I'm still convinced genetics only covers a certain percentage.

12-19-2005, 01:31 AM
Lewis Black said it best. "We are all snowflakes." (LMAO!) The problem with health is there is no one cure all, and no one cause. Every single person's biology is in some way different from the next persons.

(I know, if PD is going to call JR on the History Channel, what is he going to do with me quoting a comedian about health? But I continue, undetered ...)

So some folks are lazy and gluttons, and some folks are genetics, and some folks it's something else, and in many cases it's combinations of things.

Tangent, sorta. My one cousin was stacked at 25; (think of Ann Margaret circa 1963). She was a balloon for the next 20-something years. All these doctors and tests treating her for something unrelated, and it took the last doctor in the serious of doctors over the decades who said, take this med instead of that one you've been on forever. 100 lbs lighter and yep it was a medicine side-effect. The bastards! But 100 other doctors said it had nothing to do with the meds, it was her metabolism.

Sin, tsk tsk, girl. You should know better than to say anyone is all one way for a single reason, just because you knew a girl or a family that was a certain way, it just doesn't cover the rest of the world's populace.

12-19-2005, 08:02 AM

I'd go so far as to put some of the blame on parents though, yes. Unfortunately some children aren't blessed with healthy parents, they're cursed with lazy ones so they grow up being fed unhealthy food & watching TV. (or some other non-active "activity") Children unfortunately are somewhat more limited in their choices when they've got to grow up with parents who make poor choices.

I grew up with NO junk food in the house. Soda and junk food were like the holy grail to me as a kid. I couldn't believe other kids had pantries full of Costco crap. My mom climbed Mt. McKinley. My childhood weekends were spent hiking, camping and fishing all over Alaska. Guess what I like to do as an adult? Drink Coke, play poker, work online, read books, watch movies etc. lol ;)

12-19-2005, 12:12 PM
Now ,I am a fat fuck...

Is it genetics? Well my Dad , like myself , piled on the pounds once he hit 40.
Is it lack of exercise and overeating? Bingo! lol

All research I've read says being obese is predominately through being a lazy over eating fuck.

Genetics can make it easier to become obese but you must have the predisposition towards obesity combined with over eating and lack of exercise to actually become obese in 95% of the cases.

Being genetically predisposed towards being obese is no more than 10% of the problem overall.

12-19-2005, 01:41 PM
Now ,I am a fat fuck...

Is it genetics? Well my Dad , like myself , piled on the pounds once he hit 40.
Is it lack of exercise and overeating? Bingo! lol

All research I've read says being obese is predominately through being a lazy over eating fuck.

Genetics can make it easier to become obese but you must have the predisposition towards obesity combined with over eating and lack of exercise to actually become obese in 95% of the cases.

Being genetically predisposed towards being obese is no more than 10% of the problem overall.

Yeah! :clapping:

12-19-2005, 02:31 PM
Tangent, sorta. My one cousin was stacked at 25; (think of Ann Margaret circa 1963). She was a balloon for the next 20-something years. All these doctors and tests treating her for something unrelated, and it took the last doctor in the serious of doctors over the decades who said, take this med instead of that one you've been on forever. 100 lbs lighter and yep it was a medicine side-effect. The bastards! But 100 other doctors said it had nothing to do with the meds, it was her metabolism.

Sin, tsk tsk, girl. You should know better than to say anyone is all one way for a single reason, just because you knew a girl or a family that was a certain way, it just doesn't cover the rest of the world's populace.

Ooooh, I just got spanked by Dravyk! :yowsa:

Excuses Excuses --I'm going to go with those this morning, first excuse being that I haven't had my coffee & literally just rolled out of bed, is part of why I'm going to then hop on over to the "I'm young & still learning" excuse.

On that same note however, your cousin wasn't fat because of laziness & overeating ;) She also wasn't lazy, and continued to get more medical perspectives until she found a solution for her problem :okthumb: :okthumb:

My issue isn't with overweight ppl, its with lazy people, which is what this thread is mainly about (I thought. I could be wrong)

12-19-2005, 02:46 PM
Ooooh, I just got spanked by Dravyk! :yowsa:

Excuses Excuses --I'm going to go with those this morning, first excuse being that I haven't had my coffee & literally just rolled out of bed, is part of why I'm going to then hop on over to the "I'm young & still learning" excuse.

On that same note however, your cousin wasn't fat because of laziness & overeating ;) She also wasn't lazy, and continued to get more medical perspectives until she found a solution for her problem :okthumb: :okthumb:

My issue isn't with overweight ppl, its with lazy people, which is what this thread is mainly about (I thought. I could be wrong)

You're right..

12-19-2005, 02:52 PM
Sounds to me like excuses...

In 95% of all cases of obesity...

"Its genetics" - No its mainly cause you eat too much and don't take enough exercise

"Its a reaction to meds" - No its mainly cause you eat too much and don't take enough exercise.

Sorry to ruin Oprano with facts again :)

Frankly if I was in a wheelchair through injury etc etc...and saw a person who was in a wheelchair through obesity I'd pray to be given 30 seconds of mobility so I could kick their fat ass :)

12-19-2005, 02:53 PM
Now ,I am a fat fuck...

Ah come on Tubby, dont be so hard on your flabby self!


12-19-2005, 03:01 PM
Ah come on Tubby, dont be so hard on your flabby self!


Watch it I can move fast for a fat man!!!!

OK..here to montreal would take a while....

12-19-2005, 03:05 PM
Watch it I can move fast for a fat man!!!!

OK..here to montreal would take a while....

Especially if you stop at all the Tim Hortons on the way over for a quick danish and latte...

12-19-2005, 03:10 PM
ooh those fucking lattes at the four seasons in Whistler were fucking lovely ... tim hortons indeed.. no wonder the french peasants were revolting .. :D

Trev we need a sheep smilie chap ;)

12-19-2005, 03:44 PM
Frankly if I was in a wheelchair through injury etc etc...and saw a person who was in a wheelchair through obesity I'd pray to be given 30 seconds of mobility so I could kick their fat ass :)

Well said :okthumb:

12-19-2005, 03:54 PM
I too am not a fan of the 'genetics' argument for gross obesity.

Genetics would only contribute to the way the person's body reacts to the calories that are consumed. Yes, genetics may dictate that the person has some kind of glandular imbalance which contributes to a higher propensity to store fat- but all this means is that the person, knowing this, would need to control their eating patterns to compensate for this 'genetic' condition.

The undeniable reality is that it would be possible for morbidly obese people to NOT be that way - and you can chalk up their medical problem to whatever you want (a bad upbringing, depression, laziness, etc..) But the power to be thinner and healthier is not denied to these people - it is completely up to them if they want to make different choices. Unlike poverty or other things which may be out of people's control - the things that we choose to put in our bodies is our decision alone. Every time the fork is raised to the mouth it's a conscious choice. There is no circumstance that would deny any person the choice to eat less and eat differently and lose weight.

I could be 180lbs of ripped muscle if I wanted to - it would take about 2 years of working out and disciplined eating. I could do it if I wanted, but I choose not to make the time to do it and I am responsible for that choice. Why is an obese person not responsible for thier choices?

12-20-2005, 11:08 AM
On that same note however, your cousin wasn't fat because of laziness & overeating ;) She also wasn't lazy, and continued to get more medical perspectives until she found a solution for her problem :okthumb: :okthumb: The weight was the side effect. She was being medicated for a totally different and unrelated problem. Docs said she couldn't get off the meds they were given her because it would kill her. Yeah, she was such a lazy fuck having to listen to the doctors. :hmm:

Now you have a double-spanking. Care to try for three, Sin?

12-20-2005, 11:11 AM
"Its a reaction to meds" - No its mainly cause you eat too much and don't take enough exercise. I know or have know enough people who eat less than sparrows and who do exercise that cannot overcome side effects of massive weight gain through meds, that that is simply not true.

I'd go find some medical reports online but I shouldn't encourage you're being lazy, so do it yourself, read up on them, then come back when you have the facts. :p

12-20-2005, 11:14 AM
As to laziness and genetics ... known quite a few women who's exercise has beaten the genetics. At least for now.

My sister-in-law was very heavy. Her daugther, my niece, became a a ballet dancer. Thin as a read and yet muscles like steel. Know of another friend, became a cross-country runner. Her mother is heavy, but she's svelte. Mind you, one day, in their 40s or 50s and with less exercise, genetics will take over. For sure. But active exerecise can defeat genetics when one is younger, most definitely.

12-20-2005, 12:39 PM
The weight was the side effect. She was being medicated for a totally different and unrelated problem. Docs said she couldn't get off the meds they were given her because it would kill her. Yeah, she was such a lazy fuck having to listen to the doctors. :hmm:

Now you have a double-spanking. Care to try for three, Sin?

Did you read the quote that you posted? I believe Sin said that your cousin was NOT lazy. And I do believe she understood it was a result of the medication your cousin was on.

12-20-2005, 01:13 PM
Dravyk just wants to spank Sin (in the nicest possible way) and you can't blame him for that ;)

12-20-2005, 01:15 PM
Did you read the quote that you posted? I believe Sin said that your cousin was NOT lazy. And I do believe she understood it was a result of the medication your cousin was on. Yes, I read it. However I read it differently. I saw the winkie icons and read that as sarcasm, Osiris. If she meant it for real, then I'm mistaken. Right now, I'm unsure.

12-20-2005, 01:17 PM
Dravyk just wants to spank Sin (in the nicest possible way) and you can't blame him for that ;) Actually that's a seperate issue ... but true! :groucho:

12-20-2005, 05:12 PM
The weight was the side effect. She was being medicated for a totally different and unrelated problem. Docs said she couldn't get off the meds they were given her because it would kill her. Yeah, she was such a lazy fuck having to listen to the doctors. :hmm:

Now you have a double-spanking. Care to try for three, Sin?

Re-read my post? I said she was NOT overweight as a result of laziness, (in other words it was from the medicine) Nowhere in the post of mine that you quoted, did I so much as imply she was lazy in fact.

12-20-2005, 05:13 PM
Yes, I read it. However I read it differently. I saw the winkie icons and read that as sarcasm, Osiris. If she meant it for real, then I'm mistaken. Right now, I'm unsure.

The first wink was to emphasize my point. That she was NOT fat as a result of laziness. As in emphasis of the point I'm making that my issue is with people who ARE obese as a result of laziness.

The other two was me giving her the two thumbs up as in "Good for her!"

So much for smilies enhancing a post, what a pain in the ass

12-21-2005, 02:18 AM
The first wink was to emphasize my point. That she was NOT fat as a result of laziness. As in emphasis of the point I'm making that my issue is with people who ARE obese as a result of laziness.

The other two was me giving her the two thumbs up as in "Good for her!"

So much for smilies enhancing a post, what a pain in the ass Ok, ok, you can spank me once. :(