View Full Version : Guess that's what i get for buying a monitor at Wal-Mart

12-17-2005, 01:12 AM
$300 or so on a 19 inch Flat Panel ... Thing worked O.K. for a while, then if I bumped up against the chord the screen turned different colors.. Now if I look closely I see a bunch of little pixels dissolving and resolving... Giving me a fucking headache..

God Damnit Wal-Mart ... Reminded me of that South Park episode ;)

Weird thing is, it's MOSTLY in areas of the screen that are gray ??

12-17-2005, 01:37 AM
Yikes, what brand is it?

12-17-2005, 01:59 AM
KDS ??

I seriously feel like I'm on Psychadelics - my eyes feel like they are ready to pop out of their sockets... Time to take the old CRT out? LOL

12-17-2005, 02:26 AM
"Time to take the old CRT out?"

^^^^ Drop the question mark in that & you're good to go! ;)

12-17-2005, 04:06 AM
"Time to take the old CRT out?"

^^^^ Drop the question mark in that & you're good to go! ;)

Not so sure my desk has the room - funky setup ... VERY nice desk though.. Will take pics and post 'em tomorrow ... Have about 300 more manual TGP submissions to get through (fun, fun!) ... T-3 sites

12-17-2005, 04:28 AM
Ehh, I wouldn't put a price on my eyesight personally, funky setup or not, I'd make it work! lol

12-17-2005, 11:22 AM
Take it back. Bitch, complain, and demand your money back.

12-17-2005, 12:24 PM
Yeah good point, I know the Wal-mart around here is really very good actually about returns

12-17-2005, 12:39 PM
Take it back. Bitch, complain, and demand your money back.

I'm an idiot - never thought of that ...lol
It's over 3 months old but hey with no receipt, how do they prove that? :yowsa:

Monitor should last more than 6 or 7 months regardless ...

12-17-2005, 01:43 PM
I'm an idiot - never thought of that ...lol
It's over 3 months old but hey with no receipt, how do they prove that? :yowsa:

Monitor should last more than 6 or 7 months regardless ...

There are monitors with less than a 1 year warranty?

12-17-2005, 01:59 PM
I bought a 19" Microtek LCD about 2-2 1/2 years ago from Wal-Mart and it's still running like it was the day I got it.

12-17-2005, 03:43 PM
Hopefully you've checked out the cable before deciding it's the monitor ...

12-17-2005, 03:45 PM
I'm an idiot - never thought of that ...lol
It's over 3 months old but hey with no receipt, how do they prove that? :yowsa:

Monitor should last more than 6 or 7 months regardless ...You threw out the receipt??

I never throw out these kinds of recepts. A new monitor goes down as a business expense, period. Anything like that, a new phone, a new printer, scanner, box of blank rewriteable CD's, it's all a writeoff. Hell, if I buy a new pen it's a business expense!

Never toss out receipts.

Now you know.

12-17-2005, 04:58 PM
You threw out the receipt??

I never throw out these kinds of recepts. A new monitor goes down as a business expense, period. Anything like that, a new phone, a new printer, scanner, box of blank rewriteable CD's, it's all a writeoff. Hell, if I buy a new pen it's a business expense!

Never toss out receipts.

Now you know.

Hiya, CD! :waving:

I'm a longtime "receipt saver," too. Never throw out any kind of a receipt. Right now, as we approach the holidays, I have a rather thick stack of receipts from things I gave as gifts. I'm in readiness for the "it doesn't fit/work/whatever" that can happen.

But *especially* keep any receipt that can be used come tax time. :okthumb:

12-17-2005, 10:28 PM
I'm awful for throwing out receipts... lol

12-18-2005, 02:58 AM
I'm HORRIBLE with receipts - My old office manager was great with keeping track of all that stuff. Can't afford her any more, lol ...

Not to worried about receipts for tax deductions as I am so screwed with the IRS its going to be a decade till I am settled up with them :(

Maybe I'll just move to Cambodia!

(No idea why Cambodia, it sounded good)

12-18-2005, 08:36 AM
Ryan the only thing to get from walmart is milfs :)

12-18-2005, 09:24 AM
Ryan the only thing to get from walmart is milfs :)

Got one at home, no need to go to Wal-Mart for that ;)

12-20-2005, 01:24 PM
Wal mart is the devil and Dr Phil runs a close 2nd ; )

12-20-2005, 02:02 PM
I'm horrible with any kind of bookkeeping or organized records of any kind. Plus I really have no interest in it, and even less time for it.

So... what I do is I have this box, see? Yeah, a box..... and whenever I get a receipt for anything, anything at all, I toss it in the box.

Bills come in the mail. I pay them. I take the stubs from the paid bills and I
toss em in the box
toss em in the box
oh yes oh yes
I toss em in the box

(chorus) He tosses em in the box!

Everybody all together now....

I stop off for gas at a local gas barrr
ask the cashier for a receipt, yes even for that chocolate barrr
I take them receipts home and guess what I dooo?
That's right folx...I

Toss em in the box
toss em in the box
oh yeah oh yeahh
I toss em in the box

(chorus) He tosses em in the box!
He tosses em in the box!
He tosses em in the box!
He tosses em in the box!

At the end of the year I have my tax & investment guy come over, he takes the box away, totals up everything for me, does my income tax, and charges me less than $100 bucks to do it. That includes the personal side of my return, my online business, and my rental property business. All of it, done, and not by me. That's the best part... not by me.

If anyone needs a box to toss em in, email me to boxtosser @ cdsmodels dot com, include your physical mailing address and I will send you a new box of your very own.

12-20-2005, 02:28 PM
What the hell song did those lyrics come from... I have the audio in my mind but all I keep repeating to myself now is 'Toss it in the box... Tosss it in the Box...

Thanks alot, for ruining some great rap :)

12-20-2005, 02:31 PM
Yeah, but come Jan 1st you can start the new year fresh.

"toss em in the box.... oh yeah baby toss em in the boxxx...."