View Full Version : Chocolate Chip Bagel and Coke Zero

12-16-2005, 09:49 AM

I usually do 4 egg whites with tomatoes in the morning, but nothing like chocolate and coke (Soda kind) to wake ya up!

12-16-2005, 09:57 AM
I'm an onion bagel person myself, preferably with cream cheese and just a bit lox. :)

12-16-2005, 10:00 AM
Raisin bread toast , coffee ( Viennese...this morning actually whatever that is..), cigarettes :)

12-16-2005, 10:03 AM
Raisin bread toast , coffee ( Viennese...this morning actually whatever that is..), cigarettes :)

I *love* raisin bread toast! :clapping:

If you could get back to me on that Viennese coffee thing, I'd appreciate it. What up with coffee in Vienna? I've got some. There seems to be cinnamon involved with some of it, others not-so-much.

12-16-2005, 10:08 AM
Nope no cinnamon...just strong lol

12-16-2005, 10:13 AM
Nope no cinnamon...just strong lol

OK...and we tell that from Italian coffee how? :scratchin

I've got two unopened sacks of "special" coffee left...one a French Roast from Gevalia, that promised it wouldn't eat out my stomach lining, the other a pound of Starbucks something-or-other. (The mate to the one I gave my sister for Hanukkah.) I don't think my palate is sophisticated enough to play in the "coffee big leagues."

12-16-2005, 10:20 AM
"""I don't think my palate is sophisticated enough to play in the "coffee big leagues."""

I'm with ya...

Side by side you could tell the difference , but why would you want to.

So long as its good...PERFECT! :)

12-16-2005, 10:53 AM
"""I don't think my palate is sophisticated enough to play in the "coffee big leagues."""

I'm with ya...

Side by side you could tell the difference , but why would you want to.

So long as its good...PERFECT! :)


Now *that* is a quote from a sensible man! All a good cup of coffee has to do is make you release that groaning noise first thing in the morning. That delightful "oh, thank god, I AM going to live!!" And after dinner, it should assist in making conversation flow. During the day, it should give you the will to go on, slogging one foot in front of the other, deciding that perhaps you won't commit a felony after all. :okthumb:

(Yet another entry in the "Nick uses one line to say what Morgan says in a paragraph" sweepstakes.") :)

Polysyllabic hyperbole is my life! :okthumb:

12-16-2005, 02:00 PM
Raisin bread toast , coffee ( Viennese...this morning actually whatever that is..), cigarettes :) A giant mug of Columbian (coffee, that is), a TastyKake Chocolate Eclair (this morning, anyhow) and smokes. :)

12-16-2005, 03:20 PM
I'm an onion bagel person myself, preferably with cream cheese and just a bit lox. :)

Ahhhh Bagels and Lox :)

12-17-2005, 01:53 PM
Ahhhh Bagels and Lox :)

I forget what Jewish holiday it was that had my sister and brother-in-law visiting my house, but I sat down with a cookbook and made an entire meal of what the book said was suitable food for the occasion. I also managed to find Israeli wine in Louisville, Kentucky...not an easy thing to do.

Well, my brother-in-law recognized the wine, which was Mogen David from hell, frankly. He didn't recognized a single dish, though. I had used a European Jewish cookbook to please someone born in Israel. Oops. He appreciated the effort, though, and the food *was* good.

Watching him put a hand on the top of his hand and bless the wine was priceless. (He's fun to have around and indulged me.) It would have taken a lot more than prayers to make that damned wine palatable, though.

12-18-2005, 08:25 AM
2 or 3 cups of coffee first thing .. its evil looks and grunts until I wake up. :okthumb: