View Full Version : You Will ALL Disagree With ME Here!

12-15-2005, 02:35 AM
O.K. Now that I have your attention... (If paragraph 2 & 3 bore u skip to paragraph #4)

I have been heavily evaluating my personality, my strengths, and where I am weak. I know in 90% of the fields where they lie - the past couple months of 'random odd jobs' have shown me this and given me a great insight to what my long term goals are, how to achieve them, and what I am doing wrong right now in my attempts..

I think those of you who have a grasp in this industry (adult or nonadult) will be 10 times as likely to disagree with my thoughts; however I want to hear them as I respect everyone's thoughts.. I just take certain people's a little more seriously.

I hear all kinds of bullshit about people saying "If I had $50 today and no business I could turn it into a multi million dollar empire over night". Not literally over night, you know what I mean...

There are at least 5 or 6 people on "THIS" board I knw personally to some degree who I HONESTLY believe could do so... They are talented, multi faceted, and have very adaptive personalities. They are people who not only know what they want and how to get it but won't accept anything less... even if it means a fight to the death! "Carpe Diem" is every day life to these people.

My question would be ... Do you believe someone with the financial backing could startup in these days and ages from GROUND ZERO and become a successfull corporation or is everything becoming too consolidated? BTW, This is not the only on-line industry I see heavy consolidation in.

The second part, and most important... Is do you think someone with Little to none (Talking a couple grand ) could STILL make it big in this business with the right traits?

Keep in mind, my basic question is simialr to asking whether someone with a unique idea could compete with PS3 and Xbox360. Niche specific helps, but ... none the less. I think you all get what I am asking by now.

12-15-2005, 02:54 AM
I'm probably of no fucking help whatsoever .. but then what else is new? :)

I'd say anything is possible.

Probable is a different matter.


everybody's definition of "make it big" is different enough that the range of it goes from "make a $100 a month gross" to "rule the universe and buy up nations". So what do you consider to be "big"?

12-15-2005, 03:07 AM
Really Quickly... Before I go to bed ..

Less than I used to Make ...

Making it big to me NOW would be making all payments, keeping my family happy, and being able to provide not only what is neccessary ... but to be able to offer vacations to Disney when my litle girl turns 4-5 ...

$$ Equiv bottom line = $75K/year
$$ Equiv Mid-Range = $120K/yr

Truly making it ... Dravyk, you know the kind of money I used to make.. That arena ....

12-15-2005, 04:32 AM
You're old target ... possible but highly improbable. I'd say the ability to make your new target is very certainly possible, yes. Of course, it's completely up to you.

However, one of your problems, I think is with the financing thing. While that still isn't a hand out per se, it seems to me (and I could be wrong) that you are treating it as a hand out.

It also seems you want to get there fast, and while that's always desirable, I'm not sure if you're ready to put in the hours of hard work it takes. You may say you do, but then if you really do, you would force yourself to do it slow and steady without any outside financing.

It's a total bitch but ... parlay one dollar into 10, 10 into a hundred, a few hundred ... etc ... until you have some 4- and 5-digit money of your own to then go for something big. Meanwhile, the long road followed getting there will give you a better mindset than anything you have now.

This could be unfair but .... I'm betting you would spend 10 grand of someone's financing in a few months, and on things that could have been gotten for a third less, and if that project didn't work, that you might simply shrug it off. Look for another project and another hand out.

But if it took you a couple years and your own money, I'd bet you would consider every way conceivable to squeeze out a single dime, avoid big expenditures, milk everything for what it was worth and then beyond ... so by the time you're ready to spend, say, 10 grand of your own money, you'd make damned sure you'd get back 40 grand of value for it.

One last thing ....

Yeah, some big things could still happen in the adult industry, could, maybe, but doubtful -- but in mainstream, the vistas are wide open, virtual acres upon acres of unclaimed virgin terrority, places you can climb up to and see no one else around for hundreds of miles ... In adult, it's like trying to find a slither of space to put your beach towel at an outdoor U2 concert.

12-15-2005, 04:50 AM
You're old target ... possible but highly improbable. I'd say the ability to make your new target is very certainly possible, yes. Of course, it's completely up to you.

However, one of your problems, I think is with the financing thing. While that still isn't a hand out per se, it seems to me (and I could be wrong) that you are treating it as a hand out.

It also seems you want to get there fast, and while that's always desirable, I'm not sure if you're ready to put in the hours of hard work it takes. You may say you do, but then if you really do, you would force yourself to do it slow and steady without any outside financing.

It's a total bitch but ... parlay one dollar into 10, 10 into a hundred, a few hundred ... etc ... until you have some 4- and 5-digit money of your own to then go for something big. Meanwhile, the long road followed getting there will give you a better mindset than anything you have now.

This could be unfair but .... I'm betting you would spend 10 grand of someone's financing in a few months, and on things that could have been gotten for a third less, and if that project didn't work, that you might simply shrug it off. Look for another project and another hand out.

But if it took you a couple years and your own money, I'd bet you would consider every way conceivable to squeeze out a single dime, avoid big expenditures, milk everything for what it was worth and then beyond ... so by the time you're ready to spend, say, 10 grand of your own money, you'd make damned sure you'd get back 40 grand of value for it.

One last thing ....

Yeah, some big things could still happen in the adult industry, could, maybe, but doubtful -- but in mainstream, the vistas are wide open, virtual acres upon acres of unclaimed virgin terrority, places you can climb up to and see no one else around for hundreds of miles ... In adult, it's like trying to find a slither of space to put your beach towel at an outdoor U2 concert.

Shitty night for me... but what should I Expect... Anyways, per :

"But if it took you a couple years and your own money, I'd bet you would consider every way conceivable to squeeze out a single dime, avoid big expenditures, milk everything for what it was worth and then beyond ... so by the time you're ready to spend, say, 10 grand of your own money, you'd make damned sure you'd get back 40 grand of value for it."

I DO consider every way to queeze a penny out of a out a dime.. a penny out of a spanish dollar would be a more accurate phrase. I DO Believe in the non adult sector as being a huge area that I could be successul in - Problem is ... I have NO... None... Nada ... connections in that particular aspect of this business - and althought I hve a plethora of ideas I didn't utilize them when I had my own money to spend :(

Do I have Ideas? It's ALL I have right now ..... Along with ways to utilize them... Any maniac could very easily lay the same claims I am though - and everyone here knows it ....

Almighty Colin
12-15-2005, 06:18 AM
My question would be ... Do you believe someone with the financial backing could startup in these days and ages from GROUND ZERO and become a successfull corporation or is everything becoming too consolidated? BTW, This is not the only on-line industry I see heavy consolidation in.

The second part, and most important... Is do you think someone with Little to none (Talking a couple grand ) could STILL make it big in this business with the right traits?

Yes, there are still people today starting in adult with very little money that easily do the numbers you are discussing.

12-15-2005, 11:13 AM
There is NO doubt you could start today and be earning a decent living by spring , no worries imho.

If you ever doubt that , read GFY and look at your competition ;-))

To get into the netting more than 1m a year , now that is much tougher than it was...much much tougher...

12-15-2005, 11:19 AM
Take that fucking tag line out from under your name or I'm coming to your house and slapping you until you ring like a gong. :mad:

12-15-2005, 12:20 PM
Take that fucking tag line out from under your name or I'm coming to your house and slapping you until you ring like a gong. :mad:

Whose signature and why?

12-15-2005, 12:24 PM
Whose signature and why?

My apologies, I was unclear. :)

The "Deemed Failure" underneath Ryan's name.
I will communicate with him privately regarding the "why."