View Full Version : Here it is

12-13-2005, 12:46 PM
I would be PLEASED to announce our new Paid Inclusion program.

This is off the top with little preparation so I'll be happy to answer any questions about it.

We have a new Paid Inclusion Program which will buy you the Top Spots in the organic listings in the Yahoo Search Engine

Through us, we are making sure our clients get the highest possible rankings in their desired Keywords through the Yahoo search engine.(or if you leave it to us, the ones we think will work best for you). From you, This requires NO effort on your part. You don't have to redesign your pages or do traditional SEO stuff but you still get the benefits of high rankings in the organic listings. We Track all clicks optimize the pages based on clicks and if we set up an affiliate account with you to track conversions then we can optimize based on that as well.

Without getting into too much detail about how it actually works, You give us lists of sites you want to in your yahoo campaign and we make sure they get ranked as high as possible in the organic listings. We can work with both TGP's and paysites. AT THIS TIME, we are only able to work with Adult sites.

This may sound odd because as I said I'm not a sales person but I'm the guy that does the actual work ;) I'm not sure exactly how much I'm supposed to give away. So please forgive me if its a little vague.

This thing is really taking off, and we're getting some very good clients.

If you guys have any questions please post them here and I'll answer what I can, and if you're more than just Idly curious, icq me at 7660483 and I can put you in touch with the right people.

As to a link for you all to check out I'm not sure what it is as I only use the back end stuff... but as soon as I people get into the office I'll be sure to add more

SO that's it.... ask away....


12-13-2005, 12:48 PM
On the info supplied....

I'll pass....

12-13-2005, 12:48 PM
Those people out on the left coast are STILL at Starbucks?:blink:

I'll be hitting you on icq soon, Derek. :)

12-13-2005, 12:49 PM
So ...I pay you to pay yahoo?


And you guys are geniouses at getting me in the best section for my site?

Prove it?

If you guys are so good why don't you go buy 200 domains knock up some template sites and corner the market?

12-13-2005, 12:56 PM
Nick, You're paying us to do the work for you.

I know that sounds like a hack writing, but Like I said, I'm not a sales person so perhaps I'm not as clear as I should be.

Not only are we doing the work for you, But this is a guaranteed listing in yahoo, faster than what you would get traditionally.

Also, This way of doing things works well if your webpages aren't very easily modified for traditional SEO. Flash pages, and graphics heavy pages are sometimes very difficult to get crawled becuase they are so limited in text for the engines TO crawl. Through the paid inclusion program you can bypass those difficulties.

And with the speed that the sites get crawled through us, you can be sure that any time sensitive promotions that you want to include can be added to the listings quickly.

12-13-2005, 12:59 PM
Nick, You're paying us to do the work for you.

I know that sounds like a hack writing, but Like I said, I'm not a sales person so perhaps I'm not as clear as I should be.

Not only are we doing the work for you, But this is a guaranteed listing in yahoo, faster than what you would get traditionally.


What work?

Filling out a form?

So are you saying you can get my paid listing included faster than I can myself ?

12-13-2005, 01:00 PM
It's a scam...

If not, why sell it?

12-13-2005, 01:07 PM
What work?

Filling out a form?

So are you saying you can get my paid listing included faster than I can myself ?

Actually no, these feeds are contantly updated and changed to make sure you're getting the best traffic to your sites and we're keeping them as high as possible. We also provide you with weekly statistics on exactly where your traffic is coming from (ie what keywords) and where it is going to.

12-13-2005, 01:30 PM
Actually no, these feeds are contantly updated and changed to make sure you're getting the best traffic to your sites and we're keeping them as high as possible. We also provide you with weekly statistics on exactly where your traffic is coming from (ie what keywords) and where it is going to.



12-13-2005, 01:33 PM


They wouldn't have secured a few dozen high ranking URLs at Yahoo and now they use cloaking/redirection to let clients get traffic directly from them would they? ;)

12-13-2005, 01:35 PM
They wouldn't have secured a few dozen high ranking URLs at Yahoo and now they use cloaking/redirection to let clients get traffic directly from them would they? ;)

but that would assume once you are in yahoo they never come back and kick you out of the index no matter how tricky you get with your listing....


12-13-2005, 01:53 PM
They wouldn't have secured a few dozen high ranking URLs at Yahoo and now they use cloaking/redirection to let clients get traffic directly from them would they? ;)


The feeds we create are specific to client sites. This is why we don't have to do anything to your actual sites. When we build feeds for clients, They are uploaded to our servers. The feeds contain information such as a URL to your site, title, description(which is displayed in the search listings), and text about your sites. These feeds are then crawled daily by the Yahoo spider. When a searcher types in a key word. The title and descriptions are what WE create in the feeds. This is why we can update them and change them quickly and have it updated without any changes required to your sites. Then when they click the link it goes to your site.

There are no tricks, to this, it's certainly not a scam. I wouldn't bring this stuff to you guys if I thought it was crap.

12-13-2005, 01:56 PM
When we build feeds for clients, They are uploaded to our servers. The feeds contain information such as a URL to your site, title, description(which is displayed in the search listings), and text about your sites.

Cool, you are making portal pages then. Are these pages new ones - or ones already in Yahoo that you change (hence the speed of getting listed)?

12-13-2005, 02:13 PM
They aren't portal pages.

Essentially, the feeds are just text based information for the spider to crawl. The only time a user sees our text, is in the title and description in the organic listings.

Each feed is custom to the clients site and is submitted new to yahoo. We can however, have more than one feed per site as well. For example, We can create a feed that will lead to your TLD for example. we can also create feeds for that same TLD, but for galleries or tour pages depending on your requirements and the campaign you would like to run.

12-13-2005, 02:39 PM
OK...so I havce some old paysites that are not in yahoo.

You can get them in , do all the shizzle for me...

How much for 1
How much for 10?

I do fuck all except tell you the domains and pay you?

12-13-2005, 03:12 PM
If you're using RSS you can bypass the paid inclusion for the SE. Paid inclusion is for the directory. So are you saying the site listings are getting into the search engine or the directory or both? Or are you just hitting the image engine?

And yes, very strange doing adult only. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/blink.gif

12-13-2005, 03:24 PM
OK...so I havce some old paysites that are not in yahoo.

You can get them in , do all the shizzle for me...

How much for 1
How much for 10?

I do fuck all except tell you the domains and pay you?

That's right.

we can get them in, and we can also improve any sites you already have in yahoo.

as for cost, ICQ me and I can give you those details.

Dravyk, As to your question, we are hitting the directory and search engine.

We are only doing Adult at the moment, but are hoping to expand it out in the future.

12-13-2005, 07:04 PM
That's right.

we can get them in, and we can also improve any sites you already have in yahoo.

as for cost, ICQ me and I can give you those details.

Dravyk, As to your question, we are hitting the directory and search engine.

We are only doing Adult at the moment, but are hoping to expand it out in the future.

Let me know when you start playing with mainstream :okthumb:

12-13-2005, 07:19 PM
Thanks Sare
I will certainly do that

If anyone else has any interest in finding out more Please get in touch with me via icq and i'll be happy to answer any questions

Some of you have my Old icq number, the one I am mostly using now is 7660483 so please use that one

Mr Benn
12-17-2005, 05:59 AM
Are these trusted feeds that you're working with?

12-20-2005, 03:47 PM
we create all the feeds ourselves and they're hosted on our servers