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12-12-2005, 07:05 AM
I could of EASILY made $10,000 this month - instead I have skated by (falling into the ice) by being honest with potential clients... leading to a shitty X-Mas!

Question for the masses - if you have a TOTAL idiot you know you could take advantange of do you care about your reputation? Seriously... be honest, grab a fake nick if you have to ...

I have dropped at least $8000 in biz this month because I refused to rip idiots off - now I'm going to have a shitty X-Mas. Did I do the right thing? Seriously, would you have been able to turn down the business in my shoes knowing you would have a bad X-Mas if you didn't coast off of idiotic people's money.

I think, honestly, it's one huge area of business I lack skill in. Taking advantage of the weak. Would love to hear other's thoughts though.

12-12-2005, 08:23 AM
By doing this you denied the "weak" of a valuable lesson in life and business. Instead of him getting experience, you haven't taught him anything. This is YOUR fault. Education is NOT free in America. You could have made a difference in person life, but you have chosen to leave him unenlighted and have yourself a miserable Xmas instead - karma at it's best.

The best education in HTML design I have gotten back in 1996, when I was charged $100 for 2 page design and $50 for each addition. After spending $150 for the lesson, I started charging others myself, and if I was charged $25 and free 10 updates,
I'd still be paying for HTML pages....

Do you see now where you've gone wrong?

12-12-2005, 09:05 AM
I love it :)

12-12-2005, 11:16 AM
I love threads like this. :)

Ryan, as it has been said "we all have the morals we can afford." (Hush, Nick, I know where I got the line.) :)

Serge is right, of course. You could have taught the idiot a valuable lesson. If you had been in the mood to teach "valuable lessons" at that exact moment.

Ryan, all that matters are *your* morals and your ability to live with your actions. If it would have taken food, shelter and medicine away from your family I think you might have made quite a different decision. (This is where the relentlessly "moral" Morgan Grayson gets off the morality boat. My first and only obligation would have been to my family and I've have - not "of," my darling Ryan - ripped that sucker off to high heaven. He'd have gotten his life lesson and I'd have taken care of my family.)

Also, Ryan, you need to define a phrase for me. What constitutes a "bad Christmas"? One where you don't shower your loved ones with expensive gifts? Well, if that is the definition, then I guess my children have had a LOT of "bad Christmases." Thankfully, they never knew it and had fun anyway.

You need to apply your morals to your real life and not "this business." Don't teach that little child that the heavens are going to rain down expensive toys every time. If the lady thinks Santa does a quick fly-by at Tiffanys before dropping down your chimney, disabuse her of that notion.

I've only had one really bad Christmas in my life. Last year, the planes were grounded and my oldest couldn't make it in. Taking her gifts out from under my tree and packing them up to send them to her in Maine fucking sucked. Watching my youngest do the "brave face" sucked. Watching my husband lose it totally internally and not let it show on a stone face fucking sucked. Waiting for her to call and tell me that she made it safely from the airport in New Hampshire back to Maine and not getting a call because she stopped off at a friend's house and cried and got drunk out of her mind fucking sucked.

Nothing in this "bad Christmas" involved money.

12-12-2005, 11:25 AM
Morgan makes a good point.

Being dishonest to prospective customers just to buy expensive gifts? Nope, I wouldn't do it. If it meant being able to pay my bills, I'd do it in a minute.

12-12-2005, 11:29 AM
please define dishonest.

If one doesn't beleive that his time is not worth whatever one can charge - the one is not dishonest, the one is just...incompetent.

Ryan, are you incompetent?

12-12-2005, 11:32 AM
By doing this you denied the "weak" of a valuable lesson in life and business. Instead of him getting experience, you haven't taught him anything. This is YOUR fault. Education is NOT free in America. You could have made a difference in person life, but you have chosen to leave him unenlighted and have yourself a miserable Xmas instead - karma at it's best.

The best education in HTML design I have gotten back in 1996, when I was charged $100 for 2 page design and $50 for each addition. After spending $150 for the lesson, I started charging others myself, and if I was charged $25 and free 10 updates,
I'd still be paying for HTML pages....

Do you see now where you've gone wrong?

Best post on this board in 6 mths , IMHO.


If you are at a poker table and do not spot the idiot , its you.
If you are in the adult net and do not "educate" the idiot , its you.


12-12-2005, 11:33 AM
In any discussion, all parties must first define their terms.

This is going to get interesting....


12-12-2005, 11:46 AM
I still LOVE seeing all the pornographers with morals peek out. LOL

Little tip for you Ryan , relevant to this business..

"Morals are inveresly proportional to net worth"

Many said it was immoral to:

spam search engines
use blind links
use consoles

( pretty much everything that made money was considered "immoral"

Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...

"Hi honey ,Oh I could have made a fortune , but on moral grounds I didn't"

ahahahahaha pathetic!!!!!!

12-12-2005, 11:53 AM
I still LOVE seeing all the pornographers with morals peek out. LOL

Little tip for you Ryan , relevant to this business..

"Morals are inveresly proportional to net worth"

Many said it was immoral to:

spam search engines
use blind links
use consoles

( pretty much everything that made money was considered "immoral"

Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...

"Hi honey ,Oh I could have made a fortune , but on moral grounds I didn't"

ahahahahaha pathetic!!!!!!

wait, you forgot the smiley when calling Ryan pathetic


12-12-2005, 11:57 AM
wait, you forgot the smiley when calling Ryan pathetic


No I didn't.

12-12-2005, 12:02 PM
No I didn't.

Just a little note from somebody who's "been there" since 1997:

Nick does not "forget" smilies.

12-12-2005, 12:39 PM
It is all what one can live with themselves that makes the decision for them. To some people that extra money would come at too high of a price. To others it wouldn't even be a consideration. It really does come down to we all have the morals we can afford as everyone sets their own limits on what they feel is the right level of morality they can accept doing business by.

All anyone can do is tell you what THEIR morals would allow them to do but ultimately it all comes down to how your level of comfort with your actions.

12-12-2005, 12:48 PM
It is all what one can live with themselves that makes the decision for them. To some people that extra money would come at too high of a price. To others it wouldn't even be a consideration. It really does come down to we all have the morals we can afford as everyone sets their own limits on what they feel is the right level of morality they can accept doing business by.

All anyone can do is tell you what THEIR morals would allow them to do but ultimately it all comes down to how your level of comfort with your actions.

I sincerely think thats bullshit....

Most people cling on to "morals" to cover a lack of intestinal fortitude.

12-12-2005, 12:54 PM
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...

Nick, you obviously have morals, you dont choke kittens for sport...

So you acknowledge that you use a moral system, it's really not hard to believe that some people have it parameters set differently...

Very few people believe in "Money over everything"... not you, not Sergei...

As with everything, it's gray... You can laugh at Ryan's shade of gray, but it's just a slightly different shade than yours...

12-12-2005, 12:55 PM
You confuse morals for decency.

I am always decent , rarely moral.

12-12-2005, 12:57 PM
You confuse morals for decency.

I am always decent , rarely moral.

lol, semantics, kinda proves my point

12-12-2005, 12:59 PM
You confuse morals for decency.

I am always decent , rarely moral.
Goodness gracious - another item on your resume I was not aware of.

Semantic surgeon - you have sliced that hair with precision.

12-12-2005, 01:06 PM
I'm far from an expert, but here's my take on it.

Business & Personal are seperate, there's a reason they tell you to leave your "life" behind you when you walk into work.

Good business is being honest with the customer if it means the customer will earn you money --Either right then, or in the future either themselves or by word of mouth. You might not see the payoff immediately but depending on how it all unfolded you may see it later on down the road when people come to you that say they were referred by that individual. This is applicable mostly in scenarios where you don't offer the service/product the customer is looking for. Point is, that either way you get business. Getting business & clients, is good business.

Bad business is when you are honest to the point of simply losing out on business, or when you're dishonest to the point that word gets out that you just screw people over.

I think it also depends on the quality of the product/service that you're offering, whether or not ripping idiots off is a risk worth taking. There are times when I've paid more for something, later found out I could've gotten it (or something similar) much cheaper, but I've been so pleased with the end product/result/whatever, that I have simply concluded that you get what you pay for. (maybe that makes me one of the idiots that gets ripped off, who knows)

Oftentimes "nice" doesn't equal "good" is what I've found out recently. I'll use a rather frivolous example I suppose, but a while ago I decided to get a gel nail set. I phoned around town because I prefer to "shop around" rather than simply walk blindly into any store for something like that. I chatted with the people at each place for a few minutes, and finally settled on one where the girl was really nice, really friendly, really helpful, answered all my questions, seems they knew what they were doing. The nails turned out awful. Like, truly truly terrible. It was unfortunately my first time getting them done, and even more unfortunately I'm not very good at kicking up a fuss in person when in public, so I simply kept my mouth shut, figured "I don't know a thing about fake nails" and finally after a week of misery, decided to go into the place I'd originally thought of (but hadn't decided to go to, because of how abrupt & dismissive they'd been on the phone). By the time I went in there, I just wanted the things off my fingers. They looked at them & then asked if I wanted them fixed. It was the same price either way, so I opted to take a 2nd chance & go for the fix rather than the removal. They turned out gorgeous the 2nd time around.

Ryan if you were able to provide the product or service for those supposed idiots, and they were willing to pay the price, you should've. Some people are idiots who don't know any better, some may simply have had far too much money & simply not given a shit but if these "idiots" took their money and their business elsewhere, then that's really bad business IMO. We rarely pay the actual value of anything we buy, stores would never profit & doors would close rather quickly if they sold stuff at cost (or at what their "actual" value may be)

12-12-2005, 01:13 PM
Ryan its this simple....

Business is a fucking game just like poker.
Everyone knows the rules. - if you don't , you will lose.
You wanna play?
Then you play to win.

The thing about business is a lot more fish dabble in it than there is on any poker table :)

12-12-2005, 01:16 PM
do you care about your reputation?

Yeah..it really keeps me up nights LOL

12-12-2005, 01:25 PM
I sincerely think thats bullshit....

Most people cling on to "morals" to cover a lack of intestinal fortitude.

Actually we aren't really disagreeing. The aspect of their conscioius kicking in could easily be equated with the "lack of intestnal fortitude" you are referring to.

Take poker for example. One of the common traits I've read about the top poker players is that they would "bust their own grandmother of every penny she has" to win a pot against her. Many people wouldn't be able to do that to family but a top poker pro looks at it as someone shouldn't play the game if they can't afford to lose to me.

12-12-2005, 01:26 PM
Just thought of another story from my job at the Brewery...

Had a customer about a year ago that was unhappy with the bottling station he was set up on. Wanted to move. In the spirit of providing good service, I decided to move him to station 2. Then I realized there was already someone booked for Station 2 that was much to my horror, already there in the store & washing their bottles. Now I had to speed up the moving process, so I could get the first station cleaned & the person set up there. I fumbled the ball so to speak, and managed to offend the first guy while trying to get him moved over to the other station quicker. He actually blew up at me in a manner that shocked everybody else in the store, He was much taller & larger than I am, and got in my face, his daughter was pleading with him to please just forget about it (for about 15 min after they were all set up on the 2nd station... he really went off) ...and my boss & coworker were both present & listening (as was the other customer) and regardless, if I had simply done nothing, I still would've been in "the right" as far as my morals went along with everybody else's who was present. I was already earning bonus points in my own book since I have quite a ferocious temper when I feel I am unnecessarily attacked... and I managed to remain quite calm.

Except just letting it go as was, would've been bad business. The guy would've left & never came back. We have records, and so I looked at them. Unfortunately for me this guy has been a customer at that place for over 10 years. It would be (in my books) real bad business to lose a customer like that. So I took 10, went in the back, vented at my coworker for a few minutes, and then against every moral in my personal self, I swallowed my pride, went out to the front & apologized to the customer. (And yes I spent a few min in the back first, thinking of a way in which I could actually manage to apologize which wouldn't go against my morals) A few weeks later the customer himself came back to apologize to me, apparently... (according to the rest of the staff) and he's still a customer there.

12-12-2005, 01:31 PM
Just thought of another story from my job at the Brewery...

Had a customer about a year ago that was unhappy with the bottling station he was set up on. Wanted to move. In the spirit of providing good service, I decided to move him to station 2. Then I realized there was already someone booked for Station 2 that was much to my horror, already there in the store & washing their bottles. Now I had to speed up the moving process, so I could get the first station cleaned & the person set up there. I fumbled the ball so to speak, and managed to offend the first guy while trying to get him moved over to the other station quicker. He actually blew up at me in a manner that shocked everybody else in the store, He was much taller & larger than I am, and got in my face, his daughter was pleading with him to please just forget about it (for about 15 min after they were all set up on the 2nd station... he really went off) ...and my boss & coworker were both present & listening (as was the other customer) and regardless, if I had simply done nothing, I still would've been in "the right" as far as my morals went along with everybody else's who was present. I was already earning bonus points in my own book since I have quite a ferocious temper when I feel I am unnecessarily attacked... and I managed to remain quite calm.

Except just letting it go as was, would've been bad business. The guy would've left & never came back. We have records, and so I looked at them. Unfortunately for me this guy has been a customer at that place for over 10 years. It would be (in my books) real bad business to lose a customer like that. So I took 10, went in the back, vented at my coworker for a few minutes, and then against every moral in my personal self, I swallowed my pride, went out to the front & apologized to the customer. (And yes I spent a few min in the back first, thinking of a way in which I could actually manage to apologize which wouldn't go against my morals) A few weeks later the customer himself came back to apologize to me, apparently... (according to the rest of the staff) and he's still a customer there.

Ok..I read all that ...long as it was....

And I still don't see what you mean .....

12-12-2005, 01:33 PM
One of the common traits I've read about the top poker players is that they would "bust their own grandmother of every penny she has" to win a pot against her.

its the kindest thing to do...

12-12-2005, 01:36 PM
Ok..I read all that ...long as it was....

And I still don't see what you mean .....

I get accused of being wordy quite a bit, sorry.

Point is personal morals have very little to do with what is good business or bad business.

In the story there, as morals went, I was entirely in the right. That was confirmed not only by me, my manager, my coworker and the other customer, but by the first customer who blew up, when he came to apologize.

As business went however, my morals didn't matter, it would've been bad business to just say to him "Well what do you want me to do?" (which is -exactly- what the owners have told me a few times that I should say to customers who complain)

12-12-2005, 01:39 PM
In the story there, as morals went, I was entirely in the right. That was confirmed not only by me, my manager, my coworker and the other customer, but by the first customer who blew up, when he came to apologize.

No you weren't...

morals didn't enter into it..interpersonal skills did...

And secondly why the fuck do you need reassurance from a coworker and a boss without the testicular appendages to intercede....


You have no idea how much I have learned about you in your last few posts. ;-)))

Like tells at a poker table if you will...


12-12-2005, 01:39 PM
I think I can pinpoint the what makes differences in people.



12-12-2005, 01:41 PM
I find it quite interesting that both NIck and I have balls on the brains.

It is of no wonder why we are so close.

12-12-2005, 01:45 PM
Amen Brother Anthony..

Everyone gets chances to make a success of their life , many people see the chance , the great seperator is few have the balls to take the chance , and later when they realise the mistake they made they come up with an excuse to portray themselves as "nice / kind /considerate",to justify what they already know.That they are failures.


12-12-2005, 01:46 PM
I find it quite interesting that both NIck and I have balls on the brains.

It is of no wonder why we are so close.

better than having balls on the chin....

12-12-2005, 01:46 PM
When it's all said and done, no matter how much I'd like to think differently, I would have probably went for the cash.

12-12-2005, 01:47 PM
I get accused of being wordy quite a bit, sorry.

Point is personal morals have very little to do with what is good business or bad business.

In the story there, as morals went, I was entirely in the right. That was confirmed not only by me, my manager, my coworker and the other customer, but by the first customer who blew up, when he came to apologize.

As business went however, my morals didn't matter, it would've been bad business to just say to him "Well what do you want me to do?" (which is -exactly- what the owners have told me a few times that I should say to customers who complain)

I think I have a somewhat similiar story. My husband was food and beverage director at a country club. One New Year's Eve, in the "way back of history," he had me working the cloakroom so that we could do the "kiss at midnight," our one and only New Year's Eve ritual.

During this evening, a drunken member screamed viciously at my husband for some minutes over something that wasn't his fault. I watched my husband quietly apologize and offer to set whatever it was right. Now, all I can do is plead youth for my part of this, which was a rather hysterical "why didn't you haul off and punch that bastard right in the mouth???" My husband explained that quite frequently professionalism demanded you just suck it up and swallow it. He wasn't at all surprised when the phone rang New Year's Day morning and it was the drunken country club member...calling to apologize.

12-12-2005, 01:47 PM
No you weren't...

morals didn't enter into it..interpersonal skills did...

And secondly why the fuck do you need reassurance from a coworker and a boss without the testicular appendages to intercede....


You have no idea how much I have learned about you in your last few posts. ;-)))

Like tells at a poker table if you will...



Exactly, morals didn't enter into it, if they had, there never would've been an apology.

I don't need "reassurance" from bosses or coworkers, all they who had the testicular appendages, didn't have the balls to deal with this man.

And I hope what you've learned about me has been positive... lol

12-12-2005, 01:47 PM
When it's all said and done, no matter how much I'd like to think differently, I would have probably went for the cash.

Why the fuck would you want to "how much I'd like to think differently"...

Jesus...thats preparing excuses to fail...

12-12-2005, 01:48 PM

I am the nice one of the dynamic duo. Let me break it down to you.

Look at all the data on successful people.

I bet you don't see nice/kind/considerate anywhere in their bio.

Nick used to call it the quickening back in the day. It's true, chop the fuckers head off, or you get yours chopped off.

12-12-2005, 01:48 PM
And I hope what you've learned about me has been positive... lol

Why care?


12-12-2005, 01:48 PM
Oh and if you've learned that I'm an idiot, I do hope you'll show me where...

I quite look up to you, Nick. :)

12-12-2005, 01:49 PM
Amen Brother Anthony..

Everyone gets chances to make a success of their life , many people see the chance , the great seperator is few have the balls to take the chance , and later when they realise the mistake they made they come up with an excuse to portray themselves as "nice / kind /considerate",to justify what they already know.That they are failures.


Just a simple: this is true.

12-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Why care?


Because, I respect you.

12-12-2005, 01:50 PM

I am the nice one of the dynamic duo. Let me break it down to you.

Look at all the data on successful people.

I bet you don't see nice/kind/considerate anywhere in their bio.

Nick used to call it the quickening back in the day. It's true, chop the fuckers head off, or you get yours chopped off.

( best Sean Connery accent..)

You have learned well Highlander....


12-12-2005, 01:50 PM
Why the fuck would you want to "how much I'd like to think differently"...

Jesus...thats preparing excuses to fail...

Well, it's more PC in my own mind to think that perhaps I wouldn't take actions that I am very capable of taking, I suppose.

You ever read Gone With the Wind?

I'm kind of like one part in it, where it goes on about how Scarlett wants the accolades and such for being a lady without having to change her knave soul.

I'd like to be thought of as kind and nice and those things.

But I'm not those things, and I don't foresee a change, really.

12-12-2005, 01:51 PM
Because, I respect you.

Why ?

and oh...Don't :)

12-12-2005, 01:52 PM
Why ?

and oh...Don't :)

I told her you were a great snuggler. No better spooner in the world!

12-12-2005, 01:54 PM
Well, it's more PC in my own mind to think that perhaps I wouldn't take actions that I am very capable of taking, I suppose.

You ever read Gone With the Wind?

I'm kind of like one part in it, where it goes on about how Scarlett wants the accolades and such for being a lady without having to change her knave soul.

I'd like to be thought of as kind and nice and those things.

But I'm not those things, and I don't foresee a change, really.

Why the fuck do you want to be thought of as "nice"?

Have you been programmed to lose?

12-12-2005, 01:54 PM
You're intelligent, quick of wit, you cause others to question themselves often (something that too few people do on their own, so its good there's people like you out there) and you're willing to share tidbits of knowledge with the people who are smart enough to recognize them for what they are.

And telling me not to respect you won't work.

12-12-2005, 01:55 PM
Why the fuck do you want to be thought of as "nice"?

Have you been programmed to lose?

I've had it as my life goal for a few years now to be thought of as "formidable"

12-12-2005, 01:56 PM
Why the fuck do you want to be thought of as "nice"?

Have you been programmed to lose?



I will have to think on that for a minute or two.

12-12-2005, 01:56 PM
You're intelligent, quick of wit, you cause others to question themselves often (something that too few people do on their own, so its good there's people like you out there) and you're willing to share tidbits of knowledge with the people who are smart enough to recognize them for what they are.

And telling me not to respect you won't work.

Jesus if a few words on a message board can earn your respect...damn!!!!

Anthony knows what I'm thinking....lol


12-12-2005, 01:57 PM
Why the fuck do you want to be thought of as "nice"?

Have you been programmed to lose?



It's like deja vu. I've heard these words before.

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
I'd like to be thought of as kind and nice and those things.

But I'm not those things, and I don't foresee a change, really.

Aha, that's the answer there, in the 2nd line.

It's good to be "thought of" as nice, when you're not actually nice. ;)

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Why the fuck do you want to be thought of as "nice"?

Have you been programmed to lose?

Because it's easier to get what I want that way, I think is the reason.

Without going in to analysis over it, I would say that is likely the answer.

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
I've had it as my life goal for a few years now to be thought of as "formidable"

You are a woman.

Its a mans world.

Best you can strive for is "a bitch"


12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Don't need to and haven't read more than the first 4-5 posts in this thread

Serge gave amazing advice

Nick has long said we all have the morals we can afford

Put the two together and make the most $ you can

If need be ask yourself who's Xmas is more important, your's and your families or some clients who you have no ties to?

12-12-2005, 01:58 PM
Jesus if a few words on a message board can earn your respect...damn!!!!

Anthony knows what I'm thinking....lol


Broken Jaw?


12-12-2005, 02:00 PM
You are a woman.

Its a mans world.

Best you can strive for is "a bitch"


That would be true, if I thought like a woman, except I can't stand most women out there, and made it a point to think as much like a man as possible my whole life, (ie rational, reasonable, logical)

The result is that most out there consider me a bitch, and if I simply settled for "bitch" it would hold me back from obtaining what I know I can achieve, so I had to finely hone my "lady" skills because there are some extreme advantages to be had when one is approachable instead of simply "terrifying"

12-12-2005, 02:02 PM
If need be ask yourself who's Xmas is more important, your's and your families or some clients who you have no ties to?


Again sage advice from Serge "Are they your friend? Are they your family? No? Then fuck them"

12-12-2005, 02:02 PM
I'd like to be thought of as kind and nice and those things.

I wanted the name "Morgan Grayson," which isn't my own, to be associated with being "kind and nice," too.

Unfortunately, it was a "nice kind of idiot" that evolved.

"Certain people" (who are currently doing "The Highlander") attempted to explain to me that "nice" meant "weak" in this world. Well, they were right. Very, very right.

Back in the day, I owned a pretty little link site...and I never one time asked the owner of a successful link site how to run the damned thing to make MONEY. It wasn't that I didn't know any. I knew a ton of them. First real name basis and everything. I got a few tidbits of advice, but nothing like what I would have gotten if I'd overcome my "you don't take advantage of friends by asking them questions" bullshit and drained their brains.

I'm currently building another linksite and have the owner of a very successful, money making linksite on speed dial. Am I using him? Sure. Is he using me right back? Of course. What's he getting? I'm funny and fun to yack at and I break up his day. And, by teaching me, he learns, too. It's a nice symbiotic relationship. (The guy is an absolute doll and makes me long for my phone sex days, frankly.)

Back in the day I got invaluable advice on many things that I didn't follow. I can list "reasons," and "excuses" but it all boils down to one word. "Failure."

12-12-2005, 02:03 PM
That would be true, if I thought like a woman, except I can't stand most women out there, and made it a point to think as much like a man as possible my whole life, (ie rational, reasonable, logical)

The result is that most out there consider me a bitch, and if I simply settled for "bitch" it would hold me back from obtaining what I know I can achieve, so I had to finely hone my "lady" skills because there are some extreme advantages to be had when one is approachable instead of simply "terrifying"

bottomline...you are sitting on a fortune... ;-)))

use it :)

12-12-2005, 02:03 PM
Jesus if a few words on a message board can earn your respect...damn!!!!

Anthony knows what I'm thinking....lol


Not fully, but enough that I'd consider leaving my bedroom & venturing over to Van to find out more. :)

I prefer not to associate with most people out there, most people aren't worth the time of day. (Keep in mind I live on the island)

12-12-2005, 02:03 PM
That would be true, if I thought like a woman, except I can't stand most women out there, and made it a point to think as much like a man as possible my whole life, (ie rational, reasonable, logical)

The result is that most out there consider me a bitch, and if I simply settled for "bitch" it would hold me back from obtaining what I know I can achieve, so I had to finely hone my "lady" skills because there are some extreme advantages to be had when one is approachable instead of simply "terrifying"

My first day of Golf, I was given this advice by a rather smart looking individual with great taste in golf shoes.

"Use every possible rule and advantage you can to win."

It's worked for me over the years. You should try it out.

Golf mimics life.

12-12-2005, 02:04 PM
Aha, that's the answer there, in the 2nd line.

It's good to be "thought of" as nice, when you're not actually nice. ;)


I don't want to be nice, I don't have the luxury of that.

Reality vs illusion

12-12-2005, 02:05 PM
Broken Jaw?


indeed! :)

12-12-2005, 02:05 PM
bottomline...you are sitting on a fortune... ;-)))

use it :)

High praise... thank you. :)

12-12-2005, 02:05 PM

I don't want to be nice, I don't have the luxury of that.

Reality vs illusion


I have been given the moniker, "Honest Anthony".

Cause I is!

12-12-2005, 02:06 PM
My first day of Golf, I was given this advice by a rather smart looking individual with great taste in golf shoes.

"Use every possible rule and advantage you can to win."

It's worked for me over the years. You should try it out.

Golf mimics life.

Life is THE best game of all!!

12-12-2005, 02:07 PM

I have been given the moniker, "Honest Anthony".

Cause I is!

Honesty and morals are two different things in my book.

12-12-2005, 02:07 PM

I have been given the moniker, "Honest Anthony".

Cause I is!

You are ..


12-12-2005, 02:08 PM
My first day of Golf, I was given this advice by a rather smart looking individual with great taste in golf shoes.

"Use every possible rule and advantage you can to win."

It's worked for me over the years. You should try it out.

Golf mimics life.

That would be why I worked on my approachability & lady skills & continue to do so...

12-12-2005, 02:12 PM
That would be why I worked on my approachability & lady skills & continue to do so...

I have always said if I could do one thing over again online I'd have pretended to be a woman..


Drugs ,alchohol and gambling are really bad addictions that make you do very stupid things...but the real dangerous addiction is pussy fever. ;-)))

12-12-2005, 02:15 PM

I have been given the moniker, "Honest Anthony".

Cause I is!

Although I'm loathe to fall back on gender biases, men can get away with being purely 'honest.'

I'm honest too. Brutally so. Its part of why I decided to work on learning to be a lady, because if I was simply "honest" i'd be simply a bitch. I intend on being a lot more.

I wouldn't say "Reality vs Illusion" either though, reality is I am a lady, reality is I'm also honest. Reality is that most people out there can't handle that & find me very unsettling & unnerving as a result.

I'd say the key different is tact. There's honest, and simply blurting out the truth & leaving the other person horribly crushed & wounded feeling, (that's Bitch) and then there's honesty where the other person absorbs what you're telling them, acknowledges it as truth, and can't fault you in the slightest for making them feel the way they do, (the truth hurts) simply because of how you went about it. The latter, is formidable.

12-12-2005, 02:17 PM

Again sage advice from Serge "Are they your friend? Are they your family? No? Then fuck them"

In fact now that I think about it if we were close friends Ryan I'll be pissed and tell you that you are a fucking wanker for putting some nonsense before your own well being (and your families Xmas)

The people you do business with are still going to be there

How often do some rubes come along? Just lead them right, cash the checks and say next and what can I build, do for you next?

12-12-2005, 02:18 PM
I have always said if I could do one thing over again online I'd have pretended to be a woman..


Drugs ,alchohol and gambling are really bad addictions that make you do very stupid things...but the real dangerous addiction is pussy fever. ;-)))

Learning my lady skills was one of the more difficult tasks, although I will admit it was made a lot easier by the lessons my mother taught me as a child.

12-12-2005, 02:24 PM
"Focker, Did I not fully explain the Circle of Trust?!"

12-12-2005, 02:50 PM
Some interesting posts. To be clear the situations were things like someone who wanted SEO and was willing to pay me $25 per hour for it. I told them I was knowledgable about it but didn't have a great deal of experience instead of saying "I know what I'm doing" and doing what I do know about SEO (very little, lol) for them... This lead to me being overly honest about my lack of knowledge.

The reason I did that is I have always thought about the clients I would lose in the future if I just plain and simple took the guy for 80 hours and did very little for him. If he happens to be the wrong person my name is out there as a blatant scammer in a matter of two weeks noone will do biz with me.

As far as how bad the X-Mas is... My mortgage payment is behind, bills are behind, and I an't get 'as nice' of presents as I would like to... but there will of course be a X-Mas for my daughter none the less. This is the first X-Mas in my life I have felt like this and I am about ready to just go out looking for some sucker to offer them the world and cash a quick check.

I understand what Nick is saying... my only argument against that is cut throat business is different then directly lying (and ripping off) customers. I guess in a sense it isn't ... Odd I give a shit as frustrated as I wake up every day lately...

12-12-2005, 02:54 PM
Ryan you could've learned as you went however. Life is progressive.

12-12-2005, 02:56 PM
Shit for $25 an hour, I definitely would've learned...

Don't underestimate yourself, you'll lose out if you look at yourself now and think "This is all I have to offer"

12-12-2005, 03:01 PM
Very few people believe in "Money over everything"... not you, not Sergei...

Nope, this is NOT about money, it's about EDUCATION and NOBODY should withdraw the educational lessons from ANYBODY-
to do that is...IMMORAL and SELFISH!

12-12-2005, 03:11 PM
Nope, this is NOT about money, it's about EDUCATION and NOBODY should withdraw the educational lessons from ANYBODY-
to do that is...IMMORAL and SELFISH!

You're an humanitarian! ;)

12-12-2005, 03:18 PM
Some interesting posts. To be clear the situations were ... Proximity to Nick must continue to rub off on me, because I stopped reading the post above right there where I cut it off.

Why? Because anything that was said after that was all excuses. Again, I say that without having read it. Also, I don't need anyone telling me I was right.

12-12-2005, 03:25 PM
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. :okthumb:

12-12-2005, 03:37 PM
Nope, this is NOT about money, it's about EDUCATION and NOBODY should withdraw the educational lessons from ANYBODY-
to do that is...IMMORAL and SELFISH!

Not just that but there's the education on SEO that he missed out on by turning down those offers.

Now he's not only out $8000 but the knowledge he potentially could've learned himself from doing the work.

12-12-2005, 03:46 PM
Ryan .. no fucker is going to put food on your table for your family; you need to make that happen. In order it goes Family, Friends, People who owe you money :okthumb:

12-12-2005, 04:00 PM
better than having balls on the chin....

You should really stop teabagging random people, it's just not nice!

12-12-2005, 04:07 PM
You should really stop teabagging random people, it's just not nice!

Dear Sudden.

I would love to send you a wire. Please send me your wiring info.

Thank you.


12-12-2005, 04:13 PM
Its amazing how this board works, you think you've read the thread, the someone like Sudden will quote something that you completely missed so you have to go back & re-read the thread until you find it, lol

12-12-2005, 04:28 PM
You're an humanitarian! ;)

yes, I am and the biggest lesson I learned from my own family about humanity:
the more you do for them the more they fuck you in the ass and not in a good sense.

I bet the last drop of sweat on my balls that the guy whom Ryan turned down will call Ryan a moron, after he learns from somebody else.

12-12-2005, 04:31 PM

Again sage advice from Serge "Are they your friend? Are they your family? No? Then fuck them"

wiser Serge likes to add a small correction:

"Are they your friend? Are they your IMMEDIATE family*? No? Then fuck them and fuck them hard."

* - wife/husband/children

12-12-2005, 04:45 PM
wiser Serge likes to add a small correction:

"Are they your friend? Are they your IMMEDIATE family*? No? Then fuck them and fuck them hard."

* - wife/husband/children

"Men who know how to use asterisks do it better." :clapping:

12-12-2005, 05:12 PM
I think in Ryans situation I would have done the honest thing. Why, because when it comes to business where you make a living providing a service, such as SEO and/or design you have to. If you don't, word DOES get around and people don't do business with you anymore. No business equals no money, period. I'd rather be honest and have some money, than be dishonest and have no money at all coming in.

Would you pay someone for SEO or design if you knew they had a reputation for being dishonest? My guess is you wouldn't.

12-12-2005, 05:18 PM
I think in Ryans situation I would have done the honest thing. Why, because when it comes to business where you make a living providing a service, such as SEO and/or design you have to. If you don't, word DOES get around and people don't do business with you anymore. No business equals no money, period. I'd rather be honest and have some money, than be dishonest and have no money at all coming in.

Would you pay someone for SEO or design if you knew they had a reputation for being dishonest? My guess is you wouldn't.

I would never pay anyone for SEO...

Anyone worth his salt should be making so much money himself freelance he doesn't need to hire himself out at $25.


12-12-2005, 05:24 PM
I would never pay anyone for SEO...

Anyone worth his salt should be making so much money himself freelance he doesn't need to hire himself out at $25.


I'll hire my SEO skills out to you for $25.

(It'll only get you a minute or two worth of work, but... :)))

12-12-2005, 05:24 PM
Dear Sudden.

I would love to send you a wire. Please send me your wiring info.

Thank you.


Hit me up:)

12-12-2005, 05:25 PM
I'll hire my SEO skills out to you for $25.

(It'll only get you a minute or two worth of work, but... :)))

For you..it might be money well spent.. ;-)))

I'll buy you a good dinner and pick yr mind instead ;-))

12-12-2005, 05:27 PM
Ryan - you could have been learning on their dime

What more could you ask for?

SEO opt, read some, reverse engineer a little and then tell them it takes a few weeks to see the results
Nothing could have been worse than the so called SEO Guru's that made the rounds in years past
They (he) really couldn't produce results so they (he) went around selling himself as an expert

You know years back Billy Idol decided he wanted to become an Idol and did so by naming himself one (well that, some talent and a cool guitar player named Steve Stephens)

12-12-2005, 05:31 PM
I would never pay anyone for SEO...

Anyone worth his salt should be making so much money himself freelance he doesn't need to hire himself out at $25.


True, the ones that know how to work the engines shouldn't have to hire themselves out, and they wouldn't be having a bad christmas either. :whistling

12-12-2005, 05:31 PM
Ryan - you could have been learning on their dime

What more could you ask for?

SEO opt, read some, reverse engineer a little and then tell them it takes a few weeks to see the results
Nothing could have been worse than the so called SEO Guru's that made the rounds in years past
They (he) really couldn't produce results so they (he) went around selling himself as an expert

You know years back Billy Idol decided he wanted to become an Idol and did so by naming himself one (well that, some talent and a cool guitar player named Steve Stephens)

And SEGuru did the same!!!!!

Well minus any talent and totally lacking anything cool


12-12-2005, 07:33 PM
Ryan - you could have been learning on their dime

What more could you ask for?


There's nothing wrong with making a moral decision, but I think your problem was one of ethics, not morality. IMHO, you have a moral imperative to care for your for your family. You said that the mortgage and bills were piling up. There would have been nothing immoral about taking the job. Especially since you know a little and you could have learned while you earned.

12-12-2005, 07:55 PM
I have done plenty of projects on a learn as you go basis. I usually try to keep some track of how much time I did that was not actual design or code work and I just don't charge for that time.

No moral or ethical dilemna there imho. :blink:

12-12-2005, 08:49 PM
There's nothing wrong with making a moral decision. Exactly! It's having a conscience that's the problem! :unsure:

12-12-2005, 09:21 PM
Pardon me.

I don't see a single shred of evidence that "morality" is an issue here. That being the case, negotiating the semantic difference between morals and ethics is hardly worth exploring.

You got offered some work. You turned it down, and are now crying in your beer (domestic - apparently your Christmas is so bad you can't afford an import).

You did so for one of two reasons, as best as I can tell - you either didn't feel you could do the work, or you needed an excuse to cry in your beer while wearing your "E" (for Ethical, of course) t-shirt.

If you turned it down because you weren't able to meet their requirements or expectations, you were just using common sense, IMHO, particularly if you are starting up a consulting business.

If you did not realize that you could earn as you learn, as many have suggested, then ... well, whatever.

This thread works well for the holiday season. The rabbis and bishops have made pronouncements from on high, and the acolytes have cried hosanna in the appropriate places. It has played out like watching “Miracle on 34th Street” - it's an amazing film for those who haven't seen it before, and oddly comforting for those who've seen it many times before.

12-13-2005, 04:20 AM
Learned alot by making this post, that much I can definitely say. I would also have to say it was one of the most 'hopping' topics brought to this baord in a while...

I will admit it will alter the way I handle things a little bit but for the main part I will stay as I am. Alot of you really are comparing apples to oranges here. I would have no problems (now at least) doing any of the things Nick mentioned were 'immoral' but huge money makers. Such as spam, etc.. Now I would though, as my ass wil end up in jail.

I am not here to defend myself, to all of you who have said.. "Failure"

You're right - I can't deny it. I have failed myself and my family in alot of ways, mainly myself.... I haven't been able to find where I really feel I belong in the business world yet - although honestly I am really starting to get a good feel for what I would be excellent at.

Unless a major company gives me a chance though, will take some college at least. My chance with the one major company is coming up tomorrow evening when I have a phone call with someone that has been set in place for 10 days. I hope I can convince him I have the qualities I have picked up on having the last 2-3 months.. and show him how it will improve his company's botom line.

I have no problem being an asshoe and firing people - I have no problem being an asshole to a boss I disagree with if I feel I have no idea what in the hell they want - I have no problem with growing a set of brass and using it.

I just choose where to use it differently then some do - I belong in a situation where I have an underling to do the type of shit you guys can do day in and out... That way it doesn't weight on my concious. Not self reghteous, just who I am and how I feel .. Good or Bad ..

P.S. 10 Years down the road I very well may say 'fuck that - thinking like that cost me millions' but right now it's how I feel... so until then ...

12-13-2005, 04:23 AM
Unless a major company gives me a chance though

You seem to have an external locust of control.

12-13-2005, 04:35 AM
This is one of the best threads we've had on Oprano in a long time. :okthumb:

I must admit I've only glanced at most of it after reading Serge's first post. That was a winner imho. :)

12-13-2005, 07:12 AM
sig test
testing 1,2, 5

Weg Cory
12-13-2005, 05:30 PM
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure and missed opportunity"

I hope you do not mind my slight adjustment. It feels so pretty to me now.

12-13-2005, 06:51 PM
Morals are a convenient excuse to rationalise failure...

"Hi honey ,Oh I could have made a fortune , but on moral grounds I didn't"

So, someone comes at you with a plan to do big commercial <deleted> in a country where it's legal. No risk to you with the way the deal is set up. Just plain easy money. Talking millions a month. You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?

12-13-2005, 07:06 PM
So, someone comes at you with a plan to do big commercial <deleted> in a country where it's legal. No risk to you with the way the deal is set up. Just plain easy money. Talking millions a month. You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?

Stupid question to ask a man with 4 children under the age of 13.

Last idiot that said anything about <deleted> to NIck almost got his throat punctured by a salad fork.

Very stupid.

12-13-2005, 07:11 PM
So, someone comes at you with a plan to do big commercial <deleted> in a country where it's legal. No risk to you with the way the deal is set up. Just plain easy money. Talking millions a month. You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?


Are you drunk? Or high?

Its not a matter of morality...thats falls under a matter of decency.

12-13-2005, 07:17 PM
Its not a matter of morality...thats falls under a matter of decency.

Cutting that pretty tight there. I may not have the private school edumacation but in my book morality and decency are one and the same.

There are things that we do not touch because of our morals. All of us.

And while Morals can often used as an excuse for failure they also can be the reason for success.

From dictionary.com:

mo·ral·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-rl-t, mô-)
n. pl. mo·ral·i·ties
The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.

de·cen·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dsn-s)
n. pl. de·cen·cies
The state or quality of being decent; propriety.
Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.

12-13-2005, 07:20 PM
Stupid question to ask a man with 4 children under the age of 13.

Last idiot that said anything about <deleted> to NIck almost got his throat punctured by a salad fork.

Very stupid.

And I have 3 kids too, what of it? Nobody accused or even suggested that anyone in this conversation would be attracted to a deal like that.

That's the point.

Our morals would not allow us to be involved with a deal like that and further more our consciences would probably force us to beat the shit out of the guy who suggested it.

12-13-2005, 07:21 PM
Cutting that pretty tight there. I may not have the private school edumacation but in my book morality and decency are one and the same.

There are things that we do not touch because of our morals. All of us.

And while Morals can often used as an excuse for failure they also can be the reason for success.

From dictionary.com:

mo·ral·i·ty ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-rl-t, mô-)
n. pl. mo·ral·i·ties
The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct.

de·cen·cy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (dsn-s)
n. pl. de·cen·cies
The state or quality of being decent; propriety.
Conformity to prevailing standards of propriety or modesty.

I reiterate...


Morality is set by society , decency is within you.

12-13-2005, 07:22 PM
So, someone comes at you with a plan to do big commercial <deleted> in a country where it's legal. No risk to you with the way the deal is set up. Just plain easy money. Talking millions a month. You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?

WTF is this shit!!? What sort of fucking queston is that?

12-13-2005, 07:22 PM
And I have 3 kids too, what of it? Nobody accused or even suggested that anyone in this conversation would be attracted to a deal like that.

That's the point.

Our morals would not allow us to be involved with a deal like that and further more our consciences would probably force us to beat the shit out of the guy who suggested it.

Do you understand the whole underlying philosophy of "I have the morals I can afford"?

Are you truly that fucking dense?

If you can't fucking understand that, and use <deleted> as an example, then I'm writing your stupid fucking ass off.

12-13-2005, 07:23 PM
Why rise to the bait LOL

Sarettah is being an idiot on so many different levels ...

Fuck off , Russ..... :)

12-13-2005, 07:24 PM
If you think I'm taking this shit too serious, I've been accused by Kaiser and his crew of <deleted> back when I ran Netpond.

That accusation was hard to shake off, you are a fucking idiot to bring that up.

A BONAFIDE FUCKING IDIOT to bring up <deleted> on any webmaster board as a means to make money.

12-13-2005, 07:25 PM
Morality is set by society , decency is within you.


12-13-2005, 07:26 PM
I'm seriously spun up here.

12-13-2005, 07:28 PM
A BONAFIDE FUCKING IDIOT to bring up <deleted> on any webmaster board as a means to make money.
I think this should be in the posting rules!

12-13-2005, 07:30 PM
Ok, there is a disconnect somewhere here.

For me, my morality is formed completely on what Nick is calling decency. To me, they are one and the same and that is where confusion lies for me.

No one has accused anyone of fucking anything, sheez.

I used it as an example of something that none of us would touch.

12-13-2005, 07:32 PM
I think this should be in the posting rules!
I tried to add the rule, but I've got a gremlin :(
It should have ended:


12-13-2005, 07:34 PM
Ok, there is a disconnect somewhere here.

For me, my morality is formed completely on what Nick is calling decency. To me, they are one and the same and that is where confusion lies for me.

No one has accused anyone of fucking anything, sheez.

I used it as an example of something that none of us would touch.

Why would there be two words in the English language that mean exactly the same?

You learn that no two have the EXACT same meaning with the private education you seem so bothered by...

12-13-2005, 07:34 PM
SO you would bring up a heionous thing as <deleted> to make your point, which btw, is used to bolster your definition of morality?

Are you on crack?

I've said some fucked up things on drugs, shit the things Nick and me came up with no one would believe. <deleted> was never any of them.

Nice to know that you think so low of Nick, that he would even cater to such a sceanario.

12-13-2005, 07:34 PM
And if everyone hadn't quoted the post and repeated the two letters (the eleventh letter of the alphabet and the 16th letter of the alphabet) I could have cleaned it off.... :blink:

12-13-2005, 07:36 PM
Nice to know that you think so low of Nick would even cater to such a sceanario.

I think I've already answered that.

No I don't think he would let the guy finish the question.

12-13-2005, 07:39 PM
SO you would bring up a heionous thing as <deleted> to make your point, which btw, is used to bolster your definition of morality?


Sadder actually , mate...

Its bolster how "clever" he appears to be to the reaership.

Being clever is nice , its fun being witty and a smart ass , on the whole though nothing beats having productive traffic.


12-13-2005, 07:41 PM
Sadder actually , mate...

Its bolster how "clever" he appears to be to the reaership.

Being clever is nice , its fun being witty and a smart ass , on the whole though nothing beats having productive traffic.


I'd rather be rich than witty. It's why I am so jealous of you. I'm working on the rich part.


12-13-2005, 07:44 PM
Its bolster how "clever" he appears to be to the reaership.

I wasn't trying to be clever.

I have made many decisions in my life based on my morals. I do not know how much gold I missed, if any, and don't really care.

If something makes me morally uncomfortable. I don't do it. That doesn't make me a failure or mean that I am using morality as an excuse for failure.

And that is what I was trying to point out.

Unfortunately, in this biz, (as you say pornographers with morals) somethings have to be into the extreme to get to a point where NONE of us would do it.

12-13-2005, 07:44 PM
Not meaning to butt in here, but Nick stated on page one of this thread that he was a "decent" man and with <deleted> being "indecent" I would have taken it as FACT that he nor any other "decent" person would follow those lines!

Wrong analogy, wrong time, wrong place - period!

12-13-2005, 07:52 PM
I do not know how much gold I missed, if any, and don't really care.

LOL... A blatant lie.

It took you time to type "I don't really care" , that means you in fact do care or you wouldn't have taken the time to type it....

I'm actually more interested now in why you hold my private education against me?

That was your opening salvo....

12-13-2005, 07:53 PM
I'm actually more interested now in why you hold my private education against me?

I don't. I hold Buff's private education against him. :yowsa:

12-13-2005, 07:56 PM
LOL... A blatant lie.

It took you time to type "I don't really care" , that means you in fact do care or you wouldn't have taken the time to type it....

I'm actually more interested now in why you hold my private education against me?

That was your opening salvo....

No, it mean's I don't care. I waste no time on what might have been when it comes to something I passed based on a moral choice.

I do spend time examining that which got passed me that I would have no problem with.

12-13-2005, 07:58 PM
I don't. I hold Buff's private education against him. :yowsa:

Well thats understandable. :)

I always say , the most expensive education I ever received was at the hands of Serge and Scottpb.

It was also the best. :)

12-13-2005, 07:59 PM
I do spend time examining that which got passed me that I would have no problem with.

Such as?

12-13-2005, 09:55 PM
I tried to add the rule, but I've got a gremlin :(
It should have ended:






12-13-2005, 09:56 PM
I have a question. Is a person a failure because they've made some bad choices in business, but they're working their way up to being a success?

I have no excuses, just mistakes I've made along the way that prevented me from reaching my goals sooner then I'd like and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I don't regret the mistakes because I've learned from them. One of the things I've learned is to NEVER, EVER, rely on someone else to provide an income for you. If you HAVE to work for someone in this industry you better also work on shit for yourself because there's no telling when person "X" is going to say they no longer need you. When that happens you're fucked...

12-13-2005, 10:16 PM




Goddamn, didn't you quit over this huff already?

Gotta get the last word in, eh?

In anyway did he suggest anyone sell KP?

Just like a little kid who has to have the last word in.


12-13-2005, 10:17 PM
First of all, sorry if I bothered any body. If anybody thought in my hypothetical question that I was implying anything bad about anyone. Sorry bout that.

But, in defense here to the rest of the bullshit. I have done several searches across the board and I at least in my hypothetical question used the abbreviation (which means the same as Kitchen Police in the military for anyone lost).

The actual term(s) associated with it have been all over this board. In thread titles, in conversation. So, to tell me that only a bonafide idiot brings it up, to tell me, as I was in an icq, that it has never been mentioned on Oprano is a total crock of bullshit.

Your fucking gangland tactics of 3 or 4 on one might work on some folks but with me all you get is a big FUCK OFF.

If the subject makes you all so fucking indignant how come it hasn't been an issue the other times the terms have appeared on the board.

You can all go fucking die.

Thank you.

12-13-2005, 10:26 PM
You started the shit with the "You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?", which was a personal attack, not speculation. It's not gangland tactics either, its common fucking sense and you obviously still don't see the difference.

12-13-2005, 10:29 PM
You started the shit with the "You gonna do it? Or are you a failure?", which was a personal attack, not speculation. It's not gangland tactics either, its common fucking sense and you obviously still don't see the difference.

No. I did not. I posed a hypothetical question against his quoted morals being just an excuse for failure. Period.

i did not dare him. His quote indicates that if you didn't succeed because your morals got in your way then you are a failure and I was calling bullshit on it.

turning it into the rest of the shit was gangland 3 on 1 henchmen tactics and you know it Newton.

12-13-2005, 10:29 PM
I still say that the distinction between morality and decency, at least in practical as opposed to academic terms, is the distinction between the left and right sides of the same hair.

12-13-2005, 10:43 PM
Your fucking gangland tactics of 3 or 4 on one might work on some folks but with me all you get is a big FUCK OFF.


12-13-2005, 11:30 PM
No. I did not. I posed a hypothetical question against his quoted morals being just an excuse for failure. Period.

i did not dare him. His quote indicates that if you didn't succeed because your morals got in your way then you are a failure and I was calling bullshit on it.

turning it into the rest of the shit was gangland 3 on 1 henchmen tactics and you know it Newton.

Umm it was pointed out to me by Anthony...I pissed with you a bit the finished with a smile lol...then went to my daughters end of term concert and came back to you losing it dude?

Yeah it has been mentioned on the board..I said it hadn't been that was to emphasise my point. LOL

WTF! Are you drunk or just off it lol

12-13-2005, 11:35 PM
Well, if he was drunk, tomorrow is another day.

Can't say in the past we didn't post stupid shit and regretted it in the morning.

12-13-2005, 11:36 PM
Naughty henchmen!!
Bad henchman!!!


Oh fuck!!!

Now PD and osiris and sarettah has ganged up against me...gangland tactics lol.......

Jesus Christ.

12-13-2005, 11:41 PM
nice thread.

The more money I make, the more I realize that everybody making money is fucking somebody somewhere somehow.

When I make a dollar, I take it from somebody else, it didn't appear out of thin air.

Do any of us really have anything all that original, of value and terribly unique to offer?

12-13-2005, 11:45 PM
Naughty henchmen!!
Bad henchman!!!


Oh fuck!!!

Now PD and osiris and sarettah has ganged up against me...gangland tactics lol.......

Jesus Christ.

< <<<<<<<----- Bad Henchman.


12-13-2005, 11:45 PM
nice thread.

The more money I make, the more I realize that everybody making money is fucking somebody somewhere somehow.

When I make a dollar, I take it from somebody else, it didn't appear out of thin air.

Do any of us really have anything all that original, of value and terribly unique to offer?

I always knew you stuck around and read the threads.

Are you gonna be in Vegas?

12-13-2005, 11:47 PM
nice thread.

The more money I make, the more I realize that everybody making money is fucking somebody somewhere somehow.

When I make a dollar, I take it from somebody else, it didn't appear out of thin air.

Do any of us really have anything all that original, of value and terribly unique to offer?

In a nutshell I'd agree....

and yup , we are all doing the same old things........

Depressing really isn't it?

12-13-2005, 11:50 PM
There's more than one way to skin a penguin. ;)

12-13-2005, 11:50 PM
I always knew you stuck around and read the threads.

Are you gonna be in Vegas?

You caught me, I check in once a day to read interesting threads.

I probably won't make vegas. I don't seem to get much out of shows these days except a hangover. Probably says more about my liver than the shows though, i'm sure they are still good.

12-13-2005, 11:55 PM
There's more than one way to skin a penguin. ;)

But after you've done it the 43 times , over 20 times each...

12-14-2005, 01:02 AM
Nick, I gave the thumbs up just because I can respect his attitude. I am not taking any sides here because it isn't my arguement. Don't think I'd be afraid to though.. ;)

12-14-2005, 01:14 AM
Hey, I'm not ganging up on anybody.

It is the responsibility of the Emperor's ministers to praise his new garments when he shows up in court naked.

The only thing I find suprising is that anyone who's been around the board for a while would be suprised at that.

12-14-2005, 01:26 AM
Henchman jumpin in.

Shut up PornDoggy.


12-14-2005, 01:48 AM
Henchman jumpin in.

Shut up PornDoggy.

Hey, I was just admiring how efficiently the board works ... :whistling

12-14-2005, 03:39 AM
Wow this thread took an interesting turn.

I'm going to jump back to the statement I made (I think it was in another thread though) about how I would do anything to facilitate my progress through life. Nick jumped on the "anything?" and my emphasis was on the "to facilitate" --For me it goes for if it'll facilitate me short term great, if it'll facilitate me short term & seriously hinder me long term, not great at all. If it won't facilitate my progress short term but will make things easier in the long run, great, if it won't do either, not great. As far as the issue that came up in this thread, that's touching on a whole new ballgame, as an adult I wouldn't be able to do it, it wouldn't facilitate me either in short term or long term, sure it might make me $ in that theoretical fantasy scenario but the effects it would have on me as an individual would far outweigh any dollar value. There's a reason my current goal is to be a Child Advocate lawyer, its to fight against stuff like that. I have a very low tolerance for many, many, many adults out there but the kids are still worth fighting for.

Anyways, I'm being anti-social at my hostess's parents house so have to go, will respond more later...

Good thread, and I love the way this board works. :) No matter what "side" or angle a person may take, it definitely keeps things interesting. I'm learning a lot, both from reading posts, and reading responses, and just in general... :)

12-14-2005, 05:03 AM
Hooper - Hell of a way of simplifying things.. Good post, I would give you some points if I knew how to... Being a failure and all though.. no idea how to :mad:

I have taken alot away from this thread even when it spun into a different directions there were posts here and there that made me do some serious thinking about my situation - and how I should change it, along with to what degree...

Pry just a manic moment but I feel good about myself for the first time in a while... And Nick, starting over again on the drinking thing... I didn't want help this time, I wanted to get fucked up and forget about things for 3 or 4 days. As usual it didn't help ... and never will, hopefully that sinks in eventually *for real* one of these days <sigh>

This thread went of in a scary direction, I don't think Sarettah was implying anyone was doing <deleted>. You guys then reacted Much like the way I reacted to not believing people should be able to write about <deleted> in a thread a while back. I got my ass jumped over that - and even though I didn't agree .. I respected other people's beliefs and understood they were protected under the constitution to write about <deleted> if they so chose to... as sick as it made me.

I wasn't even accused of it ... and went off it is such a touchy subject - so I understand the reactions... But really guys I don't think Sarettah meant anything else except to put out a situation showing there ARE lines people won't cross when it comes to 'cut throat do whatever it takes to make money in business'

The fact that it was <deleted> that was the subject used caused a stir and upset alot of people... It's natural... But the real question I ahve for you guys, especially you Anthony cause you got REAL pissed.. Is why didn't any of you state how strongly you were against <deleted> in writing ? Just because it's considered legal under our constitution?

I am NOT trying to throw a stone, I live in a glass house as it is... Just trying to keep the peace :)

12-14-2005, 06:26 AM



Mkay, you got me there.. I don't see an individual being branded by lack of morals though.

12-14-2005, 06:27 AM
<---- Henchman? :unsure:

12-14-2005, 06:42 AM
No, no, no, no, no, Trev - get with the program.

Morals are for pussies and rich people who can afford them.

It's about decency.

12-14-2005, 06:50 AM
No, no, no, no, no, Trev - get with the program.

Morals are for pussies and rich people who can afford them.

It's about decency.
Ah well, if you put it like that then I don't want any.

12-14-2005, 09:33 AM
Mkay, you got me there.. I don't see an individual being branded by lack of morals though.

And you don't see it in the question I posed either, unless you conveniently take it out of context and ignore the quote that it was in reply to.

But that doesn't matter, does it? Anthony decided to take it out of context and you just follow along. Attack the person asking the question instead of answering the question and admitting that the quick platitudes that are thrown out there to show how business savvy we are might have a couple of fucking holes in them.

I was neither drunk, stoned or high last night and neither am I this morning and I don't appreciate the accusations of such.

12-14-2005, 09:33 AM
What did you not do that you think if you did do you would have made a lot of green? Was it sell something to someone who will never make a dime with them? Was it something like that? You have a customer wanting to spend a bunch of money on you, your product or service and you know he will never make a dime with any of them because of his own incompetence? Something like that?

12-14-2005, 09:56 AM
And you don't see it in the question I posed either, unless you conveniently take it out of context and ignore the quote that it was in reply to.

But that doesn't matter, does it? Anthony decided to take it out of context and you just follow along. Attack the person asking the question instead of answering the question and admitting that the quick platitudes that are thrown out there to show how business savvy we are might have a couple of fucking holes in them.

I was neither drunk, stoned or high last night and neither am I this morning and I don't appreciate the accusations of such.

Henchman jumping in:


Does your mangina hurt now?

I gave you an out, but again, you have to show how tough you are with the last word.

Who you gonna accuse today, and of what?

12-14-2005, 10:18 AM
I was neither drunk, stoned or high last night and neither am I this morning and I don't appreciate the accusations of such.
I'll have to re-check my posts, I don't recall accusing you of being drunk or stoned. :unsure:

12-14-2005, 10:43 AM
I gave you an out, but again, you have to show how tough you are with the last word.

Who you gonna accuse today, and of what?

Save your gifts for someone who needs them.

I accuse you of kindergarten pissing techniques, but hell, I can play that game too.

If you reply, oh you must of needed the last word nanny nanny boo boo. C'mon puppet. dance.

12-14-2005, 10:44 AM
I'll have to re-check my posts, I don't recall accusing you of being drunk or stoned. :unsure:

No, you didn't. I didn't want to do 2 posts, so I included it in reply to you.

12-14-2005, 10:46 AM
Save your gifts for someone who needs them.

I accuse you of kindergarten pissing techniques, but hell, I can play that game too.

If you reply, oh you must of needed the last word nanny nanny boo boo. C'mon puppet. dance.

OH you really hurt me now!

I quit.

I won't take this type of behaviour, do you know who I am?!

Oh wait, sorry I forgot.



12-14-2005, 10:48 AM
Goddamn whole place is gonna fall apart if I leave!

Just you wait!

Goddamnit, I'm important!

12-14-2005, 10:58 AM
The fucked thing is Ryan fell of the wagon :(

12-14-2005, 11:00 AM
The fucked thing is Ryan fell of the wagon :(

Yeah, caught that in Ryan's post..sucks

12-14-2005, 11:04 AM
And sarettah as I said to you in icq...you can catch me in "the morals make you a loser " generalisation , but it wasn't very imaginative using that.

Or was that the only thing you could think of that you knew some of us wouldn't do? LOL

12-14-2005, 12:54 PM
Goddamn whole place is gonna fall apart if I leave!

Just you wait!

Goddamnit, I'm important!

Don't worry about it. you aren't that important....... :rolleyes:

12-14-2005, 12:58 PM
Don't worry about it. you aren't that important....... :rolleyes:

I was quoting you and your whining, old man.

Funny enough, you came up with your own answer.

Without this board you are nothing.

This board means nothing to me.

See the difference?

Sad isn't it.

12-14-2005, 01:00 PM
I was quoting you and your whining, old man.

And where did I say anything about leaving? Or how important I am?

Once again you try to make whatever you read mean whatever the fuck you want.

12-14-2005, 01:02 PM
And where did I say anything about leaving? Or how important I am?

Once again you try to make whatever you read mean whatever the fuck you want.

It's a gift.

12-14-2005, 01:04 PM
Ryan, I think you did the right thing. But what you talk about no money and shit? You said this is the worst it has been? Where has it been before? I mean were you once rolling in the dough and that has ended? what has changed?

12-14-2005, 01:06 PM
I was quoting you and your whining, old man.

Funny enough, you came up with your own answer.

Without this board you are nothing.

This board means nothing to me.

See the difference?

Sad isn't it.

Nice edit in there. :okthumb:

I like the board but as far as being nothing...lololol....

I have more of the important stuff in my life then you will have for a long long time. I have a beautiful wife, I have wonderful kids, and I have loyal friends.

What do you got except a whole lot of cash, a bunch of guns and watches and whichever partner/employer/whatever you've hooked yourself up with this month.

12-14-2005, 01:09 PM
Nice edit in there. :okthumb:

I like the board but as far as being nothing...lololol....

I have more of the important stuff in my life then you will have for a long long time. I have a beautiful wife, I have wonderful kids, and I have loyal friends.

What do you got except a whole lot of cash, a bunch of guns and watches and whichever partner/employer/whatever you've hooked yourself up with this month.

Edit? No addition. I hit the enter button before putting in the rest.


You don't know me you old fuck. The earliest memory I have you is being a backstabbing cunt, sending my personal emails to other people, WHILE YOU WERE WORKING FOR ME.

But hey, I get the job done, which can't be said the same for you.

12-14-2005, 01:11 PM
Ryan, I think you did the right thing. But what you talk about no money and shit? You said this is the worst it has been? Where has it been before? I mean were you once rolling in the dough and that has ended? what has changed?

He was making great oney in this business in the late 90s and then left...

12-14-2005, 01:30 PM

You don't know me you old fuck. The earliest memory I have you is being a backstabbing cunt, sending my personal emails to other people, WHILE YOU WERE WORKING FOR ME.

Now where thefuck do you get important thing again. Say it enough times and you think you might convince someone that I said it somewhere?

As far as the rest. Bullshit. I shared nothing when I was doing the one bit of business with you. And I have never sent anyone anyone else's emails without permission that I can recall.

The only thing I can think of is that you could be referring to is the PM you sent me warning me about dealing with Nick that day I stood up for Nick on GFY. That was long long after you and I had done any business and it might have come up in an icq discussion somewhere, but sending your emails on. Bullshit. Prove it.

12-14-2005, 01:36 PM
Now where thefuck do you get important thing again. Say it enough times and you think you might convince someone that I said it somewhere?

As far as the rest. Bullshit. I shared nothing when I was doing the one bit of business with you. And I have never sent anyone anyone else's emails without permission that I can recall.

The only thing I can think of is that you could be referring to is the PM you sent me warning me about dealing with Nick that day I stood up for Nick on GFY. That was long long after you and I had done any business and it might have come up in an icq discussion somewhere, but sending your emails on. Bullshit. Prove it.

1. How important you are...

I have more of the important stuff in my life then you will have for a long long time. I have a beautiful wife, I have wonderful kids, and I have loyal friends.

2. Forwarding my email I sent to you... Would the horse's mouth be enough?

Bad enough I lost my temper and burned the receipient of that email's trust by mentioning it.

What's worse is your dementia.

Maybe this is just one big setup for you to use as an excuse why you can't finish, YET AGAIN, another job.

12-14-2005, 01:39 PM
I don't suppose suggesting that everyone take a deep breath, get a cup of coffee and reflect for a moment will help this thread any...but I'm taking a shot at it.

Ryan...back up on the wagon, my friend. OK, you fell off. Dust yourself off and climb back on again. Staying dry is a process, not an event.

12-14-2005, 01:43 PM
1. How important you are...

I have more of the important stuff in my life then you will have for a long long time. I have a beautiful wife, I have wonderful kids, and I have loyal friends.

2. Forwarding my email I sent to you... Would the horse's mouth be enough?

Bad enough I lost my temper and burned the receipient of that email's trust by mentioning it.

What's worse is your dementia.

Maybe this is just one big setup for you to use as an excuse why you can't finish, YET AGAIN, another job.

Doesn't make me important to have that stuff. It was in reply to being nothing without the board. Once again your tactic is to remove all context to get the meaning you want out of something.

Again, prove it. Who did I send an email from you to? If I did that then I do not recall it, however I screw up sometimes too, just like anyone else.

As far as a setup etc...lol.. I do not depend on this board or this business for my main income, so I pick and choose what I am gonna get involved in business wise. If I decide it isn't worth the time of effort, I don't do it. That simple.

12-14-2005, 01:49 PM
Doesn't make me important to have that stuff. It was in reply to being nothing without the board. Once again your tactic is to remove all context to get the meaning you want out of something.

Again, prove it. Who did I send an email from you to? If I did that then I do not recall it, however I screw up sometimes too, just like anyone else.

As far as a setup etc...lol.. I do not depend on this board or this business for my main income, so I pick and choose what I am gonna get involved in business wise. If I decide it isn't worth the time of effort, I don't do it. That simple.

Makes you feel important posting it, eh? Or why would you post it in the first place then belittle me? You are an idiot. A sad fuck.

So you want me to prove you sent that email. Sure. My words were given back to me verbatim when I was told of it. Enough proof? You back stabbing cunt.

I've been part of, and heard enough stories of your business acumen. It is wanting.

12-14-2005, 01:51 PM
Balderdash, poppycock, and horseshit.

Because of tension on the ward, afternoon basketweaving has been canceled, and medication will be increased for all patients.

12-14-2005, 01:53 PM
Makes you feel important posting it, eh? Or why would you post it in the first place then belittle me? You are an idiot. A sad fuck.

So you want me to prove you sent that email. Sure. My words were given back to me verbatim when I was told of it. Enough proof? You back stabbing cunt.

I've been part of, and heard enough stories of your business acumen. It is wanting.

That is both the problem and the delight of this business.

People who were the best of friends may part ways for a few months then become the best of friends again. :)

I suggest we return to this argument....In about two weeks?


12-14-2005, 01:55 PM
Balderdash, poppycock, and horseshit.

Because of tension on the ward, afternoon basketweaving has been canceled, and medication will be increased for all patients.

Fuck , I love the basketweaving too...still...can't grumble about the extra meds though :)

12-14-2005, 01:55 PM
That is both the problem and the delight of this business.

People who were the best of friends may part ways for a few months then become the best of friends again. :)

I suggest we return to this argument....In about two weeks?


Righto Old Boy!

</Henchman mode>

12-14-2005, 01:55 PM
Ryan, look forward to 2006 with anticipation and excitement, focus on the projects and not on the money.

Remuneration will naturally come if all the links of the project are in place and I wish you well chap.

Make 2006 your year chap :)

12-14-2005, 01:56 PM
Well, haven't checked this thread in a while!! :o

Anyways, Ryan, sorry to hear about the lapse. It's not an uncommon thing and don't let it get you down. Just get back on the horse and start anew.

12-14-2005, 01:57 PM

Tried to call you homeboy! Pick up thy phone!

I was the 954 number.

12-14-2005, 01:59 PM
So you want me to prove you sent that email. Sure. My words were given back to me verbatim when I was told of it. Enough proof? You back stabbing cunt.

Prove it. Once again your proof is you said so, therefore it is so.

Back stabbing cunt...lololololol.... Takes one to know one I guess eh ? :yowsa:

12-14-2005, 02:12 PM
Prove it. Once again your proof is you said so, therefore it is so.

Back stabbing cunt...lololololol.... Takes one to know one I guess eh ? :yowsa:

You really are a bonafide idiot.

I don't have to say who it is, it's pretty apparent who you sent it too, without having to name names. Look a few posts up, since I know you are near sighted.

You thought you could get some suck up points for shooting my emails over. You did. You also got labled as a back stabbing bitch from that whole episode.

You now want me to post emails from 2 years ago when I have already stated that my exact words were quoted back to me from the email you sent?

Don't you think that if this were not true, that the other party who was involved reading this would have jumped out and said that it wasn't?

You are clinging to one thing that you think matters.

While these things about your are true.

1. You are unbalanced
2. You can't finish a goddamn job
3. You are a backstabbing bitch
4. You live in lala land
5. You need this board, or any board for that matter.

Even after quitting and giving back your salary, you are still on here proving your worth, and that you can hang with the big dogs.

I'm still hiring guys like you.

You are still working for guys like me.

Nothing has changed in 3 years, eh?

12-14-2005, 02:33 PM
You really are a bonafide idiot.

I don't have to say who it is, it's pretty apparent who you sent it too, without having to name names. Look a few posts up, since I know you are near sighted.

You thought you could get some suck up points for shooting my emails over. You did. You also got labled as a back stabbing bitch from that whole episode.

You now want me to post emails from 2 years ago when I have already stated that my exact words were quoted back to me from the email you sent?

lololol... First of all I did not shoot your emails anywhere. I did quote one in a icq conversation (it's the one you copied serge on..remember that? So, you can choose who you share your comment to me with but I can't? Gotcha, it's a one way street for you isn't it?

You want to see the whole conversation in icq? I can do that for you but I don't believe I have ever sent an email from you to anyone.

Even after quitting and giving back your salary, you are still on here proving your worth, and that you can hang with the big dogs.

Nah, I just don't go at it with someone I am being paid by, against my way of doing stuff. So, yeah, I sent back a paypal and then I removed my mods and admin rights. Then I came in to answer the bullshit. That's the way I do things.

Seems you are awful in the know on some stuff that went by email to one person only.. hmm :yowsa:

12-14-2005, 02:41 PM
lololol... First of all I did not shoot your emails anywhere. I did quote one in a icq conversation (it's the one you copied serge on..remember that? So, you can choose who you share your comment to me with but I can't? Gotcha, it's a one way street for you isn't it?

You want to see the whole conversation in icq? I can do that for you but I don't believe I have ever sent an email from you to anyone.

Nah, I just don't go at it with someone I am being paid by, against my way of doing stuff. So, yeah, I sent back a paypal and then I removed my mods and admin rights. Then I came in to answer the bullshit. That's the way I do things.

Seems you are awful in the know on some stuff that went by email to one person only.. hmm :yowsa:

Your debating skills are lacking. You are talking out of your ass, dementia must be so bad you can't even remember putting on the judas hat. So you want us to confirm to the world that you are a back stabbing cunt? Your choice. Would confirmation of receiving said email be enough, do you think? Or are you going to infer everyone is lying?

Yes I do know quite a bit of what happens in this place, did you miss the thread/post where Nick brought in me as a counsel? Please seek help, or just take your brain meds.

12-14-2005, 02:49 PM
Your debating skills are lacking. You are talking out of your ass, dementia must be so bad you can't even remember putting on the judas hat. So you want us to confirm to the world that you are a back stabbing cunt? Your choice. Would confirmation of receiving said email be enough, do you think? Or are you going to infer everyone is lying?

Let's see the proof. Like I said, I mentioned an email from you in icq. You copied that particular email to serge.

Let's see a confirmation of me passing on emails.

12-14-2005, 02:49 PM
On all Oprano matters I seek Anthony advice and keep him up to date with events.

Things like if the guy who was going to take over as COO starts to feel the pressure and starts up a mindless piss so he can either get himself fired or resign in some sort of made up huff ...ANYTHING except actually do a job from start to finish.

You do have a habit of deciding not to do a job for some reason at the last moment don't you sarettah...

12-14-2005, 02:53 PM
On all Oprano matters I seek Anthony advice and keep him up to date with events.

Things like if the guy who was going to take over as COO starts to feel the pressure and starts up a mindless piss so he can either get himself fired or resign in some sort of made up huff ...ANYTHING except actually do a job from start to finish.

You do have a habit of deciding not to do a job for some reason at the last moment don't you sarettah...

lololol....I didn't start this as a mindless piss. I questioned your platitude. I got double and then triple teamed. I have watched you an Ant do that before and if that is the way it is going to be, then fuck no I don't want any part of it.

I do plenty of jobs from start to finish, there are merely some that aren't worth finishing or for that matter not worth starting :okthumb:

12-14-2005, 02:56 PM
Let's see the proof. Like I said, I mentioned an email from you in icq. You copied that particular email to serge.

Let's see a confirmation of me passing on emails.

You sad fuck. Even if it was an ICQ you still are a backstabbing cunt. You WORKED for me, but then you were lacking in getting that job done anyways.

You really think because I can't find a going on 3 year old email will vindicate you as a backstabbing fuck?

It's readily apparent that you can't do a few things:

1. Keep your mouth shut
2. Finish a job
3. Piss

12-14-2005, 02:57 PM
Is there a position open? :D

12-14-2005, 02:59 PM
I do plenty of jobs from start to finish, there are merely some that aren't worth finishing or for that matter not worth starting :okthumb:

What's that I hear?!

It's the mating call of the loser.

Hey, might as well not do it if you are going to fail at it, eh?

I guess that's why you needed to post why you have so many important things in your life earlier. Eases the guilt of realizing that you need to rationalize why you can't finish something, let alone start it.

12-14-2005, 03:01 PM
Everyone who wished me well, I appreciate it - Last night was again Day #1 of Sobriety... I've been here before so I'll be just fine. Time to go to my regular 'I slipped' AA meeting tonight and see if I last more than 4 meetings this time, LOL. Unlike you, I don't think I'll ever make it without attending those damn things tegularly even though I HATE admitting that.

Besides a splitting heading and an insatiable craving for a drink... Suprised I'm not in worse shape after a total of 4 days on the bottle - and suprisingly (even though it doesn't make it any better) I didn't do anything stupid except maybe one or two idiotic posts on GFY- which hell they are all idiots there anyways :)

Anthony, no calls from that area code... Only calls from people I knew the last 48 hours. A couple 14 year old girls tried added me to Skype though - was that YOU?? LOL

I have have about 30 numbers over the years, you pry had an old #of mine, guessing the -0279 since that was the last number we talked on.. That line is dead now :(

12-14-2005, 03:01 PM
lololol....I didn't start this as a mindless piss. I questioned your platitude. I got double and then triple teamed. I have watched you an Ant do that before and if that is the way it is going to be, then fuck no I don't want any part of it.

I do plenty of jobs from start to finish, there are merely some that aren't worth finishing or for that matter not worth starting :okthumb:

Like the vacuuming?

I thought we had sorted it in icq...then left for my daughters concert found your paypal in my mail , and that you had done all this searching to prove that KP is mentioned on the board LOL etc etc.

You're right.I suggest you get more of those $200 programming stints that take you two weeks to start ,two weeks to get going, then 2 weeks to find it was the guy who hired you fault, not yours , so you can quit.


12-14-2005, 03:03 PM
You sad fuck. Even if it was an ICQ you still are a backstabbing cunt. You WORKED for me, but then you were lacking in getting that job done anyways.

You really think because I can't find a going on 3 year old email will vindicate you as a backstabbing fuck?

It's readily apparent that you can't do a few things:

1. Keep your mouth shut
2. Finish a job
3. Piss


Fuck off Anthony.

12-14-2005, 03:04 PM
Is there a position opened? :D

Indeed there is!


12-14-2005, 03:05 PM

Fuck off Anthony.

Hey, at least I can make you laugh.

Everyone needs that at least once a day.

12-14-2005, 03:05 PM
I thought we had sorted it in icq...then left for my daughters concert found your paypal in my mail , and that you had done all this searching to prove that KP is mentioned on the board LOL etc etc.

Never confuse "I understand" with "I agree".

12-14-2005, 03:08 PM
Everyone who wished me well, I appreciate it - Last night was again Day #1 of Sobriety... I've been here before so I'll be just fine. Time to go to my regular 'I slipped' AA meeting tonight and see if I last more than 4 meetings this time, LOL. Unlike you, I don't think I'll ever make it without attending those damn things tegularly even though I HATE admitting that.

Besides a splitting heading and an insatiable craving for a drink... Suprised I'm not in worse shape after a total of 4 days on the bottle - and suprisingly (even though it doesn't make it any better) I didn't do anything stupid except maybe one or two idiotic posts on GFY- which hell they are all idiots there anyways :)

Anthony, no calls from that area code... Only calls from people I knew the last 48 hours. A couple 14 year old girls tried added me to Skype though - was that YOU?? LOL

I have have about 30 numbers over the years, you pry had an old #of mine, guessing the -0279 since that was the last number we talked on.. That line is dead now :(

Do this one...

Go to your kid and say , you'll never ever see me drinking again.I give you my word.

It works.

I will never dink again :)

12-14-2005, 03:09 PM
Never confuse "I understand" with "I agree".

No difference, both mean to you...

"I'm going to be a fuckwit even after hearing your side"

12-14-2005, 03:10 PM
Never confuse "I understand" with "I agree".

didn't know you were Japanese , sorry ;-)

12-14-2005, 03:12 PM
Everyone who wished me well, I appreciate it - Last night was again Day #1 of Sobriety... I've been here before so I'll be just fine. Time to go to my regular 'I slipped' AA meeting tonight and see if I last more than 4 meetings this time, LOL. Unlike you, I don't think I'll ever make it without attending those damn things tegularly even though I HATE admitting that.

Besides a splitting heading and an insatiable craving for a drink... Suprised I'm not in worse shape after a total of 4 days on the bottle - and suprisingly (even though it doesn't make it any better) I didn't do anything stupid except maybe one or two idiotic posts on GFY- which hell they are all idiots there anyways :)

Anthony, no calls from that area code... Only calls from people I knew the last 48 hours. A couple 14 year old girls tried added me to Skype though - was that YOU?? LOL

I have have about 30 numbers over the years, you pry had an old #of mine, guessing the -0279 since that was the last number we talked on.. That line is dead now :(

Yah, it was the 0279 number. No worries man. I just wanted to catch up with you, make sure you were okay. Sounds like you are back up that mountain again.

Success isn't only the height of what a man can reach, but how high he goes after hitting bottom. We've all been there.

It will 365 days come January 1st for me. I'm pretty proud of it. Take one day at a time.

12-14-2005, 03:13 PM
Turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese I really think so..

"dink" again. You sure man? :D

12-14-2005, 03:19 PM
Never confuse "I understand" with "I agree".

Never confuse 'common decency' with 'morality' either.

12-14-2005, 03:25 PM
Do this one...

Go to your kid and say , you'll never ever see me drinking again.I give you my word.

It works.

I will never drink again :)

I've taken the liberty of replacing the needed consonant in that, as it is such an important gift to bestow upon the world. :)

This is a man who plays "Sobriety Hardball." The lady in your life will pick you up and understand, Ryan. Your friends will do the same. But the one thing you never, EVER want to see is the look in your child's eyes when you break a promise like that. It will gut you.

It also makes you very mindful of what you could be passing on. Every parent wants their child to inherit the best of them. Not the worst. Unfortunately, alcoholism runs in families. Some say it's genetic, some say it's learned behavior. Whatever it is, you sure as hell don't want to pass it down.

My Dad scared the hell out of us when he was drunk. He wasn't a violent drunk. He was never absusive. He just wasn't "Daddy" when he drank. Thick voice, inchoherent conversation, the smell, the regrettable tendency to collapse on the floor...it was scary as hell. The "mornings after" weren't a lot of laughs, either. Instead of "happy breakfast" we got a white-faced mother telling us not to make noise...and we had no idea why at the time.

My husband "self-medicated" a lousy life with Jack Daniels before he met me. Then, it occured to him as he held his infant daughter that there was a "talk" in the future about drinking. So he stopped drinking entirely until the girls got old enough to discuss the subject intelligently. We're proud to have a 24 year old who looks at wine lists now. (If she's going to drink, she's having a good wine, thank you very much. :) )

You can do it, Ryan. There's a hundred reasons to fall off the wagon. But one very important one to stay on that outweighs everything. That child. :)

12-14-2005, 03:32 PM
I've taken the liberty of replacing the needed consonant in that, as it is such an important gift to bestow upon the world. :)

This is a man who plays "Sobriety Hardball." The lady in your life will pick you up and understand, Ryan. Your friends will do the same. But the one thing you never, EVER want to see is the look in your child's eyes when you break a promise like that. It will gut you.

It also makes you very mindful of what you could be passing on. Every parent wants their child to inherit the best of them. Not the worst. Unfortunately, alcoholism runs in families. Some say it's genetic, some say it's learned behavior. Whatever it is, you sure as hell don't want to pass it down.

My Dad scared the hell out of us when he was drunk. He wasn't a violent drunk. He was never absusive. He just wasn't "Daddy" when he drank. Thick voice, inchoherent conversation, the smell, the regrettable tendency to collapse on the floor...it was scary as hell. The "mornings after" weren't a lot of laughs, either. Instead of "happy breakfast" we got a white-faced mother telling us not to make noise...and we had no idea why at the time.

My husband "self-medicated" a lousy life with Jack Daniels before he met me. Then, it occured to him as he held his infant daughter that there was a "talk" in the future about drinking. So he stopped drinking entirely until the girls got old enough to discuss the subject intelligently. We're proud to have a 24 year old who looks at wine lists now. (If she's going to drink, she's having a good wine, thank you very much. :) )

You can do it, Ryan. There's a hundred reasons to fall off the wagon. But one very important one to stay on that outweighs everything. That child. :)

Didn't I just say all that with a 10th of the words and one misspell?


seriously though , good post.

12-14-2005, 03:38 PM
Didn't I just say all that with a 10th of the words and one misspell?


seriously though , good post.

I have always, and will always, write like I get paid by the word. :)

One of my favorite quotes, that unfortunately I can't attribute, is by a famous writer: "I'm sorry this letter is so long but I didn't have the time to make it shorter." :)

And...thank you. :)

12-14-2005, 03:39 PM
Do this one...

Go to your kid and say , you'll never ever see me drinking again.I give you my word.

It works.

I will never dink again :)

I can see that working very well too...... even as a non parent. :)

12-14-2005, 03:58 PM
Is there a position open? :D

There certainly is, bend over....

Oh sorry, you meant on Oprano :unsure:

12-14-2005, 04:03 PM
Good Advice on saying that to my daughter... One I am not sure I can quite make yet though as the good ole mild DT's are starting to kick in a mere 2-3 hours after waking up.. I made it through last night and everything is out of my system entirely now.. Most likely why. I've kicked harder things before and kicked this MANY times.

Maybe telling my daughter would be enough motivation for me... Outstanding idea, I just hate the idea that I may break that promise since I'm not sure i'm strong enough to make it through the holidays (my family is a BIG drinking family). The good thing is alot of the stressors are slowly melting away, life isn't good but it's livable at this point. That being said, I would drink now if I coud lol ...

Wrong thread for this though... Another thread another day ... And it will be reporting my sobriety birthdays !!!

12-14-2005, 04:04 PM
There certainly is, bend over....

Oh sorry, you meant on Oprano :unsure:

I think it's time for a quiet word, Dom. ;)


12-14-2005, 04:06 PM
BTW, Anthony No better way to celebrate a New Year's Even then knowing you are HOURS away from a year of sobriety - Kudos To You, I know it couldn't of been easy !

12-14-2005, 04:11 PM
Good Advice on saying that to my daughter... One I am not sure I can quite make yet though as the good ole mild DT's are starting to kick in a mere 2-3 hours after waking up.. I made it through last night and everything is out of my system entirely now.. Most likely why. I've kicked harder things before and kicked this MANY times.

Maybe telling my daughter would be enough motivation for me... Outstanding idea, I just hate the idea that I may break that promise since I'm not sure i'm strong enough to make it through the holidays (my family is a BIG drinking family). The good thing is alot of the stressors are slowly melting away, life isn't good but it's livable at this point. That being said, I would drink now if I coud lol ...

Wrong thread for this though... Another thread another day ... And it will be reporting my sobriety birthdays !!!

Dont make that promise if you are going to break it you fucking twat.

Also, nice that you are already working on blaming others for your next fall off the wagon.

We dont know each other, but I dont think I like you.

12-14-2005, 04:11 PM
Shitfuck. My *extremely* bad. :mad:

I meant to congratulate you, Anthony, when I first read your post, but I got sidetracked. HUGE KUDOS!!!! :okthumb: :clapping:

12-14-2005, 04:13 PM

Congratz Ant on Year 1.

Keep it going.

12-14-2005, 04:17 PM
Congrats Ant :)


Jesus dude.... I can't blame the Frenchie.

12-14-2005, 04:26 PM
Congratulations Anthony and good on ya chap ;)

12-14-2005, 04:27 PM
Congrats Ant :)


Jesus dude.... I can't blame the Frenchie.

I've been sitting here trying to find a way to reword what DrGuile said. Mind you, all I'm attempting to do is make it a tad gentler. I am by no means castigating DrGuile for what he said.

If anyone starts anything by giving a reason why he/she won't be able to do it, it's guaranteed that he/she won't be able to do it. (For lack of a neuter pronoun, we are now moving to "she.") She is not only setting herself up to fail she is detaching herself from responsibility for it. "It's not my fault," she can now say. "It's their fault. They made me do it."

One of the more accomplished dry drunks I know is an uncle-by-marriage. I met my husband's entire family - and still married the guy and had children with him on purpose, go figure - and watched them mock this guy. Why? Because he had stopped drinking. He was a brother/son/uncle/cousin/whatever to a big crowd of Slovak/Lithuanian fucking drunks. However, good ol' Uncle Billy took a long look at his life and said "this ain't working." (Or whatever he said.) And right in the middle of this crowd of lushes, he stopped drinking. He didn't get support. He got mocked. I caught his eye at this gathering and gave him my best "way to go!" smile. He smiled back at me gently and with appreciation. He stayed sober, too, despite the hell he took. He also went on to become mayor of the town he lived in. He was a good mayor, too...and a sober one. The rest of the family is still one large crowd of drunks.

Nobody's saying it's easy. Just that it's possible.

12-14-2005, 04:27 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

I've been able to say no everytime the plate was passed around. Even said no to a few girls. :(

12-14-2005, 04:30 PM
Good Advice on saying that to my daughter... One I am not sure I can quite make yet though as the good ole mild DT's are starting to kick in a mere 2-3 hours after waking up.. I made it through last night and everything is out of my system entirely now.. Most likely why. I've kicked harder things before and kicked this MANY times.

Maybe telling my daughter would be enough motivation for me... Outstanding idea, I just hate the idea that I may break that promise since I'm not sure i'm strong enough to make it through the holidays (my family is a BIG drinking family). The good thing is alot of the stressors are slowly melting away, life isn't good but it's livable at this point. That being said, I would drink now if I coud lol ...

Wrong thread for this though... Another thread another day ... And it will be reporting my sobriety birthdays !!!
Oh my fucking god in heaven. Just when I thought this clusterfuck of a thread had reached bottom, now this.

We have already laid the groundwork for our next little slip (which is most often a fucking leap), so we can get some more kudos for trying again.

I cannot tell you how to make major bling. I am not an expert in morality or decency or whatever you want to call it. I am certainly not an expert in soberity, either.

However, if you want some advice on how not to drink today, I've managed to string together consecutive time since 10/23/93, after diddlyfucking myself and everyone around me about it starting in June of 82.

Shut the fuck up and get to a meeting, because everything you know is wrong.

ICQ is on the board.

12-14-2005, 04:33 PM
Many congratulations Anthony mate :okthumb: :)

12-14-2005, 04:35 PM
Thanks everyone. :)

I've been able to say no everytime the plate was passed around. Even said no to a few girls. :(
Goddamn, you're doing excellently. :wnw:

12-14-2005, 04:41 PM
Dont make that promise if you are going to break it you fucking twat.

Also, nice that you are already working on blaming others for your next fall off the wagon.

We dont know each other, but I dont think I like you.

Guile, no we don't know eachother - I have seen you post sporadically here though. I think you misunderstood my post. I am not blaming anyone at all for my shortcomings, I blame myself and myself only. When I mentioned my family being big drinkers I was simply stating it is more difficult for me to quit drinking around a group of drunks - my shortcoming.. not their fault. Not that it helps right now, but I can say I am powerless over Alchohol... 'Cunning, Baffling...' some of you know what I mean and I have at least been working towards getting off the last thing I have a problem with.

Some people can do it cold turkey, without support groups such as AA... Some people need detox, then AA... Some people just need a group like AA to help them keep their sanity. To everyone it's different and unfortunately I am not one of those people who can just turn off the switch on this problem.

I quit a much more serious drug for my daughter, and if I hadn't I would be dead right now. I am much happier in my life without that shit now, and I am sure eventually I will be able to say the same about alchohol. It's just been 100X as tough for me to kick as the 2nd most addictive drug on the planet was - not an excuse.. a fact.

What I was saying is I am not sure I am ready to tell my daughter that because I am not 100% sure I can keep that promise right now, which is why it seems you have a problem with me I am guessing.

BTW Guile, I have talked to certain people here about falling off the wagon (nearly every time) and I can't think of ONE time I have ever blamed anyone but myself. I may say it was because this happened or that happened to myself but to them I don't even tell them why much less put the blame on anyone. I may be an alchoholic, but I am an alchoholic that admits it is his own fault.

12-14-2005, 04:49 PM
PD - You really are a bastard....

That being said, you are right most of the time. Probably why we bump heads so much.

12-14-2005, 04:55 PM
PD - You really are a bastard....

That being said, you are right most of the time. Probably why we bump heads so much.

PD is just a "straight shooter."
Grab his ICQ#, Ryan.
That's where I'd head if I needed some advice on "one day at a time."

That's what AA is, if it's working correctly.
A bunch of sober drunks who don't pull any punches, helping the shaking newbies make it one day at a time.

If you'd like to read about a fictional character who's a dry drunk, check out Lawrence Block's "Matt Scudder" series. Matt Scudder has a sponsor who reacts to every damn thing that happens with "yes, but did you drink today? No? Then today is a success." His sponsor says if he ever says anything else, it's time to get a new sponsor.

No, PD, I didn't just volunteer you as a sponsor. :)
I just think the books are great and related to them a LOT.

12-14-2005, 04:55 PM
PD - You really are a bastard....

That being said, you are right most of the time. Probably why we bump heads so much.
Could be that much of the reason I get in touch with my inner bastard when you get to posting is that I've heard a lot of it come out of my own mouth a time or twenty.

I have three daughters, and the promise I make to them whenever the subject comes up today - not nearly as often as it used to - is the same as it was starting twelve years ago.

Not today.

One minute at a time, bud ... the easiest way to keep from lying to yourself and those around you right now is to say nothing.

12-14-2005, 05:46 PM
I have three daughters, and the promise I make to them whenever the subject comes up today - not nearly as often as it used to - is the same as it was starting twelve years ago.

Not today.

One minute at a time, bud ... the easiest way to keep from lying to yourself and those around you right now is to say nothing.

That sounds about right.

The only way not to drink, is to not be drinking right now....

That sentence sounds odd, but I can't rework it and it says what I mean...

12-14-2005, 06:23 PM
I think it's time for a quiet word, Dom. ;)



yes miss :rolleyes:

12-14-2005, 06:30 PM
Ant, missed it before. Congrats on the 1 year anniversery!! :okthumb:

12-14-2005, 11:50 PM
Ant, missed it before. Congrats on the 1 year anniversery!! :okthumb: Same here. Missed that post through all the other .... "rheteoric" .... Congrats, Ant!! :clapping:

Hell Puppy
12-14-2005, 11:54 PM
I only have one thought to add to all of this....

You can shear a sheep over and over, but you can only skin it once.

12-15-2005, 12:21 AM
I only have one thought to add to all of this....

You can shear a sheep over and over, but you can only skin it once.
Ah, but we really need to know if skinning the sheep is moral ... no, wait, it doesn't matter if it's moral.

Is it decent?

And I suppose that if shearing involves rubber boots and a cliff, we have opened another can of worms indeeed ... :whistling

12-15-2005, 11:30 AM
Ah, but we really need to know if skinning the sheep is moral ... no, wait, it doesn't matter if it's moral.

Is it decent?

And I suppose that if shearing involves rubber boots and a cliff, we have opened another can of worms indeeed ... :whistling

Now *there's* a reference I haven't heard in a long time! :okthumb:

Points coming, PD! :clapping:

12-15-2005, 11:41 AM
Now *there's* a reference I haven't heard in a long time! :okthumb:

Points coming, PD! :clapping:

Sheep, rubber boots, and water.

Less dangerous.

12-15-2005, 11:49 AM
Sheep, rubber boots, and water.

Less dangerous.

This is going to get you points, Anthony...but I'm going to have to sit quietly and reflect on *why* I'm giving you points for expertise in this area. :blink:

12-15-2005, 12:16 PM
You can shear a sheep over and over, but you can only skin it once.


12-15-2005, 12:26 PM
Hi, VooMan! :waving:

I second that pearl! :okthumb:

TREV! :)

12-15-2005, 02:06 PM
Congrats on 1 year Anthony.
And congrats to anyone who has managed to kick an addiction. It takes a lot of inner strength to accomplish and not everyone has it.

12-15-2005, 02:12 PM
I'm a dumbass...

Congratulations Anthony. Way to go... :okthumb::okthumb::okthumb:

Hiya Morgan. ;)