View Full Version : Beware! Sony Strikes Again!

12-10-2005, 02:20 AM
This is not old news. This is yet another piece of stealth scumware with major vulnerability issues, compliments of the untrustworthy fucktards at Sony.

New Sony CD Security Issue Needs Patching

Sony BMG Music Entertainment said Tuesday some 5.7 million of its CDs were shipped with anti-piracy technology that requires a new software patch to plug a potential security breach in computers used to play the CDs.

The security vulnerability was discovered by online civil liberty group Electronic Frontier Foundation and brought to the attention of Sony BMG, which has been under fire in recent weeks over security issues with an unrelated CD copy-protection plan.
The company said Tuesday it brought the issue up with the MediaMax software maker, SunnComm Technologies Inc., which has developed a software patch to fix the problem.

"It's a security vulnerability and therefore needs to be dealt with," said Thomas Hesse, president of Global Digital Business for Sony BMG. The MediaMax Version 5 software was loaded on 27 Sony BMG titles, including Alicia Keys' "Unplugged," and Cassidy's "I'm A Hustla."

CD copy-protection software is generally designed to restrict how many times computer users can make duplicate versions of a CD in an effort to stem piracy.

A computer security firm working with EFF discovered the security issue with the MediaMax Version 5 CDs and how it affects computers running Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system.

Rest of article here: http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?sssdmh=dm4.160195&articleID=174903698 (http://www.informationweek.com/story/showArticle.jhtml?sssdmh=dm4.160195&articleID=174903698)

12-10-2005, 08:43 PM
Guess no one's surprised.

Can't say I blame ya on that one.

12-11-2005, 05:03 PM
Lucky for us groups like the EFF exist to watch out for stuff like this.

If some smart software supplier has convinced a big company like Sony this was a good idea... I wonder how many other music companies are doing similar things un-noticed though.

12-11-2005, 06:52 PM
ermn how many of you play sony cds on your pcīs????

donīt you guys like download??


i have not bought a cd in probably 3 years (music or video) i either rent my videos and play them on my dvd home theatre or download music.

pcs are not for watching tv folks.

12-11-2005, 11:07 PM
pcs are not for watching tv folks. I'll have to start deleting my bootleg SouthParks in that case. :p