View Full Version : Tyson vs. Ali

Weg Cory
12-08-2005, 05:47 PM
Who would have won? Both in their prime.

I know I will probably not be popular, but I think Tyson would have laid the guy out.

12-08-2005, 05:54 PM
Who would have won? Both in their prime.

I know I will probably not be popular, but I think Tyson would have laid the guy out.

Then you don't know dick about boxing...LOL

Ali fought people with the same style as Tyson in his prime.

Hard hitting boxer /punchers working with lots of angles. Tyson was an
"old school" fighter.Bob and move , lateral movement and attacking at strange angles

Even past his prime Ali humilated Foreman by out smarting him and foreman may well be one of the hardest hitting fighters all time.

Tyson was similar in size and style to Frasier...but Frasier was a better fighter.

Oh and Btw no one saw Ali fight in what should have been his prime...
I'd rank Tyson in his prime..maybe in the top 5 heavyweights of all time...maybe...top 10...sure...

12-08-2005, 05:54 PM
I'd agree with Cory, Tyson was an animal in his prime. I've seen footage of Ali from back in the day, in no way are they the same type of fighter.

Plus Tyson was all singing and all dancing in everyones eyes until he went off the chart... how many people that post in this thread will remember that before they post?

12-08-2005, 05:57 PM
I'd agree with Cory, Tyson was an animal in his prime. I've seen footage of Ali from back in the day, in no way are they the same type of fighter.

Plus Tyson was all singing and all dancing in everyones eyes until he went off the chart... how many people that post in this thread will remember that before they post?

I've met Tyson and seen him spar live...

He was not in Ali's league...LOL

12-08-2005, 05:58 PM
I've met Tyson and seen him spar live...

He was not in Ali's league...LOL
Do you think Tyson could have lasted 12 rounds with Ali?

12-08-2005, 05:59 PM
Tyson looked great against mediocre opponents.

And he was dangerous...and he did have fighters shat up ...Bruno was TERRIFIED of him before they fought for example...

But his "prime" did not last long enough to test him and when he fought other fighters of this era who were of the top grade ..he got beat

Weg Cory
12-08-2005, 06:02 PM

Tyson was not as good of a fighter, I don't contend he was; but, he threw devestating punches at lightening quick speeds. All it took was one. He always managed to get one of those in.

It is like playing the Chargers and saying that if Tomlinson scores once, San Diego wins. If Tyson lands one, it is over.

12-08-2005, 06:02 PM
Do you think Tyson could have lasted 12 rounds with Ali?

Nope...he'd tire and Ali would knock him out.

Tyson cannot really take a punch. The only thing was that early in his career no one ever landed anything decent.Though Breuno rocked him in his fight.

ali could take a punch...poor bastard prolly took one too many...

Ali was sneaky powerful and as fast as a good middle weight in his prime.

Watch some of his early tapes.There is no boxer that can fight like Ali..he did some things wrong...but so much when you analyse it right..

Weg Cory
12-08-2005, 06:03 PM
But he knocked those mediocre fighters out in 30 seconds flat on multiple occasions!

12-08-2005, 06:05 PM

Tyson was not as good of a fighter, I don't contend he was; but, he threw devestating punches at lightening quick speeds. All it took was one. He always managed to get one of those in.

It is like playing the Chargers and saying that if Tomlinson scores once, San Diego wins. If Tyson lands one, it is over.


Watch foreman wail on Ali...watch the tape.

Foreman hits harder than Tyson...Tyson has a devasting uppercut thrown with the legs and ass...Ali would have neutralised that with the old fashion philly defence..

He really isn't in his league...

Watch how much punishment Ali took from Frasier...

( hehehehehe you might have gathered boxing is my sport LOL)

Weg Cory
12-08-2005, 06:10 PM
Tyson was an animal. He devoted his all to the first few rounds being destructive ones. No strategy.

Once he got knocked out, his prime was gone.

Nick, this will launch another argument, but athletes are just simply better now than they were. Better training and all kinds of supplements, old tapes, whatever, can all be equated to me being right. :)

Just like I say, the 2001 Lakers playoff team would have beat old school NBA teams.

12-08-2005, 06:11 PM
Just a side note, Heavyweight division these days (years) is horrible.

Lighter weight are much much more interesting to watch these days.

12-08-2005, 06:11 PM
( hehehehehe you might have gathered boxing is my sport LOL)
You don't say ;)

12-08-2005, 06:12 PM
Ali's jab would blow Tyson's mind and his speed would make him swing and miss.

Once Tyson meets something like that he cannot adapt , Ali will find out what style of fight Tyson hates and use it on him.

12-08-2005, 06:13 PM
Ali started his career by outboxing Sonny Liston, who was probably the Tyson equivalent of his day. A left jab like a kick from a mule, that reputedly could have laid out anyone if delivered correctly.

But Ali was smarter, ground Liston down, frustrated him, and then picked him off. Much as Lennox Lewis did to Tyson when they fought recently.

Ali would have my vote to win, if the two were facing off against each other in their prime.

12-08-2005, 06:15 PM
Ali's jab would blow Tyson's mind and his speed would make him swing and miss.

Once Tyson meets something like that he cannot adapt , Ali will find out what style of fight Tyson hates and use it on him.

Did he also turn water into wine? Because after reading you, I'd expect that he did... in between flying to save kids from burning buildings...

12-08-2005, 06:17 PM
"""Tyson was an animal. He devoted his all to the first few rounds being destructive ones. No strategy.

Once he got knocked out, his prime was goneThat is a fair point Cory.""


""Nick, this will launch another argument, but athletes are just simply better now than they were. Better training and all kinds of supplements, old tapes, whatever, can all be equated to me being right. http://oprano.com/msgboard/images/smilies/smile.gif

Just like I say, the 2001 Lakers playoff team would have beat old school NBA teams""

A heavyweight used to TOP out at 210...and over all I'd agree with you..

For example Floyd Patterson was an overblown light heavy and would be literally killed by a modern heavyweight..

But Ali was sooooo good I think he could hold his own even against modern fighters...

Weg Cory
12-08-2005, 06:19 PM
Obviously if Ali took the fight into the middle rounds, he would have won by a landslide.

I just think surviving that initial TNT blast would be rough for any human being not having stabilizer on his neck and head!

12-08-2005, 06:21 PM
Did he also turn water into wine? Because after reading you, I'd expect that he did... in between flying to save kids from burning buildings...


Nope but he did refuse to fight a war he didn't believe in and nearly went to jail for it..

In the end he just lost his livlihood for a few years

12-08-2005, 06:37 PM

Nope but he did refuse to fight a war he didn't believe in and nearly went to jail for it..

In the end he just lost his livlihood for a few years

"Ain't no Viet Cong ever called me nigger" :wnw:

12-08-2005, 06:50 PM
ali himself has answered this question more than once. his answer was that there was no fucking way in hell he would have ever fought tyson.

i am not the biggest boxing expert, but i dont think there has every been that combination of skill, strength, speed and all out rage and hatred that tyson had in his prime.

its important to be careful in seperating the early tyson that devistated everyone that got in the ring with him and the tyson that became a disaster after his trainer died... where he clearly slid downhill and lost that edge.

ali was a good boxer. tyson at his best was pure evil.

12-08-2005, 08:10 PM
Tyson was a power, no doubt about it ... but I'm not sure he had near the competition that Ali did to compare him with.

My money would be on Ali, young or old.

Tyson would not have laid a glove on a young Ali.

The old Ali shrugged off some hits that would have ended many careers, let alone fights. It may be a large part of what made him what he is today, but I'm not sure even Tyson had one-punch power to take Ali out of a fight.

12-08-2005, 08:17 PM
This thread is annoying me... why because we'll never know :mad:

Say what you want about either fighter, we'll never ever know because one fighter is unstable, needs support and help and I'm sure Ali has problems as well. :yowsa:

My money is still on Mike :)

12-08-2005, 08:57 PM
My money is still on Mike :)
all the old folk dissagree with you. maybe the thread should be "does getting old bother you" :)

Weg Cory
12-09-2005, 12:02 AM
Tyson would not have laid a glove on a young Ali.

, but I'm not sure even Tyson had one-punch power to take Ali out of a fight.

No way man.

No human being could have withstood that. Not a dead on shot.

12-09-2005, 01:03 AM
As an ex-boxer and an avid boxing fan, in fact it is the only sport I watch, I really don't think Ali would have had much trouble with Tyson. He would use the same strategy he did against most of the pure punchers. Early rounds would be a distance dance with loads of jabs (jabs really wear you out, they are punishing). Tyson would tire and slow and then in the middle rounds, Ali would come inside, tie him up, and work the body. If it got to the 8th or 9th, Ali would back off again, and throw the combinations he was so great at in late rounds. If he didn't KO him, he'd kill him on points.

Tyson never had the chance to fight with the same calibre of boxers as Ali, Frazer, Foreman, or even Ken Norton in his prime. Just look at how Holyfield would confuse him, and Holyfield was nowhere near the boxer that the greats of the '70s were.

The fight I would have loved to see is Tyson against George Chuvalo, both in their prime. That would have been an insane brawl and exciting!

Mike AI
12-09-2005, 08:13 AM
Not even close. Ali would kill Tyson. Tyson is a small guy for a heavy weight fighter, Ali would have pounded him into the ground. Tyson had a hard time handling big, strong, confidant fighters. Would have been over within 3 rounds.

Evil Chris
12-09-2005, 11:27 AM
Totally agree with Danny and Mike here.

Ali would simply dance around the first 5 or 6 rounds, wearing Tyson out and avoiding those killer punches. Then he'd have fun with him.

I don't and have never considered Mike Tyson one of the great boxers. He was more of a brawler, not at all a thinker in the ring.

Joe Frazier vs Mike Tyson... both in their prime. That's a fight I would like to see.

12-09-2005, 02:19 PM
Ali by far. tyson would have gone mad or not land a punch.

foreman was an animal he hit very hard and you saw the way ali beat him.

however i would not go as far as pound to the ground like mike said.

ali would box him to the top of his talent to protect himself or maybe not he did not protect himself much with forman however it would have been beauty against the beast and the beauty would walk out dancing.

the rest of you don't know shit about boxing LOL ALI BUMAYE...

his only mistake is he made not quit when he had to. he took too much.

12-09-2005, 03:00 PM
Quite simply: Ali would win.


12-09-2005, 03:16 PM


(OK, I also wanted to use the little "boxing" smilie.)

12-09-2005, 04:09 PM
Ali all the way. Ali has ALL the skills a great boxer should have and then some. Tyson just overpowered his opponents. I know he had above average skills in many departments but Ali is simply greatness all around personified in the ring. Put Tyson in the ring with a boxer like Ali that was great in every aspect of the ring and he'd be unable to win.

Weg Cory
12-09-2005, 04:25 PM
I am right.

Everyone else is wrong.

Weg Cory
12-09-2005, 04:25 PM
Just wanted to clear the air.

12-09-2005, 04:26 PM
Just wanted to clear the air.

hehe well now we all know who to bet against on a boxing match :)